latex写论文 问题集锦



  1. Where can I get LaTeX for Windows?
  2. How can I run LaTeX on a Unix/Linux platform?
  3. I have a problem with amstex and \Bbb
  4. DVIPS can't find tx8r.enc
  5. Which EPS settings do I have to use in Microsoft Visio?
  6. I want to include Java/C++/Pascal source code. How can I get syntax highlighting?
  7. I want to include Mathematica source code. What should I do?
  8. How can I install ConTeXt in my MiKTeX distribution?
  9. AddPause does not work anymore
  10. If I create a PDF file using PS2PDF or PDFLaTeX the paper size is changed to Letter instead of A4
  11. Opening a PDF file doesn't work anymore after installing the latest MiKTeX with Adobe Reader 6
  12. My LaTeX file uses a package that is not installed in the TU/e MiKTeX distribution. Where can I get it and how can I install it?
  13. How can I get bold Greek symbols in equations?
  14. I get a "Substituted line too long" error immediately when I start the MiKTeX installation.
  15. How can I get special symbols (like degree Celsius, euro, copyright) in LaTeX?
  16. Can I include other Graphics formats than EPS or PDF in my LaTeX document (like JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP)?
  17. MiKTeX is installed on my computer, but when I login using a different login name (or on a public computer), some packages cannot be found, MiKTeX Options and EPS2PDF have disappeared, and WinEdt is not registered.
  18. Is it possible to create a PDF file with ALL fonts embedded, including Times, Helvetica, and Symbol?
  19. Do you have a free formula/equation editor for LaTeX?
  20. I get a "LaTeX Error: Counter too large" error message.
  21. Why does my DVI file stop after a certain page, before the actual end of the file?
  22. How can I enable other languages (e.g. German) on my linux system without root priviliges?

1. Where can I get LaTeX for Windows?

At the TU/e we have composed a CD-ROM with a complete installation for LaTeX including the MiKTeX distribution, Ghostview and a Windows Editor (WinEdt, for which we have a limited TU/e license).
You can get a free copy of the MiKTeX CD-ROM from:
  • Jan de Jong (HG 8.86)
You can also use the following network installation:  \\webmath1\miktex29\  (note that the version number may change in the future)

2. How can I run LaTeX on a Unix/Linux platform?

If you are a member of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science, and you have a linux system provided by BCF, you will find that LaTeX is installed. The installed packages and fonts are the same as in the Windows MiKTeX installation. However, if you should have a LaTeX file that compiles in the Windows MiKTeX distribution, but fails to compile in the Unix installation (or the other way around), please send this file along with some remarks to .

If you are not a member of the department of mathematics and computer science or if you have installed your own linux system, please contact to obtain installation instructions for the TU/e packages (including TU/ePDFScreen and TU/e fonts) in linux.

For more information (e.g. about which editor and previewers to use) click the Linux button in the left menu of this page.

3. I have a problem with amstex and \Bbb

Following the instructions on page 218 of the LaTeX Companion to use the Blackboard bold alphabet, which is in the  amstex  package, it is to be expected that code like
The set of real numbers:
is compiled without errors. But the LaTeX compiler gives two errors:
! Package amstex Error:  Package `amstex' is obsolete, substit




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