除了在 Error 对象和 Errors 集合中说明的提供者错误之外,ADO 本身也将错误返回到运行时环境的异常处理机制之中。使用编程语言的错误捕获机制(如 Microsoft?Visual Basic? 中的 On Error 语句)可捕获及处理下列错误。下表将同时显示十进制和十六进制错误代码值。

常量名称 编号 说明
adErrInvalidArgument 3001 0x800A0BB9 应用程序使用的参数其类型错误、超出可接受的范围或者与其他参数冲突。
adErrNoCurrentRecord 3021 0x800A0BCD BOF 或 EOF 为 True,或者当前记录已经删除。应用程序请求的操作需要当前记录。
adErrIllegalOperation 3219 0x800A0C93 应用程序请求的操作不允许出现在该上下文中 adErrInTransaction 3246 0x800A0CAE 在事务中应用程序无法显式关闭Connection 对象。
adErrFeatureNotAvailable 3251 0x800A0CB3 提供者不支持应用程序请求的操作。
adErrItemNotFound 3265 0x800A0CC1 ADO 无法在对应于应用程序请求的名称或顺序引用的集合中找到对象。
adErrObjectInCollection 3367 0x800A0D27 无法追加,对象已经在集合中。
adErrObjectNotSet 3420 0x800A0D5C 应用程序引用的对象不再指向有效的对象。
adErrDataConversion 3421 0x800A0D5D 应用程序使用了不符合对当前操作的值类型。
adErrObjectClosed 3704 0x800A0E78 如果对象关闭,则不允许应用程序请求的操作。
adErrObjectOpen 3705 0x800A0E79 如果对象打开,则不允许应用程序请求的操作。
adErrProviderNotFound 3706 0x800A0E7A ADO 找不到指定的提供者。
adErrBoundToCommand 3707 0x800A0E7B 应用程序无法用 Command 对象将 Recordset
对象的 ActiveConnection 属性更改为它的来源数据。
adErrInvalidParamInfo 3708 0x800A0E7C 应用程序错误地定义了 Parameter 对象。
adErrInvalidConnection 3709 0x800A0E7D 应用程序通过引用关闭或无效的
Connection 对象来请求对对象的操作。

错误代码 错误消息 说明
ASP0100 Out of memory 内存不足(不能分配要求的内存
ASP0101 Unexpected error 意外错误
ASP0102 Expecting string input 缺少字符串输入
ASP0103 Expecting numeric input 缺少数字输入
ASP0104 Opration not allowed 操作不允许
ASP0105 Index out of ange 索引超出范围(一个数组索引超届)
ASP0106 Type Mismatch 类型不匹配(遇到的数据类型不能被处理)
ASP0107 Stack Overflow 栈溢出(正在处理的数据超出了允许的范围)
ASP0115 Unexpected error 意外错误(外部对象出现可捕获的exception_name错误,脚本不能继续运行)
ASP0177 Server.CreateObject Failed 服务器创建对象失败(无效的progid)
ASP0190 Unexpected error 意外错误(当释放外部对象,产生可捕获的错误)
ASP0191 Unexpected error 意外错误(在外部对象的OnStartPage方法中产生可捕获的错误)
ASP0192 Unexpected error 意外错误(在外部对象的OnEndPage方法中产生可捕获的错误
ASP0177 Server.CreateObject Failed 服务器创建对象失败(无效的progid)
ASP0191 Unexpected error 意外错误(在外部对象的OnStartPage方法中产生可捕获的错误)
ASP0192 Unexpected error 意外错误(在外部对象的OnEndPage方法中产生可捕获的错误)
ASP0193 OnStartPage Failed 在外部对象的OnStartPage方法中产生错误
ASP0194 OnEndPage Failed 在外部对象的OnEndPage方法中产生错误
ASP0240 Script Engine Exception 脚本引擎从object_name对象中抛出exception_anme异常
ASP0241 CreateObject Exception object_name 对象的CreatObject方法引起了exception_name异常
ASP0242 Query OnStartPage nterface 查询对象Object_name的OnsException

JScript 运行时错误
JScript 运行时错误是指当 JScript 脚本试图执行一个系统不能运行的动作时导致的错误。当正在运行脚本、计算变量表达式、或者正在动态分配内存时出现JScript 运行时错误时。

错误号 描述
十进制 十六进制 说明
5 800A0005 非法过程调用或参数
6 800A0006 溢出
7 800A0007 内存不足
9 800A0009 下标超界
10 800A000A 此数组被固定或临时锁定
11 800A000B 零除错误
13 800A000D 类型失配
14 800A000E 串空间不足
17 800A0011 不能执行所请求的操作
28 800A001C 栈空间不足
35 800A0023 子过程或函数未找到
48 800A0030 装载DLL出错
51 800A0033 内部出错
52 800A0034 坏文件名或数
53 800A0035 文件未找到
54 800A0036 坏文件模式
55 800A0037 文件已经打开
57 800A0039 设备I/O错误
58 800A003A 文件已经存在
61 800A003D 磁盘空间已满
62 800A003E 输入超出文件尾
67 800A0043 文件太多
68 800A0044 设备不可用
70 800A0046 权限禁用
71 800A0047 磁盘未准备好
74 800A004A 不能用不同的驱动重命名
75 800A004B 路径/文件访问错误
76 800A004C 路径未找到
91 800A005B 对象变量或With块变量未设置
92 800A005C For循环未初始化
94 800A005E Null使用无效
322 800A0042 不能建立所需的临时文件
424 800A01A8 需要对象
429 800A01A9 Automation服务器不能建立对象
430 800A01AE 类不支持Automation
432 800A01B0 在Automation操作中找不到文件名或类名
438 800A01B6 对象不支持这个属性或方法
440 800A01B8 Automation错误
445 800A01BD 对象不支持这个动作
446 800A01BE 对象不支持指定的参数
447 800A01BF 对象不支持当前区域设置
448 800A01C0 指定的参数未找到
449 800A01C1 参数不可选
450 800A01C2 错误的参数数目或非法属性分配
451 800A01C3 对象不是一个集合
453 800A01C5 指定的dll函数未找到
458 800A01CA 变量使用了一个Jscript不支持的Automation类型
462 800A01CE 远程服务器机器不存在或不可用
501 800A01F5 不能分配给变量
502 800A01F6 对象对于脚本不安全
503 800A01F7 对象对于初始化不安全
504 800A01F8 对象对建立不安全
5000 800A1388 不能分配给“this”
5001 800A1389 需要 Number 类型
5002 800A138A 需要 Function 对象
5003 800A138B 不能给函数返回值赋值
5004 800A138C 不能索引对象
5005 800A138D 需要 String
5006 800A138E 需要 Date 对象
5007 800A138F 需要 Object 类型
5008 800A1390 非法赋值
5009 800A1391 未定义标识符
5010 800A1392 需要 Boolean
5011 800A1393 不能执行来自一个自由脚本的代码
5012 800A1394 需要对象的成员
5013 800A1395 需要 VBArray
5014 800A1396 需要 JScript 对象
5015 800A1397 需要 Enumerator 对象
5016 800A1398 需要正则表达式对象
5017 800A1399 正则表达式语法错误
5018 800A139A 未预期的限定符
5019 800A139B 正则表达式中缺少“]”
5020 800A139C 正则表达式中缺少“)”
5021 800A139D 字符集范围无效
5022 800A139E 异常抛出,但无法抓住
5023 800A139F 函数没有合法的 Prototype (原型)对象
5024 800A13A0 待解码的 URI 包含有非法字符
5025 800A13A1 待解码的 URI 编码非法
5026 800A13A2 小数部分的位数越界
5027 800A13A3 精度越界
5028 800A13A4 需要 Array 或 arguments 对象
5029 800A13A5 数组长度必须为一有限正整数
5030 800A13A6 必须赋给数组长度一个有限正数

JScript 语法错误
JScript 语法错误是指当 JScript 语句违反了 JScript 脚本语言的一条或多条语法规则时导致的错误。JScript 语法错误发生在程序编译阶段,在开始运行该程序之前。(错误发生在开发过程中),以下是32个语法错误

错误号 描述
十进制 十六进制 说明
1001 800A03E9 内存不足
1002 800A03EA 语法错误
1003 800A03EB 需要“:”
1004 800A03EC 需要“;”
1005 800A03ED 需要“(”
1006 800A03EE 需要“)”
1007 800A03EF 需要“]”
1008 800A03F0 需要“{”
1009 800A03F1 需要“}”
1010 800A03F2 需要标识符
1011 800A03F3 需要“=”
1012 800A03F4 需要“/”
1013 800A03F5 无效数
1014 800A03F6 非法字符
1015 800A03F7 字符串常数未结束
1016 800A03F8 注释未结束
1018 800A03FA 函数外有 ’return’ 语句
1019 800A03FB 在循环外不能有“break”
1020 800A03FC 在循环外不能有“continue”
1023 800A03FF 需要十六进制数
1024 800A0400 需要“while”
1025 800A0401 标签定义重复
1026 800A0402 未找到标签
1027 800A0403 一条 “switch” 语句中只能有一个 “default”
1028 800A0404 需要标识符、字符串或者数字
1029 800A0405 需要“@end”
1030 800A0406 条件编译已关闭
1031 800A0407 需要常数
1032 800A0408 需要“@”
1033 800A0409 需要“catch”
1034 800A040A 需要“var”
1035 800A040B “Throw”的后面必须跟有一个表达式,且在同一源代码行上

VBScript 运行时错误
如果 VBScript 脚本执行系统无法实施的操作,则会产生 VBScript 运行时错误。只有在运行脚本、为变量表达式赋值或分配内存时,才会产生 VBScript 运行时错误。 以下是65个运行时错误:
错误编号 描述
十进制 十六进制 说明
5 800A0005 无效过程调用或参数
6 800A0006 溢出
7 800A0007 内存不足
9 800A0009 下标越界
10 800A000A 该数组为定长的或临时被锁定
11 800A000B 被零除
13 800A000D 类型不匹配
14 800A000E 字符串空间溢出
17 800A0011 无法执行请求的操作
28 800A001C 堆栈溢出
35 800A0023 未定义 Sub 或 Function
48 800A0030 加载 DLL 错误
51 800A0033 内部错误
52 800A0034 坏文件名或数
53 800A0035 文件未找到
54 800A0036 坏文件模式
55 800A0037 文件已经打开
57 800A0039 设备I/O错误
58 800A003A 文件已经存在
61 800A003D 磁盘空间已满
62 800A003E 输入超出文件尾
67 800A0043 文件太多
68 800A0044 设备不可用
70 800A0046 权限禁用
71 800A0047 磁盘未准备好
74 800A004A 不能用不同的驱动器重新命名
75 800A004B 路径/文件访问错误
76 800A004C 路径未找到
91 800A005B 未设置对象变量
92 800A005C For 循环未初始化
94 800A005E 非法使用 Null
322 800A0142 不能建立所需临时文件
424 800A01A8 需要对象
429 800A01AD ActiveX 部件无法创建对象
430 800A01AE 类不支持自动化
432 800A01B0 在自动化操作中未找到文件名或类名
438 800A01B6 对象不支持该属性或方法
440 800A01B8 Automation错误
445 800A01BD 对象不支持此操作
446 800A01BE 对象不支持指定的参数
447 800A01BF 对象不支持当前的区域设置
448 800A01C0 未找到命名参数
449 800A01C1 参数不可选
450 800A01C2 错误的参数个数或无效的参数属性值
451 800A01C3 对象不是一个集合
453 800A01C5 指定的dll函数未找到
455 800A01C7 代码源锁错误
457 800A01C9 这个键已经是本集合的一个元素关联
458 800A01CA 变量使用了一个 VBScript 中不支持的自动化(Automation)类型
462 800A01CE 远程服务器不存在或不能访问
481 800A01E1 无效图片
500 800A01F4 变量未定义
501 800A01F5 违法的分配
502 800A01F6 脚本对象不安全
503 800A01F7 对象不能安全初始化
504 800A01F8 对象不能安全创建
505 800A01F9 无效的或不合格的引用
506 800A01FA 类未被定义
507 800A01FB 发生异常
5016 800A1398 需要正则表达式对象
5017 800A1399 正则表达式中的语法错误
5018 800A139A 错误的数量词
5019 800A139B 在正则表达式中需要 ']'
5020 800A139C 在正则表达式中需要 ')'
5021 800A139D 字符集越界
32811 800A802B 元素未找到

VBScript 语法错误
如果 VBScript 语句结构违反了一个或多个 VBScript 脚本语言语法规则,就会产生VBScript 语法错误。
错误通常在执行程序前,编译程序时产生。 以下是53个语法错误:
错误编号 描述
十进制 十六进制 说明
1001 800A03E9 内存不足
1002 800A03EA 语法错误
1003 800A03EB 缺少“:”
1005 800A03ED 需要 '('
1006 800A03EE 需要 ')'
1007 800A03EF 缺少“]”
1010 800A03F2 需要标识符
1011 800A03F3 需要 '='
1012 800A03F4 需要 'If'
1013 800A03F5 需要 'To'
1014 800A03F6 需要 'End'
1015 800A03F7 需要 'Function'
1016 800A03F8 需要 'Sub'
1017 800A03F9 需要 'Then'
1018 800A03FA 需要 'Wend'
1019 800A03FB 需要 'Loop'
1020 800A03FC 需要 'Next'
1021 800A03FD 需要 'Case'
1022 800A03FE 需要 'Select'
1023 800A03FF 需要表达式
1024 800A0400 需要语句
1025 800A0401 需要语句的结束
1026 800A0402 需要整数常数
1027 800A0403 需要 'While' 或 'Until'
1028 800A0404 需要 'While,'、 'Until,' 或语句未结束
1029 800A0405 需要 'With'
1030 800A0406 标识符太长
1031 800A0407 无效的数
1032 800A0408 无效的字符
1033 800A0409 未结束的串常量
1034 800A040A 未结束的注释
1037 800A040D 无效使用关键字 'Me'
1038 800A040E 'loop' 没有 'do'
1039 800A040F 无效 'exit' 语句
1040 800A0410 无效 'for' 循环控制变量
1041 800A0411 名称重定义
1042 800A0412 必须为行的第一个语句
1043 800A0413 不能赋给非Byval参数
1044 800A0414 调用 Sub 时不能使用圆括号
1045 800A0415 需要文字常数
1046 800A0416 需要 'In'
1047 800A0417 需要 'Class'
1048 800A0418 必须在一个类的内部定义
1049 800A0419 在属性声明中需要 Let , Set 或 Get
1050 800A041A 需要 'Property'
1051 800A041B 参数数目必须与属性说明一致
1052 800A041C 在类中不能有多个缺省的属性/方法
1053 800A041D 类初始化或终止不能带参数
1054 800A041E Property Let 或 Set 至少应该有一个参数
1055 800A041F 不需要的 'Next'
1056 800A0420 只能在 ‘Property’ 或 ’Function’ 或 ’Sub’ 上指定 ’Default ’
1057 800A0421 说明 'Default' 必须同时说明 'Public' "
1058 800A0422 只能在 Property Get 中指定 'Default'


  Relação   de   erros   expostos   por   OLE   e   OLE_DB   para   ADO.  
            Unsigned                   Signed  
            HRESULT                 Hex   HRESULT       Descrição  
        ----------     -----------     ----------------------------------------------  
        0x80000001     -2147483647     Not   implemented  
        0x80000002     -2147483646     Ran   out   of   memory  
        0x80000003     -2147483645     One   or   more   arguments   are   invalid  
        0x80000004     -2147483644     No   such   interface   supported  
        0x80000005     -2147483643     Invalid   pointer  
        0x80000006     -2147483642     Invalid   handle  
        0x80000007     -2147483641     Operation   aborted  
        0x80000008     -2147483640     Unspecified   error  
        0x80000009     -2147483639     General   access   denied   error  
        0x8000000A     -2147483638     The   data   necessary   to   complete   this   operation   is   not   yet   available.  
        0x80004001     -2147467263     Not   implemented  
        0x80004002     -2147467262     No   such   interface   supported  
        0x80004003     -2147467261     Invalid   pointer  
        0x80004004     -2147467260     Operation   aborted  
        0x80004005     -2147467259     Unspecified   error  
        0x80004006     -2147467258     Thread   local   storage   failure  
        0x80004007     -2147467257     Get   shared   memory   allocator   failure  
        0x80004008     -2147467256     Get   memory   allocator   failure  
        0x80004009     -2147467255     Unable   to   initialize   class   cache  
        0x8000400A     -2147467254     Unable   to   initialize   RPC   services  
        0x8000400B     -2147467253     Cannot   set   thread   local   storage   channel   control  
        0x8000400C     -2147467252     Could   not   allocate   thread   local   storage   channel   control  
        0x8000400D     -2147467251     The   user   supplied   memory   allocator   is   unacceptable  
        0x8000400E     -2147467250     The   OLE   service   mutex   already   exists  
        0x8000400F     -2147467249     The   OLE   service   file   mapping   already   exists  
        0x80004010     -2147467248     Unable   to   map   view   of   file   for   OLE   service  
        0x80004011     -2147467247     Failure   attempting   to   launch   OLE   service  
        0x80004012     -2147467246     There   was   an   attempt   to   call   CoInitialize   a         second   time   while   single   threaded  
        0x80004013     -2147467245     A   Remote   activation   was   necessary   but   was   not   allowed  
        0x80004014     -2147467244     A   Remote   activation   was   necessary   but   the       server   name   provided   was   invalid  
        0x80004015     -2147467243     The   class   is   configured   to   run   as   a   security       id   different   from   the   caller  
        0x80004016     -2147467242     Use   of   Ole1   services   requiring   DDE   windows   is   disabled  
        0x80004017     -2147467241     A   RunAs   specification   must   be     <domain   name>/<user   name>   or   simply   <user   name>  
        0x80004018     -2147467240     The   server   process   could   not   be   started.     The     pathname   may   be   incorrect.  
        0x80004019     -2147467239     The   server   process   could   not   be   started   as   the     configured   identity.     The   pathname   may   be   incorret  
        0x8000401A     -2147467238     The   server   process   could   not   be   started   because   the   configured   identity   is   incorrect.     Check   username/password  
        0x8000401B     -2147467237     The   client   is   not   allowed   to   launch   this   server.  
        0x8000401C     -2147467236     The   service   providing   this   server   could   not     be   started.  
        0x8000401D     -2147467235     This   computer   was   unable   to   communicate   with     the   computer   providing   the   server.  
        0x8000401E     -2147467234     The   server   did   not   respond   after   being   launched.  
        0x8000401F     -2147467233     The   registration   information   for   this   server     is   inconsistent   or   incomplete.  
        0x80004020     -2147467232     The   registration   information   for   this   interface   is   inconsistent   or   incomplete.  
        0x80004021     -2147467231     The   operation   attempted   is   not   supported.  
        0x8000FFFF       -2147418113     Catastrophic   failure  
        0x80070005     -2147024891     General   access   denied   error  
        0x80070006     -2147024890     Invalid   handle  
        0x8007000E     -2147024882     Ran   out   of   memory  
        0x80070057     -2147024809     One   or   more   arguments   are   invalidRela&ccedil;&atilde;o   de   erros   expostos   pelo   provedor   OLE-DB    
        Unsigned                     Signed  
        HRESULT                   Hex   HRESULT     Descri&ccedil;&atilde;o  
        ----------     -----------     ----------------------------------------------  
        0x80040E00     -2147217920     Invalid   accessor  
        0x80040E01     -2147217919     Creating   another   row   would   have   exceeded   the   total   number   of   active   rows   supported   by   the     rowset  
        0x80040E02     -2147217918     Unable   to   write   with   a   read-only   accessor  
        0x80040E03     -2147217917     Given   values   violate   the   database   schema  
        0x80040E04     -2147217916     Invalid   row   handle  
        0x80040E05     -2147217915     An   object   was   open  
        0x80040E06     -2147217914     Invalid   chapter  
        0x80040E07     -2147217913     A   literal   value   in   the   command   could   not   be     converted   to   the   correct   type   due   to   a   reason     other   than   data   overflow  
        0x80040E08     -2147217912     Invalid   binding   info  
        0x80040E09     -2147217911     Permission   denied  
        0x80040E0A     -2147217910     Specified   column   does   not   contain   bookmarks   or   chapters  
        0x80040E0B     -2147217909     Some   cost   limits   were   rejected  
        0x80040E0C     -2147217908     No   command   has   been   set   for   the   command   object  
        0x80040E0D     -2147217907     Unable   to   find   a   query   plan   within   the   given   cost   limit  
        0x80040E0E     -2147217906     Invalid   bookmark  
        0x80040E0F     -2147217905     Invalid   lock   mode  
        0x80040E10     -2147217904     No   value   given   for   one   or   more   required     parameters  
        0x80040E11     -2147217903     Invalid   column   ID  
        0x80040E12     -2147217902     Invalid   ratio  
        0x80040E13     -2147217901     Invalid   value  
        0x80040E14     -2147217900     The   command   contained   one   or   more   errors  
        0x80040E15     -2147217899     The   executing   command   cannot   be   canceled  
        0x80040E16     -2147217898     The   provider   does   not   support   the   specified   dialect  
        0x80040E17     -2147217897     A   data   source   with   the   specified   name   already   exists  
        0x80040E18     -2147217896     The   rowset   was   built   over   a   live   data   feed   and     cannot   be   restarted  
        0x80040E19     -2147217895     No   key   matching   the   described   characteristics   could   be   found   within   the   current   range  
        0x80040E1A     -2147217894     Ownership   of   this   tree   has   been   given   to   the     provider  
        0x80040E1B     -2147217893     The   provider   is   unable   to   determine   identity     for   newly   inserted   rows  
        0x80040E1C     -2147217892     No   nonzero   weights   specified   for   any   goals   supported,   so   goal   was   rejected;   current   goal     was   not   changed  
        0x80040E1D     -2147217891     Requested   conversion   is   not   supported  
        0x80040E1E     -2147217890     lRowsOffset   would   position   you   past   either   end     of   the   rowset,   regardless   of   the   cRows   value  
        0x80040E1F     -2147217889     Information   was   requested   for   a   query,   and   the     query   was   not   set  
        0x80040E20     -2147217888     Provider   called   a   method   from   IRowsetNotify   in     the   consumer   and   NT  
        0x80040E21     -2147217887     Errors   occurred  
        0x80040E22     -2147217886     A   non-NULL   controlling   IUnknown   was   specified   and   the   object   being   created   does   not   support   aggregation  
        0x80040E23     -2147217885     A   given   HROW   referred   to   a   hard-   or   soft-   deleted   row  
        0x80040E24     -2147217884     The   rowset   does   not   support   fetching   backwards  
        0x80040E25     -2147217883     All   HROWs   must   be   released   before   new   ones   can     be   obtained  
        0x80040E26     -2147217882     One   of   the   specified   storage   flags   was   not       supported  
        0x80040E27     -2147217881     The   comparison   operator   was   invalid  
        0x80040E28     -2147217880     The   specified   status   flag   was   neither     DBCOLUMNSTATUS_OK   nor   DBCOLUMNSTATUS_ISNULL  
        0x80040E29     -2147217879     The   rowset   cannot   scroll   backwards  
        0x80040E2A     -2147217878     Invalid   region   handle  
        0x80040E2B     -2147217877     The   specified   set   of   rows   was   not   contiguous   to     or   overlapping   the   rows   in   the   specified   watch     region  
        0x80040E2C     -2147217876     A   transition   from   ALL*   to   MOVE*   or   EXTEND*   was   specified  
        0x80040E2D     -2147217875     The   specified   region   is   not   a   proper   subregion   of   the   region   identified   by   the   given   watch   region   handle  
        0x80040E2E     -2147217874     The   provider   does   not   support   multi-statement       commands  
        0x80040E2F     -2147217873     A   specified   value   violated   the   integrity     constraints   for   a   column   or   table  
        0x80040E32     -2147217870     Cannot   clone   a   command   object   whose   command   tree   contains   a   rowset   or   rowsets  
        0x80040E33     -2147217869     Cannot   represent   the   current   tree   as   text  
        0x80040E34     -2147217868     The   specified   index   already   exists  
        0x80040E35     -2147217867     The   specified   index   does   not   exist  
        0x80040E36     -2147217866     The   specified   index   was   in   use  
        0x80040E37     -2147217865     The   specified   table   does   not   exist  
        0x80040E38     -2147217864     The   rowset   was   using   optimistic   concurrency   and     the   value   of   a   column   has   been   changed   since   it   was   last   read  
        0x80040E39     -2147217863     Errors   were   detected   during   the   copy  
        0x80040E3A     -2147217862     A   specified   precision   was   invalid  
        0x80040E3B     -2147217861     A   specified   scale   was   invalid  
        0x80040E3C     -2147217860     Invalid   table   ID  
        0x80040E3D     -2147217859     A   specified   type   was   invalid  
        0x80040E3E     -2147217858     A   column   ID   was   occurred   more   than   once   in   the   specification  
        0x80040E3F     -2147217857     The   specified   table   already   exists  
        0x80040E40     -2147217856     The   specified   table   was   in   use  
        0x80040E41     -2147217855     The   specified   locale   ID   was   not   supported  
        0x80040E42     -2147217854     The   specified   record   number   is   invalid  
        0x80040E43     -2147217853     Although   the   bookmark   was   validly   formed,   no     row   could   be   found   to   match   it  
        0x80040E44     -2147217852     The   value   of   a   property   was   invalid  
        0x80040E45     -2147217851     The   rowset   was   not   chaptered  
        0x80040E46     -2147217850     Invalid   accessor

0x80040E47     -2147217849     Invalid   storage   flags  
        0x80040E48     -2147217848     By-ref   accessors   are   not   supported   by   this   rovider  
        0x80040E49     -2147217847     Null   accessors   are   not   supported   by   this   provider  
        0x80040E4A     -2147217846     The   command   was   not   prepared  
        0x80040E4B     -2147217845     The   specified   accessor   was   not   a   parameter   accessor  
        0x80040E4C     -2147217844     The   given   accessor   was   write-only  
        0x80040E4D     -2147217843     Authentication   failed  
        0x80040E4E     -2147217842     The   change   was   canceled   during   notification;   no   columns   are   changed  
        0x80040E4F     -2147217841     The   rowset   was   single-chaptered   and   the   chapter     was   not   released  
        0x80040E50     -2147217840     Invalid   source   handle  
        0x80040E51     -2147217839     The   provider   cannot   derive   parameter   info   and     SetParameterInfo   has   not   been   called  
        0x80040E52     -2147217838     The   data   source   object   is   already   initialized  
        0x80040E53     -2147217837     The   provider   does   not   support   this   method  
        0x80040E54     -2147217836     The   number   of   rows   with   pending   changes   has     exceeded   the   set   limit  
        0x80040E55     -2147217835     The   specified   column   did   not   exist  
        0x80040E56     -2147217834     There   are   pending   changes   on   a   row   with   a     reference   count   of   zero  
        0x80040E57     -2147217833     A   literal   value   in   the   command   overflowed   the     range   of   the   type   of   the   associated   column  
        0x80040E58     -2147217832     The   supplied   HRESULT   was   invalid  
        0x80040E59     -2147217831     The   supplied   LookupID   was   invalid  
        0x80040E5A     -2147217830     The   supplied   DynamicErrorID   was   invalid  
        0x80040E5B     -2147217829     Unable   to   get   visible   data   for   a   newly-inserted     row   that   has   not   yet   been   updated  
        0x80040E5C     -2147217828     Invalid   conversion   flag  
        0x80040E5D     -2147217827     The   given   parameter   name   was   unrecognized  
        0x80040E5E     -2147217826     Multiple   storage   objects   can   not   be   open     simultaneously  
        0x80040E5F     -2147217825     The   requested   filter   could   not   be   opened  
        0x80040E60     -2147217824     The   requested   order   could   not   be   opened  
        0x80040E61     -2147217823     Bad   tuple  
        0x80040E62     -2147217822     Bad   coordinate  
        0x80040E63     -2147217821     The   given   axis   was   not   valid   for   this   Dataset  
        0x80040E64     -2147217820     One   or   more   of   the   given   cell   ordinals   was   invalid  
        0x80040E65     -2147217819     The   supplied   columnID   was   invalid  
        0x80040E67     -2147217817     The   supplied   command   does   not   have   a   DBID  
        0x80040E68     -2147217816     The   supplied   DBID   already   exists  
        0x80040E72     -2147217806     The   index   ID   is   invalid  
        0x80040E73     -2147217805     The   initialization   string   does   not   conform   to   specification  
        0x80040E74     -2147217804     The   OLE   DB   root   enumerator   did   not   return   any   providers   that   matched   an   of   the   SOURCES_TYPEs     requested  
        0x80040E75     -2147217803     The   initialization   string   specifies   a   provider     which   does   not   match   the   currently   active     provider.  
        0x80040E76     -2147217802     The   specified   DBID   is   invalid  
        0x80040E6A     -2147217814     Invalid   trustee   value  
        0x80040E6B     -2147217813     The   trustee   is   not   for   the   current   data   source  
        0x80040E6C     -2147217812     The   trustee   does   not   support   memberships/   collections  
        0x80040E6D     -2147217811     The   object   is   invalid   or   unknown   to   the   provider  
        0x80040E6E     -2147217810     No   owner   exists   for   the   object  
        0x80040E6F     -2147217809     The   access   entry   list   supplied   is   invalid  
        0x80040E70     -2147217808     The   trustee   supplied   as   owner   is   invalid   or     unknown   to   the   provider  
        0x80040E71     -2147217807     The   permission   supplied   in   the   access   entry   list     is   invalid  
        0x80040E77     -2147217801     The   ConstraintType   was   invalid   or   not   supported   by   the   provider.  
        0x80040E78     -2147217800     The   ConstraintType   was   not   CONSTRAINTTYPE_FOREIGNKEY   and   cForeignKeyColumns   was   not   zero  
        0x80040E79     -2147217799     The   Deferrability   was   invalid   or   the   value   was   not     supported   by   the   provider  
        0x80040E80     -2147217792     The   MatchType   was   invalid   or   the   value   was   not     supported   by   the   provider    
        0x80040E8A     -2147217782     The   UpdateRule   or   DeleteRule   was   invalid   or   the   value   was   not   supported   by   the   provider  
        0x80040E8B     -2147217781     The   pConstraintID   did   not   exist   in   the   data   source  
        0x80040E8C     -2147217780     The   dwFlags   was   invalid  
        0x80040E8D     -2147217779     The   rguidColumnType   pointed   to   a   GUID   that   does   not   match   the   object   type   of   this   column   or   this   column   was   not   set  
        0x80040E8E     -2147217778     The   requested   URL   was   out-of-scope  
        0x80040E90     -2147217776     The   provider   could   not   drop   the   object  
        0x80040E91     -2147217775     There   is   no   source   row

  0x80040E92     -2147217774     The   OLE   DB   object   represented   by   this   URL   is   locked   by   one   or   more   other   processes  
        0x80040E93     -2147217773     The   client   requested   an   object   type   that   is   only   valid   for   a   collection    
        0x80040E94     -2147217772     The   caller   requested   write   access   to   a   read-only     object  
        0x80040E95     -2147217771     The   provider   could   not   connect   to   the   server   for   this   object  
        0x80040E96     -2147217770     The   provider   could   not   connect   to   the   server   for     this   object  
        0x80040E97     -2147217769     The   attempt   to   bind   to   the   object   timed   out  
        0x80040E98     -2147217768     The   provider   was   unable   to   create   an   object   at   this   URL   because   an   object   named   by   this   URL   already   exists  
        0x80040E99     -2147217767     The   provider   could   not   drop   the   object  
        0x80040E9A     -2147217766     The   provider   was   unable   to   create   an   object     at   this   URL   because   the   server   was   out   of     physical   storage  
        0x00040EC0               265920     Fetching   requested   number   of   rows   would   have   exceeded   total   number   of   active   rows   supported     by   the   rowset  
        0x00040EC1               265921     One   or   more   column   types   are   incompatible;   conversion   errors   will   occur   during   copying  
        0x00040EC2               265922     Parameter   type   information   has   been   overridden     by   caller  
        0x00040EC3               265923     Skipped   bookmark   for   deleted   or   non-member   row  
        0x00040EC4               265924     Errors   found   in   validating   tree  
        0x00040EC5               265925     There   are   no   more   rowsets  
        0x00040EC6               265926     Reached   start   or   end   of   rowset   or   chapter  
        0x00040EC7               265927     The   provider   re-executed   the   command  
        0x00040EC8               265928     Variable   data   buffer   full  
        0x00040EC9               265929     There   are   no   more   results  
        0x00040ECA               265930     Server   cannot   release   or   downgrade   a   lock   until     the   end   of   the   transaction  
        0x00040ECB               265931     Specified   weight   was   not   supported   or   exceeded     the   supported   limit   and   was   set   to   0   or   the       supported   limit  
        0x00040ECC               265932     Consumer   is   uninterested   in   receiving   further     notification   calls   for   this   reason  
        0x00040ECD               265933     Input   dialect   was   ignored   and   text   was   returned     in   different   dialect  
        0x00040ECE               265934     Consumer   is   uninterested   in   receiving   further   notification   calls   for   this   phase  
        0x00040ECF               265935     Consumer   is   uninterested   in   receiving   further   notification   calls   for   this   reason  
        0x00040ED0               265936     The   operation   is   being   processed   asynchronously  
        0x00040ED2               265938     The   method   had   some   errors;   errors   have   been     returned   in   the   error   array  
        0x00040ED3               265939     Invalid   row   handle  
        0x00040ED4               265940     A   given   HROW   referred   to   a   hard-deleted   row  
        0x00040ED7               265943     The   bind   failed   because   the   provider   was   unable     to   satisfy   all   of   the   bind   flags   or   properties  
        0x00040ED8               265944     A   lock   was   upgraded   from   the   value   specified  
        0x00040ED9               265945     One   or   more   properties   were   changed   as   allowed   by   provider  
        0x00040EDA               265946     Errors   occurred  
        0x00040EDB               265947     A   specified   parameter   was   invalid  
        0x00040EDC               265948     Updating   this   row   caused   more   than   one   row   to   be   updated   in   the   data   source  
        0x00040EDD               265949     The   row   has   no   row-specific   columns





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