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原创 WPF

WPF trial: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/ws/wpf/index.html?S_TACT=105AGX28&S_CMP=DLMAIN http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/pfwiki.nsf RAD + web service WPF + web service WPF + LO...

2009-02-25 22:01:02 102

原创 Eclipse + Java SE 6 快速建立web service

from [url]https://www6.software.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/education/webservices/ws-eclipse-javase1/section2.html[/url] 1. new Java Project make sure JRE is JAVA SE 6 2. create POJO [c...

2009-02-23 20:55:15 97

原创 应用集成

1. JAX-RPC AXIS 1实现了这种RPC的方式,基于SOAP,WSDL. AXIS 1是web service的一种实现方式? AXIS 2采用了JAX-WS 2. websphere SOA的三个概念有: WPS(Websphere Process Server,这个我开始老是搞错,以为是portal server); ESB; WSRR(Websphere...

2009-02-22 21:12:24 99

原创 Hibernate Cache

1. get/load区别 如果记录存在,get返回对象(或代理对象);否则返回null。 如果记录存在,load返回对象;否则返回 NotObjectFoundException 2.hibernate Cache 2.1 一级缓存,在当前session内 2.2 Query Cache Cache queries and results. 方法: 1. 在hib...

2009-02-21 20:33:51 77

原创 Precurement Management

Precurement Management(采购) 1. Plan Purchases and Acquisitions process Input: Work Breakdown Structure WBS Dictionary Project Scope Statement Project Management Plan Enterprise Environmen...

2009-02-09 07:47:43 107

原创 Risk Management

Risk Management 1. Risk Management Planning Input: Organizational Process Assets Enterprise Enviromental Factors Project Management Plan Project Scope Statement Tools:Planning Meetin...

2009-02-09 07:45:34 232

原创 Communication Management

Communications Management 1. Communications Requirements Analysis input:Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Project Scope Statement Project Management Plan outpu...

2009-02-09 07:45:00 153

原创 Human Resource Management

1. Human Resource Planning input: Enterprise Environmental Factors: company's culture and structure,common languages,technical disciplines Organizational Process Assets: templates and lesso...

2009-02-09 07:44:27 196

原创 Quality Management

1. Quality Planning input: Organizational Process Assets Enterprise Environmental Factors Project Management Plan Project Scope statement tools: Cost benefit analysis Benchmarking ...

2009-02-09 07:43:35 144

原创 Cost Management

1. Cost Estimationg process input: Scope Statement WBS WBS Dictionary Project Management Plan Organization Process Assets Enterprise Environmental Factors tools: Bottom-up estimating...

2009-02-09 07:42:37 174

原创 Time Management - Schedule Development Process

Schedule Development Process It is the core of time management. it's the process where you put it all together. input: Resource Calendar/Network Diagram/Activity List/Activity Attributes/Activ...

2009-02-09 07:41:35 162

原创 Time Management

Time Management Time Management is all about breaking the work down into activities, so you can put them in order and come up with estimates for each of them. 1. Activity Definition process di...

2009-02-09 07:39:43 417

原创 Scope Management

Scope management means figuring out what's out of scope, not just what's part of scope. five scope management processes: 1. scope planning output: scope management plan 2. scope definition...

2009-02-09 07:38:35 370

原创 PMBOK 学习笔记

PMBOK(Project Management Body of Knowledge)PMBOK Guide divides into 44 processes that fall into 5 process groups. 5 process groups are: Initiating: Develop Project Charter,Develop Preliminary Scop...

2009-02-09 07:36:22 587

原创 设计原则

SOLID 1. SRP A Single Responsibility Principle A class should have one, and only one, reason to change. 2. OCP A module should be open for extension but closed for modification. p...

2009-02-09 07:23:55 79



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