x264 - x264_frame_init_lowres

void x264_frame_init_lowres( x264_t *h, x264_frame_t *frame )
    pixel *src = frame->plane[0];     // get luma plane
    int i_stride = frame->i_stride[0];  // line stride of luma plane
    int i_height = frame->i_lines[0];   // height of luma plane
    int i_width  = frame->i_width[0];   // width of luma plane

    // duplicate last row and column so that their interpolation doesn't have to 
    // be special-cased
    for( int y = 0; y < i_height; y++ )  //   // copy last column of luma pixel plane
        src[i_width+y*i_stride] = src[i_width-1+y*i_stride];
    // copy last row of luma pixel plane
    memcpy( src+i_stride*i_height, src+i_stride*(i_height-1), (i_width+1) * sizeof(pixel) );

    // interpolate center pixel of square consist of four points, for whole luma pixel plane
    // 如果以1/4像素坐标来看, 下面的代码就是插值斜对角 1/2 像素点, 

    //  为什么 不是 计算 F, H, V, HV呢?  有疑惑 。。。

    // see frame_init_lowres_core and diagram below
    // A       B       C         D       E ...
    //     *         *         *         *     ...
    // a       b       c         d       e ...
    //     *         *         *        *     ...
    // 0       1       2         3       4 ...
    // .......................................

    h->mc.frame_init_lowres_core( src, frame->lowres[0], frame->lowres[1], frame->lowres[2], frame->lowres[3],
                                  i_stride, frame->i_stride_lowres, frame->i_width_lowres, frame->i_lines_lowres );

    // expand 4 side for ipadh = 32 units(bytes), ipadv = 32 units(bytes)

    // 对frame->lowres[0], frame->lowres[1], frame->lowres[2], frame->lowres[3]

    // 1/2 像素帧分别进行四个边界的扩展, 每个边的扩展都是将该边的最后一个像素

    //  扩展32(PADH, PADV)字节
    x264_frame_expand_border_lowres( frame );

    memset( frame->i_cost_est, -1, sizeof(frame->i_cost_est) );

    // initialize for adaptive B-frame decision
    for( int y = 0; y < h->param.i_bframe + 2; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x < h->param.i_bframe + 2; x++ )
            frame->i_row_satds[y][x][0] = -1;

    for( int y = 0; y <= !!h->param.i_bframe; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x <= h->param.i_bframe; x++ )
            frame->lowres_mvs[y][x][0][0] = 0x7FFF;

static void frame_init_lowres_core( pixel *src0, pixel *dst0, pixel *dsth, pixel *dstv, pixel *dstc,
                                    intptr_t src_stride, intptr_t dst_stride, int width, int height )
    for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
        pixel *src1 = src0+src_stride;
        pixel *src2 = src1+src_stride;
        for( int x = 0; x<width; x++ )
            // slower than naive bilinear, but matches asm
#define FILTER(a,b,c,d) ((((a+b+1)>>1)+((c+d+1)>>1)+1)>>1)
            dst0[x] = FILTER(src0[2*x  ], src1[2*x  ], src0[2*x+1], src1[2*x+1]);
            dsth[x] = FILTER(src0[2*x+1], src1[2*x+1], src0[2*x+2], src1[2*x+2]);
            dstv[x] = FILTER(src1[2*x  ], src2[2*x  ], src1[2*x+1], src2[2*x+1]);
            dstc[x] = FILTER(src1[2*x+1], src2[2*x+1], src1[2*x+2], src2[2*x+2]);
#undef FILTER
        src0 += src_stride*2;
        dst0 += dst_stride;
        dsth += dst_stride;
        dstv += dst_stride;
        dstc += dst_stride;

void x264_frame_expand_border_lowres( x264_frame_t *frame )
    for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        plane_expand_border( frame->lowres[i], frame->i_stride_lowres, frame->i_width_lowres, frame->i_lines_lowres, PADH, PADV, 1, 1, 0 );

static void ALWAYS_INLINE plane_expand_border( pixel *pix, int i_stride, int i_width, int i_height, int i_padh, int i_padv, int b_pad_top, int b_pad_bottom, int b_chroma )
#define PPIXEL(x, y) ( pix + (x) + (y)*i_stride )
    for( int y = 0; y < i_height; y++ )
        /* left band */
        pixel_memset( PPIXEL(-i_padh, y), PPIXEL(0, y), i_padh>>b_chroma, sizeof(pixel)<<b_chroma );
        /* right band */
        pixel_memset( PPIXEL(i_width, y), PPIXEL(i_width-1-b_chroma, y), i_padh>>b_chroma, sizeof(pixel)<<b_chroma );
    /* upper band */
    if( b_pad_top )
        for( int y = 0; y < i_padv; y++ )
            memcpy( PPIXEL(-i_padh, -y-1), PPIXEL(-i_padh, 0), (i_width+2*i_padh) * sizeof(pixel) );
    /* lower band */
    if( b_pad_bottom )
        for( int y = 0; y < i_padv; y++ )
            memcpy( PPIXEL(-i_padh, i_height+y), PPIXEL(-i_padh, i_height-1), (i_width+2*i_padh) * sizeof(pixel) );
#undef PPIXEL

// fast copy way
static void ALWAYS_INLINE pixel_memset( pixel *dst, pixel *src, int len, int size )
    uint8_t *dstp = (uint8_t*)dst;
    uint32_t v1 = *src;
    uint32_t v2 = size == 1 ? v1 + (v1 <<  8) : M16( src );
    uint32_t v4 = size <= 2 ? v2 + (v2 << 16) : M32( src );
    int i = 0;
    len *= size;

    /* Align the input pointer if it isn't already */
    if( (intptr_t)dstp & (WORD_SIZE - 1) )
        if( size <= 2 && ((intptr_t)dstp & 3) )
            if( size == 1 && ((intptr_t)dstp & 1) )
                dstp[i++] = v1;
            if( (intptr_t)dstp & 2 )
                M16( dstp+i ) = v2;
                i += 2;
        if( WORD_SIZE == 8 && (intptr_t)dstp & 4 )
            M32( dstp+i ) = v4;
            i += 4;

    /* Main copy loop */
    if( WORD_SIZE == 8 )
        uint64_t v8 = v4 + ((uint64_t)v4<<32);
        for( ; i < len - 7; i+=8 )
            M64( dstp+i ) = v8;
    for( ; i < len - 3; i+=4 )
        M32( dstp+i ) = v4;

    /* Finish up the last few bytes */
    if( size <= 2 )
        if( i < len - 1 )
            M16( dstp+i ) = v2;
            i += 2;
        if( size == 1 && i != len )
            dstp[i] = v1;





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