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1) Tablecloth - Css Globe has decided to present Tablecloth. Which is a lightweight, easy to use, unobtrusive way to add style and behaviour to your html table elements.


2) Create a table like Orbitz’s airline flights- The Css Guy taught us how to create a table that would give an indication of relationships among the information provided for example - clicking on a cell should highlight the associated cell in the top row and left most column.


3) A CSS styled table- Veerle Duoh has demonstrated a beautiful usage of tables, for tabular data while implementing them with accessibility in mind and how to make them appealing for the eye using CSS.


4) Sortable Table Sort the columns in a table and filter elements in the table.


5) Row Locking with CSS and JavaScript

- Again The Css Guy refered to this technique as ‘row locking’, since the effect stays in place until the user re-clicks (or unlocks) the row.


He also added another example to Lock rows with radios .

6) Vertical scrolling tablesIf you have a lot of table data but not much room to display it, then this might be the answer. A css only styled table with fixed column headings and footer and scrolling content./p>


7) Replicating a Tree table-The aim is to replicate a graphic table tree using HTML./p>


8 ) Paginate, sort and search a table with Ajax and Rails-This example provide a dynamic interface which doesn’t need to reload the entire page when the table changes.


9) Collapsible tables with DOM and CSS-This script add the arrow images in the footer allowing the table to be collapsed and expanded.


10) TableSorter plug-in for jQuery-Its main features include Multi-column sorting, Support for rowspan and colspan on TH elements and many other features


11) Stripe your tables the OO way-The ‘stripe’ method runs through each row in the specified table and applies the ‘alt’ class, then adds onmouseover and onmouseout functions.


12) MOOTOOLS javascript Table Row & Column highlighting-This shows an mootools javascript example that highlights the table row and column of the cell you are hovering over.


13) CSS Table Gallery-This is a showcase of 93 styled tables.


14) jQuery Table FilterThis example sorts/filters multiple columns


15) Sortable/Resizable/Editable TableKit TableKit is a collection of HTML table enhancements using the Prototype framework. TableKit currently implements row striping, column sorting, column resizing and cell editing using Ajax.


16) Make all your tables sortable


17) Zebra TablesAlistapart has provided us an excellent example of using JavaScript and the DOM to apply background-color styles to table cells.


18 ) Standardista Table Sorting is a JavaScript module that lets you sort an HTML data table by any column.


19) GridView3 Example


20) Mootable Because they are made from standard tables, they degrade nicely.


21) Drag & Drop Sortable Lists with JavaScript and CSS


For those of you looking for even more detailed information, here are links to some further reading:


Further Readings:


drag and drop



sortable table

sortable table

sortable table

sortable, resizable, editable

jquery table filter

css gallery




Collapsible tables

ajax tables

table tree

Vertical scrolling tables

row locking

row locking

CSS styled table



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以下是一个基于 Spring MVC 和 layui 数据表格的 AJAX 表格查询实现的示例: 1. 首先,定义一个包含搜索条件的实体类: ``` public class SearchParam { private String name; private Integer age; // 省略 getter 和 setter 方法 } ``` 2. 在控制器中定义处理 AJAX 请求的方法: ``` @Controller @RequestMapping("/user") public class UserController { @RequestMapping("/search") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> search(@RequestParam("page") Integer page, @RequestParam("limit") Integer limit, SearchParam searchParam) { // 处理查询逻辑,根据搜索条件查询数据并返回 Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(); // 查询总记录数 int count = userService.getCountBySearchParam(searchParam); // 查询当前页数据 List<User> userList = userService.getListBySearchParam(searchParam, page, limit); result.put("code", 0); result.put("msg", ""); result.put("count", count); result.put("data", userList); return result; } } ``` 3. 在页面中使用 layui 数据表格,并编写 AJAX 请求: ``` <script> layui.use('table', function () { var table = layui.table; table.render({ elem: '#userTable', // 指定原始表格元素选择器(如:#id、.class) url: '/user/search', // AJAX 请求的 URL method: 'post', // 请求方式 page: true, // 开启分页 cols: [[ {field: 'id', title: 'ID', sort: true}, {field: 'name', title: '姓名'}, {field: 'age', title: '年龄', sort: true} ]] }); // 监听搜索按钮点击事件 $('#searchBtn').on('click', function () { // 执行搜索操作 table.reload('userTable', { where: { name: $('#name').val(), age: $('#age').val() } }); }); }); </script> ``` 4. 在页面中添加搜索条件输入框和搜索按钮: ``` <div class="layui-form-item"> <div class="layui-inline"> <label class="layui-form-label">姓名</label> <div class="layui-input-inline"> <input id="name" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder="请输入姓名"> </div> </div> <div class="layui-inline"> <label class="layui-form-label">年龄</label> <div class="layui-input-inline"> <input id="age" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder="请输入年龄"> </div> </div> <div class="layui-inline"> <button id="searchBtn" class="layui-btn">搜索</button> </div> </div> ``` 以上就是一个基于 Spring MVC 和 layui 数据表格的 AJAX 表格查询实现的示例,具体实现方式可能会因项目需求而有所不同,可根据个人需求进行调整。


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