
1,进入界面,从SharedPreferences中获得 记住密码的状态ischeck和自动登录
package bzu . hou . login ;
import android.opengl.Visibility ;
import android.os.Bundle ;
import android.app.Activity ;
import android.content.Context ;
import android.content.Intent ;
import android.content.SharedPreferences ;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor ;
import android.view.Menu ;
import android.view.View ;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener ;
import android.view.Window ;
import android.widget.Button ;
import android.widget.CheckBox ;
import android.widget.CompoundButton ;
import android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener ;
import android.widget.EditText ;
import android.widget.LinearLayout ;
import android.widget.TextView ;
import android.widget.Toast ;
public class LoginActivity extends Activity {
private EditText user , pass = null ;
private CheckBox checkpass , auto_login = null ;
private Button login = null ;
private LinearLayout main = null ;
private TextView auto = null ;
private String str_user , str_pass = null ;
private SharedPreferences shared = null ;
private SharedPreferences . Editor editor = null ;
private int isCheck = 0 ; //是否记住密码 0默认 不记住
private int isAuto = 0 ;
protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
super . onCreate ( savedInstanceState );
setContentView ( R . layout . activity_login );
InitView ();
shared = this . getSharedPreferences ( "login" , Context . MODE_PRIVATE );
editor = shared . edit ();
isAuto = shared . getInt ( "auto" , 0 );
isCheck = shared . getInt ( "check" , 0 ); //刚进入界面获取 是否记住密码的状态
if ( isAuto == 1 ){
new Thread ( new Runnable () {
public void run () {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
main . setVisibility ( View . GONE ); //隐藏登录界面
auto . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ); //显示自动登录
Thread . sleep ( 2000 );
Intent intent = new Intent ( LoginActivity . this , TwoActivity . class );
startActivity ( intent );
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ();
}). start ();
if ( isCheck == 1 ){
str_user = shared . getString ( "user" , "" );
str_pass = shared . getString ( "pass" , "" );
user . setText ( str_user );
pass . setText ( str_pass );
checkpass . setChecked ( true );
} else {
checkpass . setChecked ( false );
auto_login . setOnCheckedChangeListener ( new OnCheckedChangeListener () {
public void onCheckedChanged ( CompoundButton arg0 , boolean bool ) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if ( bool ){ //自动登录选中,记住密码也选中。
checkpass . setChecked ( true );
checkpass . setOnCheckedChangeListener ( new OnCheckedChangeListener () {
public void onCheckedChanged ( CompoundButton arg0 , boolean bool ) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (! bool ){
auto_login . setChecked ( false );
//防止 在正常登录后,在次进入登录界面时,只做了取消记住密码操作,而没有登录的情况。
editor . putInt ( "check" , 0 );
editor . putInt ( "auto" , 0 );
editor . commit ();
login . setOnClickListener ( new OnClickListener () {
public void onClick ( View arg0 ) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if ( isLogin ()){ //判断不为空
if ( str_user . equals ( "123" ) && str_pass . equals ( "123" )){ //判断账号密码正确
if ( auto_login . isChecked ()){
editor . putInt ( "check" , 1 );
editor . putInt ( "auto" , 1 );
editor . putString ( "user" , str_user );
editor . putString ( "pass" , str_pass );
} else if ( checkpass . isChecked ()){
editor . putInt ( "check" , 1 );
editor . putString ( "user" , str_user );
editor . putString ( "pass" , str_pass );
} else {
editor . putInt ( "check" , 0 );
editor . putInt ( "auto" , 0 );
editor . commit ();
Intent intent = new Intent ( LoginActivity . this , TwoActivity . class );
startActivity ( intent );
} else {
Toast . makeText ( LoginActivity . this , "账号或密码错误!" , 3000 ). show ();
} else {
Toast . makeText ( LoginActivity . this , "账号或密码不能为空!" , 3000 ). show ();
private Boolean isLogin (){
str_user = user . getText (). toString ();
str_pass = pass . getText (). toString ();
if ( str_user . equals ( "" ) || str_pass . equals ( "" ))
return false ;
return true ;
private void InitView () {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
user =( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . user );
pass =( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . pass );
login =( Button ) findViewById ( R . id . login );
checkpass =( CheckBox ) findViewById ( R . id . checkpass );
auto_login =( CheckBox ) findViewById ( R . id . auto_login );
auto =( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . auto );
main =( LinearLayout ) findViewById ( R . id . mian );
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu ( Menu menu ) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater (). inflate ( R . menu . login , menu );
return true ;
protected void onRestart () {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
super . onRestart ();
isAuto = shared . getInt ( "auto" , 0 );
main . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE );
auto . setVisibility ( View . GONE );
if ( isAuto == 1 ){ //获得自动登录的状态,在界面二可能会改变
auto_login . setChecked ( true );
} else {
auto_login . setChecked ( false );




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