英语语法 学习


Sure! Here's a more comprehensive English grammar outline:
• Parts of Speech:
• Nouns: types of nouns, singular and plural forms, possessive forms, noun phrases
• Verbs: tense, aspect, mood, voice, verb phrases
• Adjectives: degrees of comparison, adjective phrases
• Adverbs: degrees of comparison, adverb phrases
• Prepositions: types of prepositions, prepositional phrases
• Conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs
• Interjections: types of interjections
• Sentence Structures:
• Sentence types: simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, compound-complex sentences
• Sentence elements: subject, predicate, object, complement, modifier
• Clause types: noun clauses, adjective clauses, adverb clauses
• Phrase Structures:
• Phrase types: noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, prepositional phrase
• Phrase elements: head, modifier
• Punctuation:
• Capitalization: proper nouns, sentence beginnings
• End marks: period, question mark, exclamation point
• Commas: in lists, in compound sentences, to set off nonessential elements
• Apostrophes: possessives, contractions
• Quotation marks: direct quotations, titles of works
• Hyphens: compound words, prefixes and suffixes
• Parentheses: to enclose nonessential elements, to clarify meaning
• Brackets: to enclose parenthetical elements, to clarify meaning
• Ellipsis points: to indicate omission
• Dashes: to indicate interruption, to emphasize
• Agreement:
• Subject-verb agreement: singular and plural subjects, collective nouns, indefinite pronouns
• Pronoun-antecedent agreement: gender, number, person
• Verb tense agreement: consistency in tense
• Word Forms:
• Parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection
• Inflection: noun plural forms, verb tense, aspect, mood, voice, adjective and adverb degrees of comparison
• Derivation: prefixes, suffixes, roots
• Spelling: common spelling errors
• Sentence Errors:
• Fragments: incomplete sentences
• Run-ons: fused sentences
• Comma splices: joining two independent clauses with a comma
• Misplaced modifiers: modifiers placed incorrectly in a sentence
• Dangling modifiers: modifiers without a clear referent
• Parallelism: parallel construction of elements in a sentence
• Shifts in tense, voice, mood, person, number
• Punctuation errors: commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, parentheses, brackets, ellipsis points, dashes
This is just a basic outline of English grammar, and there is much more to learn beyond what is listed here. However, if you master these concepts, you will have a solid foundation in English grammar and be able to construct clear and effective sentences in your writing.

• 名词:名词的种类、名词的数、名词的格
• 动词:动词的时态、动词的语态、动词的语气
• 形容词和副词:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级
• 代词:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词
• 数词:基数词、序数词
• 介词:介词的种类、介词的用法
• 连词:连词的种类、连词的用法
• 感叹词:感叹词的种类、感叹词的用法
• 冠词:不定冠词、定冠词、零冠词
• 句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语
• 句子种类:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句
• 句子结构:简单句、并列句、复合句
• 主谓一致:语法一致、意义一致、就近原则
• 虚拟语气:虚拟语气在条件句中的用法、虚拟语气在名词性从句中的用法、虚拟语气在其他从句中的用法


在英语中,词类是根据单词在句子中的功能和作用来划分的。英语的词类一共有 10 种,分别是:
• 名词(Noun):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。
• 动词(Verb):表示动作或状态的词。
• 形容词(Adjective):用来描述或修饰名词或代词的词。
• 副词(Adverb):用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子的词。
• 代词(Pronoun):用来代替名词或名词词组的词。
• 数词(Numeral):表示数量或顺序的词。
• 介词(Preposition):用来表示词与词、词与句之间的关系的词。
• 连词(Conjunction):用来连接句子、段落或文章的词。
• 感叹词(Interjection):用来表达情感或感叹的词。
• 冠词(Article):用在名词前,帮助指明名词的含义。




• 并列连词:and, or, but, yet, so, for, nor, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also
• 转折连词:although, though, even though, while, however, nevertheless, despite, in spite of, anyway, nonetheless
• 因果连词:because, since, as, for, so, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, consequently
• 选择连词:or, either…or, otherwise, whether…or
• 条件连词:if, unless, provided that, suppose that, in case, as long as, on condition that

• 表示时间的介词:at, in, on, before, after, by, during, until, since, for, from, to
• 表示地点的介词:at, in, on, above, below, over, under, near, beside, between, among, around, inside, outside
• 表示方向的介词:to, towards, along, across, through, past, from, off, onto
• 表示方式的介词:by, with, in, at, on
• 表示原因的介词:for, because of, due to, thanks to
• 表示目的的介词:for, to, in order to, so as to


Of course! Here are some more prepositions and their meanings:
• Against: In opposition to or in contrast with.
• Along: In a line parallel to or in the same direction as.
• Among: In the middle of or surrounded by.
• Around: In a circle or in all directions.
• As: In the capacity or role of.
• At: In a particular place or position.
• Before: In advance of or earlier than.
• Behind: In a position following or trailing behind.
• Below: In a lower position than.
• Beside: At the side of or next to.
• Between: In the space separating two things.
• Beyond: Further than or exceeding.
• But: Excluding or except for.
• By: Using or employing as a means of.
• Despite: In spite of or notwithstanding.
• Down: In a lower position or direction.
• During: Throughout the course of.
• Except: excluding or excluding.
• For: In favor of or on behalf of.
• From: Away from or different from.
• In: Within the interior or boundaries of.
• Inside: Within the inner part or contents of.
• Into: Towards or in the direction of.
• Near: Close to or in the vicinity of.
• Of: Belonging to or related to.
• Off: Away from or not on.
• On: Supported by or resting on.
• onto: On top of or in contact with.
• Out of: Away from or outside of.
• Outside: Beyond the boundaries or limits of.
• Over: Above or covering.
• Past: Beyond or further along than.
• Since: From a particular time in the past until now.
• Through: From one side to the other or throughout the interior of.
• Throughout: In every part or throughout the duration of.
• Till: Up to a particular time or until a specified condition is met.
• To: Towards or in the direction of.
• Towards: In the direction of or approaching.
• Under: Below or beneath.
• Until: Up to a particular time or until a specified condition is met.
• Up: In a higher position or direction.
• Upon: On the surface of or immediately on top of.
• With: In the company of or accompanied by.
• Within: Inside the boundaries or limits of.
• Without: Lacking or excluding.
These are just some of the many prepositions in the English language. Each preposition has a specific meaning and usage, and it's important to understand their differences in order to use them correctly in sentences.

• about 关于
• above 在……上方
• across 穿过
• after 在……之后
• against 反对
• along 沿着
• among 在……中间
• around 围绕
• as 作为
• at 在……(地点、时间)
• before 在……之前
• behind 在……后面
• below 在……下方
• beside 在……旁边
• between 在……之间
• beyond 超过
• but 除了
• by 通过
• despite 尽管
• down 向下
• during 在……期间
• except 除了
• for 为了
• from 从……
• in 在……里面
• inside 在……内部
• into 进入
• near 靠近
• of ……的
• off 离开
• on 在……上面
• onto 到……上面
• out of 从……出来
• outside 在……外面
• over 在……上方
• past 经过
• since 自从
• through 穿过
• throughout 遍及
• till 直到
• to 到……
• towards 朝着
• under 在……下面
• until 直到
• up 向上
• upon 在……之上
• with 和……一起
• within 在……之内
• without 没有







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