Janus Web ASP.NET Server Controls Suite v3 (v3.0.0.42)






  ASP.NET Server Controls for Microsoft .NET


    Janus Web GridEX Control for .NET



 .:.  NEW  .:. 




The Web GridEX Control supports flat, hierarchical and self-referencing display of data and permits you to create effective "Outlook like" web user interfaces while easing development and maintenance time.
The functionality provided by the control permits you to display, edit, sort, group, filter, manipulate, summarize and paginate your data.
The control has an extensive object model that can be used at client side and built-in editors like Multicolumn Combo and Calendar Combo.


Grouping and Sorting: Automatic Outlook style Grouping and Sorting by an unlimited number of columns.

Master-Detail  The Janus Web GridEX for .NET control now adds support for binding to hierarchical DataSets and present master-detail information within the same window.
Self-Referencing  The Janus Web GridEX for .NET control now adds support for binding to self-referencing hierarchical data sources.




New features in Janus Web ASP.NET Server Controls Suite v3  

The Janus Web ASP.NET Server Controls v3 now offers support to the new Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Framework, that permits you to develop interactive web applications without using complex JavaScript code.  

The controls in the suite supports to the new features in ASP.NET 2.0 like:  

Client Files as Embedded Resources

The scripts, schemes and images files used by the controls are now included as embedded resources.


DataBound controls (ComboBox, CheckedComboBox, GridEX and MultiColumnCombo)  supports now ObjectDataSourceControls controls as data sources.


New Features in the GridEX Control v3


MultipleValues Columns

A column can be bound to a list of values.  MultipleValues columns are especially useful when dealing with many-to-many relations.
For example, if there is a many-to-many relation between tables “Products” and “Categories” you can bind a grid to the table “Products” and add a MultipleValues column bound to the relation showing (in a single cell) all the categories a product belongs. To edit these cells, you can use a checked combo box where the user can check/uncheck the list of available categories.
The GridEX Control is also capable to group columns with more than one value. When grouping by a MultipleValues Column a record in the table could belong to more than one groups and the control will present a copy for those repeated records in each of the corresponding groups. When an edition in those copied record is made, the control will automatically reflect the changes in each copy.


SelfReferencing Tables

A table with a self-referencing relation can be displayed as a tree.

For example, you can bind a GridEX control to a “Messages” table. If a message can contain other message as a child, you can use HierarchicalMode.SelfReferencing in the GridEXTable and show the control as tree with multiple columns.


Custom Grouping

A new GridEXCustomGroup class is provided to let you specify custom group definition. There are two types of custom groups:


·          Composite Columns: Rows in the GridEX control are grouped based on the values of two or more columns in the same group row.
For example: You can specify columns: “Country” and “City” and the control will create a group row for each different combination of the values of these columns.

·          Conditional Group Rows: You can specify each of the group rows a Group contains and specify the condition that rows must meet in order to be part of the group row.


Hierarchical Grouping

Rows in a table can be grouped based on the values of a column that belongs to a child table.


For example, in a hierarchical grid showing Customers-Orders-Order_Details, you can group Customers table by the “Product” column in Order_Details table. Showing you a grouped view of customers based on the products ordered.


Hierarchical Filters

Rows in a table can be filtered based on the values of a column that belong to a child table.


Improved Performance on Hierarchical Mode

Janus data manipulation classes were completely redesigned to decrease the time used to load child lists to a fraction of the time needed in previous versions.


Nested Properties Binding

A column can now be bound to a property of a sub-object in the original DataRow.

For example, if a control is bound to a list of “Contact” objects and the Contact class has a property that returns a “ContactName” object where “ContactName” is a class with two properties: “FirstName” and “LastName”, you can bind a column to Contact.ContactName.FirstName setting its DataMember property equal to “ContactName.FirstName


Unbound Mode

New Unbound mode in GridEX control allows you to populate rows using AddItem method.


Unbound Columns

You can add an unbound column to a bound grid. There are two types of unbound columns:


·          UnboundFetch: The value of the cells in these columns is set in the LoadingRow event. This mode is useful when you want to have a calculated cell where the value is based on the values of other cells in the same row.

·          UnboundKeep: The value of the cell can be set by the user and the control will keep that value.


UseGroupRowSelector Property

This property allows you to display a checkbox in group rows that checks/unchecks all the rows inside a group with one click.


TotalRowPosition property

When using a TotalRow in the grid, you can now specify whether you want to show the total row as a scrollable row at the end of the list or fixed at the bottom of the display area in the control.


Export to Excel

A new GridEXExporter object is provided to let you export the data displayed in a GridEX control as an Excel XML document.


SchemeItems Property

This property allows you to specify the CSS appearance that is going to be used for each appearance element of the control. Use it in conjunction when the VisualStyle property of the control is equal to Custom.


CheckedComboBox Control

This new control acts as combo box that can be bound to a list of values where the user can check/uncheck multiple items in the dropdown to add/remove items from the list specified as value of the control.


Custom Callback

It is possible to execute custom code in an AJAX/Callback way. Use the DoCustomCallBack client-side method in conjunction with the CustomCallBack server-side event handler.


Support for Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX 1.0

The control can be used in conjunction with the capabilities of the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX 1.0.


Callback ClientSide Templates

Now it is possible to specify content (with an ITemplate instance) to be shown when a callback action is raised.


New Client Events

The AfterCallBack property was added to the GridEXClientEvents class, that property allows you to set the name of the JavaScript event handler that will be fired after a callback operation is completed.


The BeforeCallBack property was added to the GridEXClientEvents class, that property allows you to set the name of the JavaScript event handler that will be fired before a callback operation is initiated.



New Features in other Janus Controls


CalendarControl Control v3


The OperationMode property was added to the control to allow you to choose an AJAX/Callback operation mode.

New DayRender event was added to the control to allow you to customize the rendered content of the days in the control. 

The SchemeItems property was added to allow you to specify the CSS appearance that is going to be used for each appearance element of the control.

A Custom Callback mode that allows you to execute custom code in an AJAX/Callback way. You should use the DoCustomCallBack client-side method in conjunction with the CustomCallBack server-side event handler.


ComboBox Control v3 


The OperationMode property was added to the control to allow you to choose an AJAX/Callback operation mode.

The SchemeItems property was added to allow you to specify the CSS appearance that is going to be used for each appearance element of the control.

New LoadingMode property that allows you to specify how the items in the control will be loaded, that is, items in could be loaded on-demand or when the control is loaded in the webform.

A Custom Callback mode that allows you to execute custom code in an AJAX/Callback way. You should use the DoCustomCallBack client-side method in conjunction with the CustomCallBack server-side event handler.


Other Input Controls v3 (IntegerUpDown, MaskedEditBox, NumericEditBox)


The OperationMode property was added to these controls to allow you to choose an AJAX/Callback operation mode.


UICommandManager Control v3


The CommandBarType  property now can be set to Menu, that allows you to render menu structures.

The NavigateUrl property was added to the UICommand class, that allows you to set an URL to navigate when the command is selected.

The Target property was added to the UICommand class, that allows you to set the target frame for the navigation when a command is selected.



UIPanelManager Control v3


The OperationMode property was added to the control to allow you to choose an AJAX/Callback operation mode. If the AJAX/Callback mode is selected then any postback that is raised in a panel container is replaced by callback actions.

The CallBackLoadingImage property was added to the control to allow you to set the image to use as the callback loading indicator.

The CallBackLoadingPanelText property was added to control to allow you to set the text shown when the content of the panel is being load in callback mode.



New Controls


UICallBackManager Control v3


The new UICallBackManager control allows you add AJAX-capabilities to any existing ASP.NET application without adding a single line of code.


You just need to drop the UICallbackManager control and set the CallbackInstances object with the ID of the controls that will be AJAX-enabled, and your app will work asynchronously without needing to replace the logic in your existing ASP.NET project.


By using the new UICallbackManager existing Postback actions are replaced by Callback actions and the ViewState of the page is persisted automatically between callbacks.



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