C++编程思想 第1卷 第12章 运算符重载 可重载的运算符 二元运算符 自增和自减



//: C12:Integer.h
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
// Non-member overloaded operators
#ifndef INTEGER_H
#define INTEGER_H
#include <iostream>

// Non-member functions:
class Integer { 
  long i;
  Integer(long ll = 0) : i(ll) {}
  // Operators that create new, modified value:
  friend const Integer
    operator+(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator-(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator*(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator/(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator%(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator^(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator&(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator|(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator<<(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend const Integer
    operator>>(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  // Assignments modify & return lvalue:
  friend Integer&
    operator+=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator-=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator*=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator/=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator%=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator^=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator&=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator|=(Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator>>=(Integer& left,
                const Integer& right);
  friend Integer&
    operator<<=(Integer& left,
                const Integer& right);
  // Conditional operators return true/false:
  friend int
    operator==(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend int
    operator!=(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend int
    operator<(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend int
    operator>(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right);
  friend int
    operator<=(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend int
    operator>=(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend int
    operator&&(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  friend int
    operator||(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right);
  // Write the contents to an ostream:
  void print(std::ostream& os) const { os << i; }
#endif // INTEGER_H ///:~


//: C12:Integer.cpp {O}
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
// Implementation of overloaded operators
#include "Integer.h"
#include "../require.h"

const Integer
  operator+(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i + right.i);
const Integer
  operator-(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i - right.i);
const Integer
  operator*(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i * right.i);
const Integer
  operator/(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  require(right.i != 0, "divide by zero");
  return Integer(left.i / right.i);
const Integer
  operator%(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  require(right.i != 0, "modulo by zero");
  return Integer(left.i % right.i);
const Integer
  operator^(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i ^ right.i);
const Integer
  operator&(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i & right.i);
const Integer
  operator|(const Integer& left,
            const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i | right.i);
const Integer
  operator<<(const Integer& left,
             const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i << right.i);
const Integer
  operator>>(const Integer& left,
             const Integer& right) {
  return Integer(left.i >> right.i);
// Assignments modify & return lvalue:
Integer& operator+=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i += right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator-=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i -= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator*=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i *= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator/=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   require(right.i != 0, "divide by zero");
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i /= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator%=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   require(right.i != 0, "modulo by zero");
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i %= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator^=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i ^= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator&=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i &= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator|=(Integer& left,
                    const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i |= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator>>=(Integer& left,
                     const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i >>= right.i;
   return left;
Integer& operator<<=(Integer& left,
                     const Integer& right) {
   if(&left == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
   left.i <<= right.i;
   return left;
// Conditional operators return true/false:
int operator==(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right) {
    return left.i == right.i;
int operator!=(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right) {
    return left.i != right.i;
int operator<(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right) {
    return left.i < right.i;
int operator>(const Integer& left,
              const Integer& right) {
    return left.i > right.i;
int operator<=(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right) {
    return left.i <= right.i;
int operator>=(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right) {
    return left.i >= right.i;
int operator&&(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right) {
    return left.i && right.i;
int operator||(const Integer& left,
               const Integer& right) {
    return left.i || right.i;
} ///:~


//: C12:IntegerTest.cpp
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
//{L} Integer
#include "Integer.h"
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
ofstream out("IntegerTest.out");

void h(Integer& c1, Integer& c2) {
  // A complex expression:
  c1 += c1 * c2 + c2 % c1;
  #define TRY(OP) \
    out << "c1 = "; c1.print(out); \
    out << ", c2 = "; c2.print(out); \
    out << ";  c1 " #OP " c2 produces "; \
    (c1 OP c2).print(out); \
    out << endl;
  TRY(+) TRY(-) TRY(*) TRY(/)
  TRY(%) TRY(^) TRY(&) TRY(|)
  TRY(<<) TRY(>>) TRY(+=) TRY(-=)
  TRY(*=) TRY(/=) TRY(%=) TRY(^=)
  TRY(&=) TRY(|=) TRY(>>=) TRY(<<=)
  // Conditionals:
  #define TRYC(OP) \
    out << "c1 = "; c1.print(out); \
    out << ", c2 = "; c2.print(out); \
    out << ";  c1 " #OP " c2 produces "; \
    out << (c1 OP c2); \
    out << endl;
  TRYC(<) TRYC(>) TRYC(==) TRYC(!=) TRYC(<=)
  TRYC(>=) TRYC(&&) TRYC(||)

int main() {
  cout << "friend functions" << endl;
  Integer c1(47), c2(9);
  h(c1, c2);
} ///:~

friend functions

工程目录下 IntegerTest.out
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 + c2 produces 488
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 - c2 produces 470
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 * c2 produces 4311
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 / c2 produces 53
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 % c2 produces 2
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 ^ c2 produces 470
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 & c2 produces 9
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 | c2 produces 479
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 << c2 produces 245248
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 >> c2 produces 0
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 += c2 produces 488
c1 = 488, c2 = 9;  c1 -= c2 produces 479
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 *= c2 produces 4311
c1 = 4311, c2 = 9;  c1 /= c2 produces 479
c1 = 479, c2 = 9;  c1 %= c2 produces 2
c1 = 2, c2 = 9;  c1 ^= c2 produces 11
c1 = 11, c2 = 9;  c1 &= c2 produces 9
c1 = 9, c2 = 9;  c1 |= c2 produces 9
c1 = 9, c2 = 9;  c1 >>= c2 produces 0
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 <<= c2 produces 0
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 < c2 produces 1
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 > c2 produces 0
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 == c2 produces 0
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 != c2 produces 1
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 <= c2 produces 1
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 >= c2 produces 0
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 && c2 produces 0
c1 = 0, c2 = 9;  c1 || c2 produces 1


//: C12:Byte.h
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
// Member overloaded operators
#ifndef BYTE_H
#define BYTE_H
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
// Member functions (implicit "this"):
class Byte { 
  unsigned char b;
  Byte(unsigned char bb = 0) : b(bb) {}
  // No side effects: const member function:
  const Byte
    operator+(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b + right.b);
  const Byte
    operator-(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b - right.b);
  const Byte
    operator*(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b * right.b);
  const Byte
    operator/(const Byte& right) const {
    require(right.b != 0, "divide by zero");
    return Byte(b / right.b);
  const Byte
    operator%(const Byte& right) const {
    require(right.b != 0, "modulo by zero");
    return Byte(b % right.b);
  const Byte
    operator^(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b ^ right.b);
  const Byte
    operator&(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b & right.b);
  const Byte
    operator|(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b | right.b);
  const Byte
    operator<<(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b << right.b);
  const Byte
    operator>>(const Byte& right) const {
    return Byte(b >> right.b);
  // Assignments modify & return lvalue.
  // operator= can only be a member function:
  Byte& operator=(const Byte& right) {
    // Handle self-assignment:
    if(this == &right) return *this;
    b = right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator+=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b += right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator-=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b -= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator*=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b *= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator/=(const Byte& right) {
    require(right.b != 0, "divide by zero");
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b /= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator%=(const Byte& right) {
    require(right.b != 0, "modulo by zero");
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b %= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator^=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b ^= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator&=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b &= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator|=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b |= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator>>=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b >>= right.b;
    return *this;
  Byte& operator<<=(const Byte& right) {
    if(this == &right) {/* self-assignment */}
    b <<= right.b;
    return *this;
  // Conditional operators return true/false:
  int operator==(const Byte& right) const {
      return b == right.b;
  int operator!=(const Byte& right) const {
      return b != right.b;
  int operator<(const Byte& right) const {
      return b < right.b;
  int operator>(const Byte& right) const {
      return b > right.b;
  int operator<=(const Byte& right) const {
      return b <= right.b;
  int operator>=(const Byte& right) const {
      return b >= right.b;
  int operator&&(const Byte& right) const {
      return b && right.b;
  int operator||(const Byte& right) const {
      return b || right.b;
  // Write the contents to an ostream:
  void print(std::ostream& os) const {
    os << "0x" << std::hex << int(b) << std::dec;
#endif // BYTE_H ///:~


//: C12:ByteTest.cpp
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
#include "Byte.h"
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
ofstream out("ByteTest.out");

void k(Byte& b1, Byte& b2) {
  b1 = b1 * b2 + b2 % b1;

  #define TRY2(OP) \
    out << "b1 = "; b1.print(out); \
    out << ", b2 = "; b2.print(out); \
    out << ";  b1 " #OP " b2 produces "; \
    (b1 OP b2).print(out); \
    out << endl;

  b1 = 9; b2 = 47;
  TRY2(+) TRY2(-) TRY2(*) TRY2(/)
  TRY2(%) TRY2(^) TRY2(&) TRY2(|)
  TRY2(<<) TRY2(>>) TRY2(+=) TRY2(-=)
  TRY2(*=) TRY2(/=) TRY2(%=) TRY2(^=)
  TRY2(&=) TRY2(|=) TRY2(>>=) TRY2(<<=)
  TRY2(=) // Assignment operator

  // Conditionals:
  #define TRYC2(OP) \
    out << "b1 = "; b1.print(out); \
    out << ", b2 = "; b2.print(out); \
    out << ";  b1 " #OP " b2 produces "; \
    out << (b1 OP b2); \
    out << endl;

  b1 = 9; b2 = 47;
  TRYC2(<) TRYC2(>) TRYC2(==) TRYC2(!=) TRYC2(<=)
  TRYC2(>=) TRYC2(&&) TRYC2(||)

  // Chained assignment:
  Byte b3 = 92;
  b1 = b2 = b3;

int main() {
  out << "member functions:" << endl;
  Byte b1(47), b2(9);
  k(b1, b2);
} ///:~

注意在运算符重载中所有赋值运算符都有代码检测自赋值 self-assignment

重载的运算符处理的是单一类型。 也可以重载运算符处理混合类型,所以
可以 将苹果与橙子相加

member functions:
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 + b2 produces 0x38
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 - b2 produces 0xda
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 * b2 produces 0xa7
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 / b2 produces 0x0
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 % b2 produces 0x9
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 ^ b2 produces 0x26
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 & b2 produces 0x9
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 | b2 produces 0x2f
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 << b2 produces 0x0
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 >> b2 produces 0x0
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 += b2 produces 0x38
b1 = 0x38, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 -= b2 produces 0x9
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 *= b2 produces 0xa7
b1 = 0xa7, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 /= b2 produces 0x3
b1 = 0x3, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 %= b2 produces 0x3
b1 = 0x3, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 ^= b2 produces 0x2c
b1 = 0x2c, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 &= b2 produces 0x2c
b1 = 0x2c, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 |= b2 produces 0x2f
b1 = 0x2f, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 >>= b2 produces 0x0
b1 = 0x0, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 <<= b2 produces 0x0
b1 = 0x0, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 = b2 produces 0x2f
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 < b2 produces 1
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 > b2 produces 0
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 == b2 produces 0
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 != b2 produces 1
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 <= b2 produces 1
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 >= b2 produces 0
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 && b2 produces 1
b1 = 0x9, b2 = 0x2f;  b1 || b2 produces 1





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


