Janus WinForms Controls Suite v3.5 for .NET (v3.5.0.47)







Windows Forms Controls for Microsoft .NET


Janus GridEX Control for .NET



The GridEX Control supports hierarchical display of data and permits you to create effective "Outlook like" user interfaces while easing development and maintenance time.

The functionality provided by the control allows you to display, edit, sort, group, filter, manipulate, summarize, preview and print your data.

Standalone MaskEdit, MultiColumn Combo, and UpDown controls are also included.


Janus UI Controls for .NET


 The Janus UI Controls for Microsoft .NET contains several user interface controls designed to provide a modern look to Microsoft .NET Windows Forms applications, some of the controls included in the UI Package are the Janus UICommandManager, Janus UIPanelManager and Janus UITabs. 

Janus Schedule Control for .NET


 The control can present appointments and its related owners in different Views, representing Days, WorkWeeks, Weeks and Months.

You can easily load, display, filter, edit, manipulate, preview and print appointments with the functionality available in the control in both bound and unbound modes.

A standalone Janus CalendarCombo Control, used to edit date and time values is also included with the Schedule Control.

Janus Timeline Control for .NET


 The Janus Timeline Control for .NET is a 100% C# managed control patterned after Outlook’s Journal. The Control is ideal for displaying items in relation to time.

Items in the control are arra
nged in chronological order from left to right on a time scale that can be divided in hours, days, weeks or months.


New features in Janus Winforms Controls Suite v3


The controls in the suite supports to the new features in Visual Studio 2005 IDE like:

Support for Snap Lines and Base Lines
Snap Lines are automatically displayed when a control is placed at the desired distance from another control and when aligning it's edge with another control's edge. Base lines are shown in VS 2005 IDE when the text in adjacent controls is located on the same line horizontally. Base lines help to align controls by their text instead of the control edges.

Association of Janus Editors to DataTypes.
Associating a Janus Editor to a .NET DataType allows you to drag fields onto a form and create the appropriate editor bound to that field.

New UseCompatibleTextRendering property
Determines whether to use the compatible text rendering engine (GDI+) or (GDI) with support for complex scripts.

Support for ImageList Keys
Now in Visual Studio 2005 you can assign a string name to an item in an ImageList and define such string (instead of the ImageIndex) for the controls.

This interface is used to serialize and deserialize user's settings automatically. This is interface is implemented in all Janus Controls that support saving its properties in layouts like GridEX, Schedule, TimeLine, CommandManager, PanelManager, Tab,  ExplorerBar and ButtonBar.


This new component allows you to create and store different ColorSchemes to be applied to all the Janus controls in a Form at the same time.


New Visual Studio 2005 VisualStyle
All the controls in the Janus Suite feature a new VS2005 VisualStyle that permits you to provide the look of Visual Studio 2005 to your applications.



New Features in the GridEX Control v3


MultipleValues Columns

A column can be bound to a list of values.  MultipleValues columns are especially useful when dealing with many-to-many relations.
For example, if there is a many-to-many relation between tables “Products” and “Categories” you can bind a grid to the table “Products” and add a MultipleValues column bound to the relation showing (in a single cell) all the categories a product belongs. To edit these cells, you can use a checked combo box where the user can check/uncheck the list of available categories.
The GridEX Control is also capable to group columns with more than one value. When grouping by a MultipleValues Column a record in the table could belong to more than one groups and the control will present a copy for those repeated records in each of the corresponding groups. When an edition in those copied record is made, the control will automatically reflect the changes in each copy.


SelfReferencing Tables

A table with a self-referencing relation can be displayed as a tree.

For example, you can bind a GridEX control to a “Messages” table. If a message can contain other message as a child, you can use HierarchicalMode.SelfReferencing in the GridEXTable and show the control as tree with multiple columns.


Custom Grouping

A new GridEXCustomGroup class is provided to let you specify custom group definition. There are two types of custom groups:


·          Composite Columns: Rows in the GridEX control are grouped based on the values of two or more columns in the same group row.
For example: You can specify columns: “Country” and “City” and the control will create a group row for each different combination of the values of these columns.


·          Conditional Group Rows: You can specify each of the group rows a Group contains and specify the condition that rows must meet in order to be part of the group row.


Hierarchical Grouping

Rows in a table can be grouped based on the values of a column that belongs to a child table.


For example, in a hierarchical grid showing Customers-Orders-Order_Details, you can group Customers table by the “Product” column in Order_Details table. Showing you a grouped view of customers based on the products ordered.


Hierarchical Filters

Rows in a table can be filtered based on the values of a column that belong to a child table.


Improved Performance on Hierarchical Mode

Janus data manipulation classes were completely redesigned to decrease the time used to load child lists to a fraction of the time needed in previous versions.


Nested Properties Binding

A column can now be bound to a property of a sub-object in the original DataRow.

For example, if a control is bound to a list of “Contact” objects and the Contact class has a property that returns a “ContactName” object where “ContactName” is a class with two properties: “FirstName” and “LastName”, you can bind a column to Contact.ContactName.FirstName setting its DataMember property equal to “ContactName.FirstName”


Unbound Mode

New Unbound mode in GridEX control allows you to populate rows using AddItem method.


Unbound Columns

You can add an unbound column to a bound grid. There are two types of unbound columns:


·          UnboundFetch: The value of the cells in these columns is set in the LoadingRow event. This mode is useful when you want to have a calculated cell where the value is based on the values of other cells in the same row.

·          UnboundKeep: The value of the cell can be set by the user and the control will keep that value.


KeepRowSettings Property

When this property is set to true, the control retains the row and cell properties even when the rows are scrolled out of view.
By default, GridEX control fires the FormattingRow event to let you specify cell properties of rows that are displayed in the grid. These settings are cleared once a row is no longer visible and they must be set again when the FormattingRow event is fired for the row. In cases where you need to set cell properties (like its FormatStyle outside) the FormattingRow, you can use this property to true and the control will keep the property you set even when the row is scrolled out of view.


UseGroupRowSelector Property

This property allows you to display a checkbox in group rows that checks/unchecks all the rows inside a group with one click.


TotalRowPosition property

When using a TotalRow in the grid, you can now specify whether you want to show the total row as a scrollable row at the end of the list or fixed at the bottom of the display area in the control.


GridEXGroupHeaderTotal.ColumnAlign Property
This property allows you to specify a column to which a group header total should be aligned.


CardView Appearance

CardViewGridLines and CardInnerSpacing properties were added to let you change the appearance of a card in GridEX control. Now, it is possible to show a card with grid lines between its fields and the space specified in CardInnerSpacing between those fields.


Export to Excel

A new GridEXExporter component is provided to let you export the data displayed in a GridEX control as an Excel XML document.


FieldChooser Control

In addition to the ShowFieldChooser method, you can use the new GridEXFieldChooserControl to use the control inside a panel of your form instead of showing it as a floating window outside your app.


CheckedComboBox Control

This new control acts as combo box that can be bound to a list of values where the user can check/uncheck multiple items in the dropdown to add/remove items from the list specified as value of the control.


New Features in other Janus Controls


Schedule Control v3

New OwnerDrawnArea property and DrawScheduleArea events were added for custom painting the areas in the control

The RecurrencePattern property was added to the ScheduleHourRange class to allow you to specify the background color of the rows in the control based on a recurrence pattern.

The WorkingHourSchema was added to Calendar control to allow you to set the background and foreground colors of the days in the calendar

New RowHeight property was added to allow you to set the height of the rows in the control

The AllowDrawInNonWorkingTime property was added to specify whether the appointments can be dragged to a time marked as non-working

The FindFreeSlot method returns the immediate time available to book a new appointment.


Timeline Control v3


New OwnerDrawnArea property and DrawTimeLineArea events were added for custom painting the areas in the control.

The ability to have an extra duration bar for the timeline items was added. You can use the EstimatedStartTime and EstimatedEndTime properties of the TimeLineItem to set its value

The RecurrencePattern property was added to the Timeline HourRange class to allow you to specify the background color of the rows in the control based on a recurrence pattern


UI Bars Controls v3


New DockingStyleMode property was added to the UIPanelManager to specify a VS 2005 docking or VS 2003 style
New ContainerCaption property was added to the UIPanel and UIPanelGroup to allow you to set the caption bar of the panel as Container control.
New Alignment property was added to the UICommand to allow you to set a left or right alignment for the commands

New UITrackBar control was added.


CalendarCombo Control v3


New MaskedValidation property was added to specify whether the control will validate the new date entered when the control loses the focus or on every date part change.

New ActiveDatePortion property was added to allow you to set the active part of the control in code.


ExplorerBar Control v3


The ability to specify a different format style for each item or group based on its state was added to the control.





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