How TO Configure ActiveReport In IIS6 And IIS7

Setting ActiveReport Configuration For IIS6 And IIS7

      Reason For Writing Down This Article

      There are many documents on the web talk about how to setting in IIS6.but rarely for IIS7. A few days ago,I have the Windows Server 2008 Installed.of cause,the iis version is 7 not 6.Then I try to do the same thing as the many website tells me.but still can not bring it to work properly.after many trys,I finally found out what is the problem.So I wrote it down.maybe will help some people that meets the same problem as me.


      Configure ActiveReport Setting for IIS6:

      As we all known.In the IIS6,We have to Add Application Mapping to deal with the specific ActiveReport filetype:

            1. Right click on your website(or virtual directory),select "property"

            2. Press the button "Config..." to show the application configuration page.

            3. Search for .aspx Item in the application extension listview of Mapping "Edit..." button,and copy the executable file path.

            4. Close the edit page,Press "Add..." button to Open the New Mapping Window.

            5. Enter the following infomation:

                        Paste the filepath we  have copied in the 3 step into Excutable file textbox

                        Extension Name:.rpx

             6. Press OK.

             7. Repeat to add .ActiveReport And .ArCacheItem Extension Mapping,But for this two types,Unckeck the Confirm File Exists checkbox in the New Mapping Window.

             8. Restart the IIS.(or restart the application pool)


      After doing this,you web application should be ok for ActiveReport to work.


      Configure ActiveReport Setting for IIS7:

      There is a liitle difference in IIS7.

1. In the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, then Internet Information Services Manager.
2. In the Internet Information Services window that appears, expand the tree view in the left pane until you 3. see the Web application you need to configure.
4. Select the node for your application. The Features View pane is displayed.
5. Double-click Handler Mappings in the Features View pane.

6. On the Action pane,Click "Add Managed Handler..."

7. Enter the following infomation:

Request Path: *.RPX


Name:ActiveReport RPX Handler

8. Press "Request Restrictions..." Button

        Make sure the"Invoke handler only if request is mapped to:" check box is not selected

        In the Verbs tab,Select One of the following verbs and enter "GET"

        Press OK

9. Press OK to finish.

10. Repeat to Add the ActiveReport And ArCacheItem:

Request Path: *.ActiveReport


Name:ActiveReport ActiveReports Compiled Report Handler


Request Path: *.ArCacheItem


Name:ActiveReports WebCache Handler


It should be OK now.

Do a notice for step 6.That's what I am still confuse.when I search for solution for this problem.I got the answer is Press "Add Script Map...".And the Enter information is just like in the IIS6 configuration.But it did not work.


Additional Information for Configuration

If you open the Web.Config file after configurating this,you will find some configuration infomation have been put into this file in the <System.WebServer part>:

      <add name="ActiveReports RPX Handler" path="*.rpx" verb="GET" type="DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.Handlers.RpxHandler" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />
      <add name="ActiveReports WebCache Handler" path="*.ArCacheItem" verb="GET" type="DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.Handlers.WebCacheAccessHandler" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />
      <add name="ActiveReports Compiled Report Handler" path="*.ActiveReport" verb="GET" type="DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.Handlers.CompiledReportHandler" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />

So you can just put this above information to the web.config file for configuration, and you do not need to manually configure the IIS7 mapping.


But this will not work for IIS6,you must manually add the mapping for IIS6.and it will not add this infomation to the web.config file.


Of cause the HttpHandler section in Web.Config file must be set both at IIS6 and IIS7:


       add path="*.rpx" verb="*" type="DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.Handlers.RpxHandler, ActiveReports.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff" />
       add path="*.ActiveReport" verb="*" type="DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.Handlers.CompiledReportHandler, ActiveReports.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=CC4967777C49A3FF" />
       add path="*.ArCacheItem" verb="*" type="DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.Handlers.WebCacheAccessHandler, ActiveReports.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff" />



        Change the version value to match the version installed on your machine.

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