eXpressApp Framework 8.2.1 released on 25 Jul 2008 and What's New


eXpressApp Framework for Visual Studio 2005, 2008
Does not support Visual Studio Express Editions.
Requires DXperience v2008 vol 2.1

  • File size: (33,098,241 bytes)
  • Updated: 07/25/2008
  • Download Now



What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v2008 vol 2.1

Release Notes

To learn about our new XtraGauges and XtraWizard suites, as well as get acquainted with other major improvements introduced in this version, please check the following page:

What's New in DXperience v2008 vol 2

To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:

Breaking Changes - DXperience v2008 vol 2.1

The following sections list all minor and major changes, as well as issue fixes in DXperience v2008 vol 2. Note that this list covers all issues fixed in 8.2.0 (Release Candidate) and 8.2.1 (Final Release) versions of the Suite.

New Features/Changes

eXpressApp Framework
  • S18925 - ActionContainers.Web: Add a capability to display an image in the ASPxButton representing a SimpleAction
  • S20140 - ActionContainers: Add a capability to set Navigation Bar Images
  • AS11332 - ActionContainers: Support Ribbons in WinForms templates
  • S19794 - Add the capability to execute the SaveAndNew action for particular types, i.e. provide single choice action.
  • S19225 - Create a list of all available property editors
  • S30165 - Create a list of redistributable assemblies in the XAF documentation
  • S91659 - Develop a Mini Course of XAF
  • S18826 - Make it possible to use inline editing of the ASPxGridView
  • AS14968 - PropertyEditors.Win.Lookup: Add a capability to define the initial size of a lookup drop-down window in Windows Forms applications, and save user customizations
  • S19904 - PropertyEditors: Add a capability to specify images for Boolean Property Editors in the Application Model
  • S30037 - PropertyEditors: Introduce a capability to show the image of an image type property in a List View via the PictureEdit instead of the ImageEdit control
  • S30225 - Provide filtering object types, which might be used for analysis
  • S91128 - ReadMe file doesn't contain a note about signing the DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl assembly when compiling XAF sources
  • AS16211 - Reports: Add a capability to use a Report class that is not inherited from the ReportData class
  • CS33415 - Reports: Add a web report viewer control
  • S91464 - RuleIsReferencedAttribute is not clearly explained
  • S30087 - Security: Roles that do not have the Read access level to an object should not see the corresponding navigation item
  • AS12379 - Support NewItemRow in the Windows Forms GridListEditor
  • AS15832 - Support PivotGrid and Chart controls
  • S19013 - Support the ASPxScheduler control in XAF ASP.NET applications
  • S19477 - Validation: Implement validation without throwing a ValidationException

Resolved Issues

eXpressApp Framework
  • B31923 - "Cannot resolve the 'DevExpress.ExpressApp.Images.v8.1' assembly" exception is raised every time an application runs
  • B31851 - A navigation group should be automatically made invisible when all its items are invisible (for example, for security reasons)
  • B94658 - Adding a criteria to a ListView causes inconsistency
  • B95980 - An exception occurs when the NavBarActionContainer is trying to register a Simple Action that was manually added to it
  • B31779 - ASPxGridView's in-place editing doesn't work correctly for nested List Views
  • B31928 - ChoiceActionItem: the Visible property doesn't work
  • B95114 - DeleteRecord and DeleteRecords messages are not properly localized
  • B93218 - Double filtering of a combobox in Mozilla Firefox
  • B91997 - Error occurs when loading a .xafml file from a project containing another file beginning with the 'Module' word
  • B31868 - Exception occurs while creating info for the DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.ObjectMethodActionsViewController Controller
  • B95086 - Grid footer looks ugly in the Firefox
  • B32035 - Grid.NewItemRow: I can add a new row to the grid though the validation failed and the object wasn't saved at all
  • B95952 - Impossible to add independent Domain Object when a node in TreeListEditor is selected
  • B95776 - Impossible to localize button captions in the Layout Customization Form
  • B94803 - In listview, the Filter Editor incorrectly identifies the type of columns added from the Object Model for properties with a long path
  • B94468 - In the New Item Row of a nested editable List View, a Lookup Property Editor's data is not filtered according to the master object
  • B93333 - In the Web MainDemo version, an error occurs when pressing Enter on the Department.Office field
  • Q102550 - In Web applications, multiselection doesn't work when a List View is displayed in server mode
  • B96010 - MainDemo sample app, Web, XAF 8.1.6, New Contact, enter key => Error 1007
  • B95806 - Null reference exception occurs when making a detail view read-only in an ASP.NET application
  • B30667 - Provide a correct way to use the MenuActionsHolder
  • B95325 - Q21938 - Rule validation is not activated if you enter nothing
  • B95984 - Required List Views that represent collections of the same type are not displayed in tab pages of the parent Detail View
  • B31830 - Ribbon FrameTemplates must be provided with XAF
  • B95057 - Security vulnerability: MainDemo user John can add permissions to himself
  • B31829 - Security.Permissions: Abstract permission classes are displayed in the New Action's Items list
  • B95942 - Security: An administrator cannot update broken permissions (that are associated with a non-existing business class) - exception
  • B95921 - Switching between view variants causes a null reference exception
  • S91406 - The cells in the Object Model dialog tree view are not updated, if the font is enlarged
  • B31610 - TreeStyleLayoutAdapter: Doesn't restore splitter's position correctly
  • B94462 - Using the "Module" word when naming a domain object causes a model editor error
  • B31857 - Validation messages are not filtered when saving an object in a Windows application.
  • B95816 - Visual Studio restarts when adding a business class member via the Model Editor
  • B31777 - Win.Editors: a lookup closes after setting a column filter and editing within the list view.
  • B95875 - XAF/Web: If in-line editing is enabled in a nested collection, all existing objects are displayed, while only associated objects should be retrieved




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