HookAPI source code


HookAPI is the API SDK that sets up system wide hooks for all windows platforms. It could easily hook 32-bit windows system APIs or 32-bit user-defined DLL. It could be used easily and all you need to do is write a DLL file named mydll.dll or mydll_9x.dll. It is based on ApiSpy32 by Yariv Kaplan.

The code injects two DLLs into the destination application. The first DLL, HookAPIxx.dll, updates the API's first 5 bytes:

 papi[0] =0xE8;
 *(DWORD *)&papi[1] =(DWORD)ProcessCall -(DWORD)papi -CALL_BYTES_SIZE;

The nother DLL mydllxxx.dll, runs the new API instead of the old API, like this sample to hook the socket function:
int WINAPI mysocket(int af, int type, int protocol)
   WriteLog("debug mysocket, af=%d, type=%d, protocol=%d", af, type, protocol);

   return socket(af, type, protocol);

And HookAPIxx.dll hooks the CreateProcessW/CreateProcessA functions, so it can catch the creation of new processes and inject the two DLLs:

#ifdef WINNT
   if(!strcmp(pinfo->api_name, "CreateProcessW") || 
      !strcmp(pinfo->api_name, "CreateProcessA") )
      pi =(PROCESS_INFORMATION *)pdwParam[9];
          InjectLib(pi->hProcess, fname);  // hook new process<CODE>

If you want to use it, then load the first DLL HookAPIxx.dll. If it's an NT system(WinNT/XP/200x), you should call function HookAllProcess() in the DLL and call UnhookAllProcess when you exit. There are other functions in the DLL, like HookOneProcess, HookOneProcess2 to hook one application on NT system.

mydllxx.dll is loaded by HookAPIxx.dll when HookAPIxx.dll is initialized, and then makes the hook:

It includes the following parts:
  • HookAPI SDK full source codes
  • many examples source codes, such as;

  1. Hook socket functions like socket, send, recv, connect, ...

  2. Hook file functions like CreateFile, ReadFile, ...

  3. Hook registry functions like RegOpenKey, RegQueryValue, RegQueryValueEx, ...

  4. Delphi sample for Hook socket function

  5. Delphi sample for Hook file function

  6. Hook ExitWindowsEx

  7. Hook LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress

  8. Hook GDI functions like TextOut, ExtTextOut

  9. Hook Shell API function like SHBrowseForFolder, SHGetFileInfo, ...

  10. Hiden Processes sample, it can hide processes, task managers cannot find it

  11. Filter Advertisement bar sample, it can filter AD bar of IE or other network application, or filter the data from some ports of TCP/UDP

  12. Message Filter sample, it can filter some messages of the windows

  13. Execute file manager sample, it can forbide some files open, execute, and hidden some folders or files

  14. Net encrypt sample, it can encrypt all the application that wrriten with socket. With this, you will not need encrypt in your application.

  15. hook a ship game to auto drop bomb and auto elude bullet

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An old C programmer in China.

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目前最好的EasyHook的完整Demo程序,包括了Hook.dll动态库和Inject.exe注入程序。 Hook.dll动态库封装了一套稳定的下钩子的机制,以后对函数下钩子,只需要填下数组表格就能实现了,极大的方便了今后的使用。 Inject.exe部分是用MFC写的界面程序,只需要在界面上输入进程ID就能正确的HOOK上相应的进程,操作起来非常的简便。 这个Demo的代码风格也非常的好,用VS2010成功稳定编译通过,非常值得下载使用。 部分代码片段摘录如下: //【Inject.exe注入程序的代码片段】 void CInjectHelperDlg::OnBnClickedButtonInjectDllProcessId() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //【得到进程ID值】 UINT nProcessID = 0; if (!GetProcessID(nProcessID)) { TRACE(_T("%s GetProcessID 失败"), __FUNCTION__); return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //【得到DLL完整路径】 CString strPathDLL; if (!GetDllFilePath(strPathDLL)) { TRACE(_T("%s GetDllFilePath 失败"), __FUNCTION__); return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //【注入DLL】 NTSTATUS ntStatus = RhInjectLibrary(nProcessID, 0, EASYHOOK_INJECT_DEFAULT, strPathDLL.GetBuffer(0), NULL, NULL, 0); if (!ShowStatusInfo(ntStatus)) { TRACE(_T("%s ShowStatusInfo 失败"), __FUNCTION__); return; } } //【Hook.dll动态库的代码片段】 extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall NativeInjectionEntryPoint(REMOTE_ENTRY_INFO* InRemoteInfo) { if (!DylibMain()) { TRACE(_T("%s DylibMain 失败"), __FUNCTION__); return; } } FUNCTIONOLDNEW_FRMOSYMBOL array_stFUNCTIONOLDNEW_FRMOSYMBOL[]= { {_T("kernel32"), "CreateFileW", (void*)CreateFileW_new}, {_T("kernel32"), "CreateFileA", (void*)CreateFileA_new}, {_T("kernel32"), "ReadFile", (void*)ReadFile_new} }; BOOL HookFunctionArrayBySymbol() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int nPos = 0; do { /////////////////////////////// FUNCTIONOLDNEW_FRMOSYMBOL* stFunctionOldNew = &g_stFUNCTIONOLDNEW_FRMOSYMBOL[nPos]; if (NULL == stFunctionOldNew->strModulePath) { break; } /////////////////////////////// if (!HookFunctionBySymbol(stFunctionOldNew->strModulePath, stFunctionOldNew->strNameFunction, stFunctionOldNew->pFunction_New)) { TRACE(_T("%s HookFunctionBySymbol 失败"), __FUNCTION__); return FALSE; } } while(++nPos); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return TRUE; } HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileW_new( PWCHAR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile ) { TRACE(_T("CreateFileW_new. lpFileName = %s"), lpFileName); return CreateFileW( lpFileName, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile); }


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