

   BSON是在json基础上一哥们提出的新的数据形式,它就是直接把一个对象转化为二进制数字来表示。。目前百度上基本上没有资料,而google上它的资料也寥寥无几。。新的东西出现后是否大家能接受确实需要一段时间的考验。。小弟我不想去预测它的未来,但是我觉得提出这种形式本身就是一个进步。。。。相对大家现在都在使用的json格式post和get数据,如果你现在的web application或者是win app开始使用bson作为数据传输的方式,那么相信你的应用程序安全性就比较高。。顺便聊个题外话,我最近坐地铁发现的一个现象。。





BSON [bee · sahn], short for Bin­ary JSON, is a bin­ary-en­coded seri­al­iz­a­tion of JSON-like doc­u­ments. Like JSON, BSON sup­ports the em­bed­ding of doc­u­ments and ar­rays with­in oth­er doc­u­ments and ar­rays. BSON also con­tains ex­ten­sions that al­low rep­res­ent­a­tion of data types that are not part of the JSON spec. For ex­ample, BSON has a Date type and a BinData type.

BSON can be com­pared to bin­ary inter­change for­mats, like Proto­col Buf­fers. BSON is more "schema-less" than Proto­col Buf­fers, which can give it an ad­vant­age in flex­ib­il­ity but also a slight dis­ad­vant­age in space ef­fi­ciency (BSON has over­head for field names with­in the seri­al­ized data).

BSON was de­signed to have the fol­low­ing three char­ac­ter­ist­ics:

  1. Lightweight

    Keep­ing spa­tial over­head to a min­im­um is im­port­ant for any data rep­res­ent­a­tion format, es­pe­cially when used over the net­work.

  2. Traversable

    BSON is de­signed to be tra­versed eas­ily. This is a vi­tal prop­erty in its role as the primary data rep­res­ent­a­tion for Mon­goDB.

  3. Efficient

    En­cod­ing data to BSON and de­cod­ing from BSON can be per­formed very quickly in most lan­guages due to the use of C data types.


BSON is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents, which essentially means its an efficient way of transfering information. Part of my work on the MongoDB NoRM drivers, discussed in more details by Rob Conery, is to write an efficient and maintainable BSON serializer and deserializer. The goal of the serializer is that you give it a .NET object and you get a byte array out of it which represents valid BSON. The deserializer does the opposite - give it a byte array and out pops your object. Of course, there are limits to what they can do - they are mostly meant to be used against POCO/domain entities.

The first thing to understand when building serializers is how to read grammar. In programming languages, grammar is a way to express the valid keywords and values a parser might run into. Both the JSON and BSON grammars are great to learn, given how simplistic yet powerful they are. The JSON grammar, available on the homepage of gives a nice representation of what valid JSON should look like. The BSON grammar, available at under the specification button, follows a more traditional dialect. Essentially, you have symbols on the left and expressions on the right. The expressions can, and often will be, made up of additional symbols and or actual values. Eventually though, you'll end up with a symbol which is only made up of values - which means you can stop going down the rabbit hole. Its also very common for a child symbol to reference a parent symbol - but eventually something breaks this cycle.

An Example
So, say we wanted to serialize the following json:

{"valid": true}

Everything in BSON starts with a document. From the bson specification, we can see that a document is made up of a 32bit integer (representing the total size of the document, including the integer itself), another symbol called an e_list, and finally a termination character. As a start, we'd have something like:

Now, an e_list itself is made up of a symbol called an element followed by another e_list or an blank string. An element is made up of a single byte type (with /x08 representing a boolean), a symbol called e_name and a byte value for true or false. So now we have:

The only thing missing now is our e_name (which represents the word "valid" in the original JSON). An e_name is really just a cstring which is our value UTF8 encoded into an array of bytes with a trailing byte of /x00:

Our final byte array looks something like:

Serializing a single bool value might be the simplest of cases, but once you understand that, you're well on your way to being able to serialize anything. Sure, serializing an array might be a bit trickier, since each element within the array is its own document - but the challenge is mostly implementation versus conceptual.








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