#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
* Link list of integers. The key is data. The key is sorted in non-descending on der.
typedef struct LinkNode{
int coefficient;
int exponent;
struct LinkNode *next;
} *LinkList, *NodePtr;
* Initialize the list with a header.
* @return The pointer to the header.
LinkList initLinkList(){
LinkList tempHeader = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkNode));
tempHeader->coefficient = 0;
tempHeader->exponent = 0;
tempHeader->next = NULL;
return tempHeader;
}// of initLinkList
* Print the list.
* @param paraHeader The header of the list.
void printList(LinkList paraHeader){
NodePtr p = paraHeader->next;
while(p != NULL){
printf("%d * 10^%d + ", p->coefficient, p->exponent);
p = p->next;
}// of while
}// of printList
* Print one node for testing.
* @param paraPtr The pointer to the node.
* @param paraChar The name of the node.
void printNode(NodePtr paraPtr, char paraChar){
if (paraPtr == NULL){
printf("The element of %c is (%d * 10^%d)\r\n", paraChar, paraPtr->coefficient, paraPtr->exponent);
}//of while
}//of printNode
* Add an element to the tail.
* @param paraCoefficient The coefficient of the new element.
* @param paraExponent The exponent of the new element.
void appendElement(LinkList paraHeader, int paraCoefficient, int paraExponent){
NodePtr p, q;
// Step1, Construct a new node.
q = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkNode));
q->coefficient = paraCoefficient;
q->exponent = paraExponent;
q->next = NULL;
//Step2. Search to the tail.
p = paraHeader;
while(p->next != NULL){
p = p->next;
}//of while
//Step3. Now add/link.
p->next = q;
}//of appendElement
* Polynomial addition.
* @param paraList1 The first list.
* @param paraList1 The second list.
void add(NodePtr paraList1, NodePtr paraList2){
NodePtr p, q, r, s;
//Step1. Search to the position.
p = paraList1->next;
printNode(p, 'p');
q = paraList2->next;
printNode(q, 'q');
r = paraList1;// Previous pointer for inserting.
printNode(r, 'r');
free(paraList2);// The second list is destroyed.
while ((p != NULL)&&(q != NULL)){
if (p->exponent < q->exponent){
//link the current node of the first list.
printf("case 1\r\n");
r->next = p;
r = p;
printNode(r, 'r');;
p = p->next;
printNode(p, 'p');
}else if ((p->exponent > q-> exponent)){
//link the current node of the second list.
printf("case 2\r\n");
r->next = q;
r = q;
printNode(r, 'r');
q = q->next;
printNode(q, 'q');
printf("case 3\r\n");
//Change the current node of the first list.
p->coefficient = p->coefficient + q->coefficient;
printf("The coefficient is : %d.\r\n", p->coefficient);
if (p->coefficient == 0){
printf("case 3.1\r\n");
s = p;
p = p->next;
// free(s);
printf("case 3.2\r\n");
r = p;
printNode(r, 'r');
p = p->next;
printNode(p, 'p');
}//of if
s = q;
q = q->next;
//printf("q is pointing to (%d, %d)\r\n", q->coefficient, q->exponent;
}// of if
printf("p = %p, q = %p\r\n",p, q);
}//of while
printf("End of while,\r\n");
if (p == NULL){
r->next = q;
r->next = p;
}//of if
printf("Addition ends.\r\n");
}//of Addition
* Unit test 1.
void additionTest1(){
//Step1. Initialize the first Polynomial.
LinkList tempList1 = initLinkList();
appendElement(tempList1, 7, 0);
appendElement(tempList1, 3, 1);
appendElement(tempList1, 9, 8);
appendElement(tempList1, 5, 17);
//Step2. Initialize the second Polynomial.
LinkList tempList2 = initLinkList();
appendElement(tempList2, 8, 1);
appendElement(tempList2, 22, 7);
appendElement(tempList2, -9, 8);
//Step3. Add them to the first.
add(tempList1, tempList2);
printf("The result is: ");
}//of additionTest1
* Unit test 2.
void additionTest2(){
//Step1. Initialize the first Polynomial.
LinkList tempList1 = initLinkList();
appendElement(tempList1, 7, 0);
appendElement(tempList1, 3, 1);
appendElement(tempList1, 9, 8);
appendElement(tempList1, 5, 17);
//Step2. Initialize the second Polynomial.
LinkList tempList2 = initLinkList();
appendElement(tempList2, 8, 1);
appendElement(tempList2, 22, 7);
appendElement(tempList2, -9, 10);
//Step3. Add them to the first.
add(tempList1, tempList2);
printf("The result is: ");
}//of additionTest2
* The entance.
int main(){
return 0;
}//of main
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