eclipse安装BPEL deigner

Installing BPELdesigner and Apache ODE on Eclipse > v3.6.2

This tutorial presents you how to install the BPEL designer and Apache Orchestration Director Engine (ODE) on Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios) for simulating BPEL processes.

Installing Eclipse BPEL designer

  1. Suppose that you have already downloaded and  installed your  Eclipse > v3.6.2(Helios,or Indigo), version for  Java EE Developers and  JDK (version > 1.5).
  2. Open the  Eclipse, go  to the menu  Help→Install New SoftWare.
  3. Click on the but toAdd and define a new Eclipe update site with the location: 
  4. Now you have the update-site of  BPEL available on the  eclipse. Select the check box  to  BPEL Visual  Designer and click on the but toNext.

  5. Follow the  installation windows, you will now have your  BPEL  installed on  EclipseNote that: the  BPEL dependencies(WTP, EMF, GEF, JEM) should be  installed before the  BPEL  designer. Fortunately, with  Eclipse Helios for JavaEE, you have all.
  6. After finishing the  installation, restart it.
  7. To verify the  installation was successful, after the restart, click on  File→New→Other, you will see the  BPEL 2.0 is on the list.

The BPEL designer is now ready to use. However, to run the BPEL process, you should have the server's environment. Now, we are going to install the Apache ODE for theBPEL deployment.

Installing Apache ODE

  1. Download and extract the  latest ODE from the  Apache web site. The current stable version is the  ODE 1.3.5.
  2. Inside the “apache-ode-war-1.3.5” folder, you will see an “ode.war” file. Deploy this file on your  Tomcat server.
  3. The simple way  to do this is extracting the “ode.war” file  to get the  ode folder.
  4. Copy this  ode folder  to your  TOMCAT_DIR/webapps direc tory.
  5. That's all.

Now, you have finished the installation steps. Now, you are going to set up the ODE server on Eclipse to run the BPEL application.

Setting up the ODE server on Eclipse

  1. S how the “Servers” view by selecting the menu  Windows→Show View→Servers.
  2. Right click on the empty space of the “Servers” view, select  New→Server.
  3. Leave the server host name as  localhost and select the server type as the  Apache→Ode v1.x Server. Rename the server's name if you want. In my  installation, I keep the default name. Then click on the but toNext.

  4. Select the JRE as the  Default JRE which was integrated in the  Eclipse. Set the path  to the  ODE's home directory and the  Tomcat directory. Then, set the  Tomcat's port as the port in its configuration file. The default port is  8080.

    Note that: the ODE Runtime configuration above can also be added or editted using the menu  Windows→Preferences→Server→Runtime Environments.

  5. Click  Finish. You now have the ODE server which is ready  to run on the  Eclipse. You can see this server on the Server View.
  6. Now, you should test the server's configuration by right click on the ODE server entry and select  Start. Or you can click on the  Start but ton on the Server View. If the server is sucessfully started, you will see the status like this.

  7. If you are using  Tomcat v.6 or v.7, you probably get the error 

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/juli/logging/LogFactory
      at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.<clinit>(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory
      at Method)
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
      at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
      ... 1 more
    Could not find the main class: org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap. Program will exit.
  8. This error occurs maybe because it misses the  tomcat-juli.jar in the Launch environment.
  9. To fix this, double click on the  installed  Ode v1.x Server in the Server View  to see the configuration.

  10. Click on Open  launch configuration → Classpath tab → Add External JARs → [your TOMCAT_DIR]\bin\tomcat-juli.jar. Then Ok.

  11. Now try  to start your ODE server in the Server View.
  12. Terminate the server by clicking on the  Stop but ton or right click on the server and select  Stop. Every thing is ready now for the first  BPEL program.

Some questions

  1. Change the ODE Server's port  to another number (such as  9090) using the “Note” in the step 4, part “Setting up the ODE server on  Eclipse”. Then, can you start/s top the ODE server?
  2. Now, you change the server's  connector port in the file  TOMCAT_DIR\conf\server.xml  to the ODE Server's port number ( 9090 as above). Save the file. Can you start/s top the server?

teaching_assistant/bpel/installing_bpel_designer_and_apache_ode_on_eclipse.txt · Last modified: 2011/12/27 10:34 by Nguyen Ngoc Chan
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