
 1) During DriverEntry, the Passthru driver registers as a protocol and an Intermediate miniport driver. 
1)在DriverEntry(驱动进入点,相当于动态链接库的DllMain)模块,passthru驱动将向系统注册一个protocol(协议)和一个intermedia miniport(中间层微[小]端口)驱动接口,既向上层的TDI(或叫做协议[传输]层)提供miniport接口,向下的真正面对物理连接的网络驱动层miniport层,提供protocol接口(到不如说是提供接口来继承NIC/WAN miniport)。

2) Later on, Ndis calls the Passthru protocol to bind to a physical adapter.

3) In the context of BindAdapterHandler and after opening of the underlying physical adapter succeeds, the Passthru driver queries the reserved keyword "UpperBindings" to get a list of device names for the virtual adapters that this particular binding is to expose.

4) For each device name, the Passthru driver calls NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance.
4)得到设备名后,passthru驱动将调用NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance(就是NDIS中间层设备驱动miniport初始化函数),调用来做什么用?当然是设置一个虚拟网络界面卡的I/O操作给已经绑底下层NIC驱动的中间层驱动(IM driver),并返回NDIS_STATUS类型的值通知执行结果。

5) In response, Ndis will call back Passthru miniport InitializeHandler entry point.

6) After InitializeHandler successfully returns, ndis will take care of getting upper-layer protocols to bind to these newly created virtual adapters.

7) All requests and sends coming from upper-layer protocols for the Passthru miniport driver are repackaged and sent down to ndis, to be passed to the physical adapter.

8) All indications coming from bindings to the physical adapters are sent up as if they belong to virtual adapters.

9) When Ndis asks the Passthru driver to close the binding between a physical adapter and Passthru protocol, the Passthru driver first calls NdisIMDeInitializeDeviceInstance for the virtual adapter representing that particular binding.
9)当NDIS通知passthru驱动将要关闭一个passthr协议接口与物理适配器之间的绑定的时候,passthru驱动会先调用NdisIMDeInitializeDeviceInstance 给虚拟适配器另一个明确的绑定。

10) Ndis in turn will close all the bindings between upper-layer protocols and virtual Passthru adapter.

11) After all the bindings are closed, Ndis will call HaltHandler entry point in Passthru driver for the virtual adapter and returns back from NdisIMDeInitializeDeviceInstance.

12) The Passthru protocol then closes the binding to the physical adapter and completes the unbind request issued in step 9.
12)passthru 协议关闭物理适配器的绑定,关于完成反绑定请求的方法已经在第9步里发布。

13) To add Power Management Capabilities

13.1 During initialization, the Passthru miniport should set the Attribute 'NDIS_ATTRIBUTE_NO_HALT_ON_SUSPEND' during the miniport initialization.

13.2 When the Passthru miniport is requested to report its Plug and Play capabilities (OID_PNP_CAPABILITIES), the Passthru miniport must pass the request to the miniport below the Passthru protocol. If this request succeeds, then the Passthru miniport should return this buffer with a status of NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS:

NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE MinMagicPacketWakeUp = NdisDeviceStateUnspecified;
NDIS设备电源状态 唤醒小魔术包 NDIS设备状态未定义

NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE MinPatternWakeUp = NdisDeviceStateUnspecified;
NDIS设备电源状态 小型唤醒 NDIS设备状态未定义

NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE MinLinkChangeWakeUp = NdisDeviceStateUnspecified
NDIS设备电源状态 小连接唤醒 NDIS设备状态未定义

If the miniport below the Passthru protocol fails this request, then the status that was returned should be used to respond to the original request that was made to the Passthru miniport.

13.3 The OID_PNP_SET_POWER and OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER should not be passed to the miniport below the Passthru protocol, as those miniports will receive independent requests from ndis.

13.4 When the Passthru is asked to go to standby, it should use the Passthru protocol's PnP Handler to block all new sends and requests, and wait for all outstanding sends and requests to complete. This should be done before returning from the PnP Handler.

14) To Add LBFO (Load Balancing & Fail Over)

Goal: To add load-balancing capabilities to the Passthru driver. TCP/IP should see only one network card connected to it. This is the primary miniport. The second card is the secondary miniport of this primary miniport. All receives are performed by the primary miniport and all sends are done by the secondary miniport. All sends and related requests are passed to the secondary miniport.

14.1 During miniport initialization, the new Passthru miniport searches through the list of existing Passthru miniport instantiations to see if a miniport with the same bundle identifier exists. If so, it calls NdisMSetMiniportSecondary on the two structures. The already instantiated Passthru miniport is the primary miniport.

14.2 During run time all sends are routed to the secondary miniport, and all receives are sent to the primary miniport.

14.3 All requests, sends, and receives should be completed on the handles that these actions were initiated on.

14.4 All requests should be passed on to the miniport below the Passthru miniport that they were requested on.

Note: There is an exception to above rule : some requests to the primary Passthru miniport may be redirected to the secondary miniport. In such a case, when the request needs to be completed, it should use the handles present in the primary miniport's data structure.

14.5 The user can change the bundle ID at run time. A NetEventReconfigure, with the new bundleID, is sent to the Passthru protocol's Protocol PnP Handler when this happens.
14.5)用户可以在运行当中改变捆绑ID,一个网络事件从配置,将会新建捆绑ID,并会在它发生的时候发送到passthru 协议接口的协议PnP句柄!

14.6 When the Passthru is reconfigured, it leaves the bundle that it is part of and could join a new bundle. Salient points follow.

14.7 To activate LBFO, ensure that '#ifdef __LBFO' is a valid statement (not commented out) in Passthru.h. Only when __LBFO is defined will the Passthru driver call the NdisMSetMiniportSecondary API.
14.7 要激活LBFO(负载平衡与容错处理),必须确认“ifdef __LBFO”声明在passthru.h中存在(千万别注释掉!!!)!!!只有在__LBFO被定义了,passthru驱动才回调用NdisMSetMiniportSecondary(设置辅助微端口)API。

14.8 The request handler and the request complete handler should have knowledge of the OIDs that are redirected so that those requests will be completed on the miniport handles they were requested on.

哎~~~好乱啊!!我希望大家能帮这把他整理一下~~我的e-mail是:topdigital@hotmail.com 发一份给我吧!我也会把大家整理后发给我的passthru说明转发给所有参与整理的或要求转发的朋友!!谢谢~~~每人出份力帮助后进啊(好象有点假公济私~~呵呵)!我的QQ:12076827希望能和大家交流!!放心啦!虽然大家都是君子知交淡入水但我决不是那种在QQ上对人爱理不理的人啦!!加我啊!!!!期待交流!!孤军作战太苦闷!!哇~~~2点了!睡觉!明天起不来了!!




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