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原创 fridge


2017-10-31 15:38:40 471

原创 about 'Syntax error on token "Invalid Character", delete this token'

.someone may encounter build problem commenting as the title shows, while import an existed project from other place.mostly you are setup a java project, from Windows OS to Mac, or between pure

2017-08-02 11:15:35 1893

原创 emulate touch event from adb

simply try to emulate user behavior by adb input cmd.

2016-10-14 15:27:43 633

转载 Vino& VNC server auto start after Ubuntu boot up

remote login problemthere are two kinds of remote desktop connection server on Ubuntu:Vino and VNC.(in fact other Linux based systems like Fedora also supported).while a most common problem encoun

2016-07-08 14:16:01 1189

转载 Reentrant vs Thread-safe

Reentrant vs Thread-safea whole copy of MagicJackTing's blog. thanks ot his sharing.Reentrancy 和 thread-safty 是兩個容易被搞混了的觀念. 其中最嚴重的是誤以為 reentrant function 必定是 thread-safe 或者相反以為 thread-safe fun

2016-06-29 11:40:16 900

原创 auto mount disk while booting

for most time after we add an new disk under linux, we have to format and mount it after device boot.even if the OS would mount it auto, the new added partitions/disk are mounted under certain file

2016-06-22 13:48:05 815

转载 thread related functions - pthread_cleanup_push/pop

pthread_cleanup_push, pthread_cleanup_pop - push and pop thread can‐ cellation clean-up handlers

2016-06-16 11:45:41 487

转载 thread related function - pthread_sigmask

just a copy of man page:http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/pthread_sigmask.3.htmlNAME pthread_sigmask - examine and change mask of blocked signalsSYNOPSIS #include in

2016-06-16 11:39:23 507

原创 to tell something in brief about default init receive window of TCP

the referenced kernel version is 3.10.for linux TCP/IP protocol implementation, while an tcp socket established, the initial receive window size will be controlled bysysctl_tcp_default_init_

2016-06-03 20:43:21 1220

转载 Android.mk(a copy of the Google android_mk site)

This page describes the syntax of the Android.mk build file, which glues your C and C++ source files to the Android NDK.OverviewThe Android.mk file resides in a subdirectory of your project's jn

2016-05-29 19:57:21 882

转载 TinyXML2 Tutorial

TinyXML2, an open source util also included by Android.all below contents are from https://shilohjames.wordpress.com/2014/04/27/tinyxml2-tutorial/.Welcome to my TinyXML2 tutorial!TinyXML2 is t

2016-05-23 17:52:57 1481

原创 something about saving socket resource(basing on WebChat:微信红包)

just do some test on Android DUT to learn something about the behavior of the popular App WebChat.there are many researches about Tencent QQ and WebChat for long time and becuase that i just do some

2016-05-17 17:51:11 1536

原创 how a call be dailed out(Android Telephony basing on M)

A call from UI to the real module that handle it on Android is not that simple,Dialer--->Telecom--->Telephony--->RILD--->modemand above path, there are 3 process simply from Android framework!ev

2016-05-05 15:51:00 1572

转载 a mirror of Android build ENV setup flow

as Google is not that easy to access, just have an copy of AOSP build ENV setup flow here for reference directly.

2016-04-06 20:17:43 786

原创 something behind kmalloc

while programming kernel code, the mostly used functions would be kmalloc/kfree as almost all kernel developers are told to not consume too much...

2016-04-01 18:08:01 876

转载 NAT: How To Mangle The Packets

6. Saying How To Mangle The PacketsSo now we know how to select the packets we want to mangle. Tocomplete our rule, we need to tell the kernel exactly what we want itto do to the packets.6.1 S

2016-03-05 22:21:51 1006

原创 seq_file operations, with PPP dump implimentation

introwith kernel module and function impliment, we usually export some info to let others know its running status.and to make it, to traditional way is to write an "proc" entry by "create_proc_ent

2015-12-29 22:36:28 781

原创 socket programming in kernel

mostly developers programming socket related function and modules in user space.but sometimes one may want to do it in kernel layer.expecially for the open sourced linux kernel.introduction.

2015-12-27 14:23:26 1423

原创 special filter for iptables/netfilter tcpdump/tshark/wireshark

mostly we can use netfilter related tools' exsisted proto rules to meet our requirements.but sometimes we may want something special but related tools may not provide the easiest way or different to

2015-12-27 11:32:43 1334

原创 generate patches by git

purely some records about the way to generate git patches. and the cmd got from the web mostly.1. most frequently used:#generate the lastest one patch commitedgit format-patch HEAD^#generate the

2015-09-24 17:59:03 822

原创 java JDK setup for linux(Ubuntu)

Java is popular for long time, and it become more welcomed for Google's Android, for developers.But to enjoy it, you have to have an JDK(or JRE) at lest firstly.even there is hundreds of articles

2015-09-12 18:07:08 1320

原创 input string from adb

normally, you can input strings from adb term after inputbox is on focus by typing:adb shell "input text here"and like all other format handle logic, just add "\" to input some special chars, like

2015-09-01 19:29:40 474

原创 Git/Repo related cmds

GIT.REPOrepo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-4.0.1_r1create a repo and specify the branch, the default.xml file in this repository defines which branch ea

2015-03-11 21:08:21 1128

原创 Parsing Arguments with getopt

getoptused for parse arguments passed to main(int argc, char**argv) function under cmdline environments.each parameters filtered by checking if it is startwith "-" to know if it is an valid one. a

2015-03-11 20:51:10 838

原创 tethering flow graph

just simple flow of code(android)for quick ref only.

2014-06-02 07:15:12 1705

原创 mobile data setup retry(移动网络--数据业务重试)

not all data call setup will be successful 100%, and if failure encountered, retry is just the normal way DCTs will go.Dct uses PendingIntents to trigger retry and there are two kinds for the Intent

2014-04-22 23:26:24 3658

原创 mobile data setup flow(移动网络--建立数据业务部分)

DcTracker.javaignore private boolean setupData(ApnContext apnContext) {... dcac = checkForCompatibleConnectedApnContext(apnContext);... if (dcac == null) { dcac =

2014-04-17 23:42:13 3130

原创 android Data call disable(移动网络--关闭数据业务部分)

just draft now, no pics or other comment for details。source code is from https://android.googlesource.com/branch is jb-mr2-releasefile:ConnectivityManager.java public void setMobileDataEn

2014-03-23 17:09:02 4497

原创 将printStackTrace()的信息以字符串形式保存

记录一下。Exception的printStackTrace来自于Tthrowable,android下只支持两种方式printStackTrace(PrintStream err) printStackTrace(PrintWriter err)所以没法直接把StringWriter作为参数传递给printStackTrace()获取stackTrace的字串。通过查找c

2014-03-23 14:56:37 2508

转载 iperf


2013-08-26 10:54:04 1003

原创 linux 下 dhcp server安装与配置

环境:Ubuntu10.10 32bit, kernel 2.6.35dhcp: dhcp3-serverinstall. it is told that the newer Ubuntu will have to install isc-dhcp-server instead of dhcp3-server.at first i think my Ubuntu is among

2013-06-20 22:07:19 1939

原创 dex2jar for android

dex2jar is an open source utils to convert, edit and build apk.1. sample to operate the tool(translate original apk and repack)http://code.google.com/p/dex2jar/wiki/ModifyApkWithDexTool 2.as t

2013-05-31 15:16:52 1522

转载 RDS

some infos about FM RDS/RBDShttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Data_Systemhttp://www.extended-rds.org/http://www.g.laroche.free.fr/english/rds/rds.html

2011-12-08 11:07:10 854

原创 partial BINDER(AIDL)

//-----------------------------------------------------------templateinline sp interface_cast(const sp& obj){return INTERFACE::asInt

2011-09-27 00:58:48 1341

原创 奇怪,csdn的一个页面

<br />页面链接是:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20100930/19/a4fa479e-28d2-4eb6-bbc7-37362bec4dd8.html,即“十一前,收到老板牛X的通知,,彻底崩溃”,<br /><br /> <br /> <br />点击后没出现想看到的,报错跳转,<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> <br />感觉跳转页蛮有意思就看了下源文件,结果:<br /><%@ Page Language="C#" EnableViewState="fa

2010-10-11 22:57:00 903

原创 求n阶矩阵的逆


2010-01-01 16:12:00 4537

原创 天气预报实现

2009-04-25 22:25:00 929

原创 the first time here

2009-04-25 21:19:00 852





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