- 主进程接收任务,子进程处理任务。以一个主进程作为任务委派的接收进程,接收到任务后将任务分派给子进程进行处理,处理完成后由该子进程直接返回任务结果给gearman。
- 多进程接收并处理任务。批量fork多个子进程注册任务,子进程间互不影响,各自完成接收、处理任务的过程。
- 由于worker较多的时间是消耗在等待接收请求上,因此主进程只单一的进行轮训任务接收可以提高单条gearman请求通道的利用率。
- 由子进程直接返回任务结果可分离主进程与子进程的作业,主进程无需关心任务的结果而只专注于接收任务。
- 主进程接收到任务请求后将请求转发给子进程处理任务,由于子进程处理任务完成后需要将任务结果返回给gearman,因此子进程需要将该任务请求对应的gearman socket传递给子进程,而该过程实现起来过于复杂。(通常具有socket的实例无法通过pickle传递给子进程,虽然Unix的sendmsg可以用来传递socket,但将传递的socket构造成一个GearmanWorker又是另外一件痛苦的事情)
- 子进程通过传递的socket构造出GearmanWorker后,由于原socket的句柄仍被父进程持有,所以在等待结果的任务请求方无法收到子进程所返回的处理结果。
- 等价于fork多个原进程,逻辑、作业方式均无改变。
- 可在fork子进程之前完成公有资源的加载而无需每个GearmanWorker匀加载一次。
- 子进程异常退出后主进程无法正确感知,虽然主进程会维持相同的子进程数,但是异常退出所重启的子进程没有正确注册到gearman接收任务。
- 主进程异常退出后子进程无法感知,将导致出现僵尸进程。
- 利用PID文件记录每个子进程的pid,确保主进程退出后仍能通过PID文件退出子进程。
- 利用Redis的发布订阅模式实现GearmanWorker的正常退出。
client 端代码: test_multi_gearman_worker.py
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from gearman import GearmanClient
- gearman_client = GearmanClient([''])
- new_jobs = [
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-0.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-1.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-2.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-3.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-4.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-5.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-6.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-7.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-8.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-9.mp4'),
- dict(task='test_multi_gearman_worker', data='job-10.mp4'),
- ]
- completed_requests = gearman_client.submit_multiple_jobs(new_jobs)
- for current_request in completed_requests:
- print (current_request.result)
- print ("Game over!")
worker端代码: multi-gearman-worker.py
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import os
- import string
- import signal
- import threading
- import subprocess
- import multiprocessing
- import redis
- from gearman.worker import GearmanWorker, POLL_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS
- WORKER_PROCESS_PID = '/tmp/multi_gearman_worker.pid'
- class MultiGearmanWorker(GearmanWorker):
- """ multi-process gearman worker """
- def __init__(self, host_list=None, redis_host=None, redis_port=None, pid=WORKER_PROCESS_PID):
- super(MultiGearmanWorker, self).__init__(host_list=host_list)
- self.redis_host = redis_host
- self.redis_port = redis_port
- self.pid = pid
- def work(self, poll_timeout=POLL_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS, process=multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
- """
- start working, blocking process first
- :param poll_timeout: int , the connection time of gearman
- :param process: int , the number of process for working , the default is the number of cpu-core
- :return:
- """
- print('Clear last process.')
- self.gearman_worker_exit()
- print('Ready to start %d process for work.' % process)
- gm_poll = multiprocessing.Pool(process)
- for x in range(0, process):
- print('start %d child process', x)
- gm_poll.apply_async(gearman_work, (self, poll_timeout, self.pid))
- gm_poll.close()
- gm_poll.join()
- # Delete the PID file if all sub-process exit normally
- if os.path.isfile(self.pid):
- os.remove(self.pid)
- print('Multi gearman worker exit.')
- def gearman_worker_exit(self):
- """ Terminate sub-process """
- if not os.path.isfile(self.pid):
- return True
- with open(self.pid, 'r+') as f:
- for pid in f.readlines():
- pid = int(pid)
- try:
- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
- print('Kill process %d.' % pid)
- except OSError:
- print('Process %d not exists' % pid)
- continue
- os.remove(self.pid)
- print('Remove process pid file.')
- return True
- #The gearman job switch identifier used by the child process
- def gearman_work(gm_worker, poll_timeout=POLL_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS, pid=WORKER_PROCESS_PID):
- """ Open gearman;s worker in multiple processes """
- try:
- """ Record the child process pid,
- so that the main process is cleared by the supervisor
- to clear the child process did not exit the last time
- """
- with open(pid, 'a+') as f:
- f.write("%d%s" % (os.getpid(), os.linesep))
- print('Child process start for work.')
- continue_working = True
- worker_connections = []
- d = threading.Thread(name='monitor', target=gearman_monitor,
- args=(gm_worker.redis_host, gm_worker.redis_port))
- d.start()
- def continue_while_connections_alive(any_activity):
- return gm_worker.after_poll(any_activity)
- # Shuffle our connections after the poll timeout
- while continue_working and GEARMAN_CONTINUE_WORK:
- worker_connections = gm_worker.establish_worker_connections()
- continue_working = gm_worker.poll_connections_until_stopped(
- worker_connections, continue_while_connections_alive, timeout=poll_timeout)
- # If we were kicked out of the worker loop, we should shutdown all our connections
- for current_connection in worker_connections:
- current_connection.close()
- print('Gearman worker closed')
- return None
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- def gearman_monitor(redis_host, redis_port):
- """ Listen to dynamic update instructions """
- print('Start gearman monitor.')
- """To prevent abnormal operation caused by the thread is not monitoring the redis response after hanging up,
- exception handling on here, after an exception re-listen
- """
- try:
- sub = redis.StrictRedis(redis_host, redis_port).pubsub()
- sub.subscribe('hot')
- for i in sub.listen():
- if isinstance(i.get('data'), str):
- if i.get('data') == 'exit':
- # worker???????????????????
- print('Gearman monitor receive restart signal.')
- sub.unsubscribe('hot')
- break
- # ????????,?????????gearman worker????????
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- try:
- sub.unsubscribe('hot')
- except Exception:
- pass
- print('Gearman monitor closed')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- def test_multi_gearman_worker(worker, job):
- print('who ', worker)
- print('do what ', job.data)
- print('Game over! ', job.data)
- return job.data
- gearman_worker = MultiGearmanWorker(('', ), '', 6379)
- gearman_worker.register_task('test_multi_gearman_worker', test_multi_gearman_worker)
- gearman_worker.work(POLL_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS, 5)
1. 需要先有安装好的redis;
2. 需要先有安装好的gearman