* 批量新增数据
* @param tableName 表名
* @param columnList 表列
* @param dataList 表数据
* @return 结果
int batchInsertData(@Param("tableName") String tableName, @Param("columnList") List<String> columnList, @Param("dataList") List<Map<String, Object>> dataList);
<insert id="batchInsertData">
insert into ${tableName}
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<foreach collection="columnList" item="item" separator=",">
<trim prefix="values " suffixOverrides=",">
<foreach collection="dataList" item="data" separator=",">
<foreach collection="columnList" item="col" open="(" separator="," close=")">
#{data.[${col}]} 使用这种方式从嵌套的foreach中按column中顺序取出对应的字段,如果data后面不加.则会保存,未找到data变量
* 报表配置
* @author kou
public class ReportConfigBO {
* 报表类型
private String reportType;
* 标题
private String title;
* 表名
private String tableName;
* x轴信息
private List<Axis> xaxis;
* y轴信息
private List<Axis> yaxis;
* 排序信息
private List<Column> orderColumns;
* 分组信息
private List<String> groupColumns;
* 配置
private Map option;
public static class Axis {
* 列名
private String column;
* 坐标轴显示名称
private String showName;
* 是否聚合
private String aggregate;
* 操作
private List<Operate> operate;
public static class Operate {
* 运算符,[+,-,*,/]
private String operate;
* 类型,table:表字段,number:数值,string:字符
private String type;
* 值,当type为非table时才启用
private String value;
public static class Column {
* 字段
private String column;
* 值
private String value;
<select id="configReport" resultType="java.util.Map">
<if test="reportConfig.xaxis != null and reportConfig.xaxis.size > 0">
<foreach collection="reportConfig.xaxis" item="x" separator="," close="," index="indexX">
<if test="x.column != null and x.column != ''">
<if test="x.aggregate != null and x.aggregate != ''">
coalesce(`${x.column}`, '')
<if test="x.operate != null and x.operate.size > 0">
<foreach collection="x.operate" item="opx" separator="," index="indexOpx">
<if test="opx.operate != null and opx.operate == '' and opx.type != null and opx.type != '' and opx.opx.value != null and opx.opx.value != ''">
<if test="opx.type == 'table'">
coalesce(`${opx.value}`, '')
<if test="opx.type == 'number'">
coalesce(${opx.value}, 0)
<if test="opx.type == 'string'">
coalesce(`${opx.value}`, '')
<if test="x.aggregate != null and x.aggregate != ''">
<if test="reportConfig.yaxis != null and reportConfig.yaxis.size > 0">
<foreach collection="reportConfig.yaxis" item="y" separator="," index="indexY">
<if test="y.column != null and y.column != ''">
<if test="y.aggregate != null and y.aggregate != ''">
coalesce(`${y.column}`, '')
<if test="y.operate != null and y.operate.size > 0">
<foreach collection="y.operate" item="opy" separator="," index="indexOpy">
<if test="opy.operate != null and opy.operate != '' and opy.type != null and opy.type != '' and opy.value != null and opy.value != ''">
<if test="opy.type == 'table'">
coalesce(`${opy.value}`, '')
<if test="opy.type == 'number'">
coalesce(${opy.value}, 0)
<if test="opy.type == 'string'">
coalesce(`${opy.value}`, '')
<if test="y.aggregate != null and y.aggregate != ''">
<if test="reportConfig.groupColumns != null and reportConfig.groupColumns.size > 0">
group by
<foreach collection="reportConfig.groupColumns" item="column" separator=",">
<if test="reportConfig.orderColumns != null and reportConfig.orderColumns.size > 0">
order by
<foreach collection="reportConfig.orderColumns" item="item" separator=",">
<if test="item.column != null and item.column != ''">
<if test="item.value != null and item.value != ''">
对 List<List<T>> 对象循环,使用 foreach item 属性作为子 foreach 的collection 值进行遍历