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原创 IE6中javascript数组声明语法错误引起的一个问题

由于客户的需求,撬开棺材板把IE6又搬出来鞭尸,发现原来的一段js程序报非法访问错误。原来是由于里面一个数组的声明不严谨:var v = [ 'aaa',];注意数组声明里最后的一个逗号!这个数组v在现在的浏览器(IE8/9,firefox5+,chrome12+等)

2011-10-12 16:23:50 2880

原创 CSDN08上海熊熊会

即使在周五起床之前,都在挣扎到底有没有必要花费一天的时间去“见网友”,尤其是一窝雄性网友@_@。回想起五六年前参加的一次CSDN聚会,记忆里留下的,除了20人民币的门票,昏暗破旧的会场,还有就是心理阴影,感觉就像是一场没有激情的传销讲座。终于,还是没能抵抗住免费午餐的诱惑,赴义去了。 早上8点,会场的签到处,毫无悬念的“偶遇”到老鸟和虫子。二话没说,插入~会议的组织比想象中的好,签

2008-09-10 23:29:00 2275 1

原创 有多少xxx-Oriented Architecture可以“乱来”?--XOA大全

 今天看一篇文章《http://www.intertwingly.net/blog/2006/08/08/WOA-vs-ROA》(http://www.intertwingly.net/blog/2006/08/08/WOA-vs-ROA)时,突想知道到底有多少OA。google一把,发现xxx-Oriented Architecture比我想象的还要多!在这里八卦一下,比较大众化的就

2008-04-02 17:26:00 2750

原创 析异XSLT处理器

本文简单解析一下市面上比较常见的几种XSLT处理器xalan、saxon和MSXML在处理XSLT文件之间的不同,让读者在写XSLT文件时注意,尽量绕开,避免写出处理器不兼容的代码。一、功能实现1. document()XSLT的核心函数document(arg1, arg2)可以带两个参数,当第一个参数为realative的URI时,将使用第二个参数的base URI将其变成abso

2008-03-04 18:06:00 3501

原创 【烂笔头网记】XSLT 2.0: Fundamental changes

http://www.w3.org/2004/Talks/xslt20-LV-www2004    *  Enhanced data-model          o Nodeset is generalized: welcome sequence of items (node or atomic value)                + Duplicates are allowed  

2008-02-02 15:49:00 1937

原创 烂笔头网记

Memory Leaks Detection: A Different Approach 此文讨论了现在内存泄漏工具的一些不足,比如误报。不过个人在这种问题上要求比较严格,所以“误报”也是“报”!此文最后列出来的两个内存泄漏探测工具还是可以看看的,列在这里:Windows Leaks Detector (sourceforge.net/projects/winleak) for Win32 a

2007-12-19 14:59:00 2579

原创 Who is in me? -- Freeware on Windows

  前些日子硬盘忽然罢了一下工,可把我吓出一身冷汗。为了预防以后此类“不可抗力”因素,觉得即使在这里简单的自己的机器“口水”backup一下也比什么没有的好。这里我只列出自己windows平台下一些比较通用的免费软件, 编程环境Dev-C++Borland Developer Studio 2006装了里面的一个Borland Turbo C++,不过几乎不用,只是用来怀念

2007-11-30 13:00:00 2593

原创 烂笔头网记

Transaction ProgrammingCalum Grant在DDJ上发表了一篇Transaction Programming, 介绍了用他做的一个C++事务编程库Atomic,关于它的实现: The implementation of the Atomic Library is based around a central stack—a transaction sta

2007-11-13 16:22:00 2300

原创 C语言的静态映射声明

前段时间,准备设计一个关于出错信息的表,每一个错误有一个唯一的ErrID,和对应的错误信息以及其他辅助信息。在C语言中,很自然的实现如下:enum {    ERR_ID_1,    ERR_ID_2,    ERR_ID_3,    ERR_ID_4} ErrID;const char* errmsg[] = {    "This is Error 1 msg", /*ERR_ID_1*

2007-11-13 15:05:00 3586

原创 [C++想当然]线程不安全的local static variable

案例程序在多线程执行时,会发生random crash。结果跟踪到是多线程并发调用下面函数时出现非法操作:    class ElementMap {        static Type find (const std::string& name) {            static ElementMap emap;            Type type = UNKNOWN;

2007-08-31 16:17:00 5163 2

原创 Valgrind reports memory leaking in pthread_create()

 Valgrind will report memory leak when we run multi-threading application which uses pthread_create, but it’s NOT real memory leak. R.F. The buffer allocated at pthread_create() is used to exten

2007-07-31 12:34:00 2881

原创 programmer personality type

早上无聊,在这里做了一个关于编程个人风格的测试,结果如下:Your programmer personality type is:   DLTBYoure a Doer. You are very quick at getting tasks done. You believe the outcome is the most important part

2007-06-07 14:37:00 1978

原创 10/05/07 Digest

10 tips for leading your team to peak performanceIf you manage knowledge workers and IT project managers, you need to develop a special brand of leadership that challenges employees, allows them to ma

2007-05-10 16:01:00 1981

原创 The Future of Programming: Less Is More

 The Future of Programming: Less Is MoreeWeek (08/28/06) Taft, Daryl K. The rise of open source has shifted the face of programming toward a more dynamic framework that will be less encumbered by

2006-09-05 11:07:00 2149

原创 NEWS DIGEST(16/08/06)

 AMD unleashes next-generation Opteron chipsChipmakers response to Intels new Xeons speeds memory and paves way to quad-core. By Stephen Shankland Staff Writer, CNET News.comhttp://news.com.com/

2006-08-16 14:58:00 2176

原创 NEWS DIGEST(16/08/06)

AMD unleashes next-generation Opteron chipsChipmakers response to Intels new Xeons speeds memory and paves way to quad-core. By Stephen Shankland Staff Writer, CNET News.comhttp://news.com.com/AMD

2006-08-16 14:57:00 2067

原创 教育网软件升级资源


2006-06-20 23:36:00 2130

原创 for初始语句中声明变量的作用域问题

[论坛链接]在for的初始语句中声明的变量,按C++98标准的规定,有效期仅为for循环中,详见ISO-IEC14882:6.5.3 The for statement [stmt.for]3 If the for-init-statement is a declaration, the scope of the name(s) declared extends to the end

2006-02-28 13:29:00 4599

原创 二进制文件 VS 文本文件

Actually, there is no difference. But since text files are often interpreted as such, it is wise to limit the contents to the proper subset. For example:  >dir tt1.txt 02/06/2006  07:05p    

2006-02-07 15:11:00 3512 2

翻译 [译]获取系统网络MAC地址的三种方法

[原文][未经许可,不得转载][风焱注:这是鄙人第一篇除英语作业以外的翻译,目的是练手,所以选了一篇极其简单的凑数。]获取系统网络MAC地址的三种方法--Borland开发人员支持团队摘要: 本文描述了通过编程获取系统网卡(NIC,Network interface Card)的MAC地址的三种不同方法。 三种方法得

2006-01-10 14:08:00 4052

原创 UNIX Shell Commands List

A at : execute commands at a specified time/date. awk: a scripting language, especially useful for manipulating text and automation. B bash : invokes the Bourne Again Shell (standard on most boxes). b

2006-01-09 14:27:00 2649 1

原创 编程急转弯

2004/11/29how to realize a memcpy function?My answer:int memcpy(char* scr,char* des,int size){assert(des);assert(scr);assert((size>0)&&(sizeint r=0;for(r = 0;r*((int*)des+r)=*((int*)scr+r);r*=4;for(;r

2006-01-09 13:52:00 1452

原创 关于pointer-to-member的一些讨论

今天为了测试data member pointer,在BCB6里写了一段程序,却发现了一点问题。代码很简单:struct Base1 { int val1;};printf("&Base1::val1 = %p, %d/n", &Base1::val1, 2);结果发现数字2 输出失败,显示为0,察看CPU发现:0040116B 6A02             push 0x0200

2006-01-08 22:03:00 3162 10

原创 24点 程序

其实这是一道ICM题,即不一定是24点,给定一个自然数集合和一个目标数,求最优解。慌忙中作答,写在这里为的是以后回来好优化一下。#include   double st[20];int sp=0; const int COUNT=6;int numbers[COUNT]={1,2,3,4,7,25};int answer=573;int ops[4]={+,-,*,/}; int

2005-12-14 14:05:00 1515

原创 补习Google

今天在别人叶子上看到了一篇叶子,推荐《一篇改变世界的论文》,是关于Web搜索的,虽然不是我的专业,不过既然这样说,我也要去看看的:《The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine》, Sergey Brin , Lawrence Page, Computer Science Department, Stanford Unive

2005-12-10 11:12:00 1084

原创 [FW]C Coding Standards Quick Reference

Wireless Systems GroupC Coding Standards Quick ReferenceComments                                                      3.1Every file that contains source code shall be documented with an introductory c

2005-12-06 12:42:00 1320

原创 Secure Programming Training Notes

 IntroductionManaging Project RiskWe manage theses risks by focusing on some key areas during development:Providing the wrong functionality and/or performance levels (Requirements)Providing high level

2005-12-05 11:29:00 2122

原创 [公告]编程网络资源链接

Borland        C++ Bulder Developers Journal        Borland Global Community        Borland Newsgroup        delphi and c++ builder tools directory        delphi information magazine

2005-12-02 10:42:00 1630

原创 Secure Programming References

"Writing Secure Code: Practical Strategies and Proven Techniques for Building Secure Applications in a Networked World" 2nd Edition - Michael Howard and David LeBlanc - Microsoft Press"Building Secure

2005-11-22 15:17:00 1234

原创 GOOGLE面试题--我的答案

这个题目的英文原题是:Consider a function which, for a given whole number n, returns the number of ones required when writing out all numbers between 0 and n. For example, f(13)=6. Notice that f(1)=1. What is th

2005-10-24 15:15:00 1740 4

转载 [Forward]Engineer Notebook: An Extreme Programming Episode

  Engineer Notebook: An Extreme Programming Episodeby Robert C. Martin and Robert S. KossThis article is derived from a chapter of the forthcoming book Advanced Principles, Patterns and Proces

2005-02-23 14:47:00 1239

原创 Perl学习笔记

[最后修改时间:2005年2月5日]1 notify the administrator regarding the FA disk space usage#!/usr/bin/perl # Purpose: This file will notify the administrator regarding the disk space usage. open(INF,"df -k /usr/te

2005-02-04 11:36:00 1493

原创 Shell Notepad

1 单引号和双引号的区别单引号严格一些。它可以防止任何变量扩展。双引号可以防止通配符扩展但允许变量扩展。2 Use case to select OS type  # Moved shell code from .machtype into here so that one less process  # is executed.  PLATFORM="unknown"  if [ -f /u

2005-02-02 17:40:00 1238

转载 man sh

User Commands                                               sh(1) NAME     sh, jsh - standard and job control shell and command  inter-     preterSYNOPSIS     /usr/bin/sh [ -acefhiknprstuvx ]  [

2005-02-02 14:19:00 2237

转载 man test

User Commands                                               if(1) NAME     if, test  -  evaluate  condition(s)  or  make  execution  of     actions dependent upon the evaluation of condition(s)S

2005-02-02 14:18:00 1812

原创 Essays Link

Peter Norvig:《Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years》(中译本)

2005-01-19 19:49:00 949

原创 Coding References

Here is a list of most frequently used coding standards for the mainstream programming languages. for Java: "Coding Conventions for the Java Programming Language" - Sun Microsystems "Element

2005-01-19 16:58:00 1089

转载 [FW]TIOBE Programming Community Index for January 2005

TIOBE Programming Community Index for January 2005January Headline: PHP awarded programming language of 2004The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of p

2005-01-19 16:54:00 1579

原创 Tcl/iTcl/Tk References

Tcl/iTcl/Tk References  Table of Contents:Books on Tcl/Tk Tcl Extensions Other Online Info Object-Oriented Programming  Books on Tcl/TkTcl and the Tk Toolkit Author: John K. OusterhoutPublisher: Addis

2005-01-18 16:04:00 2888

原创 Video Sequence Compressor

#include void VideoSequenceCompressor::init(HIC hic, BITMAPINFO *pbiInput, BITMAPINFO *pbiOutput, long lQ, long lKeyRate) { ICINFO info; LRESULT res; int cbSizeIn, cbSizeOut; cbSizeIn = pbiInput->

2005-01-17 13:30:00 1832

Backend Attribute Exchange

Backend Attribute Exchange Introduction


URI Introduction PPT

URI Introduction PPT


SOA Security ppt

SOA Security Introduction



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