自定义callouts part 2

前一篇是part1, part2在自定义的view上加了一些uiimageview与uibutton.请看原文。


Part 1 showed how to build a custom map callout that provides more content flexibility than the native callout, but maintains the expected look and behavior. In part 2 we will add a very common element of the map interface into our custom callout – the accessory button. At first glance this seems simple: just add a button to the callout. However, MapKit intercepts touch events and causes undesired callout behavior. The code used to add an accessory button is also applicable to any other button(s) or responders you may want to add to a callout, giving you the flexibility to do what you feel is best for your users.


Add the Button

We will begin by adding the button as we normally would, to see this behavior in action. This will be done by creating a subclass of the custom callout from part 1. Notice the attempt to call the standard callback for an accessory tap in calloutAccessoryTapped.


We will also implement that callback in the map view delegate. Normally a new view would be pushed on to the navigation stack at this point, but for this example it will be simpler to just display an alert.



Prevent Deselection of the Parent Annotation

If the button is tapped now, the alert will be displayed, but the callout is removed because the touch event also caused the parent annotation to be deselected just as if the button were not there. To solve this problem, we will have to disable selection changes on the parent annotation and make a small change to mapView:didDeselectAnnotationView: in the mapView delegate.

First off, we need to subclass MKPinAnnotationView (or MKAnnotationView if using a custom annotation) to add a preventSelectionChange property and override setSelected:animated:.



When the button is tapped, the callout needs to set the new preventSelectionChangeproperty to YES and set it back to NO a short time later (1 second seems to be a good delay for this call). This needs to be done before the typical touch event callbacks are invoked so we will override hitTest:withEvent:. Also, The mapView keeps track of which annotations are selected, so when selection changes on the parent are re-enabled, the map view needs to be forced to select the annotation again.


Even though the selection change is disabled on the parent annotation view, the map view will still invoke the delegate method mapView:didDeselectAnnotationView:. Add an additional condition to the if-statement to prevent removal when the annotation view is not allowing selection changes.



Prevent Selection of Other Annotations

With the above code, the callout now behaves as expected in most situations; however, if another annotation happens to be under the button, it will be selected. The simplest way to solve this is to disable all the annotation views on the map except the custom callout and the parent annotation. We can find all of the other annotation views by getting the subviews of the superview of the callout, and checking that they inherit from MKAnnotationView. Also, they must be re-enabled a short time later (again, a 1 second delay works well).



Now the Custom Map Callout is complete. Using the code and concepts presented in this post and Part 1, you have the tools to build callouts that fit your needs. With minor adjustments to this code, you can add multiple buttons, implement a callout with adjustable width, or change the look of the callout to match your application’s style.

You may download the full source code to see a working example.




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