Introduction to DCOM/RPC

Distributed Component Object Model\Remote Procedure Call

The security that Windows XP SP2 applies to DCOM and RPCs prevents many network-based exploits that target these services. Therefore, careful consideration is required before changing security settings that affect network communications.

Distributed Component Object Model

Windows XP SP2 applies DCOM security to the COM server component to prevent anonymous access. The permissions are split into two ACLs:

  • Launch and Activate Permissions

  • Access Permissions

The system-wide ACLs are located in the Component Services management console, under My Computer Properties. Figure 3.20 shows this dialog box, which allows configuration of computer wide and default application DCOM security.

Figure 3.20 DCOM security configuration interface for setting the system-wide configuration

Figure 3.20 DCOM security configuration interface for setting the system-wide configuration

There are two ACLs for each permission type:

  • Edit Limits. Sets computer wide permissions.

  • Edit Default. Defines default application permissions. An administrator can then accept the default application permissions for each separate COM application or customize permissions individually. These permissions can be configured in the specific application properties in the COM services management console.

Figure 3.21 shows the DCOM security configuration interface for a specific application.

Figure 3.21 DCOM security interface for the IIS Admin Service

Figure 3.21 DCOM security interface for the IIS Admin Service

Computer-wide ACLs are stored in the registry at:

\Ole \MachineAccessRestriction= ACL


\Ole \MachineLaunchRestriction= ACL

Computer-wide restrictions permission settings can be pushed through Group Policy. You can use Active Directory Group Policy to configure computer-wide settings using the following path:

Windows Settings\Security Settings
\Local Policies\Security Options

Figure 3.22 shows Group Policy settings for DCOM Machine Access permissions configuration.

Figure 3.22 Using Group Policy to set computer wide DCOM configuration

Figure 3.22 Using Group Policy to set computer wide DCOM configuration

When Group Policy is in effect on a computer, it is honored and the local machine computer-wide restriction permission is ignored.

Configuration of the DCOM ACL creates a new security descriptor in the registry.

If you implement a COM server and expect to support remote activation by a non-administrative COM client or remote unauthenticated calls, you should initially consider whether this is the best configuration. If so, you need to change the default DCOM configuration for computer-wide limits (Edit Limits).

If you implement a COM server and override the default security settings, you should confirm that the application-specific Launch permission ACL grants Activation permission to appropriate users. If it does not, you need to change your application-specific Launch permission ACL to give activation rights to the appropriate users, so that applications and Windows components that use DCOM do not fail.

Caution: If these computer-wide restriction permissions are used incorrectly, it can cause applications and Windows components that use DCOM to fail.

The Deny access control entry (ACE) should be used judiciously. You should carefully assess its implications before you apply it. A Deny ACE could result in unintended results and may lock users out of certain functionality to which they need access. Depending on the security group for which you set the Deny ACE, this restriction could affect administrators on the local computer.

DCOM applications can also be exempted from activation security checks by editing the registry at:


Add a value with a value name of the application ID taken from the DCOM Config section of the Component Services MMC, and a value data of:

0 The application is not exempt from the activation security check

1 The application is exempt from the activation security check

Configure this list using Group Policy at:

Administrative Templates\System\Distributed COM
\Application Compatibility Settings
Remote Procedure Call

Windows XP SP2 provides developers and administrators the ability to secure RPC communications through the following settings:

RestrictRemoteClients registry key. The path to the key may not already exist but should be created at

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Policies\ Microsoft\Windows NT\RPC.

The RestrictRemoteClients registry value accepts three values:

0 – Bypasses the new interface restrictions. Behavior is the same as Service 
Pack 1.

1 – (Default) Restricts access to all RPC interfaces. All remote anonymous calls are rejected by the RPC runtime. If an interface registers a security callback and provides the RPC_IF_ALLOW_CALLBACKS_WITH_NO_AUTH flag, this restriction does not apply to that interface. If the key does not exist (default), the system assumes this value for the key.

2 – Imposes the new interface restrictions without exemptions. This is the same as a value of 1, except that the RPC_IF_ALLOW_CALLBACKS_WITH_NO_AUTH flag does not result in exempting an interface. With this value, a system cannot receive remote anonymous calls using RPC. Applications that use DCOM might not work correctly if this value is set. This new security model allows an administrator to limit the system attack surface for the RPC protocol.

EnableAuthEpResolution registry key. The path to this key may not already exist but should be located at

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Policies \Microsoft\Windows NT\RPC.

This value must be set on the client to enable authenticated communication with the RPC Endpoint Mapper on the remote computer running Windows XP SP2. This configuration is required with the Windows XP SP2 default setting of RestrictRemoteClients. The allowed values for EnableAuthEpResolution are:

0 – Disabled

1 – Enabled

RPC interface registration flags. Three new interface registration flags have been created, which make it easier for an application developer to secure an RPC interface.

RPC_IF_ALLOW_CALLBACKS_WITH_NO_AUTH. When this flag is registered, the RPC runtime invokes the registered security callback for all calls, regardless of the call security settings. Without this flag, RPC rejects all unauthenticated calls before they reach the security callback. This flag works only when a security callback is registered.

RPC_IF_SEC_NO_CACHE A security callback is registered for an interface to restrict access to that interface. The typical security callback impersonates the client to determine if the client has sufficient rights to make a call to the interface. If a particular client identity passes a security callback once, it usually passes the same security callback every time. The RPC runtime takes advantage of this pattern by remembering when an individual client identity passes a security callback and skips the security callback for subsequent calls by that client to the same interface. This feature is called security callback caching and has existed since Windows 2000. For Windows XP SP2, use the RPC_IF_SEC_NO_CACHE flag to disable security callback caching for a given interface. This configuration is useful if the security check might change, possibly rejecting a client identity that was previously permitted.

RPC_IF_LOCAL_ONLY. When an interface is registered with this flag, RPC rejects calls made by remote RPC clients. In addition, local calls over all ncadg_*protocol sequences and all ncacn_* protocol sequences (except for named pipes, using ncacn_np) are also rejected. If a call is made on ncacn_np, RPC allows the call only if it comes from Server Service. Ncalrpc calls are always allowed through.

The default security configurations in Windows XP SP2 may cause some compatibility issues. The following three options are available to resolve these issues. These options are listed in order of preference.

  • Require your RPC clients to use RPC security when contacting your server application. This is the best method to mitigate security threats.

  • Exempt your interface from requiring authentication by setting the RPC_IF_ALLOW_CALLBACKS_WITH_NO_AUTH flag during interface registration. This configures RPC to allow anonymous connections only to the interface of your application.

  • Force RPC to exhibit the same behavior as earlier versions of Windows by setting the RestrictRemoteClients registry key to “0”. RPC then accepts anonymous connections to all interfaces. This option should be avoided if possible because it reduces the overall security of the computer.

To view additional information regarding this technology in this guide, click the following links:

Introduction to DCOM/RPC

Application Compatibility Testing for DCOM/RPC

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### 回答1: dcomrpc.xpn是一款常用的插件,可以用于进行远程过程调用(RPC)功能。该插件由网络安全公司开发,主要用于网络安全审计和漏洞扫描等方面的工作。 要下载dcomrpc.xpn插件,首先你可以在网络安全相关的网站或者论坛上进行搜索,寻找可信赖的下载源。确保下载的文件来源可靠性,以免下载到包含恶意代码的文件。 在找到可信赖的下载源后,点击下载链接即可开始下载dcomrpc.xpn插件。下载完成后,你可以使用解压软件将文件解压缩到你想安装的位置。然后,根据你使用的软件或操作系统的需求,将解压后的文件复制到相应的插件目录中。 安装完成后,你可能需要重新启动你的操作系统或者你使用的软件,以使插件生效。随后,你就可以在你的网络安全工具中使用dcomrpc.xpn插件了。你可以根据自己的需求和功能使用,如进行远程过程调用、审计和扫描等操作。 最后要提醒的是,确保你从可靠的来源下载的插件版本是最新的,并将其保持更新。这样可以确保插件的功能和安全性得到最大化的提升,并避免可能存在的漏洞和安全风险。 ### 回答2: dcomrpc.xpn插件是一款用于进行远程过程调用的工具,可以帮助开发者在网络上进行分布式计算和通信。在下载该插件之前,需要先确定其可信度和安全性,以确保下载和使用的插件没有恶意程序。 要下载dcomrpc.xpn插件,可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 在网络上搜索dcomrpc.xpn插件的官方网站或可信的下载渠道。 2. 进入官方网站或下载渠道,查找插件的下载链接或按钮。 3. 点击下载链接或按钮,开始下载dcomrpc.xpn插件的安装文件。 4. 下载完成后,双击打开安装文件进行安装。根据安装向导的指引,选择安装路径和其他相关设置。 5. 完成安装后,dcomrpc.xpn插件就可以在相关的开发工具或软件中使用了。 在下载dcomrpc.xpn插件时,要注意以下几点: 1. 确保下载插件的网站或渠道可信,避免从不明来源下载插件,以防止恶意软件感染。 2. 检查插件的版本号和适用软件版本的兼容性,确保下载的插件可以与相应的开发工具或软件兼容。 3. 在安装插件之前,最好备份相关的项目和数据,以防止安装过程中出现意外导致的数据丢失。 总之,根据官方渠道下载dcomrpc.xpn插件,并确保插件的安全性和兼容性,才能有效地使用和享受其提供的远程过程调用功能。




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