CentOS7 Juno Cinder块重启后 实例起不来 --rescan Exit code: 21


Unexpected error while running command. Command: sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf 
iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78 -p block_node_IP:3260 --rescan 
Exit code: 21 Stdout: u'' Stderr: u'iscsia].

错误代码21表示:ISCSI_ERR_NO_OBJS_FOUND - no records/targets/sessions/portals found to execute operation on,找不到目标对象。而在实例关机状态下,不能卸载挂载的卷。


# tail /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log -n 500 | grep iscsi /*没有发现会话*/

Unexpected error while running command.
Command: sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf 
iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78 -p block_node_IP:3260 --rescan
Exit code: 21
Stdout: u''
Stderr: u'iscsiadm: No session found.
<pre name="code" class="html"><pre name="code" class="html">......

# tail -n 50 /var/log/messages | grep auth /*登陆拒绝*/

Jan 25 14:53:43 compute3 iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
Jan 25 14:57:29 compute3 iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
Jan 25 16:06:40 compute3 iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
Jan 25 17:10:51 compute3 iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
Jan 25 17:17:37 compute3 iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
Jan 25 17:41:02 compute3 iscsiadm: iscsiadm: initiator reported error (24 - iSCSI login failed due to authorization failure)
Jan 25 17:41:02 compute3 iscsiadm: iscsiadm: initiator reported error (24 - iSCSI login failed due to authorization failure)
Jan 25 17:41:03 compute3 iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
Jan 25 17:41:03 compute3 iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target

 # systemctl status iscsid -l /*认证失败*/ 

1月 25 17:17:37 compute3 iscsid[1730]: conn 0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
1月 25 17:17:37 compute3 iscsid[1730]: Connection63:0 to 
[target: iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78, portal: block_node_IP,3260] 
through [iface: default] is shutdown.

1. iqn.2010-10.org.openstack是块节点的iscsi的target标示
2. volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78是块节点上为实例创建的卷名(lvdisplay可以看到)

# iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78 -p block_node_IP:3260 --login /*手工登陆验证*/

Logging in to [iface: default, target: iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78, 
portal: block_node_IP,3260] (multiple)
iscsiadm: Could not login to [iface: default, 
target: iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78, portal: block_node_IP,3260].
iscsiadm: initiator reported error (24 - iSCSI login failed due to authorization failure)
iscsiadm: Could not log into all portals


# tail -n 1000 /var/log/messages | grep auth /*系统日志*/

Jan 25 17:10:50 block1 kernel: iSCSI Initiator Node: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912 is not authorized to access iSCSI target portal group: 1.
Jan 25 17:17:37 block1 kernel: iSCSI Initiator Node: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912 is not authorized to access iSCSI target portal group: 1.
Jan 25 17:41:02 block1 kernel: iSCSI Initiator Node: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912 is not authorized to access iSCSI target portal group: 1.
Jan 25 17:41:02 block1 kernel: iSCSI Initiator Node: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912 is not authorized to access iSCSI target portal group: 1.

1. iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912是实例所在<strong>计算节点</strong>的iscsi名字,可以在计算节点上查看
    $ cat /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi


$ targetcli ls /*块节点上查看target,这里我有两个卷,分别500G*/


/> cd iscsi/

/iscsi> ls /*只看iscsi列表,方便看*/


1. 有acls(访控列表),指定谁能访问这个卷,图中看指明了是上面测试用的另一个实例所在的计算节点

2. 下面还有个mapped_lun0,mapping在于指定能访问谁,也就是上面acls中的主机能够访问谁(对应的还有个masking指定不能访问谁)


# targetcli

/> cd iscsi/iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78/tpg1/acls/ /*转到对应的卷的acls中*/

/iscsi/iqn.20...e78/tpg1/acls> create iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912 /*指定实例所在计算节点可以访问*/

Created Node ACL for iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912
Created mapped LUN 0.
/iscsi/iqn.20...e78/tpg1/acls> ls
o- acls .................................................................................................................. [ACLs: 1]
  o- iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912 .............................................................. [1-way auth, Mapped LUNs: 1]
    o- mapped_lun0 ......................... [lun0 block/iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78 (rw)]

o- acls .................................................................................................................. [ACLs: 1]
  o- iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912 .............................................................. [1-way auth, Mapped LUNs: 1]
    o- mapped_lun0 ......................... [lun0 block/iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-446d70fc-c3f8-43cd-a0b9-dfd5eee934b9 (rw)]
/iscsi/iqn.20...4b9/tpg1/acls> exit
Global pref auto_save_on_exit=true
Last 10 configs saved in /etc/target/backup.
Configuration saved to /etc/target/saveconfig.json
# targetcli saveconfig /*再保存下*/
Last 10 configs saved in /etc/target/backup.
Configuration saved to /etc/target/saveconfig.json

# systemctl restart target /*重启target服务*/


# tail /var/log/messages

Jan 26 11:06:00 block1 cinder-volume: 2016-01-26 11:06:00.356 2785 INFO cinder.volume.manager [-] Updating volume replication status.
Jan 26 11:06:08 block1 kernel: CHAP user or password not set for Initiator ACL
Jan 26 11:06:08 block1 kernel: Security negotiation failed.
Jan 26 11:06:08 block1 kernel: iSCSI Login negotiation failed.

# vim /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf /*查看计算节点上的配置,默认就没有设置用户名和密码*/

# *************
# CHAP Settings
# *************

# To enable CHAP authentication set node.session.auth.authmethod
# to CHAP. The default is None.
#node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP

# To set a CHAP username and password for initiator
# authentication by the target(s), uncomment the following lines:
#node.session.auth.username = username
#node.session.auth.password = password
vim /etc/target/saveconfig.json /*回到 块节点发现新建测试卷有用户名和密码,之前的卷在块节点主机重启后却没有*/

"dev": "/dev/cinder-volumes/volume-01519b87-3036-4b6e-8174-c4a86030b370",
      "name": "iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-01519b87-3036-4b6e-8174-c4a86030b370",
      "plugin": "block",
      "readonly": false,
            "login_timeout": 15,
            "netif_timeout": 2,
            "prod_mode_write_protect": 0,
            "t10_pi": 0
          "enable": true,
          "luns": [
              "index": 0,
              "storage_object": "/backstores/block/iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-01519b87-3036-4b6e-8174-c4a86030b370"
          "node_acls": [
              "attributes": {
                "dataout_timeout": 3,
                "dataout_timeout_retries": 5,
                "default_erl": 0,
                "nopin_response_timeout": 30,
                "nopin_timeout": 15,
                "random_datain_pdu_offsets": 0,
                "random_datain_seq_offsets": 0,
                "random_r2t_offsets": 0
              "chap_password": "5k4DnHHcJd3SyvaF",
              "chap_userid": "xZrcAF8GH5P6smJmYceN",
              "mapped_luns": [
                  "index": 0,
                  "tpg_lun": 0,
                  "write_protect": false
              "node_wwn": "iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:11f29647866a"

# reboot /*验证块节点重启后,新建卷没有变化,还是能正常识别使用:acls有;默认的用户名和密码也都在配置文件中,那么这个问题没有重现*/


/> cd iscsi/iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78/tpg1/acls/iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a5fd80c5a912/

/iscsi/iqn.20...:a5fd80c5a912> set auth userid=username

Parameter userid is now 'username'.
/iscsi/iqn.20...:a5fd80c5a912> set auth password=password

Parameter password is now 'password'.
/iscsi/iqn.20...:a5fd80c5a912> exit /*另一个卷同样设置*/

Global pref auto_save_on_exit=true
Last 10 configs saved in /etc/target/backup.
Configuration saved to /etc/target/saveconfig.json
# systemctl restart target
# ss -napt | grep 3260

LISTEN     0      256          *:3260                     *:*                             
# vim /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf /*然后在 计算节点去配置iscsid.conf,去掉注释开启CHAP*/

# *************
# CHAP Settings
# *************

# To enable CHAP authentication set node.session.auth.authmethod
# to CHAP. The default is None.
node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP

# To set a CHAP username and password for initiator
# authentication by the target(s), uncomment the following lines:
node.session.auth.username = username
node.session.auth.password = password
# iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p block_node_IP /*计算节点上再手工连接验证*/

# iscsiadm -m node -l

Login to [iface: default, target: iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-446d70fc-c3f8-43cd-a0b9-dfd5eee934b9, portal: block_node_IP,3260] successful.
Login to [iface: default, target: iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-369865bb-0714-4ab2-a96c-7a91b7483e78, portal: block_node_IP,3260] successful.



在Dashboard上硬启动启动失败的实例,直接进入了error状态,需要reset-state重置状态再hard reboot

# nova list /*获取实例ID*/

# nova reset-state 2d6fc5be-a95e-4959-a16a-45f126b0217a --active /*重置为active活动状态*/


评论 2




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


