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原创 基于模型的PLC程序设计四 上升沿和RS触发器处理


2017-06-08 22:02:15 3605

原创 基于模型的PLC程序设计三 层次状态机

这次我们再在前面的例子上加深一步,写个含有父状态的状态机,同时用ST语言描述。控制描述有一个电机,按下启动按钮后低速启动,按下加速按钮后切换成高速,按下减速按钮后再切换成低速,如果按停止按钮,直接停止。用状态机描述如下: 这个状态机我们简要说明一下。和上一篇有点不一样。包换了一个父状态running,在running里含有两个子状态runSlow和runFast,分别通过按钮speed_up、s

2017-05-19 07:27:29 4120

原创 基于模型的PLC程序设计二 启保停电路

我们先写个简单的,然后在复杂一点的。控制要求如下按下start按钮,电机启动,按下stop按钮,电机停止。下图是它的状态机。默认状态是电机处于stop状态,按钮start_button按钮后,状态转换至run状态,表示电机运行。 程序一共用到一下变量:两个输入start_button, stop_button 和一个输出 run一个状态变量states 表示当前状态两个常量来表示stop

2017-05-17 19:09:30 3428

原创 基于模型的PLC程序设计一 状态机介绍


2017-05-16 20:02:10 5537 2

果壳中的C# C#5.0权威指南 第二部分



果壳中的C# C#5.0权威指南 第一部分



Java语言程序设计(基础篇 原书第10版)

Java语言程序设计(基础篇 原书第10版)



西门子plc调试软件,功能强大。具体https://www.mhj-tools.com/winplc-analyzer/ 直接看网页。 先安装软件,然后用文件夹中的破解覆盖。本人亲自破解,只此一家。分数高了点。 With WinPLC-Analyzer you can record signals of a S7-PLC (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200) or S5-PLC (Simatic S5 series). You can record signals like input, output, flags, data, timer and counter. If you want, you can define a Trigger with S7-STL code. Then you can use this trigger to control the recording or to create a user message. When using S7-300, S7-400 you can also record cyclic exact. This means, that a short program will be transfered into the PLC. This ensures that you see every single edge in the recording. Without modifying the PLC progam you can record "scan exact". That means you can define the sampling rate in ms. With the special recording type "Offline recording", you can record the data within the PLC (without the PC connected). The next day you can transfer the results to your WinPLC-Analyzer project. Additional to the normal trend data, you can define "Snapshots". A "Snapshot" is a range of additional data, that will be stored, if a trigger event is raised. WinPLC-Analyzer also stores the data of the "i-stack" in case of a unexpected "PLC-Stop". Then you can examine the reasons for the PLC-Stop even after days. All software driver are included in the licence of WinPLC-Analyzer. You don't have to pay for every single driver separatly. To access a PLC over TCP/IP you don't need any other software or driver. Only if you want to use a SIEMENS Interface, the driver of it must be installed on the PC.



cpp reference 2016,最近的文档。


Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt

The Insider's Best-Practice Guide to Rapid PyQt 4 GUI Development Whether you're building GUI prototypes or full-fledged cross-platform GUI applications with native look-and-feel, PyQt 4 is your fastest, easiest, most powerful solution. Qt expert Mark Summerfield has written the definitive best-practice guide to PyQt 4 development. With Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt you'll learn how to build efficient GUI applications that run on all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many versions of Unix, using the same source code for all of them. Summerfield systematically introduces every core GUI development technique: from dialogs and windows to data handling; from events to printing; and more. Through the book's realistic examples you'll discover a completely new PyQt 4-based programming approach, as well as coverage of many new topics, from PyQt 4's rich text engine to advanced model/view and graphics/view programming. Every key concept is illuminated with realistic, downloadable examples—all tested on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux with Python 2.5, Qt 4.2, and PyQt 4.2, and on Windows and Linux with Qt 4.3 and PyQt 4.3. Coverge includes Python basics for every PyQt developer: data types, data structures, control structures, classes, modules, and more Core PyQt GUI programming techniques: dialogs, main windows, and custom file formats Using Qt Designer to design user interfaces, and to implement and test dialogs, events, the Clipboard, and drag-and-drop Building custom widgets: Widget Style Sheets, composite widgets, subclassing, and more Making the most of Qt 4.2's new graphics/view architecture Connecting to databases, executing SQL queries, and using form and table views Advanced model/view programming: custom views, generic delegates, and more Implementing online help, internationalizing applications, and using PyQt's networking and multithreading facilities


PyQt 4.11.4最新版

PyQt Class Reference Portions of this documentation have been adapted from the documentation provided with Qt 4.8.7. This document is not an official document from The Qt Company, but is provided with The Qt Company's permission. Because this is based on the Qt C++ documentation it still contains C++ code fragments, broken links etc. These will be fixed in future releases.


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EPLAN Electric P8 Reference Handbook 3 edition。 eplan官方教材,高清版,英文。



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