LLVM Coding Standards(译注)


LLVM Coding Standards(LLVM编码规范)


This document attempts to describe a few coding standards that are being used in the LLVM source tree. Although no coding standards should be regarded as absolute requirements to be followed in all instances, coding standards are particularly important for large-scale code bases that follow a library-based design (like LLVM).


While this document may provide guidance for some mechanical formatting issues, whitespace, or other “microscopic details”, these are not fixed standards. Always follow the golden rule:

If you are extending, enhancing, or bug fixing already implemented code, use the style that is already being used so that the source is uniform and easy to follow.



Note that some code bases (e.g. libc++) have really good reasons to deviate from the coding standards. In the case of libc++, this is because the naming and other conventions are dictated by the C++ standard. If you think there is a specific good reason to deviate from the standards here, please bring it up on the LLVM-dev mailing list.


There are some conventions that are not uniformly followed in the code base (e.g. the naming convention). This is because they are relatively new, and a lot of code was written before they were put in place. Our long term goal is for the entire codebase to follow the convention, but we explicitly do not want patches that do large-scale reformatting of existing code. On the other hand, it is reasonable to rename the methods of a class if you’re about to change it in some other way. Just do the reformatting as a separate commit from the functionality change.


The ultimate goal of these guidelines is to increase the readability and maintainability of our common source base. If you have suggestions for topics to be included, please mail them to Chris.



Languages, Libraries, and Standards(语言、库和标准)

Most source code in LLVM and other LLVM projects using these coding standards is C++ code. There are some places where C code is used either due to environment restrictions, historical restrictions, or due to third-party source code imported into the tree. Generally, our preference is for standards conforming, modern, and portable C++ code as the implementation language of choice.


C++ Standard Versions(C++标准版本)

LLVM, Clang, and LLD are currently written using C++11 conforming code, although we restrict ourselves to features which are available in the major toolchains supported as host compilers. The LLDB project is even more aggressive in the set of host compilers supported and thus uses still more features. Regardless of the supported features, code is expected to (when reasonable) be standard, portable, and modern C++11 code. We avoid unnecessary vendor-specific extensions, etc.


C++ Standard Library(C++标准库)

Use the C++ standard library facilities whenever they are available for a particular task. LLVM and related projects emphasize and rely on the standard library facilities for as much as possible. Common support libraries providing functionality missing from the standard library for which there are standard interfaces or active work on adding standard interfaces will often be implemented in the LLVM namespace following the expected standard interface.


There are some exceptions such as the standard I/O streams library which are avoided. Also, there is much more detailed information on these subjects in the LLVM Programmer’s Manual.

【译】也有一些例外,如标准库中的I/O流操作是被禁用的。另外,对于这块更多的详情可参考《LLVM Programmer’s Manual》。

Supported C++11 Language and Library Features(支持的C++11语言与库特性)

While LLVM, Clang, and LLD use C++11, not all features are available in all of the toolchains which we support. The set of features supported for use in LLVM is the intersection of those supported in the minimum requirements described in the Getting Started with the LLVM System page, section Software. The ultimate definition of this set is what build bots with those respective toolchains accept. Don’t argue with the build bots. However, we have some guidance below to help you know what to expect.

【译】虽然LLVM、Clang和LLD均使用C++11,但并不是所有C++11特性都可用于我们支持的全部工具链。LLVM可用的C++11特性集是《Getting Started with the LLVM System》中Software章节所描述的最小需求的交集。这个特性集的最终确立来源于各工具链所接纳特性集的自动构建。一切以自动构建为准。同时,我们下面有一些指导来帮助了解哪些特性是可用的。

Each toolchain provides a good reference for what it accepts:


In most cases, the MSVC list will be the dominating factor. Here is a summary of the features that are expected to work. Features not on this list are unlikely to be supported by our host compilers.


  • Rvalue references: N2118

    • But not Rvalue references for *this or member qualifiers (N2439)




  • Trailing return types: N2541


Trailing return type, useful if the return type depends on argument names, such as

template <class T, class U>
auto add(T t, U u) -> decltype(t + u);

or is complicated, such as in

auto fpif(int)->int(*)(int)
  • Lambdas: N2927

    • But not lambdas with default arguments.


A lambda-expression appearing in a default argument shall not implicitly or explicitly capture any entity. [ Example:

void f2() {
  int i = 1;
  void g1(int = ([i]{ return i; })());			// ill-formed
  void g2(int = ([i]{ return 0; })());			// ill-formed
  void g3(int = ([=]{ return i; })());			// ill-formed
  void g4(int = ([=]{ return 0; })());			// OK
  void g5(int = ([]{ return sizeof i; })());	// OK

—end example ]

  • decltype: N2343
  • Nested closing right angle brackets: N1757

【注】模板右尖括号嵌套:c98版本模板中>>会被解析为右移,需要添加空格隔开> >,C++11开始支持叠用

  • Extern templates: N1987



  • Strongly-typed and forward declarable enums: N2347, N2764

【注】强类型枚举:enum class代替enum可解决同命名空间下不同枚举类型拥有相同枚举成员名会报错的问题;C++03版本枚举类型视为整数,可与整数、其他枚举类型比较和互转,强枚举类型限制了这种不安全的隐式转换。

  • Local and unnamed types as template arguments: N2657


  • Range-based for-loop: N2930

    • But {} are required around inner do {} while() loops. As a result, {} are required around function-like macros inside range-based for loops.

【注】基于范围的for循环:内部使用do {} while()时,需要添加{}。同样,基于范围的for循环内部的函数式宏也需要{}包围。


  • Atomic operations and the C++11 memory model: N2429


  • Variadic templates: N2242


  • Explicit conversion operators: N2437


struct B {
    explicit B(int) { }
    explicit B(int, int) { }
    explicit operator bool() const { return true; }
B b1 = 1;      // 错误:复制初始化不考虑 B::B(int)
B b2(2);       // OK:直接初始化选择 B::B(int)
B b3 {4, 5};   // OK:直接列表初始化选择 B::B(int, int)
B b4 = {4, 5}; // 错误:复制列表初始化不考虑 B::B(int,int)
B b5 = (B)1;   // OK:显式转型进行 static_cast
if (b2);       // OK:B::operator bool()
bool nb1 = b2; // 错误:复制初始化不考虑 B::operator bool()
bool nb2 = static_cast<bool>(b2); // OK:static_cast 进行直接初始化
  • Defaulted and deleted functions: N2346


  • Initializer lists: N2627


  • Delegating constructors: N1986


  • Default member initializers (non-static data member initializers): N2756

    • Feel free to use these wherever they make sense and where the = syntax is allowed. Don’t use braced initialization syntax.

【注】默认成员初始化(非静态成员初始化):成员初始化列表优先级高于默认成员初始化。此场景下,请勿使用大括号初始化语法C c4 = C{};

The supported features in the C++11 standard libraries are less well tracked, but also much greater. Most of the standard libraries implement most of C++11’s library. The most likely lowest common denominator is Linux support. For libc++, the support is just poorly tested and undocumented but expected to be largely complete. YMMV. For libstdc++, the support is documented in detail in the libstdc++ manual. There are some very minor missing facilities that are unlikely to be common problems, and there are a few larger gaps that are worth being aware of:


  • Not all of the type traits are implemented


  • No regular expression library.


  • While most of the atomics library is well implemented, the fences are missing. Fortunately, they are rarely needed.


  • The locale support is incomplete.


Other than these areas you should assume the standard library is available and working as expected until some build bot tells you otherwise. If you’re in an uncertain area of one of the above points, but you cannot test on a Linux system, your best approach is to minimize your use of these features, and watch the Linux build bots to find out if your usage triggered a bug. For example, if you hit a type trait which doesn’t work we can then add support to LLVM’s traits header to emulate it.


Other Languages(其他语言)

Any code written in the Go programming language is not subject to the formatting rules below. Instead, we adopt the formatting rules enforced by the gofmt tool.


Go code should strive to be idiomatic. Two good sets of guidelines for what this means are Effective Go and Go Code Review Comments.

【译】Go代码应该尽量符合其语言习惯。《Effective Go》和《Go Code Review Comments》对Go语言都是很好的指导 。

Mechanical Source Issues

Source Code Formatting(源码格式)


Comments are one critical part of readability and maintainability. Everyone knows they should comment their code, and so should you. When writing comments, write them as English prose, which means they should use proper capitalization, punctuation, etc. Aim to describe what the code is trying to do and why, not how it does it at a micro level. Here are a few critical things to document:


File Headers(文件头)

Every source file should have a header on it that describes the basic purpose of the file. If a file does not have a header, it should not be checked into the tree. The standard header looks like this:


//===-- llvm/Instruction.h - Instruction class definition -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file contains the declaration of the Instruction class, which is the
/// base class for all of the VM instructions.

A few things to note about this particular format: The “-*- C++ -*-” string on the first line is there to tell Emacs that the source file is a C++ file, not a C file (Emacs assumes .h files are C files by default).

【译】关于这种特殊格式需要注意:第一行的“-*- C++ -*-”用于告知Emacs这是个C++文件,而非C文件(Emacs默认.h为C文件)。


This tag is not necessary in .cpp files. The name of the file is also on the first line, along with a very short description of the purpose of the file. This is important when printing out code and flipping though lots of pages.


The next section in the file is a concise note that defines the license that the file is released under. This makes it perfectly clear what terms the source code can be distributed under and should not be modified in any way.


The main body is a doxygen comment (identified by the /// comment marker instead of the usual //) describing the purpose of the file. The first sentence (or a passage beginning with \brief) is used as an abstract. Any additional information should be separated by a blank line. If an algorithm is being implemented or something tricky is going on, a reference to the paper where it is published should be included, as well as any notes or gotchas in the code to watch out for.


Class overviews(类的概述)

Classes are one fundamental part of a good object oriented design. As such, a class definition should have a comment block that explains what the class is used for and how it works. Every non-trivial class is expected to have adoxygen comment block.


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