

# 查看节点状态
celery -A tasks status
celery -A tasks inspect stats
# 获取任务结果
celery -A tasks result 021ce9a0-f006-49f5-b1e2-3a5ef60a5ba4
redis-cli -n 1 get celery-task-meta-021ce9a0-f006-49f5-b1e2-3a5ef60a5ba4
# 查看节点任务信息
celery -A tasks inspect active|scheduled|revoked|registered

# 查看redis中key的数量
redis-cli -n 1 dbsize
# 查看redis中的kes
redis-cli -n 1 --scan
redis-cli -n 1 keys \* (不推荐)

# 获取所有的keys值
redis-cli -n 1 --scan | sed 's/celery/get celery/' | redis-cli -n 1 -x


  • Getting Started

    • Introduction to Celery
    • First Step with Celery
      • Choosing a Broker: RabbitMQ or Rdis
      • Install Celery: pip install celery
      • Application
      • Running the Celery worker server: celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=INFO
      • Calling the task: delay() apply_async()
      • Keeping Results:
        • Backend: SQLAlchemy/Django ORM, MongoDB, Memcached, Redis, RPC (RabbitMQ/AMQP), and – or you can define your own
        • result.ready() result.get(timeout=1) result.get(propagate=False) result.traceback
        • Warning :To ensure that resources are released, you must eventually call get() or forget() on EVERY AsyncResult instance returned after calling a task. 刚一delay就马上forget是不起作用的,要根据任务的状态调用forget
      • Configuration
        • app.conf.task_serializer = 'json'
        • app.config_from_object('celeryconfig')
    • Next Steps
      • Using Celery in your Application
        • Results can also be disabled for individual tasks by setting the @task(ignore_result=True) option.
      • Starting the worker
        • Run in the background: celery multi start\stop\stopwait
        • The default concurrency number is the number of CPU’s on that machine (including cores).
      • Calling Tasks
        • Also note that result backends aren’t used for monitoring tasks and workers: for that Celery uses dedicated event messages
        • The started state is a special state that’s only recorded if the task_track_started setting is enabled, or if the @task(track_started=True) option is set for the task.
      • Canvas: Designing Work-flows
        • signatures: add.signature((2, 2), countdown=10), add.s(2, 2)
        • The Primitives: group, chain, chord, map, starmap, chunks
      • Routing
      • Remote Control
      • Timezone: app.conf.timezone = 'Europe/London'
      • Optimization
    • Backends and Brokers
      • Using Redis
        • Installation: pip install -U "celery[redis]"
        • Configuration: app.conf.broker_url = 'redis://:password@hostname:port/db_number'
          • Redis Sentinel
        • Visibility Timeout: app.conf.broker_transport_options = {'visibility_timeout': 3600}
        • Results: app.conf.result_backend = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
          • Connection timeouts: app.conf.result_backend_transport_options = {'retry_policy': {'timeout': 5.0}}
        • Caveats
          • Visibility timeout: Periodic tasks won’t be affected by the visibility timeout
          • Key eviction: configure the redis-server to not evict keys by setting in the redis configuration file: maxmemory and maxmemory-policy. 当Broker对应的redis触发OOM时,celery会崩溃;当Backend对应的redis触发OOM时,celery只是报错。
          • Group result ordering
  • User Guide

    • Application
      • The application is thread-safe so that multiple Celery applications with different configurations, components, and tasks can co-exist in the same process space.
      • Main Name
      • Configuration
        • config_from_object: 1)Using the name of a module; 2)Passing an actual module object; 3)Using a configuration class/object
        • config_from_envvar
        • Censored configuration: app.conf.humanize(); app.conf.table()
      • Laziness
      • Breaking the chain
        • the best practice is to always pass the app instance around to anything that needs it.
        • uses the celery.app.app_or_default() function
        • In development you can set the CELERY_TRACE_APP environment variable to raise an exception if the app chain breaks
      • Abstract Tasks
    • Tasks
      • Basics
        • If you’re using Django, or you’re the author of a library then you probably want to use the shared_task() decorator
        • When using multiple decorators in combination with the task decorator you must make sure that the task decorator must be first in the list
      • Bound tasks: 任何函数的第一个参数self是app.Task.request类型
      • Task inheritance
      • Names
        • Changing the automatic naming behavior
      • Task Request
      • Logging: get_task_logger(); worker_redirect_stdouts
      • Argument checking
      • Hiding sensitive information in arguments
      • Retrying
        • Using a custom retry delay
        • Automatic retry for known exceptions
          • exponential backoff
      • List of Options
      • States
        • Result Backends
          • RPC Result Backend (RabbitMQ/QPid): It doesn’t actually store the states, but rather sends them as messages, a result can only be retrieved once, and only by the client that initiated the task. Two different processes can’t wait for the same result.
          • Database Result Backend: In MySQL changing the default transaction isolation level REPEATABLE-READ to the READ-COMMITTED is recommended.
        • Custom states
      • Creating pickleable exceptions
      • Semipredicates: Ignore, Reject, Retry
      • Custom task classes
        • Instantiation: _init_ constructor will only be called once per process. This can also be useful to cache resources, For example, a base Task class that caches a database connection
        • Per task usage
        • App-wide usage
        • Handlers
        • Requests and custom requests
      • How it works
      • Tips and Best Practices
        • Ignore results you don’t want
        • More optimization tips: Optimizing Guide
        • Avoid launching synchronous subtasks
      • Performance and Strategies
        • Granularity
        • Data locality
        • State: Django model objects shouldn’t be passed on as arguments to tasks
        • Database transactions
    • Calling Tasks
      • Basics
      • Linking (callbacks/errbacks): add.apply_async((2, 2), link=add.s(16))
      • On message
      • ETA and Countdown
      • Expiration
      • Message Sending Retry
        • Retry Policy: max_retries, interval_start, interval_step, interval_max
      • Connection Error Handling
      • Serializers: The default serializer is JSON, but you can change this using the task_serializer setting, or for each individual task, or even per message.
      • Compression
      • Connections
      • Routing options
      • Results options
      • Advanced Options
    • Canvas: Designing Work-flows
      • Signatures
      • Partials
      • Immutability
      • Callbacks
      • The Primitives
    • Workers Guide
      • Starting the worker: Note for supervisor users:The % sign must be escaped by adding a second one: %%h.
      • Stopping the worker
      • Restarting the worker
      • Process Signals
      • Variables in file paths
        • Node name replacements
        • Prefork pool process index
      • Concurrency
      • Remote control
        • The broadcast() function
        • revoke
          • Revoking tasks
          • Revoking multiple tasks
          • Persistent revokes
      • Time Limits
        • Changing time limits at run-time: app.control.time_limit()
      • Rate Limits
        • Changing rate-limits at run-time: app.control.rate_limit()
      • Max tasks per child setting
      • Max memory per child setting
      • Autoscaling
      • Queues
        • Adding consumers: celery -A proj control add_consumer foo, app.control.add_consumer()
        • Canceling consumers
        • List of active queues
      • Inspecting workers
      • Additional Commands: Remote shutdown, Ping, Enable/disable events
      • Writing your own remote control commands
    • Daemonization(略)
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