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转载 0817: DSL

<br />什么是ADSL<br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> 什么是ADSL技术? <br />    ADSL技术是一种不对称数字用户线实现宽带接入互连网的技术,ADSL作为一种传输层的技术,充分利用现有的铜线资源,在一对双绞线上提供上行640kbps下行8Mbps的带宽,从而克服了传统用户在"最后一公里"的"瓶颈",实现了真正意义上的宽带接入。 <br />ADSL的原理:<br />    传统的电话系统使用的是铜线的低频部分(4kHz以下频段)。而ADSL采用DMT(离散多音频

2010-08-17 20:13:00 503

转载 0816:TG, SG, CPE

<br />Trunk Gateway<br />  翻译过来就是中继网关。   TG作用于VOIP网络,将模拟信号与数字信号相互转换。   具体工作原理如下:   软交换VOIP网络--TG--PSTN,当用户通过VOIP系统与PSTN网络通信时,在IP网络上传输的是数字信号包,即PACKET(包),由于PSTN网络不能识别这种包,PSTN只能识别电路交换,所以TG将这些包转换成电路交换能识别的电气信号(模拟信号)。   反过来,当PSTN与IP网络通信时,IP网络只能识别包,那么TG就将PSTN网络模拟

2010-08-16 07:48:00 1035

原创 0815,ODN衰减

<br />总衰减 = Af*L + n*As + Aa*x + Aw*y<br />As, loss of splitter;   Aa: connection, Aw: loss of wdm mode

2010-08-15 23:15:00 598

原创 EPON接入系特点

<br />EPON接入系统具有如下特点:<br />Ø 局端(OLT)与用户(ONU)之间仅有光纤、光分路器等光无源器件,无需租用机房、无需配备电源、无需有源设备维护人员,因此,可有效节省建设和运营维护成本;<br />Ø EPON采用以太网的传输格式同时也是用户局域网/驻地网的主流技术,二者具有天然的融合性,消除了复杂的传输协议转换带来的成本因素;<br />Ø 采用单纤波分复用技术(下行1490nm,上行1310nm),仅需一根主干光纤和一个OLT,传输距离可达20公里。在ONU侧通过光分路器分送给最

2010-08-11 22:55:00 694

原创 0810问题解答:PBX,SDH,DSLAM,MSAN

<br />Private Branch Exchange用户交换机,也称为程控交换机,完成企业内部之间以及与公共电信网络的电话交换,并将电话,传真,调制解调器等功能合并<br /> <br />SDH(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy,同步数字系列) SDH是一种将复接、线路传输及交换功能融为一体、并由统一网管系统操作的综合信息传送网络<br /> <br />DSLAM是Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer的简称,中文称呼数字用户

2010-08-10 22:54:00 1857

原创 0809今日问题解答:OLT,接入网关的容量,TISPAN, SIGTRAN

<br />OLT: optical line terminal(光缆终端设备),用於连接光纤干线的终端设备。<br />OLT功能<br />1、向ONU以广播方式发送以太网数据;<br />2、发起并控制测距过程,并记录测距信息;<br />3、为ONU分配带宽;即控制ONU发关数据的起始时间和发送窗口大小.<br /> <br />ONU (Optical Network Unit) 光节点。<br />一般把装有包括光接收机、上行光发射机、多个桥接放大器网络监控的设备叫做光节点。<br />ONU功

2010-08-09 23:02:00 1053

原创 0203 朴素的模式匹配,改进

改进一下昨天的代码,int strstr_basic(char* str, char* pattern){    char *s = NULL;    char *p = NULL;    int i = 0;    int lenStr = 0;    int lenPattern = 0;     if (NULL == str || NULL == p

2010-02-03 23:26:00 670 2

原创 0202 不借助strlen的基本字符串匹配算法

int str_str(char* s, char* pattern){    /* 1, define and init */    int sCnt = 0;    int ptnCnt = 0;    char *ps = s;    char *pp = pattern;     if (NULL == s || NULL == pattern)  

2010-02-02 22:43:00 494

原创 0201 链表操作的分解

所有对链表的操作都是由最基本的几种操作进行组合:当前节点强制使用p指,当前节点的前驱q,当前节点的后驱r,强制使用这种模式,形成范式。1,摘下一个节点q->next = p->next; p被摘下; 2,将pNew插入到p的位置pNew->next = p;q->next = pNew;q = q->next; 3, 复位保持q是p的前驱,不要乱了阵

2010-02-01 22:03:00 586

原创 0131 链表排序

typedef struct node{    int data;    struct node* pNext;}Node; Node * SortLinkList (Node * pHead);  Node* SortLinkList(Node *pHead){    /* 1, defines and initialize */    Nod

2010-01-31 23:31:00 427

翻译 0125-0130 register

0130 Discovering a Registrar   UAs can use three ways to determine the address to which to send   registrations:  by configuration, using the address-of-record, and   multicast.  A UA can be con

2010-01-30 14:05:00 504

原创 0120 Adding Bindings

   The REGISTER request sent to a registrar includes the contact   address(es) to which SIP requests for the address-of-record should be   forwarded.  The address-of-record is included in the To

2010-01-20 22:41:00 404

翻译 0119 Constructing the REGISTER Request

   REGISTER requests add, remove, and query bindings.  A REGISTER   request can add a new binding between an address-of-record and one or   more contact addresses.  Registration on behalf of a p

2010-01-19 22:16:00 518

翻译 0118 Registrations2

There are many ways by which the contents of the location service can   be established.  One way is administratively.  In the above example,   Bob is known to be a member of the engineering depa

2010-01-18 21:48:00 440

翻译 Registrations

0117 Registrations1 Overview   SIP offers a discovery capability.  If a user wants to initiate a   session with another user, SIP must discover the current host(s) at   which the destination u

2010-01-17 22:25:00 557

翻译 0112-0115

0115 Client Behavior2Note that both the transaction corresponding to the original request   and the CANCEL transaction will complete independently.  However, a   UAC canceling a request cannot r

2010-01-15 20:38:00 728

翻译 0111 Redirect Servers

    In some architectures it may be desirable to reduce the processing   load on proxy servers that are responsible for routing requests, and   improve signaling path robustness, by relying on r

2010-01-11 20:26:00 464

翻译 0110 Stateless UAS Behavior

A stateless UAS is a UAS that does not maintain transaction state.   It replies to requests normally, but discards any state that would   ordinarily be retained by a UAS after a response has bee

2010-01-11 20:23:00 496

翻译 0109 Headers and Tags

   The From field of the response MUST equal the From header field of   the request.  The Call-ID header field of the response MUST equal the   Call-ID header field of the request.  The CSeq hea

2010-01-11 19:19:00 347

翻译 0108 Generating the Response

    When a UAS wishes to construct a response to a request, it follows   the general procedures detailed in the following subsections.   Additional behaviors specific to the response code in que

2010-01-11 19:18:00 409

翻译 0107 UAS Applying Extensions

   A UAS that wishes to apply some extension when generating the   response MUST NOT do so unless support for that extension is   indicated in the Supported header field in the request.  If the

2010-01-07 23:14:00 322

翻译 0106 Content Processing

 Assuming the UAS understands any extensions required by the client,   the UAS examines the body of the message, and the header fields that   describe it.  If there are any bodies whose type (in

2010-01-06 23:33:00 314

翻译 0105 Require

Assuming the UAS decides that it is the proper element to process the   request, it examines the Require header field, if present.    The Require header field is used by a UAC to tell a UAS ab

2010-01-05 23:34:00 369

翻译 0104 Merged Requests

     If the request has no tag in the To header field, the UAS core MUST   check the request against ongoing transactions.  If the From tag,   Call-ID, and CSeq exactly match those associated

2010-01-04 22:29:00 565

翻译 0103 Processing 4xx Responses

    Certain 4xx response codes require specific UA processing,   independent of the method.   If a 401 (Unauthorized) or 407 (Proxy Authentication Required)   response is received, the UAC SHO

2010-01-03 22:20:00 327

翻译 0102 Processing 3xx Responses

 Any new request may receive 3xx responses themselves containing      the original URI as a contact.  Two locations can be configured to      redirect to each other.  Placing any given URI in th

2010-01-02 22:38:00 348

翻译 0101 Processing Responses

Responses are first processed by the transport layer and then passed   up to the transaction layer.  The transaction layer performs its   processing and then passes the response up to the TU.  T

2010-01-01 21:32:00 324

翻译 1231 Sending the Request

Local policy MAY specify an alternate set of destinations to attempt.   If the Request-URI contains a SIPS URI, any alternate destinations   MUST be contacted with TLS.  Beyond that, there are n

2009-12-31 22:33:00 332

翻译 1230 Via

xThe Via header field indicates the transport used for the transaction   and identifies the location where the response is to be sent.  A Via   header field value is added only after the transpo

2009-12-30 23:07:00 344

翻译 1229 Call-ID

The Call-ID header field acts as a unique identifier to group   together a series of messages.  It MUST be the same for all requests   and responses sent by either UA in a dialog.  It SHOULD be

2009-12-29 21:34:00 734

翻译 1228 Generating the Request

   A valid SIP request formulated by a UAC MUST, at a minimum, contain   the following header fields: To, From, CSeq, Call-ID, Max-Forwards,   and Via; all of these header fields are mandatory i

2009-12-28 22:48:00 297

翻译 1227 Status-Line,Header

 Status-Line  =  SIP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF例如:        SIP/2.0       200          OK header  =  "header-name" HCOLON header-value *(COMMA header-value)例如:From: Alice ;

2009-12-27 22:30:00 336

翻译 1226 SIP Messages

 Both types of messages consist of a start-line, one or more header fields, an   empty line indicating the end of the header fields, and an optional   message-body.          generic-message 

2009-12-27 00:15:00 347

翻译 1225 TU layer

saction layer is called the transaction user   (TU).  Each of the SIP entities, except the stateless proxy, is a   transaction user.  When a TU wishes to send a request, it creates a   client

2009-12-25 22:46:00 326

翻译 1224 Structure of the Protocol

    SIP is structured as a layered protocol, which means that its   behavior is described in terms of a set of fairly independent   processing stages with only a loose coupling between each stag

2009-12-24 22:54:00 251

翻译 1223 REGISTER01

No ACK is sent - an ACK is only sent in response to a response to an INVITE requestRegistration is another common operation in SIP.  Registration is one   way that the biloxi.com server can lear

2009-12-23 23:07:00 437

翻译 1222 sending a re-INVITE to change the session

The other party sends a 200 (OK) to accept the change.   The requestor responds to the 200 (OK) with an ACK.  If the other   party does not accept the change, he sends an error response such as

2009-12-22 22:59:00 381

翻译 1221 Additional Via

 Before forwarding the request,   the atlanta.com proxy server adds an additional Via header field   value that contains its own address (the INVITE already contains   Alices address in the f

2009-12-21 23:03:00 334

翻译 1220 SIP is not a vertically integrated communications system.

 SIP is rather a component that can be used with other IETF protocols to   build a complete multimedia architecture.  Typically, these   architectures will include protocols such as the Real-tim

2009-12-20 22:42:00 331

原创 1219 Response Codes 01

486 忙The callees end system was contacted successfully, but the callee is   currently not willing or able to take additional calls at this end   system.  The response MAY indicate a better ti

2009-12-19 22:36:00 351



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