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转载 signal meanings

24.2.1 Program Error SignalsThe following signals are generated when a serious program error is detected by the operating system or the computer itself. In general, all of these signals are indicati

2012-05-25 14:17:28 653

转载 How do I enable core dumps for everybody

OverviewIn most Linux Distributions core file creation is disabled by default for a normal user. However, it can be necessary to enable this feature for an application (e.g. Oracle). For example,

2012-05-25 10:45:59 640

原创 Teletext

Teletext就 是我们常说的”图文电视”,当然在MPEG-2中,图文电视已经数字化,也就是说,图文信息已经做为数字化信息在TS流中传播.但最终,数字化的图文信息 都将转化为模拟的VBI信息插入到正常的电视信号中实现图文电视的显示.图文电视有很多标准,比如close caption,WSS等,欧洲的DVB使 用的teletext标准是ITU-R System B Teletext规格.该规格支持

2012-05-21 13:50:44 1382


声明:以下内容转帖自http://blog.lmtw.com/b/moreframe/archives/2006/40865.html,作者写的非常好,感谢作者的辛苦。应该说真正了解TS,还是看了朋友推荐的《数字电视业务信息及其编码》一书之后,MPEG2 TS和数字电视是紧密不可分割的,值得总结一下其中的一些关系。ISO/IEC-13818-1:系统部分;ISO/IEC-13818-2

2012-05-18 09:24:12 895

转载 Packetized Elementary Stream Headers

http://dvd.sourceforge.net/dvdinfo/pes-hdr.htmlPacketized Elementary Stream HeadersDepending on the Stream ID, a Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header may contain various components.The

2012-05-18 09:19:25 645


TS 流解码过程: 1. 获取TS中的PAT 2. 获取TS中的PMT 3. 根据PMT可以知道当前网络中传输的视频(音频)类型(H264),相应的PID,PCR的PID等信息。 4. 设置demux 模块的视频Filter 为相应视频的PID和stream type等。 5. 从视频Demux Filter 后得到的TS数据包中的payload 数据就是 one piece

2012-05-18 09:14:58 589

转载 字符串的Hash

出自http://www.felix021.com/blog/read.php?1596早上参加了腾讯的笔试,做完以后自我感觉良好,但是后来和sandy讨论了一下,发现还是挫了,因为没用上Hash。于是中午回去狠查了一些资料,看到了一点东西,充实了些。下载文件 (已下载 357 次)点击这里下载文件: Hash函数的设计优化-李羽修.doc.zip

2012-05-17 10:53:10 454

转载 Manacher算法--O(n)回文子串算法

http://blog.csdn.net/ggggiqnypgjg/article/details/6645824O(n)回文子串算法注:转载的这篇文章,我发现下面那个源代码有点bug。。。在下一篇博客中改正了。。     这里,我介绍一下O(n)回文串处理的一种方法。Manacher算法.原文地址:http://zhuhongcheng.wordpress

2012-05-17 10:31:13 422

转载 如何阅读复杂的C定义/声明

翻译自:How To Read C Declarations 英文原文p.s. 以前还真没注意到这篇文章最后提到的vtable是啥意思……就算是非常有经验的C程序员,也对那些比简单数组/指针更复杂一些的声明感到头疼。比如说,下面这个是一个指针的数组,还是一个数组的指针?int *a[10];下面这货到底是什么?int (*(*vtable)[])();当然了,这

2012-05-17 10:17:25 453

转载 Longest Increasing Subsequence

出自http://www.felix021.com/blog/read.php?1587今天回顾WOJ1398,发现了这个当时没有理解透彻的算法。看了好久好久,现在终于想明白了。试着把它写下来,让自己更明白。最长递增子序列,Longest Increasing Subsequence 下面我们简记为 LIS。排序+LCS算法 以及 DP算法就忽略了,这两个太容易

2012-05-17 10:05:30 450

转载 HEAP-DELETE(A,i)操作将节点i中的项从堆中删去

题目:HEAP-DELETE(A,i)操作将节点i中的项从堆中删去。对含n个元素的最大堆,请给出时间为O(lgn)的HEAP-DELETE的实现。编程思路:我们可以用堆中最后一个元素a[heapSize]放到节点i 位置,然后将heapSize减一。然后就涉及到堆调整以保持堆的性质。调整的依据就是这最后一个元素a[heapSize]跟原来i节点的元素a[i]的相对大小,分三种情况:

2012-05-14 10:15:17 2607

转载 LINUX 硬链接与软链接的区别

本文试图清晰彻底的解释软链接和硬链接文件的区别 一 链接文件    链接有两种方式,软链接和硬链接。  1 软链接文件  软链接又叫符号链接,这个文件包含了另一个文件的路径名。可以是任意文件或目录,可以链接不同文件系统的文件。    **********链接文件甚至可以链接不存在的文件,这就产生一般称之为"断链"的问题(或曰“现象"),链接文件甚至可以循环链接自己。类似于编程语

2012-05-13 11:28:07 857

转载 aes padding method

Example using AESThis example uses AES-128 to encrypt a short message "Hello" using the 128-bit key 0xA456B7A422C5145ABCF2B3CB206579A8. The block size of 128 bits is equal to 128/8 = 16 bytes, so we

2012-05-11 09:43:13 1117

转载 ldconfig problem

/usr/local/lib /libstdc++.so.6: no version information available前段时间装了gcc-4.1,这样加上原来的gcc-4.2就有了两个gcc;然后我的ubuntu上的scim和apt-get等和 libstdc++.so.6有关的程序都不能运行了。总是出现:/usr/local/lib /libstdc++.s

2012-05-07 13:07:14 1261

OpenGL Programming Guide 8th Edition - 2013

OpenGL Programming Guide 8th Edition - 2013, pdf document



OPENCL异构计算, 中文, pdf 文档。 作者:Benedict Gaster 等


Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL

Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL, english, pdf document.


Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition, English. chm document


Windows via CC++ 5th edition

Windows via CC++ 5th edition, english. chm document



H264 And MPEG4 Video Compression Video Coding For Next Generation Multimedia pdf document


Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3rd edition (oppenheim)

Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3rd edition (oppenheim) pdf document, about 70M size.


H264Visa-1.15 cracked version

H264 codec stream analyse softwore version 1.15 cracked


source code of many av codecs

a source code tarball of all kinds of audio/video encode/decode for convenient download, including aacplus, fdk-aac, amrnb, amrwb, ogg, vorbis, xvidcore, vpx, bluray etc.


mpeg4ip source code

mpeg4ip can be used to generate track hint for mp4 file, this is a must for Darwin Streaming Server. mpeg4ip source code and SDL source code for convenient download. The SDL is a must for Configure and compile mpeg4ip. Additionally, The libtool is also a must, but it can be install by apt-get install libtool on ubuntu. For pass the compiling, you need process the compiling error manually when compiling mpeg4ip.


hevc-h265 draft specification

latest HEVC (H265) draft specification pdf document.



HEVC (H265) test model source code 10 for convenient download


HEVC test model source code 1.0

HEVC (h265) test model source code 1.0 for convenient download.


Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision

Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (Richard Hartley 2nd Edition) clear pdf document


Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision

Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision (Sonka 3rd Edition 2007) clear pdf document


Computer Vision-A Modern Approach

Computer Vision-A Modern Approach (D.A Forsyth) original edition clear pdf document


Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications

Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications (Richard Szeliski 09-2010) original version clear pdf document


Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics (Third Edition)

Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics (Third Edition) pdf document by Eric Lengyel


opengl 4.3 specification core with changes

opengl 4.3 specification core with changes (2012-08-06) pdf document


OpenGL 4.0 Sharding Language Cookbook

OpenGL 4.0 Sharding Language Cookbook pdf document


The Scientist and Engineer's and Guide to Digital Signal Processing.pdf

Digital Signal Processing is one of the most powerful technologies that will shape science and engineering in the twenty-first century. Revolutionary changes have already been made in a broad range of fields: communications, medical imaging, radar & sonar, high fidelity music reproduction, and oil prospecting, to name just a few. Each of these areas has developed a deep DSP technology, with its own algorithms, mathematics, and specialized techniques. This combination of breath and depth makes it impossible for any one individual to master all of the DSP technology that has been developed. DSP education involves two tasks: learning general concepts that apply to the field as a whole, and learning specialized techniques for your particular area of interest. This chapter starts our journey into the world of Digital Signal Processing by describing the dramatic effect that DSP has made in several diverse fields.


Machine Learning - The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data

Machine Learning: Making Sense of Data - Peter Flach (University of Bristol)



Summary Recommendation ITU-T H.264 | International Standard ISO/IEC 14496-10 represents an evolution of the existing video coding standards (ITU-T H.261, ITU-T H.262, and ITU-T H.263) and it was developed in response to the growing need for higher compression of moving pictures for various applications such as videoconferencing, digital storage media, television broadcasting, Internet streaming, and communication. It is also designed to enable the use of the coded video representation in a flexible manner for a wide variety of network environments. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard allows motion video to be manipulated as a form of computer data and to be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels.



Rec. ITU-T H.265 v2 (10/2014) i Recommendation ITU-T H.265 High efficiency video coding Summary Recommendation ITU-T H.265 | International Standard ISO/IEC 23008-2 represents an evolution of the existing video coding Recommendations (ITU-T H.261, ITU-T H.262, ITU-T H.263 and ITU-T H.264) and was developed in response to the growing need for higher compression of moving pictures for various applications such as Internet streaming, communication, videoconferencing, digital storage media and television broadcasting. It is also designed to enable the use of the coded video representation in a flexible manner for a wide variety of network environments. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard allows motion video to be manipulated as a form of computer data and to be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels. This Recommendation | International Standard was developed jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) and corresponds in a technically aligned manner to ISO/IEC 23008-2.


Voice over IP Fundamentals

This book is designed to provide information about Voice over IP. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.



ISO the International Organization for Standardization and IEC the International Electrotechnical Commission form the specialized system for worldwide standardization National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest Other international organizations governmental and non governmental in liaison with ISO and IEC also take part in the work In the field of information technology ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee ISO IEC JTC 1 ">ISO the International Organization for Standardization and IEC the International Electrotechnical Commission form the specialized system for worldwide standardization National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical commi [更多]


嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.003

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第三部分。


嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.002

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第二部分。


嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.001

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第一部分。


A First Course on Wavelets

Eugenio Hernandez graduated from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1977 and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1981. He has been a member of the faculty of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid since 1982 and is now Professor of Mathematics. During the academic year 1987-88 Dr. Hernandez was a Fulbright Fellow and a member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California. He was a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis in 1994-95. His research interests lie in the areas of the theory of interpolation of operators, weighted inequalities, and most recently, in the theory of wavelets. Guido Weiss obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Chicago, receiving his Ph.D. degree in 1956. He served on the faculty at DePaul University from 1955 to 1960, and joined the faculty of Washington University in 1960 where he is now the Elinor Anheuser Professor of Mathematics. During the past 35 years he has had leaves of absence that have allowed him to be visiting professor in several different institutions: the Sorbonne, the University of Geneva, the University of Paris in Orsay, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California (in each case for an academic year). He also was visiting professor during semester academic leave at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, and the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. His research involves a broad area of mathematical analysis, particularly harmonic analysis. Some of his work, especially his contributions to the atomic and molecular characterizations of certain function spaces (particularly the Hardy spaces), is closely related to the theory of wavelets, a subject that has commanded his attention during the last few years. He has been awarded several honorsamong them the Chauvenet Prize and honorary degrees from Beijing Normal University, the University of Milano, and the University of Barcelona.


VC-1 and H.264 video compression standards for broadband video services

The VC-1 and H.264 video compression standards for broadband video services pdf document, mpeg4 and h.264 classical english instruction book.


aes encrypt source code

aes cbc encrypt and decrypt source code from openssl source code.


x264 h264_find_frame_end flow diagram

x264 h264_find_frame_end state transfer diagram with visio format


ffmpeg analyse document

ffmpeg analyse document, including flow diagram in visio format.


Head First Design Patterns (English Edition)

Head First Design Patterns (English Edition), clear pdf document.



数字图像处理第二版(冈萨雷斯)习题答案 pdf document.


Android 技术内幕.系统卷

Android 技术内幕.系统卷, pdf document, 作者:杨丰盛 2011-05


OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook

OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook, including pdf document and source code.


Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects (full version)

Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects (full version) - by Daniel Lélis Baggio etc, pdf document.


Learning OpenCV

Learning OpenCV - by Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler, pdf document



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