1, IEC60079-11标准中对压电器件的规定
Piezo-electric devices shall be tested in accordance with 10.7.
10.7 Tests for intrinsically safe apparatus containing piezoelectric devices
Measure both the capacitance of the device and also the voltage appearing across it when any part of the intrinsically safe apparatus which is accessible in service is impact tested in accordance with the “high” column of Tests for resistance to impact table in IEC 60079-0 carried out at (20 ± 10) °C using the test apparatus in IEC 60079-0. For the value of voltage, the higher figure of the two tests on the same sample shall be used.
When the intrinsically safe apparatus containing the piezoelectric device includes a guard to prevent a direct physical impact, the impact test shall be carried out on the guard with both the guard and the intrinsically safe apparatus mounted as intended by the manufacturer.
The maximum energy stored by the capacitance of the crystal at the maximum measured voltage shall not exceed the following:
- for Group I apparatus: 1 500 μJ
- for Group IIA apparatus: 950 μJ
- for Group IIB apparatus: 250 μJ
- for Group IIC apparatus: 50 μJ
Where the electrical output of the piezoelectric device is limited by protective components or guards, these components or guards shall not be damaged by the impact in such a way as to allow the type of protection to be invalidated.
Where it is necessary to protect the intrinsically safe apparatus from external physical impact in order to prevent the impact energy exceeding the specified values, details of the requirements shall be specified as special conditions for safe use and the certificate number shall include the “X” suffix in accordance with the Marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the specific conditions of use listed on the certificate shall detail the installation requirements.
- 测试时的温度 20+-10,即10C~30C。直白讲就是常温条件下测试;
- 测试的设备需要按照IEC60079-0中的规定设定,其中表格“”“resistance to impact”定义了高度;这个后续有详细介绍。
- 如果压电设备有保护装置时,需要和保护装置一起测试。这里的保护装置有2种,一种是外壳等机械保护,另外一种是电性能的保护,如限流电阻等。必须保证电性能保护器件在测试的过程中不能有损坏。
- 测试的次数是2次。测试结果,即压电设备的输出电压,按照最大值计算。
IEC60079-0中章节26.4.2有对耐冲击测试(resistance to impact)进行讲述。主要结论归纳如下:
(1),耐冲击测试中,坠落物的重量是1KG。它的底部形状是一个半球,半球的直径为25+-5 mm;
(5),测试样品数的要求参考26.4.1,对于 类型II,需要有4个样品;每一个样品测试时,需要测试两个不同的冲击位置;
(9) 表格15规定的测试高度
(10),测试时的环境温度是(20 ± 5) °C,如果设备的材料在低温时会减弱耐冲击强度,那么需要在低温条件下测试。如果外壳材料是非金属的,那么测试需要在设备允许工作的最高温度+10~15度,和最低温减5~10度,条件下测试。
4, 测试数据的分析
E=U*U/R * t
其中 U = 5.4/2/√2 = 1.91v
R = 1k ohm;
t = 3.86 ms
即 E = 1.91*1.91 / 1* 3.86 = 14.1 uJ
远远小于II C设备要求的50 uJ。