Debian Jessie(8.x) install postgresql-9.x

Debian默认包含PostgreSQL,但每个稳定版本仅支持特定版本。用户可以通过PostgreSQL APT仓库获取所有支持版本,或者使用Debian backports获取更新版本。此外,EnterpriseDB提供了一个交互式安装器,包括服务器、pgAdmin和StackBuilder包管理器。对于高级用户,也可以从源代码构建。

Linux downloads (Debian)

PostgreSQL is available in all Debian versions by default. However, the stable versions of Debians "snapshot" a specific version of PostgreSQL that is then supported throughout the lifetime of that Debian version. The PostgreSQL project also maintains an apt repository with all supported of PostgreSQL available.

Included in distribution

Debian includes PostgreSQL by default. To install PostgreSQL on Debian, use the apt-get (or other apt-driving) command:

apt-get install postgresql-9.4

The repository contains many different packages including third party addons. The most common and important packages are (substitute the version number as required):

  • postgresql-client-9.4 - client libraries and client binaries
  • postgresql-9.4 - core database server
  • postgresql-contrib-9.4 - additional supplied modules
  • libpq-dev - libraries and headers for C language frontend development
  • postgresql-server-dev-9.4 - libraries and headers for C language backend development
  • pgadmin3 - pgAdmin III graphical administration utility

PostgreSQL Apt Repository

If the version included in your version of Debian is not the one you want, you can use the PostgreSQL Apt Repository. This repository will integrate with your normal systems and patch management, and provide automatic updates for all supported versions of PostgreSQL throughout the support lifetime of PostgreSQL.

The PostgreSQL apt repository supports the currently supported stable versions of debian, squeeze (6.x) and wheezy (7.x) as well as Jessie (8.x), on amd64 and i386 architectures.

To use the apt repository, follow these steps:

    • Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list, and add a line for the repositorydeb jessie-pgdg main
    • Import the repository signing key, and update the package listswget --quiet -O - | \
        sudo apt-key add -
      sudo apt-get update
  • For more information about the apt repository, including answers to frequent questions, please see the apt page on the wiki.

    Debian backports

    Newer versions of PostgreSQL for older versions of Debians are available in Debian backports. For information on how to enable and use the backports repository, please see the backports instructions page at Debian.

    Once backports is enabled, you can install PostgreSQL the same way as with the builtin repositories.

    Interactive installer by EnterpriseDB

    Download the installer certified by EnterpriseDB for all supported PostgreSQL versions.

    This installer includes the PostgreSQL server, pgAdmin; a graphical tool for managing and developing your databases, and StackBuilder; a package manager that can be used to download and install additional PostgreSQL tools and drivers. Stackbuilder includes management, integration, migration, replication, geospatial, connectors and other tools.

    This installer can run in graphical, command line, or silent install modes.

    The installer is designed to be a straightforward, fast way to get up and running with PostgreSQL on Linux (Red Hat family Linux including CentOS/Fedora/Scientific/Oracle variants), Debian GNU/Linux and derivatives, Ubuntu Linux and derivatives, SuSE and OpenSuSE.

    Advanced users can also download a tar.gz archive of the binaries, without the installer. This download is intended for users who wish to include PostgreSQL as part of another application installer.

    Note: The installers do not integrate with platform-specific packaging systems.

    Build from source

    The source code can be found in the main file browser. Instructions for building from source can be found in the documentation.

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