
            李均宇(李林星)   2010.12.25  email:myvbvc@tom.com  QQ:165442523

证明:设无限集合A的基数是Xn,n是固定不变的.因为无限集合A又包含自身的所有子集或幂集,而幂集的基数是 X(n+1)=2^Xn,所以无限集合A的势变成X(n+1),这与原先假设无限集合A的基   

    李均宇第三定理: 如果一个集合包含一个无穷集的所有幂集,也就是集合B={P(A),P(P(A)),P(P(P(A))),...,Pn(A),...},则这个集合B的基数是limXn(n→∞),尤其是当A为实数集R时,集合

    李均宇第四定理: 假设集合P'n(A)与幂集Pn(A)等势,也就是基数一样,则P'n(A)也相当于幂集Pn(A)一样适用于李均宇第二和第三定理中。














                  Solve the paradox of set theory V7.5
            by      LiJunYu   2010.12.25   email: myvbvc@tom.com  or 165442523@qq.com
Brief:All power sets of real number set R:P(R),P(P(R)),P(P(P(R))),...,Pn(R),...Because all Pn(R) does not  contain its own,in Russell's paradox,"all  sets which does not contain its

own"  must contain all Pn(R),that is to say,it contains all of the cardinality of generalized continuum hypothesis {X0,X1,...Xn...},so became meaningless.
    Although I know that axiomatic set theory is to solve the paradox arising from, but I think the axiom of set theory in the detours, and even strayed into the manifold road. If the

theory does not contain the following, I think <<set theory>> is incomplete.
    Generalized continuum hypothesis: the cardinality of an infinite set must be one of  X0, X1, ... Xn ....
Where X is the Greece character aleph, because I can not find the character, so the letter X was expressed in English.
    Meaningless axioms: If the cardinality of an infinite set   is limit limXn (n-->infinite), then this set is meaningless.
I can not find the sign  expressed infinite in english computer,so I use the character "infinite".
This axiom is my introduction, I have not seen elsewhere.
This axiom is easy to understand, it is equivalent to axiomatic set theory in the concept of the true class, but after the introduction of the concept of this class of axiomatic set ,the

theory  straying into the manifold  road, at least I  think so.
    LiJunYu first theorem: If a set contains all of the cardinality of generalized continuum hypothesis , that is the set {X0,X1,...Xn...},the cardinality of this set is limXn (n-->infinite)
This theorem is obvious, by reduction to absurdity is not difficult to prove.
    LiJunYu  second theorem: If an infinite set also contains its own power set, that is the set A={......,P(A)),then the cardinality of this set A is limXn (n-->infinite)
Proof: Let the cardinality of infinite sets A is Xn, n be fixed. Because they contain an infinite set A subset or all of its power set, while the power set of the cardinality is X (n +1) = 2

^ Xn, Therefore, the cardinality becomes X (n +1), which assumes an infinite set A, the original cardinality is Xn, n is a constant contradiction,antinomy, so the cardinality of infinite

sets A is limXn (n-->infinite).
    LiJunYu third theorem: If a set contains all power set of an infinite set , that is the set B={P(A),P(P(A)),P(P(P(A))),...,Pn(A),...} ,then the cardinality of this set B is limXn (n--

>infinite),for example,the real number set R,B={P(R),P1(R),P2(R),...,Pn(R),...},then the cardinality of this set B is limXn (n-->infinite).
All the power set, assuming infinite set A, then the power set P (A), power set of the power set P (P (A)), the power set of the power set of the power set P (P (P (A))), ... Pn

(A )..... as all of its power set.
Because all  power set of infinite set is the cardinality of the generalized continuum hypothesis in all of the cardinality, so by the LiJunYu first theorem   know this theorem.
    LiJunYu fourth Theorem: If the set P'n(A) have the  same cardinality with the power set Pn(A), that is, then the  set P'n(A)  equivalent to the power set  Pn(A) for LiJunYu

second and LiJunYu third theorem.
****I.  cardinality Paradox
    Theorem 1: The set of all sets of the cardinality is limXn (n-->infinite).
The obvious, that in the "<set theory>> has long been, here repeat it. Because the set of all sets contains its own power set,by the LiJunYu second theorem  the cardinality is

limXn (n-->infinite). So this set is referred to as the true class of axiomatic set theory.
****II. Russell's paradox
    LiJunYu Fifth Theorem: If the set A does not contain its own,then the  power set of A is P(A),it  is also not contain its own.
    Proof: by contradiction. To assume that any one does not contain  its own set of is A, assume that any child sets of set A is  B,B is the set that contains itself, then there are

elements in the subset B, B is the element that contains a set of its own, and B is an element of set A , the set A does not contain all the elements of A's own set, so the element

of B is not included its own set, contradictions. So subset of A does not contain its own . The same reason can be used as the power set proof. Assuming the power set of set A is

a set of C, assume that C is a set that contains its own set, the set has an element of C , C is the element that contains its own set, but a set of elements of C is a subset of A,

according to the above ,The process has been proved by contradiction known any subset of A is the set does not contain itself, the element C is not included its own set ,

contradictions, so the power set is a set does not contain itself.
    This is understandable, for example, the set {1,2,3} does not contain itself, then its power set and all subsets,  also does not contain itself, it is very easy to understand, but

extended to an infinite set to it. Then real number set R does not contain its own , then any child set and power set of R does not contain itself.
    Theorem 2: If the set B is all  sets which does not contain its own,the cardinality of B is limXn (n-->infinite).
    Proof: because the real numbers set  R is not contain its own  ,by LiJunYu Fifth theorems ,so all  power set of R is not contain its own, that is,  the power set of R is R1,  the

power set of the power set of R is R2, the power set of the power set of the power set of R is  R3. . . . ALL the power set Rn does not contain itself, then All the set does not

contain its own  ,that is the set B,containing all the power set of R, by the theorem of LiJunYu  third,the  cardinality so  is limXn (n-->infinite).That is set B contain {P(R),P1(R),P2

   So Russell's paradox in "All  sets which  do not contain its own set ",the cardinality of this set is limXn (n-->infinite), in axiomatic set theory call as  the true class.
****III. Ordinal number paradox
    Theorem 3: Any ordinal number set has a minimum order, so any ordinal number set on less than or equal relations  are well-ordered set.
Theorem 3 is the <<Set Theory>> there's theorem, so there need not be proved.
    LiJunYu sixth Theorem: Any set of ordinals ,its power set is also ordinal number .
    Proof: for any ordinal number of set subset is ordinal set, so by Theorem 3 knowing subset is also a well-ordering set ,so the subset is an ordinal number, then all subsets of the

power set is ordinal number of the set, by Theorem 3 know that this power set is well-ordered set, so this power set is a ordinal number.
    Theorem 4: The cardinality of the set of all ordinals is limXn (n-->infinite).
    Proof: Let all order number of the set named A, by the LiJunYu sixth theorem, this set A power set is ordinal, it should also be included in the set A, then the set A contains its

own power set ,by LiJunYu second theorem ,The cardinality of this set is limXn (n-->infinite).

    The problem of  the cardinality paradox  is "a set of all sets",  the problem of  Ordinal number paradox is  "the set of all ordinals," the problem of Russell's paradox  is "All the set

does not contain its own." Because according to the above shows that this the cardinality of the three sets are limXn (n-->infinite). then this is meaningless three sets, so the

paradoxes of set theory did not shake the existing science cardinality.
    Axiomatic set theory that the introduction of the concept of class is correct, but then the issue is to complicate the simple, I solve the paradoxes of set theory with the most

simple language  to understand them, abandoned the scientific axiom of set theory , meaning  is very important.
****IV. The following in-depth discussion of the nature of some of the set
    Proposition I: All the set which does not contain its own power set is true class? Yes.
Because all power set of the real numbers R  does not contain its own power set . So all the set which does not contain its own power set must contain all power set of real

numbers R ,  by the third theorem of LiJunYu knowing it is true class. Why do  all power set of the real numbers R  does not contain its own power set, because assumption any

power set Rn contains its own power set , by knowing LiJunYu second theorem it is true class, which have a fixed Xn Rn, contradictory.
   Proposition II: all the set which do not contain number 1 is true class? Yes.
Because the power set which do not contain number 1 is also a set which do not contain number 1, it is not difficult to prove by contradiction, because it does not element 1, so

its power set and can not contain element 1. So all of its power set does not contain elements 1. Assuming the real number set R after removing a number of set is named r, then

the power set of all r is  r1, r2, ... rn, ... all does not contain element 1, the third by the theorem of LiJunYu knowing it is true class.
   Proposition III: all the set which do  contain number 1 is true class? Yes.
Because the power set of real number set R must contain elements of {1}, after removing the brackets is the element 1, the power set which remove  parentheses is  one by one

corresponding the power set of the original, only {1} into 1, so the brackets removed power set is same cardinality with  the original set , which is the same cardinality, the same

token, all the power set of real numbers R, exists corresponding same cardinality  power set,which  contains element 1, by the theorem of LiJunYu fourth and third theorems know

it is  true class .
   Then all the set which do not contain number 1 really meaningless it? Not. This is the problem of the complete works . If the set is a set of a fixed cardinality Xn, all within this

subset of complete works and then discuss all the set does not contain 1, which makes sense, is not really class. If the set is a set of true class of all sets, the cardinality is limXn (n-

->infinite), then the will be true class . That is, any of "the set of all sets" made into a limited number count of subset , there must be one subset l is the true class. On Russell's

Paradox, "a set of all do not contain themselves",  also because it's complete works is a set of all sets, will be meaningless, if it is within a set which has fixed cardinality Xn, then

meaningful carry on.

集合论悖论解决V6.0<br> 李均宇(李林星) 2008.1.19 email:myvbvc@tom.com QQ:165442523<br> 虽然我知道公理集合论是为了解决罗素悖论而产生的,但我认为公理集合论是在走弯路,甚至是误入岐路了.如果不包含下列的理论,我认为<<集合论>>是不完整的.<br> 让我们首先讨论无限集合的势开始.<br> 定义1:自然数集,整数集,有理数集的势叫X0.<br> 定义2:实数集,直线中点集,平面中点集,立体空间中点集的势叫X1.<br> 广义连续统假设:无限集合的势必是X0,X1,...Xn...之一.<br> 其中的X就是阿列夫,因为我找不到这个字符,所以用英文字母X表示了.<br> 李均宇定理:如果一个无限集合又包含自身的所有子集或幂集,则这个集合的势是limXn(n→∞),或者说,一个无限集合不可以再包含自身的所有子集或幂集.<br> 证明:设无限集合A的势是Xn,n是固定不变的.因为无限集合A又包含自身的所有子集或幂集,而幂集的势是 X(n+1)=2^Xn,所以无限集合A的势变成X(n+1),这与原先假设无限集合A的势是Xn,n是固定不变的相矛盾,所以无限集合A的势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 推论一:所有集合的集合的势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 证明:假设所有集合的集合为集合A,集合A的所有子集或幂集也是集合,所以也应包含在其中,所以集合A就是包含自身所有子集或幂集的集合,根据李均宇定理知其势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 定理1:任何序数的非空集合都有最小数,从而任何序数的集合在小于等于关系下都是良序集.<br> 定理1是<<集合论>>已有的定理,所以这里无须证明.<br> 李均宇第二定理:任何序数的集合的幂集也是序数.<br> 证明:因为任何序数的集合的子集也是序数的集合,所以由定理1知其子集也是良序数,所以子集也是一个序数,则所有子集组成的幂集也就是序数的集合,由定理1知此幂集也是良序集,所以此幂集也是一个序数.<br> 推论二:所有序数的集合的势也是limXn(n→∞).<br> 证明:设所有序数的集合为集合A,由李均宇第二定理知此集合A的幂集也是序数,所以也应包含在集合A中,则集合A包含自身的幂集,由李均宇定理知此集合的势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 李均宇第三定理:任何一个不包含自身的集合的集合的任一子集或幂集也是不包含自身的集合.<br> 证明:用反证法.假设任何一个不包含自身的集合的集合为集合A,假设集合A的任一子集B是包含自身的集合,则子集B中有元素B,元素B是包含自身的集合,而元素B又是集合A的元素,集合A的元素都是不包含自身的集合的,所以元素B是不包含自身的集合,矛盾.所子集素B是不包含自身的集合.幂集一样可用反证法证明.假设集合A的幂集是集合C,假设集合C是包含自身的集合,则集合C有一个元素C,元素C是包含自身的集合,但元素C又是集合A的子集,根据上面已用反证法证明的过程知集合A的子集也是不包含自身的集合,则元素C是不包含自身的集合,矛盾,所以幂集也是不包含自身的集合.<br> 推论三:所有不包含自身的集合的集合的势也是limXn(n→∞).<br> 证明:假设所有不包含自身的集合的集合是A,则由李均宇第三定理知集合A的所有子集或幂集也是不包含自身的集合.所以,集合A也应包括自身的所有子集或幂集,根据李均宇定理知其势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 无意义公理:一个无限集的势是limXn(n→∞),则这个集合是没有什么意义的.<br> 基数悖论的问题在于"所有集合的集合",序数悖论的问题在于"所有序数的集合",罗素悖论的问题在于"所有不包含自身的集合组成的集合".因为根据上面证明的推论一二三,这三个集合的势都是limXn(n→∞).则这三个集合是没有什么意义的,所以集合论悖论没有动摇现有科学的基础.<br> 作者认为公理集合论引进了类的概念,是把简单的问题复杂化,作者把集合论悖论解决用最简单的语言讲明白出来,抛弃了公理集合论这个科学上的怪胎,意义是十分重大的,所以作者是伟大的.<br><br><br>
集合论悖论解决V4.0<br> 李均宇(李林星) 2008.1.19 email:myvbvc@tom.com QQ:165442523<br> 到现在为止,我并不知道集合论悖论是否被别人解决了.如果不包含下列的理论,我认为<<集合论>>是不完整的.<br> 让我们首先讨论无限集合的势开始.<br> 定义1:自然数集,整数集,有理数集的势叫X0.<br> 定义2:实数集,直线中点集,平面中点集,立体空间中点集的势叫X1.<br> 定义3:无限集合的势叫Xn.<br> 李均宇定理:如果一个无限集合又包含自身的所有子集或幂集,则这个集合的势是limXn(n→∞),或者说,一个无限集合不可以再包含自身的所有子集或幂集.<br> 证明:设无限集合A的势是Xn,n是固定不变的.因为无限集合A又包含自身的所有子集或幂集,而幂集的势是 X(n+1)=2^Xn,所以无限集合A的势变成X(n+1),这与原先假设无限集合A的势是Xn,n是固定不变的相矛盾,所以无限集合A的势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 推论一:所有集合的集合的势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 证明:假设所有集合的集合为集合A,集合A的所有子集或幂集也是集合,所以也应包含在其中,所以集合A就是包含自身所有子集或幂集的集合,根据李均宇定理知其势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 推论二:所有不包含自身的集合的集合的势也是limXn(n→∞).<br> 证明:假设所有不包含自身的集合的集合是A,则集合A的所有子集或幂集也是不包含自身的集合.这一点可以用反证法来证明.因为假设集合A的子集B是包含自身的集合,则子集B中有元素B,元素B是包含自身的集合,而元素B又是集合A的元素,所以元素B是不包含自身的集合,矛盾,所以集合A的所有子集或幂集也是不包含自身的集合.如此一来,集合A也应包括自身的所有子集或幂集,根据李均宇定理知其势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 定理1:任何序数的非空集合都有最小数,从而任何序数的集合在小于等于关系下都是良序集.<br> 定理1是<<集合论>>已有的定理,所以这里无须证明.<br> 李均宇第二定理:任何序数的集合的幂集也是序数.<br> 证明:因为任何序数的集合的子集也是序数的集合,所以由定理1知其子集也是良序数,所以子集也是一个序数,则所有子集组成的幂集也就是序数的集合,由定理1知此幂集也是良序集,所以此幂集也是一个序数.<br> 推论三:所有序数的集合的势也是limXn(n→∞).<br> 证明:设所有序数的集合为集合A,由李均宇第二定理知此集合A的幂集也是序数,所以也应包含在集合A中,则集合A包含自身的幂集,由李均宇定理知此集合的势是limXn(n→∞).<br> 序数悖论的问题在于"所有序数的集合",基数悖论的问题在于"所有集合的集合",罗素悖论的问题在于"所有不包含自身的集合组成的集合".因为根据上面证明的推论一二三,这三个集合的势都是limXn(n→∞).<br> 一个无限集的势是limXn(n→∞),则这个集合是没有什么意义的,所以集合论悖论没有动摇现有科学的基础.<br><br><br>
集合论悖论解决V5.0 李均宇(李林星) 2008.1.19 email:myvbvc@tom.com QQ:165442523 到现在为止,我并不知道集合论悖论是否被别人解决了.如果不包含下列的理论,我认为<>是不完整的. 让我们首先讨论无限集合的势开始. 定义1:自然数集,整数集,有理数集的势叫X0. 定义2:实数集,直线中点集,平面中点集,立体空间中点集的势叫X1. 定义3:无限集合的势叫Xn. 李均宇定理:如果一个无限集合又包含自身的所有子集或幂集,则这个集合的势是limXn(n→∞),或者说,一个无限集合不可以再包含自身的所有子集或幂集. 证明:设无限集合A的势是Xn,n是固定不变的.因为无限集合A又包含自身的所有子集或幂集,而幂集的势是 X(n+1)=2^Xn,所以无限集合A的势变成X(n+1),这与原先假设无限集合A的势是Xn,n是固定不变的相矛盾,所以无限集合A的势是limXn(n→∞). 推论一:所有集合的集合的势是limXn(n→∞). 证明:假设所有集合的集合为集合A,集合A的所有子集或幂集也是集合,所以也应包含在其中,所以集合A就是包含自身所有子集或幂集的集合,根据李均宇定理知其势是limXn(n→∞). 定理1:任何序数的非空集合都有最小数,从而任何序数的集合在小于等于关系下都是良序集. 定理1是<>已有的定理,所以这里无须证明. 李均宇第二定理:任何序数的集合的幂集也是序数. 证明:因为任何序数的集合的子集也是序数的集合,所以由定理1知其子集也是良序数,所以子集也是一个序数,则所有子集组成的幂集也就是序数的集合,由定理1知此幂集也是良序集,所以此幂集也是一个序数. 推论二:所有序数的集合的势也是limXn(n→∞). 证明:设所有序数的集合为集合A,由李均宇第二定理知此集合A的幂集也是序数,所以也应包含在集合A中,则集合A包含自身的幂集,由李均宇定理知此集合的势是limXn(n→∞). 李均宇第三定理:任何一个不包含自身的集合的集合的任一子集或幂集也是不包含自身的集合. 证明:用反证法.假设任何一个不包含自身的集合的集合为集合A,假设集合A的任一子集B是包含自身的集合,则子集B中有元素B,元素B是包含自身的集合,而元素B又是集合A的元素,集合A的元素都是不包含自身的集合的,所以元素B是不包含自身的集合,矛盾.所子集素B是不包含自身的集合.幂集一样可用反证法证明.假设集合A的幂集是集合C,假设集合C是包含自身的集合,则集合C有一个元素C,元素C是包含自身的集合,但元素C又是集合A的子集,根据上面已用反证法证明的过程知集合A的子集也是不包含自身的集合,则元素C是不包含自身的集合,矛盾,所以幂集也是不包含自身的集合. 推论三:所有不包含自身的集合的集合的势也是limXn(n→∞). 证明:假设所有不包含自身的集合的集合是A,则由李均宇第三定理知集合A的所有子集或幂集也是不包含自身的集合.所以,集合A也应包括自身的所有子集或幂集,根据李均宇定理知其势是limXn(n→∞). 基数悖论的问题在于"所有集合的集合",序数悖论的问题在于"所有序数的集合",罗素悖论的问题在于"所有不包含自身的集合组成的集合".因为根据上面证明的推论一二三,这三个集合的势都是limXn(n→∞). 一个无限集的势是limXn(n→∞),则这个集合是没有什么意义的,所以集合论悖论没有动摇现有科学的基础.
评论 1




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