[原创] 自动化测试框架设计参考准则 - Guidelines for Automation framework design

Guidelines for Automation framework design

原作者: Tarun Lalwani
译者:Jenvee, Jeff, Wally

原文地址:http://knowledgeinbox.com/articl ... n-framework-design/



1.        自动化测试框架的类型 – 目前普遍存在的框架有以下几种:
o        数据驱动框架 – 当测试对象流程固定不变(仅仅数据发生变化),可以使用这种测试框架。测试数据是由外部提供的,比如说Excel表、XML等等
o        关键字驱动框架 – 这种自动化测试框架提供了一些通用的关键字,这些关键字适用于各种类型的系统。它还为自动化测试工具和被测系统提供了抽象性。举个例子,它可以使用相同的测试用例来测试类似的Web和Windows系统。
o        混合型的框架 – 混合型自动化测试框架同时具有数据驱动型和关键字驱动型框架的优点。这种测试框架不但具有通用的关键字,还有基于被测系统业务逻辑的关键字。例如“登录”、“退出”是可以被使用的仅局限于某系统的关键字。
2.        不要过分的改造 – 自动化测试框架应该尽可能的使自动化测试工具发挥它自己强大的功能,而不是通过实现新的关键字来重新定义整套语言。开发一套关键字驱动的自动化测试框架的代价是很大的而且非常耗时。开发一套混合型的自动化测试框架的代价就相对较小而且开发周期短。
3.        可重用性 – 测试框架应该尽最大可能提高可重用性。把单独的Action组合成业务逻辑可以提供可重用性。举个例子,可以把类似于“输入用户名”、“输入密码”和“点击登录”这些Action组合成一个可被重用的模块:“登录”
4.        支持系统的不同版本 – 自动化测试框架应该允许重复使用基线化脚本,这样可以保证这份脚本能被用来对被测系统的多个版本进行测试。对不同系统的支持有两种方式:
o        复制和修改 – 这种方法包含了新建基线脚本的一个拷贝、修改这份拷贝用以测试特定版本的项目。
o        重用和升级 – 这种方法包含了重用基线脚本、提供一个此脚本的升级和优化用以测试特定版本的项目。这样做可以最大化的保障可重用性,这也是推荐的方法。
5.        支持脚本版本化 – 测试脚本应该被储存在类似于CVS、微软的VSS等版本控制工具中。这样做可以保障在灾难发生的时候可以被恢复。
6.        将开发和发布环境分开 – 自动化应当和其它开发项目同等看待。测试脚本应当在一个测试环境下创建和调试。一旦测试脚本测试通过后唯一该做的就是将它部署到发布环境。在紧急发布版本的情况也同样适用这种方法。
7.        外部可配置性 – 脚本的可配置项应当被保存在一个外部文档中。系统的URL、版本、路径等都可以被视作可配置项放在外部文件中。这样做可以使得在不同的环境中都可以执行测试脚本。需要注意的是外部配置文件的路径不要写死,如果把它写死了虽然在任何环境中都还是可以运行脚本,但是每次只能在一个环境运行。配置文件的路径使用相对路径即可解决这个问题。
8.        自身可配置性 – 理想的测试框架应该是自身可配置的。一旦部署到系统中之后应当不需要再做任何手工配置,脚本应当自动配置完成一些必要的设置。
9.        任何对象改动引起的变动应该是最小的 – 自动化过程中最为常见的问题是对象识别的变更。测试框架应该支持可以很容易的来完成这些修改。这可以通过将所有的对象识别设置储存在一个共享文件来实现。这个文件可以是XML文件、Excel文件、数据库或者自动化所特有的格式。这里有两种可能的方式来实现对象识别设置的方式:
o        静态方法 – 这种方法中,所有对象定义都在测试最初被加载到内存中。任何对象定义变更只能通过停止和重新运行测试来实现。
o        动态方法 – 对象定义是通过需求拉动的。这种方式和静态方式比较而言显得较为缓慢。但是对于非常大的脚本而言,并且对象识别需要在运行时做修正的情况下,动态方法是适用的。
10.        测试执行 – 自动化测试框架也许需要满足以下需求(基于实际需求)
o        执行单独的测试用例;
o        批量执行测试用例(一组测试用例);
o        只执行失败的测试用例;
o        可以在前一个(一组)测试用例执行结果的基础上,执行下一个(一组)测试用例;
11.        状态监测 - 一个框架应允许实时监控执行状态,一旦失败能够发出警报。这样可以在出现failure之后迅速反馈。
12.        报表 – 不同的系统对报表有不同的需求,有时候需要一组测试的整体报表,有时候只需要单个测试用例级别的测试执行报表。一个好的测试框架应该有足够的弹性来按需支持不同的报表。
13.        发生更改的时候对测试工具尽量小的依赖性 – 一些测试脚本的更改可能只能在打开测试工具后,在测试工具中进行修改,然后保存。测试脚本应该在没有测试工具的情况下也可以对脚本进行更改。这样的实现可以减少license的购买从而为公司节省开支。这样的实现还可以让所有想去修改脚本的人无需安装测试工具也可以很方便的对脚本进行修改。
14.        方便的调试 – 调试在自动化过程中占据了大量的时间,因此在调试这个过程中需要加以特别的关注。关键字驱动的测试框架因为使用了外部的数据源(比如Excel数据表)去读取脚本中的关键字和测试过程,所以较难调试。
15.        日志 - 生成日志是执行的重要组成部分。在一个测试案例的不同点生成调试信息这是非常重要的。这些信息有助于快速地找到问题的范围,同时缩短了修改时间。
16.        易用性 - 该框架应易于学习和使用。对框架的人员培训费时且昂贵。有一个好文档的框架更容易理解和使用。
17.        灵活性 - 框架应该足够的灵活,以适应任何改进,而不会影响已有的测试案例。
18.        性能的影响 – 框架还应考虑对执行性能的影响。一个复杂的框架会增加脚本的加载或执行时间,这一定不是我们所期望的。像缓存技术,当执行时编译所有代码到单个库中等...只要可能都应该用于性能的改善。
19.        框架支持工具 – 开发一些外部工具来完成任务,这对框架设计会有帮助。这是一些例子:
o        从本地文件夹上传脚本到QC
o        结合库文件到当前打开的脚本
o        同步本地和QC上的脚本文件
20.        编码标准 - 编码标准应确保脚本的一致性,可读性和易于维护。编码标准应包含下列内容:
o        命名规范(变量、子程序、函数、文件名、脚本名称等),例如i_VarName为整数变量, fn_i_FuncName为返回值是整数的函数;
o        库、子程序、函数的头部注释。这应包含,如版本历史,创建者,最后修订者,最后修订日期,说明,参数,示例;
o        对象命名规范。例如txt_FieldName为一个文本框;


1. “框架”的定义        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Framework
2. 选择自动化测试框架        http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/591.html
3. 自动化测试框架http://safsdev.sourceforge.net/F ... ationFrameworks.htm


Guidelines for Automation framework design
Original URL:http://knowledgeinbox.com/articl ... n-framework-design/
Author: Tarun Lalwani


A Framework defines a set of guidelines for all phases of test automation: Requirement Analysis, Script Design, Execution, Reporting and maintenance. A framework can be a wrapper around some complex internal architecture which makes it easy to use for the end user. It also enforces a set of standards for implementation

Problem Statement
There is no standard set of guidelines available on developing a framework and what all considerations need to be taken during the development of the same. There are different white papers which go over types of framework and how they work. But none of them defines what all factors go in to the design of the same
Design guidelines
This paper covers different aspect of a framework and key features it needs to have based on the requirements.
1.        Selection of a framework - Different types of frameworks that exist are:
o        Data Driven framework – Used when flow of the application remains constant, only the data changes. The data is provided by external medium e.g. - excel sheet, XML etc…
o        Keyword driven framework – This framework provides generic keywords that can be used with any type of application. It also provides abstraction from the type of automation tool used and type of being application tested, e.g. - it can test a similar Web and Windows application with the same test case
o        Hybrid framework - A hybrid framework is the one which takes advantages from both Data Driven and keyword driven frameworks. These frameworks do not implement generic keywords but implement business logic keywords based on the application being tested. For ex – Login, Logout could be application specific keyword that can be used.
2.        Don’t reinvent the wheel - A framework should try and use the power of the automation tool rather than re-defining the whole language by implementing new keywords. Developing a keyword driven framework is time consuming and costly. A Hybrid framework can be developed in a shorter time period and with less cost.
3.        Reusability -The framework should allow highest possible reusability. Combining individual actions into business logic provides re-usability. E.g. – Combing actions like “Enter username”, “Enter password” and “Click Login” into one re-usable component “Login”
4.        Support of different application versions -A framework should allow re-use of baselines scripts in case different versions/flavors of an applications are to be tested. There are two different ways to support different applications
o        Copy and Modify – This method involves creating copies of the baseline scripts and modifying them for a specific application version
o        Re-use and Upgrade – This method involves re-using baseline script and providing a upgrade code for specific version of application. This ensures maximum re-usability and should be preferred.
5.        Support of script versioning - Scripts should be stored in a version control system like CVS, Microsoft® VSS etc…This ensures recovery from any disaster.
6.        Different environment for development and production - Automation should be considered as any other development project. Test scripts should be created and debugged in Test environment. Once tested then only should be deployed to the production environment. This holds true for any emergency releases also
7.        Externally Configurable - Configurable items of a script should be kept in an external file. This would contain configuration like Application URL, version, path etc…This allows running the same script against different environment. Ensure that location of the configuration file is not hard coded. Hard coded files would allow running on any environment but only one at a time. Keeping the configuration relative to current test path allows overcoming this limitation
8.        Self configurable - Ideally a framework should be self configurable. Once deployed to a system, no manual configuration changes should be required and scripts should automatically configure the required settings
9.        Minimal changes required for any object changes -Most common issues faced during automation are object identification changes. Framework should be able to patch such changes easily. This can be achieved by storing all object identification settings at a shared location. This could be an external XML file, excel file, database or automation proprietary format. There are two possible way to load this object identification configuration
o        Static – In this all the object definitions are loaded into the memory at the start of the test. Any changes made to object definition can only be loaded by stopping and re-running the test
o        Dynamic –Object definition is pulled as per request. This approach is a bit slow as compared to the static one. But in case of huge scripts where the fix needs to be made at run-time this is suitable.
10.        Execution - Framework might need to cater to below requirements (on need bases)
o        Execution of a individual test case
o        Execution of a test batch (combination of tests)
o        Re-execution of only failed test cases
o        Execution of a test case/test batch based on result of another test case/test batch
There could be many other needs based on the project requirement. A framework might not implement all of them, but should be flexible enough to accommodate such requirements in future
11.        Status monitoring - A framework should allow monitoring the execution status in real time and should be capable of sending alerts in case of failure. This ensures quick turnaround time in event of a failure
12.        Reporting - Different applications have different reporting needs. Some require combined results for a test batch and some require individual level test report for each test case in test batch. The framework should be flexible enough to generate required reports
13.        Minimum dependency on Automation tool for changes - Some fixes can only be made by opening the script in the automation tool and then saving it. Scripts should be developed in such a way that modification is possible even without the unavailability of the automation tool. This deflates company cost by reducing the number of licenses required. It also allows anyone to make changes to the script without having the need to setup the tool
14.        Easy debugging -Debugging takes a lot of time during automation and hence special care needs to be taken for this part. Keyword driven frameworks which use external data source (like a excel spread sheet) to read scripts keywords and process the same are difficult to debug.
15.        Logging - Log generation is important part of execution. It is very important to generate debug information at various points in a test case. This information can help find problem area quickly and reduce the time to make a fix at the same time
16.        Easy to Use - The framework should be easy to learn and use. It is time consuming and costly to train a resource on a framework. A well documented framework is easier to understand and implement
17.        Flexible - Framework should be flexible enough to accommodate any enhancements without impacting existing test cases
18.        Performance impacts - A framework should also consider the performance impacts of the implementation. A complex framework which increases the load time or execution time of scripts is never desirable. Techniques like caching, compiling all code into single library while execution etc… should be used to improve performance whenever possible
19.        Framework Support Tools - External Tools can be developed to perform tasks that help in framework design. Some example tasks would be
o        Uploading scripts from local folder to HP Quality Center
o        Associating library files to currently open scripts
o        Synchronizing local files with HP Quality Center.
20.        Coding Standards - Coding standards ensures scripts that are consistent, readable and easily maintainable. Coding standard should define all the below listed things
o        Naming convention for variables, subs, functions, file names, script names etc… Ex – i_VarName for interger, fn_i_FuncName for function returning interger
o        Library, subs, functions comment header. This should include information like version history, created by, last modified by, last modified date, description, parameters, example
o        Object naming conventions. Ex - txt_FieldName for a text box
Automation should be considered as a development project and not just record and playback of events. Starting automated testing with a good framework ensures low maintenance. Guidelines discussed in this paper can be used as input for developing requirements for a framework.


1. Framework, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Framework
2. Choosing a test automation framework, www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/591.html
3. Test Automation frameworks, http://safsdev.sourceforge.net/F ... ationFrameworks.htm












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