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原创 Python学习图书整理

Python学习图书整理一、Python基本语法从入门到提高(1)python crash course下载链接:https://download.csdn.net/download/fei_liu/10682781(2)python cookbook 第三版下载链接:https://download.csdn.net/download/fei_liu/10682791(3)Learn...

2018-09-23 12:58:27 729

原创 VI编辑器的基本使用

背景最近学习一些开源软件的配置,发现都是linux上的,安装了ubuntu server发现都是控制台,要想编辑配置文件只能使用vi,因此这里记录一下,方便查看编辑保存ESC进入命令模式i进入编辑模式wq保存!q 强制退出不保存移动光标上, 下, 左, 右: k,j,h,l右移一个词:w右移一个以空格分隔的词:W移动到行首:0移动到行尾:$移动到第n行:nG移动...

2018-03-28 23:25:02 294

原创 Javascript中的一些基本概念

1、变量的作用域在javascript中有两种类型的作用域:全局作用域局部作用域简单来讲,在函数中定义的变量,只在函数内部生效,属于局部作用域,而在函数外部定义的变量属于全局作用域,在每个函数调用时,就会创建一个局部作用域。1.1、 全局作用域当你开始在一个文档中,写js时,你就已经在一个全局作用域中,在一个javascript文档中,只有一个全局作用域,全局作用域中的变...

2018-03-11 23:04:55 415

翻译 You don't need Lodash Underscore


2018-01-25 19:07:09 1577

转载 常用javascript编码规范

airbnb编码规范,地址JavaScript Style Guidegoogle编码规范,地址Google JavaScript Style GuideJavaScript Standard Styleclean-code-javascriptjquery JavaScript Style Guide

2018-01-22 00:13:15 304

翻译 javascript学习笔记(ES6最常用语法)


2018-01-21 23:59:30 3192 1

原创 欧几里得算法与扩展算法


2017-10-23 00:03:49 429

原创 RSA加密原理与过程

RSA加解密原理 C#实现 JAVA实现

2017-09-10 22:24:13 1947

翻译 Windows C++调用SQLite


2017-07-17 10:29:47 971

翻译 SOL9 C++ Class Library

概述SQL9是一个基于Windows开发的C++类的集合,目前最新版本支持最新的Windows操作系统和VS2010与VS2015,不仅包含传统的Windows应用开发,还包含了Direct3D10, Direct3D11,Direct3D12,OpenGL和OpenCV应用。为了方便使用该库的累的声明和实现都在.h文件中,使用时只需要直接加载.h文件即可

2017-07-03 13:34:29 540

原创 Windows服务编程之服务程序


2017-06-17 23:12:26 5801

原创 Windows进程间的通信-命名管道


2017-06-04 22:21:47 4345

原创 Windows服务基础知识

简介几乎在每种操作系统都提供一种在系统启动时刻启动进程的机制,这种进程不依赖于任何交互式用户服务。在windows中这样的进程称为windows服务(windows service)。

2017-05-21 22:21:08 4210

原创 windows DLL编程基础

DLL概述DLL是Dynamic Link Library的缩写,即动态链接库。一般来讲DLL是一种磁盘文件,以.dll结尾的文件,但以.drv,.SYS,甚至.exe为扩展名的文件也可以是DLL。DLL由全局数据、服务函数和资源组成,在运行时被系统将DLL文件映像映射到调用进程的虚拟地址空间中成为调用进程的一部分。DLL模块通过导出函数,导出类、导出变量来为外界提供服务

2017-05-01 10:16:50 573

原创 Boost库简介及编译

关于boost库boost库是一个功能强大的跨平台的开源c++程序库,boost库是由c++标准委员会成员之一的Beman G.Dawes发起倡议并成立Boost社区,致力于向c++成员提供免费的,经过同行评审的可移植的c++程序库。Boost库强调与c++标准库能够完美配合,致力于既有的实践和提供参考实现,使得Boost库非常适合标准化,目前已经有很多Boost库被包含的TR1库和c++11标准中。

2017-04-16 21:23:16 847

原创 单例模式(Qt实现)


2017-04-05 00:12:17 23684 2

原创 log4cpp库的使用

log4..简介log4..是基于log4j的一系列的c++移植版本,使用了log4j的模式结构,目前主要有以下几个版本: 1. log4cxx, 目前是到0.10.0版2. log4cplus,目前最新版本是1.2.03. log4cpp,目前最新版本1.1.2

2017-03-31 18:39:22 5279

原创 glog库基本使用

glog是google开源的程序级日志库,提供了基于c++流风格的的API和一些简化宏 。

2017-03-31 18:32:57 4507 1

原创 Qt之线程同步

Qt中的线程同步qt中实现了如下类,提供线程同步机制 QMutex:互斥量。用来确保同一时刻,只能有一个线程访问某一资源。 QReadWriteLock:读写锁。允许同一时刻多个线程读取某一资源,但只要有一个线程在写该资源,则不允许其他程同时读取该资源。 QWaitCondition:等待条件。提供了一个条件变量同步线程,当某个条件满足时,可以发送信号通知其他线程该条件已经达到。 Q

2017-03-29 18:34:03 576

原创 c++智能指针(1)

智能指针智能指针是对指针变量进行管理,实现指针变量指向内存的自动回收。c++标准中的智能指针std::auto_ptr, c++03标准引入,提供简单的垃圾回收机制,不支持管理数组对象(new[]); 独占对象所有权,赋值和reset都会传递所有权,并且将右值auto_ptr管理对象设置为空,因此不支持与标准模板库容器一起使用。std::uique_ptr, c++11标准引入,用来取代std::a

2017-03-20 12:09:22 469

原创 Qt之线程同步

Qt中的线程同步qt中实现了如下类,提供线程同步机制 QMutex:互斥量。用来确保同一时刻,只能有一个线程访问某一资源。 QReadWriteLock:读写锁。允许同一时刻多个线程读取某一资源,但只要有一个线程在写该资源,则不允许其他程同时读取该资源。 QWaitCondition:等待条件。提供了一个条件变量同步线程,当某个条件满足时,可以发送信号通知其他线程该条件已经达到。 Q

2017-03-20 12:05:58 1806 1

Software Architecture with Python

Who this book is for This book is for experienced Python developers who are aspiring to become the architects of enterprise-grade applications or software architects who would like to leverage Python to create effective blueprints of applications.


Foundations of Python Network Programming (2nd)

■Chapter 1: Introduction to Client/Server Networking ............................................ 1


Python in Practice Create Better Programs

Chapter 1. Creational Design Patterns in Python Chapter 2. Structural Design Patterns in Python Chapter 3. Behavioral Design Patterns in Python Chapter 4. High-Level Concurrency in Python Chapter 5. Extending Python Chapter 6. High-Level Networking in Python Chapter 7. Graphical User Interface


Text Analytics with Python

■■Chapter 1: Natural Language Basics .............................................. 1 ■■Chapter 2: Python Refresher ........................................................ 51 ■■Chapter 3: Processing and Understanding Text .......................... 107 ■■Chapter 4: Text Classification ..................................................... 167 ■■Chapter 5: Text Summarization .................................................. 217 ■■Chapter 6: Text Similarity and Clustering ................................... 265 ■■Chapter 7: Semantic and Sentiment Analysis ............................ 319


Python Web Scraping 第二版

Who this book is for This book assumes prior programming experience and would most likely not be suitable for absolute beginners. The web scraping examples require competence with Python and installing modules with pip. If you need a brush-up there is an excellent free online book by Mark Pilgrim available at http://www.diveintopython.net. This is the resource I originally used to learn Python. The examples also assume knowledge of how webpages are constructed with HTML and updated with JavaScript. Prior knowledge of HTTP, CSS, AJAX, WebKit, and Redis would also be useful but not required, and will be introduced as each technology is needed. Detailed references for many of these topics are available at https://developer.mozilla.org/.


Artificial Intelligence with Python

Who this book is for This book is for Python developers who want to build real-world artificial intelligence applications. This book is friendly to Python beginners, but being familiar with Python would be useful to play around with the code. It will also be useful for experienced Python programmers who are looking to use artificial intelligence techniques in their existing technology stacks.


Web Scraping with Python

This book seeks to put an end to many of these common questions and misconceptions about web scraping, while providing a comprehensive guide to most common webscraping tasks.


natural language processing with python

What You Will Learn By digging into the material presented here, you will learn: • How simple programs can help you manipulate and analyze language data, and how to write these programs • How key concepts from NLP and linguistics are used to describe and analyze language • How data structures and algorithms are used in NLP • How language data is stored in standard formats, and how data can be used to evaluate the performance of NLP techniques


Deep Learning with Python

Contents at a Glance About the Author ..................................................................................................... xi About the Technical Reviewer ............................................................................... xiii Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................xv ■■Chapter 1: Introduction to Deep Learning ............................................................. 1 ■■Chapter 2: Machine Learning Fundamentals ......................................................... 5 ■■Chapter 3: Feed Forward Neural Networks ......................................................... 15 ■■Chapter 4: Introduction to Theano ....................................................................... 33 ■■Chapter 5: Convolutional Neural Networks ......................................................... 61 ■■Chapter 6: Recurrent Neural Networks ............................................................... 77 ■■Chapter 7: Introduction to Keras ......................................................................... 95 ■■Chapter 8: Stochastic Gradient Descent ............................................................ 111 ■■Chapter 9: Automatic Differentiation ................................................................. 131 ■■Chapter 10: Introduction to GPUs ...................................................................... 147 Index ..................................................................................................................... 157


Python Machine Learning Blueprints

Machine learning is rapidly becoming a fixture in our data-driven world. It is relied upon in fields as diverse as robotics and medicine to retail and publishing. In this book, you will learn how to build real-world machine learning applications step by step. Working through easy-to-understand projects, you will learn how to process various types of data and how and when to apply different machine learning techniques such as supervised or unsupervised learning. Each of the projects in this book provides educational as well as practical value. For example, you'll learn how to use clustering techniques to find bargain airfares and how to use linear regression to find a cheap apartment. This book will teach you how to use machine learning to collect, analyze, and act on massive quantities of data in an approachable, no-nonsense manner.


Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python A Test-Driven Approach

The Plan for the Book This book will cover a lot of ground with machine learning, but by the end you should have a better grasp of how to write machine learning code as well as how to deploy to a production environment and operate at scale. Machine learning is a fascinating field that can achieve mu


Building Machine Learning Systems with Python

You could argue that it is a fortunate coincidence that you are holding this book in your hands (or your e-book reader). After all, there are millions of books printed every year, which are read by millions of readers; and then there is this book read by you. You could also argue that a couple of machine learning algorithms played their role in leading you to this book (or this book to you). And we, the authors, are happy that you want to understand more about the how and why. Most of this book will cover the how. How should the data be processed so that machine learning algorithms can make the most out of it? How should you choose the right algorithm for a problem at hand? Occasionally, we will also cover the why. Why is it important to measure correctly? Why does one algorithm outperform another one in a given scenario? We know that there is much more to learn to be an expert in the field. After all, we only covered some of the "hows" and just a tiny fraction of the "whys". But at the end, we


Python Machine Learning

Python Machine Learning Unlock deeper insights into machine learning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics


Python for Finance Analyze Big Financial Data in Python 3

I am really excited that Python has established itself as an important technology in the financial industry. I am also sure that it will play an even more important role there in the future, in fields like derivatives and risk analytics or high performance computing. My hope is that this book will help professionals, researchers, and students alike make the most of Python when facing the challenges of this fascinating field.


Python for Everybody Exploring Data in Python 3

Why should you learn to write programs? Writing programs (or programming) is a very creative and rewarding activity. You can write programs for many reasons, ranging from making your living to solving a difficult data analysis problem to having fun to helping someone else solve a problem. This book assumes that everyone needs to know how to program, and that once you know how to program you will figure out what you want to do with your newfound skills.


Python Data Science Handbook Essential Tools for Working with Data

Who Is This Book For? In my teaching both at the University of Washington and at various tech-focused conferences and meetups, one of the most common questions I have heard is this: “how should I learn Python?” The people asking are generally technically minded students, developers, or researchers, often with an already strong background in writ‐ ing code and using computational and numerical tools. Most of these folks don’t want to learn Python per se, but want to learn the language with the aim of using it as a tool for data-intensive and computational science. While a large patchwork of videos, blog posts, and tutorials for this audience is available online, I’ve long been frustrated by the lack of a single good answer to this question; that is what inspired this book. The book is not meant to be an introduction to Python or to programming in gen‐ eral; I assume the reader has familiarity with the Python language, including defining functions, assigning variables, calling methods of objects, controlling the flow of a program, and other basic tasks. Instead, it is meant to help Python users learn to use Python’s data science stack—libraries such as IPython, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and related tools—to effectively store, manipulate, and gain insight from data


Python Data Science Essentials (2nd)

Who this book is for If you are an aspiring data scientist and you have at least a working knowledge of data analysis and Python, this book will get you started in data science. Data analysts with experience in R or MATLAB will also find the book to be a comprehensive reference to enhance their data


Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript(Early Release RAW UNEDITED)

Who This Book is For First off, this book is for anyone with a reasonable grasp of Python or JavaScript who wants to explore one of the most exciting areas in the data-processing ecosystem right now, the exploding field of data-visualisation for the web. It’s also about addressing some specific pain-points which in my experience are quite common.


Building RESTful Python Web Services

Who this book is for This book is for web developers who have working knowledge of Python and would like to build amazing web services by taking advantage of the various frameworks of Python. You should have some knowledge of RESTful APIs.


Diango Unleashed

Is This Book for Me? This book is meant for two types of people: 1. Programmers who have never built a website before and do not know how web frameworks operate 2. Programmers who have dabbled or used the basics of Django, and who would like to hone their skills and take advantage of Django’s intermediate features The book thus caters to both beginners and intermediate users. The only knowledge assumed is basic programming knowledge and Python.


Web Development with Django Cookbook (2nd)

Web Development with Django Cookbook - Second Edition will guide you through all the web development process with Django 1.8 framework. You will get started with the virtual environment and configuration of the project. Then, you will learn how to define the database structure with reusable components. The book will move on to the forms and views to enter and list the data. Then, you will continue with responsive templates and JavaScript to create the best user experience. After this, you will find out how to tweak administration in order to make the website editors happy. You will also learn how to integrate your own functionality in Django CMS. The next step will be to learn how to use hierarchical structures. You will find out that collecting data from different sources and providing data to others in different formats isn't as difficult as you thought. Then, you'll be introduced to some programming and debugging tricks. Finally, you will be shown how to test and deploy the project to a remote dedicated server.


Flask Web Development

Who This Book Is For You should have some level of Python coding experience to make the most of this book. Although the book assumes no previous Flask knowledge, Python concepts such as packages, modules, functions, decorators, and object-oriented programming are assumed to be well understood. Some familiarity with exceptions and diagnosing issues from stack traces will be very useful.


Fluent Python

This book was written for practicing Python programmers who want to become proficient in Python 3. If you know Python 2 but are willing to migrate to Python 3.4 or later, you should be fine. At the time of this writing, the majority of professional Python programmers are using Python 2, so I took special care to highlight Python 3 features that may be new to that audience. However, Fluent Python is about making the most of Python 3.4, and I do not spell out the fixes needed to make the code work in earlier versions. Most examples should run in Python 2.7 with little or no changes, but in some cases, backporting would require significant rewriting.


Think Python 第二版 英文原版

Two weeks before the first day of classes, I decided to write my own book. My goals were: • Keep it short. It is better for students to read 10 pages than not read 50 pages. • Be careful with vocabulary. I tried to minimize jargon and define each term at first use. • Build gradually. To avoid trapdoors, I took the most difficult topics and split them into a series of small steps. • Focus on programming, not the programming language. I included the minimum useful subset of Java and left out the rest. I needed a title, so on a whim I chose How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.


Learn Python 3 the Hard Way 英文原版 azw3

This simple book is meant to get you started in programming. The title says it’s the hard way to learn to write code, but it’s actually not. It’s only the “hard” way because it uses a technique called instruction. Instruction is where I tell you to do a sequence of controlled exercises designed to build a skill through repetition. This technique works very well with beginners who know nothing and need to acquire basic skills before they can understand more complex topics. It’s used in everything from martial arts to music to even basic math and reading skills.


Python Crash Course 英文原版 pdf

This book would not have been possible without the wonderful and extremely professional staff at No Starch Press. Bill Pollock invited me to write an introductory book, and I deeply appreciate that original offer. Tyler Ortman helped shape my thinking in the early stages of drafting. Liz Chadwick’s and Leslie Shen’s initial feedback on each chapter was invaluable, and Anne Marie Walker helped to clarify many parts of the book. Riley Hoffman answered every question I had about the process of assembling a complete book and patiently turned my work into a beautiful finished product.



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