微软2016校园招聘笔试(第一场) Professor Q's Software & Recruitment



Professor Q's Software 


#1136 : Professor Q's Software

时间限制: 10000ms
单点时限: 1000ms
内存限制: 256MB


Professor Q develops a new software. The software consists of N modules which are numbered from 1 to N. The i-th module will be started up by signal Si. If signal Si is generated multiple times, the i-th module will also be started multiple times. Two different modules may be started up by the same signal. During its lifecircle, the i-th module will generate Ki signals: E1, E2, ..., EKi. These signals may start up other modules and so on. Fortunately the software is so carefully designed that there is no loop in the starting chain of modules, which means eventually all the modules will be stoped. Professor Q generates some initial signals and want to know how many times each module is started.


The first line contains an integer T, the number of test cases. T test cases follows.

For each test case, the first line contains contains two numbers N and M, indicating the number of modules and number of signals that Professor Q generates initially.

The second line contains M integers, indicating the signals that Professor Q generates initially.

Line 3~N + 2, each line describes an module, following the format S, K, E1, E2, ... , EK. S represents the signal that start up this module. K represents the total amount of signals that are generated during the lifecircle of this module. And E1 ... EK are these signals.

For 20% data, all N, M <= 10
For 40% data, all N, M <= 103
For 100% data, all 1 <= T <= 5, N, M <= 105, 0 <= K <= 3, 0 <= S, E <= 105.

Hint: HUGE input in this problem. Fast IO such as scanf and BufferedReader are recommended.


For each test case, output a line with N numbers Ans1, Ans2, ... , AnsN. Ansi is the number of times that the i-th module is started. In case the answers may be too large, output the answers modulo 142857 (the remainder of division by 142857).

3 2
123 256
123 2 456 256
456 3 666 111 256
256 1 90
3 1
100 2 200 200
200 1 300
200 0
5 1
1 2 2 3
2 2 3 4
3 2 4 5
4 2 5 6
5 2 6 7
1 1 3
1 2 2
1 1 2 3 5






#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;

const int MOD = 142857;
const int M = 100020;
int sig[M], idx[M];
bool vis[M];
vector<int> module[M];
stack<int> stk;
bool dfs(int now) {//dfs
    vis[now] = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < module[now].size(); i++) {
        if(vis[module[now][i]] == -1) return false;
        else if(vis[module[now][i]] == 0) {
    vis[now] = 1;
    return true;
bool toposort() {//拓扑排序
    memset(vis, 0, sizeof vis);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        if(vis[i] == 0) {
            if(dfs(i) == false) return false;
    return true;
main() {
    int T;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    while(T--) {
        memset(sig, 0, sizeof sig);
        int n, m;
        scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) module[i].clear();
        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            int a;
            scanf("%d", &a);
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int signal, p;
            scanf("%d %d", &signal, &p);
            idx[i] = signal;
            for(int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
                int a;
                scanf("%d", &a);
        if(toposort()) {//dp
            while(!stk.empty()) {
                int signal = stk.top();
                for(int i = 0; i < module[signal].size(); i++) {
                    sig[module[signal][i]] += sig[signal];
                    sig[module[signal][i]] %= MOD;
        printf("%d", sig[idx[0]]);
        for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
            printf(" %d", sig[idx[i]]);

#1137 : Recruitment

时间限制: 10000ms
单点时限: 1000ms
内存限制: 256MB


A company plans to recruit some new employees. There are N candidates (indexed from 1 to N) have taken the recruitment examination. After the examination, the well-estimated ability value as well as the expected salary per year of each candidate is collected by the Human Resource Department.

Now the company need to choose their new employees according to these data. To maximize the company's benefits, some principles should be followed:

1. There should be exactly X males and Y females.

2. The sum of salaries per year of the chosen candidates should not exceed the given budget B.

3. The sum of ability values of the chosen candidates should be maximum, without breaking the previous principles. Based on this, the sum of the salary per year should be minimum.

4. If there are multiple answers, choose the lexicographically smallest one. In other words, you should minimize the smallest index of the chosen candidates; If there are still multiple answers, then minimize the second smallest index; If still multiple answers, then minimize the third smallest one; ...

Your task is to help the company choose the new employees from those candidates.


The first line contains four integers N, X, Y, and B, separated by a single space. The meanings of all these variables are showed in the description above. 1 <= N <= 100, 0 <= X <= N, 0 <= Y <= N, 1 <= X + Y <= N, 1 <= B <= 1000.

Then follows N lines. The i-th line contains the data of the i-th candidate: a character G, and two integers V and S, separated by a single space. G indicates the gender (either "M" for male, or "F" for female), V is the well-estimated ability value and S is the expected salary per year of this candidate. 1 <= V <= 10000, 0 <= S <= 10.

We assure that there is always at least one possible answer.


On the first line, output the sum of ability values and the sum of salaries per year of the chosen candidates, separated by a single space.

On the second line, output the indexes of the chosen candidates in ascending order, separated by a single space.

4 1 1 10
F 2 3
M 7 6
M 3 2
F 9 9
9 9
1 2


做两个dp,dpf[i][j]表示所有女性中选i个,工资为j时的价值,dpm[i][j]表示所有男性中选i个,工资为j时的价值;fidx[i][j][0],i j表示之前的dpf[i][j],0是所有应聘人的前50个,1是后50个,这是个long long数组, 利用位运算来标记对应i j选了哪些人,midx同理。



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int dpf[105][1005], dpm[105][1005];
unsigned long long fidx[105][1005][2];
unsigned long long midx[105][1005][2];
main() {
    int n, male, female, b;
    while(~scanf("%d %d %d %d", &n, &male, &female, &b)) {
        memset(dpf, -1, sizeof dpf);
        memset(dpm, -1, sizeof dpm);
        memset(fidx, 0, sizeof fidx);
        memset(midx, 0, sizeof midx);
        dpf[0][0] = dpm[0][0] = 0;
        int cntm = 0, cntf = 0, sum = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            char str[2];
            int v, c;
            scanf("%s %d %d", str, &v, &c);
            sum += c;
            sum = min(sum, b);
            if(str[0] == 'F') {
                cntf = min(cntf, female);
                for(int j = cntf; j >= 1; j--) {//dp女性
                    for(int k = sum; k >= c; k--){
                        if(dpf[j - 1][k - c] < 0) continue;
                        if(dpf[j - 1][k - c] + v > dpf[j][k]) {
                            dpf[j][k] = dpf[j - 1][k - c] + v;
                            fidx[j][k][0] = fidx[j - 1][k - c][0], fidx[j][k][1] = fidx[j - 1][k - c][1];
                            if(i - 1 < 50) fidx[j][k][0] |= 1LL << (i - 1);
                            else fidx[j][k][1] |= 1LL << (i - 1 - 50);
                        //    printf("dpf %d %d %d %d %d\n", j, k, i, fidx[j][k][0], fidx[j][k][1]);
            else {
                cntm = min(cntm, male);
                for(int j = cntm; j >= 1; j--) {//dp男性
                    for(int k = sum; k >= c; k--){
                        if(dpm[j - 1][k - c] < 0) continue;
                        if(dpm[j - 1][k - c] + v > dpm[j][k]) {
                            dpm[j][k] = dpm[j - 1][k - c] + v;
                            midx[j][k][0] = midx[j - 1][k - c][0], midx[j][k][1] = midx[j - 1][k - c][1];
                            if(i - 1< 50) midx[j][k][0] |= 1LL << (i - 1);
                            else midx[j][k][1] |= 1LL << (i - 1 - 50);
                          //  printf("dpf %d %d %d %I64u %0x\n", j, k, i, midx[j][k][0], midx[j][k][1]);
        int ansv = -1, ansc = 0;
        unsigned long long idx[2] = {0};
        for(int i = 0; i <= b; i++) {//男女匹配,选取最符合题意的组合
           if(dpf[female][i] == -1) continue;
            for(int j = 0; j <= b - i; j++) {
                if(dpm[male][j] == -1) continue;
                if(dpf[female][i] + dpm[male][j] > ansv) {
                    ansv = dpf[female][i] + dpm[male][j];
                    ansc = i + j;
                    idx[0] = fidx[female][i][0] | midx[male][j][0];
                    idx[1] = fidx[female][i][1] | midx[male][j][1];
                else if(dpf[female][i] + dpm[male][j] == ansv && ansc > i + j) {
                    ansc = i + j;
                    idx[0] = fidx[female][i][0] | midx[male][j][0];
                    idx[1] = fidx[female][i][1] | midx[male][j][1];
                else if(dpf[female][i] + dpm[male][j] == ansv && ansc == i + j) {
                    int idx0 = fidx[female][i][0] | midx[male][j][0];
                    int idx1 = fidx[female][i][1] | midx[male][j][1];
                    if(idx[0] > idx0) {
                        idx[0] = idx0, idx[1] = idx1;
                    else if(idx[0] == idx[0] && idx[1] > idx1) {
                        idx[0] = idx0, idx[1] = idx1;
        printf("%d %d\n", ansv, ansc);
//        printf("%I64u %0x\n", idx[0], idx[1]);
        bool flag = false;
        for(int i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
            if(idx[0] & 1) {
                if(flag) printf(" ");
                flag = true;
                printf("%d", i);
            idx[0] >>= 1;
        for(int i = 51; i <= 100; i++) {
            if(idx[1] & 1) {
                if(flag) printf(" ");
                flag = true;
                printf("%d", i);
            idx[1] >>= 1;

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  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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