


Journal Import Overview:
3 G4 z( b+ /% p2 U( M( eflow:
* W0 S4 {. b5 RErp100论坛Subledgers(子类帐--子模块:AP,AR and so on)--->gl_interface data table---> 5 N% Q8 K' X5 h* {  {0 Y0 W+ I
journal import--->gl_je_batches/gl_je_headers/gl_je_lines data tables --->oracle assets ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶: j3 j, ~' m& W) q: F
Journal Creation Methods: bbs.erp100.com$ ?5 b/ @& H: W, ]4 V' Y6 n: g, f
Within Oracle General Ledger, you can work with the following types of journal entries:
% S6 X% X4 A2 kErp100论坛-- Manual Journal Entries: Basic journal entry type used for most accounting transactions. Erp100论坛5 r' X: E" {5 l: J
Examples include adjustments and reclassifications.
6 h3 m  k; j0 Q' x9 O-- Reversing Journal Entries: Entries are created by reversing an existing journal entry.
1 {) W( o: o7 q/ a' E9 /3 n# ~: s! YErp100论坛You can reverse any journal entry and post it to the current or any future open accounting & C, K: O/ h- v! c7 }
. e2 _/ s% n% {* n-- Recurring Journal Entries: Entries are defined once, then are repeated for each
( Q  o' ^7 W. s6 f$ I6 Ubbs.erp100.comsubsequent accounting period you generate. You can use recurring journal entries to
" ~7 p- j) ?1 P% VERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶define automatic consolidating and eliminating entries. ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶8 W$ r7 P, }3 P) ?9 v% |( c
-- Mass Allocations: Entries utilize a single journal entry formula to allocate balances
. |) W" M0 `5 k' z; {6 ]bbs.erp100.comacross a group of cost centers, departments, divisions or other segments. Examples 4 a( O4 [! n! P' D1 @( J
include rent expense allocated by headcount or administrative costs allocated by machine bbs.erp100.com) B7 S" d# @( G$ F5 C
labor hours. 1 W- n! v6 W0 U) h1 |
-- Journal Import: Imports of journal entry information from feeder systems.
0 V/ R& c7 p* _0 K; K; i8 j, j-- Journal Wizard (ADI): Upload journal entries from an Excel spreadsheet.
" h4 U4 {! k0 @+ ]. ^8 }# j) LErp100论坛 9 H- _8 K  P9 L7 S+ F
Journal Posting:
2 R; q; P7 @6 A5 I! f. e0 @+ KERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- Batch Posting: Navigate to the Post Journals window to post a group of journal batches.
! T9 z- M7 h" x# G0 _6 /2 G3 a-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!-- Manual Posting: Select the More Actions button from either the Journals window or the 2 u( y  @4 L, b. K0 ^- L2 {
Batch window to post a journal batch at the time of entry. This option is available only if 0 Z) V1 ?$ e+ s; o' M' p
the profile option Journals: Allow Posting During Journal Entry has been set to Yes.
2 g" L8 [9 K! u, d1 UERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶When you post journals, Oracle General Ledger posts all journals in a batch. You cannot Erp100论坛8 M  v, k- Z  f3 e" L! A# m4 J6 t
post individual journal entries in a batch.
7 a' p' s+ ~2 S) r-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!-- Automatic Posting: Run the AutoPost program to post journal batches automatically
; t/ q& Q  G3 a+ XErp100论坛based on a schedule you define. ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶3 I* _7 K$ H9 f- O2 ]
Journal Posting Status
7 V: s$ r0 Q$ bERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶Correcting Batch Posting Errors: Review the batch to identify the posting error. Common
$ I! s4 M! M, ^" X1 o/ K8 wERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶explanations for unpostable batches include: ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶; m% Y& i  y8 W8 E2 S$ S
-- Control total violations
3 b5 j5 `9 T- ^% j9 C- Ibbs.erp100.com-- Posting to unopened periods
4 i; c' Y4 t. u) l1 _; v# ]ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- Unbalanced journal entries Erp100论坛! Q6 Y) E9 G8 _3 m* F6 o
Correct the specific error and post the batch from the More Actions window. Erp100论坛, k" }* X6 ^% {* R9 s) a/ H. F
Posting Status:
- q9 C) `/ G) X6 s* k1 eUnposted             Pending
, T7 F; j4 R; J1 G9 vProcessing           Selected for posting ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶& a7 D% U2 s0 Z& _2 [
Posted                Error
" s# ^; }; M- K5 d- y! e$ UErp100论坛Approved             In Process
- _" V& z5 T5 vERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶 ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶" C# ~+ C- R% M% ~
ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶) ?3 /( C6 p% _* O/ H: S! }
Journal Entry Tables Erp100论坛# L7 B& |# q/ u7 V+ F3 x# [* J2 B
The major tables storing journal entries related information are as follows:
$ p- z# @0 r' M* ]Erp100论坛-- GL_JE_BATCHES ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶0 ]  G3 t: _' G' J- Q
-- GL_JE_HEADERS ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶, |( w6 |  q/ k3 M: {7 ~8 N/ /: a
-- GL_JE_LINES ) l8 j0 ?$ w% P
3 t, ]- w; @2 h1 /-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!-- GL_BALANCES
+ ?/ X* B9 v5 A; P+ KErp100论坛GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS
7 B9 Z" s, b: P$ u- Lbbs.erp100.comRefer to the previous section, Identifying Currency, Calendar and Chart of Accounts Tables,
+ [% `$ g5 h6 g' _ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶for a discussion of this table. -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!0 |& t2 p3 A* |( W2 J2 L: j
A one-to-many relationship exists between GL_BALANCES table and GL_JE_LINES table. bbs.erp100.com% Q  N: R( |& M7 s( r. ~) }
However, there is no direct relation between the other tables.
; T7 t4 u+ N6 ?. i; DERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶GL_JE_BATCHES: -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!3 /" U4 e9 @3 t. s+ t
--this table stores details of journal entry batches.
7 ]& ~8 t. E% Y  U  _2 }) rERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶--a batch is a grouping of journal entries * C, x6 F  I, k9 m  }5 [
--in general ledger,journal entries are posted in batches.
) _* l3 z- b- v  N8 Lbbs.erp100.com--each row in this table includes the batch name, status,running total debits
& S: W/ a; v$ r! b) v$ oand credits for all entries in the batch ,and other information.
/ z7 G6 y$ t$ s6 A8 ?' C2 {(N) Journals > Enter (B) New Batch bbs.erp100.com( T% Q2 z- d2 W( Z
-- JE_BATCH_ID (PK) ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶: s$ X0 H; U% /& L2 b
% A% _1 |, E4 p4 }2 l-- STATUS: Posted or Unposted
5 R" g1 K  w8 Wbbs.erp100.com-- ACTUAL_FLAG: A = Actuals, B= Budgets, E = Encumbrance
8 W& j" A4 z8 g& Z, K-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!-- DEFAULT_PERIOD_NAME
; r4 f* @1 c7 W2 i& K9 ?ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- POSTED_DATE ( z+ i4 ]" F- u: ^1 G
' k# B! `3 Q0 P2 k' C% eErp100论坛-- SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
' h: U* E+ b* g7 a- |6 J2 Y2 j% y$ d, ?-- POSTING_RUN_ID: Posting sequence number ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶$ i  L: Q2 }: c8 B* S0 V; r5 B
-- RUNNING_TOTAL_DR -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!$ p: K* m# L: P, e6 L& |% z
% x$ }2 _& v: k6 A% F) s  M1 |ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- RUNNING_TOTAL_ACCOUNTED_CR Erp100论坛" h: K& w4 Z2 /
Foreign Keys ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶8 _. r  T/ s. D$ h3 E, N+ p
Primary Key Table Primary Key Column Foreign Key Column FND_CONCURRENT_ REQUEST_ID REQUEST_ID
9 y8 V9 n0 t! c, p9 W9 b1 u/ XErp100论坛REQUESTS
  t: D1 |5 g( t. w# _ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶GL_JE_BATCHES       JE_BATCH_ID       PARENT_JE_BATCH_ID bbs.erp100.com7 ]/ M. V! f7 c- [  {
/ y' O8 w0 j" |0 [. ebbs.erp100.comGL_SETS_OF_BOOKS    SET_OF_BOOKS_ID   SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
- A8 D; q3 b- [$ L# i! O! h) s7 ~+ n% N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 i. q9 o0 ^5 c3 O- b" MGL_JE_HEADERS:
$ V3 |! g( x$ G  X; Q8 z--this table stores journal entry information. bbs.erp100.com0 e9 i! h+ b2 Q) Y$ D& O! Y! O
--there is a one-to-many relationship between journal entry batches and journal entries. Erp100论坛2 H! ^/ K% g- A: t
--each row in this table includes the associated batch id ,journal entry name and description, ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶5 d3 p' k4 }, i  K$ `2 R
and other information about the journal entry.
/ Y* `* d) E# ^; j- E7 {: H. e3 SERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶(N) Journals > Enter (B) New Journal Erp100论坛% K+ u+ |( V4 L* g) b
Major Columns
; L+ V; ~* R1 Sbbs.erp100.com-- JE_HEADER_ID (PK) Erp100论坛# @+ ~0 Q) W% j3 s; j$ {$ Q9 J
-- SET_OF_BOOKS_ID 6 e' l; {  o( x0 L0 o
-- JE_CATEGORY 7 v  a0 F/ l/ |
% y( Z% x1 J# u; [-- PERIOD_NAME -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!7 U" s" {* M" J, U* k+ F  B
2 B/ l; ]( Z9 C, h! g- I( k6 R' N6 n-- RUNNING_TOTAL_DR $ L/ A0 |& E" [3 b- r- V
: b1 O7 j8 Z# Q/ A$ s9 b7 T, O-- RUNNING_TOTAL_ACCOUNTED_DR 5 L0 u2 X  ~/ ^. t! D( D8 ?* z$ t
-- RUNNING_TOTAL_ACCOUNTED_CR Erp100论坛1 d. z1 g& o  D0 J  a
8 /9 I$ b1 @5 X8 D1 y* K; C-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!-- ACTUAL_FLAG
  s+ _! u! l, QErp100论坛-- JE_BATCH_ID ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶4 h7 ?: b5 J6 V4 v3 Z
-- POSTED_DATE 2 p3 x' e1 P' t8 @
$ H% c' L; _6 z: r: h5 m-- CURRENCY_CODE -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!. t7 b; A. y/ m5 U) f5 n
Foreign Keys -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!+ o0 {9 q+ K* I. v
Primary Key Table                                  Primary Key Column       Foreign Key Column
9 `, x$ T7 K6 E8 L4 H7 n' D: d, |FND_CURRENCIES                                        CURRENCY_CODE           CURRENCY_CODE ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶/ L  [- M* m$ v' c, /* z( B( X+ x0 ]
FND_FLEX_VALUES                                       FLEX_VALUE          ORIGINATING_BAL_SEG_VALUE
, O- G/ H- c: r5 [. QERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶FND_FLEX_VALUES                                       FLEX_VALUE             DR_BAL_SEG_VALUE
' p: o) L. _* _7 x9 u5 {4 FFND_FLEX_VALUES                                       FLEX_VALUE             CR_BAL_SEG_VALUE bbs.erp100.com8 g$ V3 /8 V: `. V! X5 m0 J* J
GL_BUDGET_VERSIONS                                 BUDGET_VERSION_ID       BUDGET_VERSION_ID
/ C& ^& E+ Z% sErp100论坛GL_ENCUMBRANCE_ENCUMBRANCE_ENCUMBRANCE_TYPES            TYPE_ID                 TYPE_ID ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶% O& Z9 f. q; ]! a0 {8 K
GL_JE_BATCHES                                          JE_BATCH_ID           JE_BATCH_ID ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶3 s" c: ?7 k2 p; O6 F& Z
GL_JE CATEGORIES_TL                                  JE_CATEGORY_NAME          JE_CATEGORY 2 y) W) D( z- c7 h1 j8 g
GL_JE_HEADERS                                          JE_HEADER_ID         ACCRUAL_REV_JE_HEADER_ID
. u/ V9 w* j  ?& sGL_JE_HEADERS                                          JE_HEADER_ID           PARENT_JE_HEADER_ID   E1 l8 |& B" _8 p; X
GL_JE_HEADERS                                          JE_HEADER_ID          REVERSED_JE_HEADER_ID bbs.erp100.com( J6 F9 a/ k4 T3 _; p
GL_JE_SOURCES_TL                                      JE_SOURCE_NAME           JE_SOURCE
3 O* A  O, `. H. ^* r7 Q- g-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS                                     SET_OF_BOOKS_ID          SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
( _+ ~: b1 l. ]2 W5 J$ X1 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- E# ?6 y/ [9 _0 y* i0 h! M( @0 L- uERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶GL_JE_LINES
2 [( v. x" p: {0 u" B6 ^* c+ UERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶--this table stores journal entry lines. ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶! r8 ?+ j4 N! n5 c/ l, L  T
--there is  a one-to-many relationship between journal entries headers and journal Erp100论坛: d. u, E6 N3 _
entry line. / n4 `- O: K: [; `9 V4 {8 |
--this table contain the information about the account and amount for each line of the : w' M- Q8 M+ J1 R8 L
entry. ) m' L+ S5 /" n* S' v8 g6 N' u
(N) Journals > Enter (B) New Journal -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!: O( f# U& V, e+ M7 p' v  N& J
Major Columns ' d4 P* B0 l7 M
* p1 j& s: r( G$ j-- JE_LINE_NUM (PK) Erp100论坛/ /' {3 b1 E( u; y0 N9 h
-- SET_OF_BOOKS_ID bbs.erp100.com& u0 h" X2 d; @0 c: c& A
-- CODE_COMBINATION_ID * [5 e  j# P- @! T" H8 x
-- PERIOD_NAME 0 j8 Y; B7 h6 ]4 K: h
-- EFFECTIVE _DATE . f- U2 Z. ?5 }* B, B$ p
-- STATUS Erp100论坛& H' r6 a, C, b0 L5 y
% o+ ^( Q: ~9 U-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!-- ENTERED_CR
+ g. U$ ~1 ]: w1 M& U3 uErp100论坛-- ACCOUNTED_DR Erp100论坛4 ~- l0 h" M4 p+ W& v" Y2 t5 `
& v$ c& V1 u# M4 u2 cbbs.erp100.com-- DESCRIPTION
4 ^. ?5 f5 I9 N-- STAT_AMOUNT Erp100论坛& w3 k. }9 T/ X# @# o7 L
ENTERED_DR and ENTERED_CR store the value of the entered currency;
$ e6 f7 Y7 }0 Z+ |* H  n+ P/ KERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶ACCOUNTED_DR and ACCOUNTED_CR store the value of the calculated journal in the
, z" m8 W: K0 i9 ^6 F: [' fErp100论坛base currency. Erp100论坛3 D: u0 P$ `. v" n" n
Foreign Keys bbs.erp100.com- s/ {3 j9 m' {+ r
Primary Key Table             Primary Key Column           Foreign Key Column bbs.erp100.com5 u/ Y8 {# ]/ ~9 u, a! ?. H9 V
GL_JE_HEADERS                    JE_HEADER_ID                JE_HEADER_ID
: r7 n# g2 i3 CErp100论坛GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS                SET_OF_BOOKS_ID             SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
; J0 G+ H) l! @9 H$ b& d( KGL_USSGL_                        USSGL_                       USSGL_ & /# B( t) O3 e. H
TRANSACTION_CODES               TRANSACTION_CODE            TRANSACTION_CODE -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!' h% O4 V, G- Q

1 H2 F! /# q; n( fErp100论坛------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 q* e9 m' e7 |! c/ M  R9 |! V
GL_BALANCES:Note: This table stores activity rather than the actual balance
3 {9 Y: z5 @9 q# }Erp100论坛-- this table stores net debit (净借记)and net credit (净贷记)information for detail and
& _* U/ g9 B9 U1 Q( f/ J; w8 bsummary accounts. bbs.erp100.com% @1 /! J  i( [5 A& ?/ N* u
-- the information is stored as actual, budget,and encumbrance amounts, it also stores
2 P. M7 C0 k" o; V% J% xfunctional currency,foreign currency ,and statistical balances for each accounting period 0 I/ Y7 r1 U! q5 K
that has ever been opened. -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!; c! _" @; M# S5 O
--GL_BALANCES is populated by the system during the GL Post and Summary Account Template Erp100论坛5 /" F: r2 J# R' p, /6 [
Defination -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!- f2 [( }3 K& W+ V9 A2 c3 F1 i
--it is used for standard account inquiries and for Financial Statement Generator(FSG)reporting ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶& X' n; J0 Q2 K# n  k, F4 u
Use the following formula to calculate the period-to-date balance:
: A* {: [" d: ]/ Y* L7 C-- (PERIOD_NET_DR - PERIOD_NET_CR) = Period-to-Date Balance
" H, F  I1 I3 /5 L& s  ^-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!Use the following formula to calculate the year-to-date balance:
7 @& U6 h. [2 G! R0 [7 Sbbs.erp100.com-- (BEGIN_BALANCE_DR - BEGIN_BALANCE_CR)+(PERIOD_NET_DR - PERIOD_NET_CR) = Year-to-Date Balance 0 c/ c0 A9 H7 W8 X3 H, q
Major Columns 7 z( U. B! F2 z: s3 W* r. J
( G& A" x1 {5 j- t; O0 |" ]ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- CODE_COMBINATION_ID (PK)
5 v- D1 F9 o, Z9 f5 O/ E5 VERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- CURRENCY_CODE (PK) -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!3 Y6 m, J6 A% n$ G4 ^! k. f
$ x) R6 E+ l4 z-- ACTUAL_FLAG (PK) -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!8 ^% y# N6 z: K5 N" j
! l2 ^  Z* [& |: Z+ zErp100论坛-- TRANSLATED_FLAG (PK) ; Q  Z% J. f* X& p; o# e  b
7 t8 W+ K. |5 l4 Z" ^: y: g, ybbs.erp100.com-- PERIOD_NET_DR
& [* u4 [$ X0 I/ v. z2 w-- PERIOD_NET_CR
8 x+ p, |6 a6 I8 X0 e' `ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR
1 t0 _- ~. {" W( PErp100论坛-- QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR 8 e. K7 X$ f, J0 T( x- s* w0 q
-- PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶* C9 Y! @4 U. X3 i4 _
& Z6 Z1 /- U+ jErp100论坛-- BEGIN_BALANCE_DR
" P& H( e3 N; T. U; M  X* _bbs.erp100.com-- BEGIN_BALANCE_CR
) ^  i* O. {$ r3 cERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶-- TEMPLATE_ID
3 Y, `& {! @, hERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶Note: PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR and PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR columns retain the life-todate balance 6 s6 G9 v* Z. T: Q+ I; a( x6 e
Foreign Keys
" @2 ]7 x* n8 c! aERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶Primary Key Table          Primary Key Column        Foreign Key Column
! N; x+ |6 `4 K0 _+ ^: yFND_CURRENCIES              CURRENCY_CODE              CURRENCY_CODE
* j2 o$ Z8 D$ U) E" i7 {: ~% P-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!GL_ENCUMBRANCE_TYPES        ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE_ID       ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE_ID
) u! ^' `" ?' N, w* j8 O* N3 oGL_PERIOD_TYPES              PERIOD_TYPE                 PERIOD_TYPE * i1 Q1 {3 |( Y: i8 _
GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS             SET_OF_BOOKS_ID           SET_OF_BOOKS_ID -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!$ f3 M7 s, x$ s/ L# j. b" M/ n




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