Beman Dawes-Boost-20031104-C++标准委员会


发件人:Beman Dawes

主题:C++ committee actions


The C++ committee met last week. Actions which may be of interest to Boosters:


* The initial version of the Library Technical Report (TR) working paper has been accepted; it will be refined over the next year to become the final TR. The plan is to finish the technical work on the TR at the
Redmond meeting, one year from now.

最初的Library Technical Report Working Paper已经被标准委员会接受;在下一年中,这些报告将被进一步精确化,并成为最终的TR。计划是在明年的Redmond 会议之前完成TR相关的技术工作。

* A number of mostly minor changes and fixes to the TR were voted in, based on early implementation experience. Library vendors seem to be implementing the TR with gusto, and one or two are already shipping some of the smaller components.

TR的大部分主要改动和整理都以早期的实现经验为基础进行了投票。Library 的作者们看起来对于完成TR有着浓厚的兴趣,并且其中的一两个已经提交了更小的组件。

* The Iterator Facade and Adaptor, Iterator Concepts, and Fixed Size Array Wrapper proposals were accepted for the Library TR. All are based on Boost libraries.

Iterator Facade and Adaptor, Iterator Concepts 定长数组提案已经被Library TR所接受。这些提案都以Boost为基础。

* The Library TR is now closed; no proposals for new components will be accepted. The Library Working Group (LWG) will continue to accept defect reports from committee members until the TR is finished. (The LWG didn't discuss what would happen if a non-committee member submitted a defect report on the TR working paper, but I can't imagine it would be ignored.)
Library TR现在已经关闭,并不在接受新的组件提案。库工作小组(LWG)将会从标准委员会成员处接受错误报告,直到TR工作结束。(虽说库工作小组没有讨论过如果他们接收到一份标准委员会成员提交的错误报告将会发生什么事情,但是我想那份报告应该不会被忽略)

* The LWG will now begin to accept proposals for changes to the current standard library, for inclusion in C++xx.  (So called "impure" changes. The TR accepted only "pure"/"bolt-on" additions.) Details not yet worked out, but as usual proposals will require a fully-worded proposal in the form of an official committee document.

库工作小组现在开始接受对于现行的C++ xx标准的修改提案(也就是“impure”形式的提案。TR只接受“pure/bolt-on”形式的提案)。虽然细节还没有完全确定,但和往常一样,这种提案也需要一份正式的官方格式的文件。

* The C (yes, C, not C++) committee decided the previous week to include the Special Functions from the C++ Library TR as a C library. The intent is to maintain as close to 100% compatibility between the two Special Function libraries as is possible. Certain minor changes were made to the TR library to facilitate compatibility.
C标准委员会(请注意是C而不是C++)于上周决定将C++ Library TR中的特殊函数作为标准C库的一部分。初步的设想是使这两份标准之间的函数能够达到100%的兼容程度。因此可以确定的是TR Library中将会为了兼容性而作少许的改动。

* Both the C and C++ committees are beginning tightly coordinated work on new TR's dealing with "the integration of IEEE-754R decimal floating-point arithmetic" into the two languages. Note that IEEE-754R includes fixed-point and integer decimal point arithmetic as a subset of

C 和 C++ 标准委员会正在为在这两种语言内“集成IEEE-754R标准中的十进制浮点体系”密切合作攻关。注意IEEE-754R标准中包含了定点小数和十进制整数体系作为浮点体系的一个子集。


* The ECMA TG5 committee work on C++/CLI language bindings is moving forward on a fast track. The leadership and membership of the ECMA committee is dominated by long-term C++ committee members, so hopefully the two committee's work will be well coordinated.

正在为绑定C++和CLI两种语言工作的ECMA TG5标准委员会进展的速度很快。ECMA标准委员会的成员大部分都是长期的C++标准委员会成员。所以两委员会之间的协作将会很协调。

* The C++ committee's Evolution Working Group continues to work on language changes for C++xx. That's a large effort that will take some years to mature, but it does seem clear that many concerns of library developers will be addressed.

C++ committee's Evolution Working Group(C++核心语言工作组) 仍然在为C++ xx标准中的核心语言变化而不懈努力。尽管那是一项需要多年时间发展成熟并付出巨大努力的工作,不过明显的是,许多库工作者关注的焦点他们都不会放过。

* The committee's schedule for future meetings looks like this:





Sydney , Australia


Redmond , WA , USA


Oslo , Norway


Sydney , NS , Canada

As usual, Boost developers may attend as outside "technical experts". See Contact me directly if you need more information.


和往常一样,Boost开发人员可以以“技术专家”的身份参加会议。 处有详细的信息。如果你需要更详细的信息,请直接联系我。


发件人:David B. Held

So if I understand correctly, the committee won't accept new library proposals until after C++0x is finished, and work on the next TR begins?  Are we talking 5+ years here?

如果我的理解没错的话,那标准委员会在C++ 0x完成,并且在下一个TR开始之前将不会再接受新的库提案了。我们在讨论5年以后的事情么?

发件人:Mat Marcus

The TR is essentially a set of library proposals that are implementable against C++ 98/03. The TR is now closed. But we are also working hard at extending C++. The result of this effort will become C++ 200x (2007/8?). In C++ '0x there will be core language extensions (Maybe, concepts, template aliases, variadic templates, etc.) in addition to library enhancements.

TR其实就是针对C++ 98/03的一些可实现的库的提案。现在虽然TR已经不再接收新的提案了,但是我们仍然在为扩充C++而努力工作。这些努力的结果将会在C++ 200x(2007/8?)中得到体现。在C++ 0x中,除了库的增强外,还将会有一些核心语言的扩充(例如:conceptstemplate aliases, variadic templates等等。

发件人:Beman Dawes

Here is another way to think about it: the LWG and committee is committed to a continuing process of introducing new standard library components. Like other software, the new library components get batched up into releases.


Library TR One release content has been frozen, and it is now in a one-year long process of testing and refinement. Target release date one year from now.

在经过一年时间的测试和精炼后,Library TR的第一个Release的内容已经确定。并且将会在一年后正式发布。

Other library releases are being worked on in parallel. Their release dates haven't been set yet.


发件人:Beman Dawes

At 11:38 AM 11/6/2003 , Edward Diener wrote:

 >Why could not proposals for TR2 be made and accepted while TR1 is being tested ?

That's what is happening. Except the current plan is not to have a second batch of additions named TR2, but rather feed the second batch into the C++0x standard directly.

这些都是正在发生的事情。除非现在的计划是并没有准备一个名字为TR2的新分支,而是将这个新的分支直接加入到 C++0x标准中。

But the details of how it is done may change. What won't change is that the LWG is committed to a constant stream of standard library enhancements.


The schedule depends to a considerable extent on how many people are willing to do the work. The LWG current attracts about 20 people to each meeting, with perhaps 15 people doing the bulk of the year-in year-out work. Because the numbers are small, each additional volunteer has a
measurable impact.







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