Mongoose OS 的mos命令

C:\Users\y>mos --helpfull
The Mongoose OS command line tool, v. 20171001-163638/1.18@4bbec4b4+.
Update channel: "release". Checking updates... Up to date.
  mos <command>

  ui               Start GUI
  init             Initialise firmware directory structure in the current directory
  build          Build a firmware from the sources located in the current directory
  flash          Flash firmware to the device
  flash-read     Read a region of flash
  console        Simple serial port console
  ls               List files at the local device's filesystem
  get            Read file from the local device's filesystem and print to stdout
  put            Put file from the host machine to the local device's filesystem

  rm             Delete a file from the device's filesystem
  config-get     Get config value from the locally attached device
  config-set     Set config value at the locally attached device
  call           Perform a device API call. "mos call RPC.List" shows available methods
  aws-iot-setup  Provision the device for AWS IoT cloud
  gcp-iot-setup  Provision the device for Google IoT Core
  update         Self-update mos tool; optionally update channel can be given (e.g. "latest", "release", or some exact version)
  wifi           Setup WiFi - shortcut to config-set wifi...

Global Flags:
      --alsologtostderr                               log to standard error as well as files
      --apps-dir string                                Directory to store apps into (default  "~/.mos/apps-${mos.version}")
      --arch string                                       Deprecated, please use --platform instead
      --atca-slot int                                     When using ATCA, use this slot for key storage.
      --aws-enable-greengrass              Enable AWS Greengrass support
      --aws-iot-policy string                     Attach this policy to the generated certificate
      --aws-iot-thing string                       Attach the generated certificate to this thing. By default uses device ID. Set to '-' to not  attach certificate to any thing.
      --aws-mqtt-server string                 If not specified, calls DescribeEndpoint to get it from AWS
      --aws-region string                          AWS region to use. If not specified, uses the default
      --baud-rate uint                               Serial port speed (default 115200)
      --build-cmd-extra strings               extra make flags, added at the end of  the make command. Can be used multiple times.
      --build-docker-extra strings          extra docker flags, added before image name. Can be used multiple times: e.g. --build-docker-extra -v --build-docker-extra /foo:/bar.
      --build-parallelism int                    build parallelism. default is to use number of CPUs.
      --build-target string                        target to build with make (default "all")
      --build-var strings                           build variable in the format "NAME:VALUE" Can be used multiple times.
      --ca-cert-file string                          CA cert for TLS server verification
      --cc3200-format-slfs-size int        Format SLFS for this flash size (bytes) (default 1048576)
      --cc3220-bpi-binary string           Path to BuildProgrammingImage binary.  If not set will try looking in the default TI dir.
      --cert-cn string                               Common name for the certificate. By default uses device ID.
      --cert-file string                              Certificate file name
      --cert-type string                           Type of the key for new cert, RSA or ECDSA. Default is ECDSA.
      --clean                                            perform a clean build, wipe the previous build state
      --device-id string                          Device ID
      --device-pass string                     Device pass/key
      --docker_images string               build images, arch1=image1,arch2=imag e2 (default ",cc3")
      --dry-run                                        Do not apply changes, print what would be done (default true)
      --esp-baud-rate uint                    Data port speed during flashing (default 460800)
      --esp-boot-after-flashing            Boot the firmware after flashing (default true)
      --esp-data-port string                 If specified, this port will be used to send data during flashing. If not set, --port is used.
      --esp-enable-compression       Compress data while writing to flash.  Usually makes flashing faster. (default true)
      --esp-erase-chip                         Erase entire chip before flashing
      --esp-flash-params string          Flash chip params. Either a comma-separated string of mode,size,freq or a number. Mode must be one of: qio, qout, dio
, dout. Valid values for size are: 2m, 4m, 8m, 16m, 32m, 16m-c1, 32m-c1, 32m-c2.
 If left empty, an attempt will be made to auto-detect. freq is SPI frequency and can be one of 20m, 26m, 40m, 80m
      --esp-minimize-writes                Minimize the number of blocks to write by comparing current contents with the images being written (default true)
      --esp-rom-baud-rate uint           Data port speed when talking to ROM loader (default 115200)
      --esp32-enable-flash-encryption      Enable flash encryption. This sets a typical set of eFuse options used with flash encryption.
      --esp32-encryption-key-file string   If specified, this file will be used to encrypt data before flashing. Encryption is only applied to parts with encryp
      --esp32-fake-fuses                      Use fake eFuse controller implementation, for testing
      --esp32-flash-address uint32
      --esp32-flash-crypt-conf uint32      Value of the FLASH_CRYPT_CONF eFuse setting, affecting how key is tweaked. (default 15)
      --esp32-protect-key                     Write and read-protect the key inside  the device. (default true)
      --firmware string                           Firmware .zip file location (file of HTTP URL) (default "build\\")
      --flash-timeout duration              Maximum flashing time (default 1m0s)
      --force                                            Use the force
      --gcp-project string                      Google IoT project ID
      --gcp-region string                      Google IoT region
      --gcp-registry string                    Google IoT device registry
      --helpfull                                       Show full help, including advanced flags
      --http-addr string                         Web UI HTTP address (default "")
      --hw-flow-control                         Enable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
      --inverted-control-lines              DTR and RTS control lines use inverte d polarity
      --keep-temp-files                         keep temp files after the build is do ne (by default they are in ~/.mos/tmp)
      --key-file string                            Key file name
      --lib strings                                   location of the lib from mos.yaml, in  the format: "lib_name:/path/to/location". Can be used multiple times.
      --libs-dir string                             Directory to store libraries into (default "~/.mos/libs-${mos.version}")
      --libs-update-interval duration      how often to update already fetched libs (default 30m0s)
      --local                              Local build.
      --log_backtrace_at traceLocation     when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
      --log_dir string                     If non-empty, write log files in this  directory
      --logtostderr                        log to standard error instead of file s
  -l, --long                               Long output format.
      --migrate                            Migrate data from the previous version if needed (default true)
      --module strings                     location of the module from mos.yaml, in the format: "module_name:/path/to/location". Can be used multiple times.
      --modules-dir string                 Directory to store modules into (default "~/.mos/modules-${mos.version}")
      --no-input                           Do not read from stdin, only print device's output to stdout
      --no-libs-update                     if true, never try to pull existing libs (treat existing default locations as if they were given in --lib)
      --no-reboot                          Save config but don't reboot the device.
      --no-save                            Don't save config and don't reboot the device
      --pass string                        Cloud password or token
      --platform string                    Hardware platform. Possible values: cc3200, esp32, esp8266, stm32
      --port string                        Serial port where the device is connected. If set to 'auto', ports on the system will be enumerated and the first wil
l be used. (default "auto")
      --prefer-prebuilt-libs               if both sources and prebuilt binary of a lib exists, use the binary (default true)
      --reconnect                          Enable reconnection
      --repo string                        Path to the mongoose-os repository; if omitted, the mongoose-os repository will be cloned as ./mongoose-os
      --rpc-creds string                   Either "username:passwd" or "@filename" which contains username:passwd
      --save-build-stat                    save build statistics (default true)
      --server string                      FWBuild server (default "")
      --start-browser                      Automatically start browser (default true)
      --state-file string                  Where to store internal mos state (default "~/.mos/state.json")
      --stderrthreshold severity           logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
      --swmodule-suffix string              (default "-${version}")
      --temp-dir string                    Directory to store temporary files (default "~/.mos/tmp")
      --timeout duration                   Timeout for the device connection and call operation (default 10s)
      --timestamp string[="true"]          Prepend each line with a timestamp in the specified format. A number of specifications are supported:simple 'yes' or
'true' will use UNIX Epoch + .microseconds; the Go way of specifying date/time format, as described in, including the constants (so
 --timestamp=UnixDate will work, as will --timestamp=Stamp); the strftime(3) format (see (default "StampMilli")
      --use-atca                           Use ATCA (AECC508A) to store private key.
      --user string                        Cloud username
  -v, --v Level                            log level for V logs
      --verbose                            Verbose output
      --version                            Print version and exit
      --vmodule moduleSpec                 comma-separated list of pattern=N set tings for file-filtered logging
      --web-root string                    UI Web root to use instead of built-in





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