


public class JobGraph implements Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	// --- job and configuration ---

	/** List of task vertices included in this job graph. */
	private final Map<JobVertexID, JobVertex> taskVertices = new LinkedHashMap<JobVertexID, JobVertex>();

	/** The job configuration attached to this job. */
	private final Configuration jobConfiguration = new Configuration();

	/** ID of this job. May be set if specific job id is desired (e.g. session management) */
	private final JobID jobID;

	/** Name of this job. */
	private final String jobName;

	/** The number of seconds after which the corresponding ExecutionGraph is removed at the
	 * job manager after it has been executed. */
	private long sessionTimeout = 0;

	/** flag to enable queued scheduling */
	private boolean allowQueuedScheduling;

	/** The mode in which the job is scheduled */
	private ScheduleMode scheduleMode = ScheduleMode.LAZY_FROM_SOURCES;

	// --- checkpointing ---

	/** Job specific execution config */
	private SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> serializedExecutionConfig;

	/** The settings for the job checkpoints */
	private JobCheckpointingSettings snapshotSettings;

	/** Savepoint restore settings. */
	private SavepointRestoreSettings savepointRestoreSettings = SavepointRestoreSettings.none();

	// --- attached resources ---

	/** Set of JAR files required to run this job. */
	private final List<Path> userJars = new ArrayList<Path>();

	/** Set of custom files required to run this job. */
	private final Map<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> userArtifacts = new HashMap<>();

	/** Set of blob keys identifying the JAR files required to run this job. */
	private final List<PermanentBlobKey> userJarBlobKeys = new ArrayList<>();

	/** List of classpaths required to run this job. */
	private List<URL> classpaths = Collections.emptyList();

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig},
	 * and a random job ID. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards.
	 * @param jobName The name of the job.
	public JobGraph(String jobName) {
		this(null, jobName);

	 * Constructs a new job graph with the given job ID (or a random ID, if {@code null} is passed),
	 * the given name and the given execution configuration (see {@link ExecutionConfig}).
	 * The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards.
	 * @param jobId The id of the job. A random ID is generated, if {@code null} is passed.
	 * @param jobName The name of the job.
	public JobGraph(JobID jobId, String jobName) {
		this.jobID = jobId == null ? new JobID() : jobId;
		this.jobName = jobName == null ? "(unnamed job)" : jobName;

		try {
			setExecutionConfig(new ExecutionConfig());
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// this should never happen, since an empty execution config is always serializable
			throw new RuntimeException("bug, empty execution config is not serializable");

	 * Constructs a new job graph with no name, a random job ID, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, and
	 * the given job vertices. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards.
	 * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph.
	public JobGraph(JobVertex... vertices) {
		this(null, vertices);

	 * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, a random job ID,
	 * and the given job vertices. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards.
	 * @param jobName The name of the job.
	 * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph.
	public JobGraph(String jobName, JobVertex... vertices) {
		this(null, jobName, vertices);

	 * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig},
	 * the given jobId or a random one if null supplied, and the given job vertices.
	 * The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards.
	 * @param jobId The id of the job. A random ID is generated, if {@code null} is passed.
	 * @param jobName The name of the job.
	 * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph.
	public JobGraph(JobID jobId, String jobName, JobVertex... vertices) {
		this(jobId, jobName);

		for (JobVertex vertex : vertices) {

	 * Sets the savepoint restore settings.
	 * @param settings The savepoint restore settings.
	public void setSavepointRestoreSettings(SavepointRestoreSettings settings) {
		this.savepointRestoreSettings = checkNotNull(settings, "Savepoint restore settings");

	 * Returns the configured savepoint restore setting.
	 * @return The configured savepoint restore settings.
	public SavepointRestoreSettings getSavepointRestoreSettings() {
		return savepointRestoreSettings;

	 * Sets the execution config. This method eagerly serialized the ExecutionConfig for future RPC
	 * transport. Further modification of the referenced ExecutionConfig object will not affect
	 * this serialized copy.
	 * @param executionConfig The ExecutionConfig to be serialized.
	 * @throws IOException Thrown if the serialization of the ExecutionConfig fails
	public void setExecutionConfig(ExecutionConfig executionConfig) throws IOException {
		checkNotNull(executionConfig, "ExecutionConfig must not be null.");
		this.serializedExecutionConfig = new SerializedValue<>(executionConfig);

	 * Adds a new task vertex to the job graph if it is not already included.
	 * @param vertex
	 *        the new task vertex to be added
	public void addVertex(JobVertex vertex) {
		final JobVertexID id = vertex.getID();
		JobVertex previous = taskVertices.put(id, vertex);

		// if we had a prior association, restore and throw an exception
		if (previous != null) {
			taskVertices.put(id, previous);
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The JobGraph already contains a vertex with that id.");

	 * Returns an Iterable to iterate all vertices registered with the job graph.
	 * @return an Iterable to iterate all vertices registered with the job graph
	public Iterable<JobVertex> getVertices() {
		return this.taskVertices.values();

	 * Returns an array of all job vertices that are registered with the job graph. The order in which the vertices
	 * appear in the list is not defined.
	 * @return an array of all job vertices that are registered with the job graph
	public JobVertex[] getVerticesAsArray() {
		return this.taskVertices.values().toArray(new JobVertex[this.taskVertices.size()]);

	 * Returns the number of all vertices.
	 * @return The number of all vertices.
	public int getNumberOfVertices() {
		return this.taskVertices.size();

	 * Sets the settings for asynchronous snapshots. A value of {@code null} means that
	 * snapshotting is not enabled.
	 * @param settings The snapshot settings
	public void setSnapshotSettings(JobCheckpointingSettings settings) {
		this.snapshotSettings = settings;

	 * Gets the settings for asynchronous snapshots. This method returns null, when
	 * checkpointing is not enabled.
	 * @return The snapshot settings
	public JobCheckpointingSettings getCheckpointingSettings() {
		return snapshotSettings;

	 * Checks if the checkpointing was enabled for this job graph
	 * @return true if checkpointing enabled
	public boolean isCheckpointingEnabled() {

		if (snapshotSettings == null) {
			return false;

		long checkpointInterval = snapshotSettings.getCheckpointCoordinatorConfiguration().getCheckpointInterval();
		return checkpointInterval > 0 &&
			checkpointInterval < Long.MAX_VALUE;

	 * Searches for a vertex with a matching ID and returns it.
	 * @param id
	 *        the ID of the vertex to search for
	 * @return the vertex with the matching ID or <code>null</code> if no vertex with such ID could be found
	public JobVertex findVertexByID(JobVertexID id) {
		return this.taskVertices.get(id);

	 * Sets the classpaths required to run the job on a task manager.
	 * @param paths paths of the directories/JAR files required to run the job on a task manager
	public void setClasspaths(List<URL> paths) {
		classpaths = paths;

	public List<URL> getClasspaths() {
		return classpaths;

	 * Gets the maximum parallelism of all operations in this job graph.
	 * @return The maximum parallelism of this job graph
	public int getMaximumParallelism() {
		int maxParallelism = -1;
		for (JobVertex vertex : taskVertices.values()) {
			maxParallelism = Math.max(vertex.getParallelism(), maxParallelism);
		return maxParallelism;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//  Topological Graph Access
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public List<JobVertex> getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources() throws InvalidProgramException {
		// early out on empty lists
		if (this.taskVertices.isEmpty()) {
			return Collections.emptyList();

		List<JobVertex> sorted = new ArrayList<JobVertex>(this.taskVertices.size());
		Set<JobVertex> remaining = new LinkedHashSet<JobVertex>(this.taskVertices.values());

		// start by finding the vertices with no input edges
		// and the ones with disconnected inputs (that refer to some standalone data set)
			Iterator<JobVertex> iter = remaining.iterator();
			while (iter.hasNext()) {
				JobVertex vertex = iter.next();

				if (vertex.hasNoConnectedInputs()) {

		int startNodePos = 0;

		// traverse from the nodes that were added until we found all elements
		while (!remaining.isEmpty()) {

			// first check if we have more candidates to start traversing from. if not, then the
			// graph is cyclic, which is not permitted
			if (startNodePos >= sorted.size()) {
				throw new InvalidProgramException("The job graph is cyclic.");

			JobVertex current = sorted.get(startNodePos++);
			addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(current, sorted, remaining);

		return sorted;

	private void addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(JobVertex start, List<JobVertex> target, Set<JobVertex> remaining) {

		// forward traverse over all produced data sets and all their consumers
		for (IntermediateDataSet dataSet : start.getProducedDataSets()) {
			for (JobEdge edge : dataSet.getConsumers()) {

				// a vertex can be added, if it has no predecessors that are still in the 'remaining' set
				JobVertex v = edge.getTarget();
				if (!remaining.contains(v)) {

				boolean hasNewPredecessors = false;

				for (JobEdge e : v.getInputs()) {
					// skip the edge through which we came
					if (e == edge) {

					IntermediateDataSet source = e.getSource();
					if (remaining.contains(source.getProducer())) {
						hasNewPredecessors = true;

				if (!hasNewPredecessors) {
					addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(v, target, remaining);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//  Handling of attached JAR files
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Adds the path of a JAR file required to run the job on a task manager.
	 * @param jar
	 *        path of the JAR file required to run the job on a task manager
	public void addJar(Path jar) {
		if (jar == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();

		if (!userJars.contains(jar)) {

	 * Gets the list of assigned user jar paths.
	 * @return The list of assigned user jar paths
	public List<Path> getUserJars() {
		return userJars;

	 * Adds the path of a custom file required to run the job on a task manager.
	 * @param name a name under which this artifact will be accessible through {@link DistributedCache}
	 * @param file path of a custom file required to run the job on a task manager
	public void addUserArtifact(String name, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry file) {
		if (file == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();

		userArtifacts.putIfAbsent(name, file);

	 * Gets the list of assigned user jar paths.
	 * @return The list of assigned user jar paths
	public Map<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> getUserArtifacts() {
		return userArtifacts;

	 * Adds the BLOB referenced by the key to the JobGraph's dependencies.
	 * @param key
	 *        path of the JAR file required to run the job on a task manager
	public void addUserJarBlobKey(PermanentBlobKey key) {
		if (key == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();

		if (!userJarBlobKeys.contains(key)) {

	 * Checks whether the JobGraph has user code JAR files attached.
	 * @return True, if the JobGraph has user code JAR files attached, false otherwise.
	public boolean hasUsercodeJarFiles() {
		return this.userJars.size() > 0;

	 * Returns a set of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job.
	 * @return set of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job
	public List<PermanentBlobKey> getUserJarBlobKeys() {
		return this.userJarBlobKeys;

	public String toString() {
		return "JobGraph(jobId: " + jobID + ")";

	public void setUserArtifactBlobKey(String entryName, PermanentBlobKey blobKey) throws IOException {
		byte[] serializedBlobKey;
		serializedBlobKey = InstantiationUtil.serializeObject(blobKey);

		userArtifacts.computeIfPresent(entryName, (key, originalEntry) -> new DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry(

	public void writeUserArtifactEntriesToConfiguration() {
		for (Map.Entry<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> userArtifact : userArtifacts.entrySet()) {

作业图是是以DAG(有向无环图)来组织的,是通过顶点和中间态的连接形成的,来看一下这个类的定义中Map<JobVertexID, JobVertex>类型的映射变量,ScheduleMode调度模式和检查点(快照),而在函数addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors中有JobEdge(做为JobVertex的数据输入通道,也就是图的连接边),那看一下JobVertex的定义:

 * The base class for job vertexes.
public class JobVertex implements java.io.Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "(unnamed vertex)";

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Members that define the structure / topology of the graph
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	/** The ID of the vertex. */
	private final JobVertexID id;

	/** The alternative IDs of the vertex. */
	private final ArrayList<JobVertexID> idAlternatives = new ArrayList<>();

	/** The IDs of all operators contained in this vertex. */
	private final ArrayList<OperatorID> operatorIDs = new ArrayList<>();

	/** The alternative IDs of all operators contained in this vertex. */
	private final ArrayList<OperatorID> operatorIdsAlternatives = new ArrayList<>();

	/** List of produced data sets, one per writer */
	private final ArrayList<IntermediateDataSet> results = new ArrayList<IntermediateDataSet>();

	/** List of edges with incoming data. One per Reader. */
	private final ArrayList<JobEdge> inputs = new ArrayList<JobEdge>();

	/** Number of subtasks to split this task into at runtime.*/
	private int parallelism = ExecutionConfig.PARALLELISM_DEFAULT;

	/** Maximum number of subtasks to split this task into a runtime. */
	private int maxParallelism = -1;

	/** The minimum resource of the vertex */
	private ResourceSpec minResources = ResourceSpec.DEFAULT;

	/** The preferred resource of the vertex */
	private ResourceSpec preferredResources = ResourceSpec.DEFAULT;

	/** Custom configuration passed to the assigned task at runtime. */
	private Configuration configuration;

	/** The class of the invokable. */
	private String invokableClassName;

	/** Indicates of this job vertex is stoppable or not. */
	private boolean isStoppable = false;

	/** Optionally, a source of input splits */
	private InputSplitSource<?> inputSplitSource;

	/** The name of the vertex. This will be shown in runtime logs and will be in the runtime environment */
	private String name;

	/** Optionally, a sharing group that allows subtasks from different job vertices to run concurrently in one slot */
	private SlotSharingGroup slotSharingGroup;

	/** The group inside which the vertex subtasks share slots */
	private CoLocationGroup coLocationGroup;

	/** Optional, the name of the operator, such as 'Flat Map' or 'Join', to be included in the JSON plan */
	private String operatorName;

	/** Optional, the description of the operator, like 'Hash Join', or 'Sorted Group Reduce',
	 * to be included in the JSON plan */
	private String operatorDescription;

	/** Optional, pretty name of the operator, to be displayed in the JSON plan */
	private String operatorPrettyName;

	/** Optional, the JSON for the optimizer properties of the operator result,
	 * to be included in the JSON plan */
	private String resultOptimizerProperties;

	/** The input dependency constraint to schedule this vertex. */
	private InputDependencyConstraint inputDependencyConstraint = InputDependencyConstraint.ANY;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Constructs a new job vertex and assigns it with the given name.
	 * @param name The name of the new job vertex.
	public JobVertex(String name) {
		this(name, null);

	 * Constructs a new job vertex and assigns it with the given name.
	 * @param name The name of the new job vertex.
	 * @param id The id of the job vertex.
	public JobVertex(String name, JobVertexID id) {
		this.name = name == null ? DEFAULT_NAME : name;
		this.id = id == null ? new JobVertexID() : id;
		// the id lists must have the same size

	 * Constructs a new job vertex and assigns it with the given name.
	 * @param name The name of the new job vertex.
	 * @param primaryId The id of the job vertex.
	 * @param alternativeIds The alternative ids of the job vertex.
	 * @param operatorIds The ids of all operators contained in this job vertex.
	 * @param alternativeOperatorIds The alternative ids of all operators contained in this job vertex-
	public JobVertex(String name, JobVertexID primaryId, List<JobVertexID> alternativeIds, List<OperatorID> operatorIds, List<OperatorID> alternativeOperatorIds) {
		Preconditions.checkArgument(operatorIds.size() == alternativeOperatorIds.size());
		this.name = name == null ? DEFAULT_NAME : name;
		this.id = primaryId == null ? new JobVertexID() : primaryId;

	 * Returns the number of inputs.
	 * @return The number of inputs.
	public int getNumberOfInputs() {
		return this.inputs.size();

	public List<OperatorID> getOperatorIDs() {
		return operatorIDs;

	public List<OperatorID> getUserDefinedOperatorIDs() {
		return operatorIdsAlternatives;

	 * Returns the vertex's configuration object which can be used to pass custom settings to the task at runtime.
	 * @return the vertex's configuration object
	public Configuration getConfiguration() {
		if (this.configuration == null) {
			this.configuration = new Configuration();
		return this.configuration;

	public void setInvokableClass(Class<? extends AbstractInvokable> invokable) {
		this.invokableClassName = invokable.getName();
		this.isStoppable = StoppableTask.class.isAssignableFrom(invokable);

	 * Returns the name of the invokable class which represents the task of this vertex.
	 * @return The name of the invokable class, <code>null</code> if not set.
	public String getInvokableClassName() {
		return this.invokableClassName;

	 * Returns the invokable class which represents the task of this vertex
	 * @param cl The classloader used to resolve user-defined classes
	 * @return The invokable class, <code>null</code> if it is not set
	public Class<? extends AbstractInvokable> getInvokableClass(ClassLoader cl) {
		if (cl == null) {
			throw new NullPointerException("The classloader must not be null.");
		if (invokableClassName == null) {
			return null;

		try {
			return Class.forName(invokableClassName, true, cl).asSubclass(AbstractInvokable.class);
		catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException("The user-code class could not be resolved.", e);
		catch (ClassCastException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException("The user-code class is no subclass of " + AbstractInvokable.class.getName(), e);

	 * Gets the parallelism of the task.
	 * @return The parallelism of the task.
	public int getParallelism() {
		return parallelism;

	 * Sets the parallelism for the task.
	 * @param parallelism The parallelism for the task.
	public void setParallelism(int parallelism) {
		if (parallelism < 1) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parallelism must be at least one.");
		this.parallelism = parallelism;

	 * Sets the minimum and preferred resources for the task.
	 * @param minResources The minimum resource for the task.
	 * @param preferredResources The preferred resource for the task.
	public void setResources(ResourceSpec minResources, ResourceSpec preferredResources) {
		this.minResources = checkNotNull(minResources);
		this.preferredResources = checkNotNull(preferredResources);

	public InputSplitSource<?> getInputSplitSource() {
		return inputSplitSource;

	public void setInputSplitSource(InputSplitSource<?> inputSplitSource) {
		this.inputSplitSource = inputSplitSource;

	public List<IntermediateDataSet> getProducedDataSets() {
		return this.results;

	public List<JobEdge> getInputs() {
		return this.inputs;

	 * Associates this vertex with a slot sharing group for scheduling. Different vertices in the same
	 * slot sharing group can run one subtask each in the same slot.
	 * @param grp The slot sharing group to associate the vertex with.
	public void setSlotSharingGroup(SlotSharingGroup grp) {
		if (this.slotSharingGroup != null) {

		this.slotSharingGroup = grp;
		if (grp != null) {

	 * Gets the slot sharing group that this vertex is associated with. Different vertices in the same
	 * slot sharing group can run one subtask each in the same slot. If the vertex is not associated with
	 * a slot sharing group, this method returns {@code null}.
	 * @return The slot sharing group to associate the vertex with, or {@code null}, if not associated with one.
	public SlotSharingGroup getSlotSharingGroup() {
		return slotSharingGroup;

	public void setStrictlyCoLocatedWith(JobVertex strictlyCoLocatedWith) {
		if (this.slotSharingGroup == null || this.slotSharingGroup != strictlyCoLocatedWith.slotSharingGroup) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strict co-location requires that both vertices are in the same slot sharing group.");

		CoLocationGroup thisGroup = this.coLocationGroup;
		CoLocationGroup otherGroup = strictlyCoLocatedWith.coLocationGroup;

		if (otherGroup == null) {
			if (thisGroup == null) {
				CoLocationGroup group = new CoLocationGroup(this, strictlyCoLocatedWith);
				this.coLocationGroup = group;
				strictlyCoLocatedWith.coLocationGroup = group;
			else {
				strictlyCoLocatedWith.coLocationGroup = thisGroup;
		else {
			if (thisGroup == null) {
				this.coLocationGroup = otherGroup;
			else {
				// both had yet distinct groups, we need to merge them

	public CoLocationGroup getCoLocationGroup() {
		return coLocationGroup;

	public void updateCoLocationGroup(CoLocationGroup group) {
		this.coLocationGroup = group;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public IntermediateDataSet createAndAddResultDataSet(ResultPartitionType partitionType) {
		return createAndAddResultDataSet(new IntermediateDataSetID(), partitionType);

	public IntermediateDataSet createAndAddResultDataSet(
			IntermediateDataSetID id,
			ResultPartitionType partitionType) {

		IntermediateDataSet result = new IntermediateDataSet(id, partitionType, this);
		return result;

	public JobEdge connectDataSetAsInput(IntermediateDataSet dataSet, DistributionPattern distPattern) {
		JobEdge edge = new JobEdge(dataSet, this, distPattern);
		return edge;

	public JobEdge connectNewDataSetAsInput(
			JobVertex input,
			DistributionPattern distPattern,
			ResultPartitionType partitionType) {

		IntermediateDataSet dataSet = input.createAndAddResultDataSet(partitionType);

		JobEdge edge = new JobEdge(dataSet, this, distPattern);
		return edge;

	public void connectIdInput(IntermediateDataSetID dataSetId, DistributionPattern distPattern) {
		JobEdge edge = new JobEdge(dataSetId, this, distPattern);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public boolean isInputVertex() {
		return this.inputs.isEmpty();

	public boolean isOutputVertex() {
		return this.results.isEmpty();

	public boolean hasNoConnectedInputs() {
		for (JobEdge edge : inputs) {
			if (!edge.isIdReference()) {
				return false;

		return true;


public class JobEdge implements java.io.Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	/** The vertex connected to this edge. */
	private final JobVertex target;

	/** The distribution pattern that should be used for this job edge. */
	private final DistributionPattern distributionPattern;

	/** The data set at the source of the edge, may be null if the edge is not yet connected*/
	private IntermediateDataSet source;

	/** The id of the source intermediate data set */
	private IntermediateDataSetID sourceId;

	/** Optional name for the data shipping strategy (forward, partition hash, rebalance, ...),
	 * to be displayed in the JSON plan */
	private String shipStrategyName;

	/** Optional name for the pre-processing operation (sort, combining sort, ...),
	 * to be displayed in the JSON plan */
	private String preProcessingOperationName;

	/** Optional description of the caching inside an operator, to be displayed in the JSON plan */
	private String operatorLevelCachingDescription;

	 * Constructs a new job edge, that connects an intermediate result to a consumer task.
	 * @param source The data set that is at the source of this edge.
	 * @param target The operation that is at the target of this edge.
	 * @param distributionPattern The pattern that defines how the connection behaves in parallel.
	public JobEdge(IntermediateDataSet source, JobVertex target, DistributionPattern distributionPattern) {
		if (source == null || target == null || distributionPattern == null) {
			throw new NullPointerException();
		this.target = target;
		this.distributionPattern = distributionPattern;
		this.source = source;
		this.sourceId = source.getId();

	 * Constructs a new job edge that refers to an intermediate result via the Id, rather than directly through
	 * the intermediate data set structure.
	 * @param sourceId The id of the data set that is at the source of this edge.
	 * @param target The operation that is at the target of this edge.
	 * @param distributionPattern The pattern that defines how the connection behaves in parallel.
	public JobEdge(IntermediateDataSetID sourceId, JobVertex target, DistributionPattern distributionPattern) {
		if (sourceId == null || target == null || distributionPattern == null) {
			throw new NullPointerException();
		this.target = target;
		this.distributionPattern = distributionPattern;
		this.sourceId = sourceId;

	 * Returns the data set at the source of the edge. May be null, if the edge refers to the source via an ID
	 * and has not been connected.
	 * @return The data set at the source of the edge
	public IntermediateDataSet getSource() {
		return source;

	 * Returns the vertex connected to this edge.
	 * @return The vertex connected to this edge.
	public JobVertex getTarget() {
		return target;

	 * Returns the distribution pattern used for this edge.
	 * @return The distribution pattern used for this edge.
	public DistributionPattern getDistributionPattern(){
		return this.distributionPattern;

	 * Gets the ID of the consumed data set.
	 * @return The ID of the consumed data set.
	public IntermediateDataSetID getSourceId() {
		return sourceId;

	public boolean isIdReference() {
		return this.source == null;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public void connecDataSet(IntermediateDataSet dataSet) {
		if (dataSet == null) {
			throw new NullPointerException();
		if (this.source != null) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("The edge is already connected.");
		if (!dataSet.getId().equals(sourceId)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The data set to connect does not match the sourceId.");

		this.source = dataSet;

public class IntermediateDataSet implements java.io.Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private final IntermediateDataSetID id; 		// the identifier

	private final JobVertex producer;			// the operation that produced this data set

	private final List<JobEdge> consumers = new ArrayList<JobEdge>();

	// The type of partition to use at runtime
	private final ResultPartitionType resultType;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public IntermediateDataSet(IntermediateDataSetID id, ResultPartitionType resultType, JobVertex producer) {
		this.id = checkNotNull(id);
		this.producer = checkNotNull(producer);
		this.resultType = checkNotNull(resultType);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public IntermediateDataSetID getId() {
		return id;

	public JobVertex getProducer() {
		return producer;

	public List<JobEdge> getConsumers() {
		return this.consumers;

	public ResultPartitionType getResultType() {
		return resultType;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public void addConsumer(JobEdge edge) {

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public String toString() {
		return "Intermediate Data Set (" + id + ")";




public class StandaloneDispatcher extends Dispatcher {
	public StandaloneDispatcher(
			RpcService rpcService,
			String endpointId,
			Configuration configuration,
			HighAvailabilityServices highAvailabilityServices,
			GatewayRetriever<ResourceManagerGateway> resourceManagerGatewayRetriever,
			BlobServer blobServer,
			HeartbeatServices heartbeatServices,
			JobManagerMetricGroup jobManagerMetricGroup,
			@Nullable String metricQueryServicePath,
			ArchivedExecutionGraphStore archivedExecutionGraphStore,
			JobManagerRunnerFactory jobManagerRunnerFactory,
			FatalErrorHandler fatalErrorHandler,
			HistoryServerArchivist historyServerArchivist) throws Exception {


public interface SubmittedJobGraphStore {

	 * Starts the {@link SubmittedJobGraphStore} service.
	void start(SubmittedJobGraphListener jobGraphListener) throws Exception;

	 * Stops the {@link SubmittedJobGraphStore} service.
	void stop() throws Exception;

	 * Returns the {@link SubmittedJobGraph} with the given {@link JobID} or
	 * {@code null} if no job was registered.
	SubmittedJobGraph recoverJobGraph(JobID jobId) throws Exception;

	 * Adds the {@link SubmittedJobGraph} instance.
	 * <p>If a job graph with the same {@link JobID} exists, it is replaced.
	void putJobGraph(SubmittedJobGraph jobGraph) throws Exception;

	 * Removes the {@link SubmittedJobGraph} with the given {@link JobID} if it exists.
	void removeJobGraph(JobID jobId) throws Exception;

	 * Releases the locks on the specified {@link JobGraph}.
	 * Releasing the locks allows that another instance can delete the job from
	 * the {@link SubmittedJobGraphStore}.
	 * @param jobId specifying the job to release the locks for
	 * @throws Exception if the locks cannot be released
	void releaseJobGraph(JobID jobId) throws Exception;

	 * Get all job ids of submitted job graphs to the submitted job graph store.
	 * @return Collection of submitted job ids
	 * @throws Exception if the operation fails
	Collection<JobID> getJobIds() throws Exception;

	 * A listener for {@link SubmittedJobGraph} instances. This is used to react to races between
	 * multiple running {@link SubmittedJobGraphStore} instances (on multiple job managers).
	interface SubmittedJobGraphListener {

		 * Callback for {@link SubmittedJobGraph} instances added by a different {@link
		 * SubmittedJobGraphStore} instance.
		 * <p><strong>Important:</strong> It is possible to get false positives and be notified
		 * about a job graph, which was added by this instance.
		 * @param jobId The {@link JobID} of the added job graph
		void onAddedJobGraph(JobID jobId);

		 * Callback for {@link SubmittedJobGraph} instances removed by a different {@link
		 * SubmittedJobGraphStore} instance.
		 * @param jobId The {@link JobID} of the removed job graph
		void onRemovedJobGraph(JobID jobId);




public abstract class Dispatcher extends FencedRpcEndpoint<DispatcherId> implements
	DispatcherGateway, LeaderContender, SubmittedJobGraphStore.SubmittedJobGraphListener {

	public static final String DISPATCHER_NAME = "dispatcher";

	private final Configuration configuration;

	private final SubmittedJobGraphStore submittedJobGraphStore;
	private final RunningJobsRegistry runningJobsRegistry;

	private final HighAvailabilityServices highAvailabilityServices;
	private final GatewayRetriever<ResourceManagerGateway> resourceManagerGatewayRetriever;
	private final JobManagerSharedServices jobManagerSharedServices;
	private final HeartbeatServices heartbeatServices;
	private final BlobServer blobServer;

	private final FatalErrorHandler fatalErrorHandler;

	private final Map<JobID, CompletableFuture<JobManagerRunner>> jobManagerRunnerFutures;

	private final LeaderElectionService leaderElectionService;

	private final ArchivedExecutionGraphStore archivedExecutionGraphStore;

	private final JobManagerRunnerFactory jobManagerRunnerFactory;

	private final JobManagerMetricGroup jobManagerMetricGroup;

	private final HistoryServerArchivist historyServerArchivist;

	private final String metricQueryServicePath;

	private final Map<JobID, CompletableFuture<Void>> jobManagerTerminationFutures;

	private CompletableFuture<Void> recoveryOperation = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

	public Dispatcher(
			RpcService rpcService,
			String endpointId,
			Configuration configuration,
			HighAvailabilityServices highAvailabilityServices,
			SubmittedJobGraphStore submittedJobGraphStore,
			GatewayRetriever<ResourceManagerGateway> resourceManagerGatewayRetriever,
			BlobServer blobServer,
			HeartbeatServices heartbeatServices,
			JobManagerMetricGroup jobManagerMetricGroup,
			@Nullable String metricServiceQueryPath,
			ArchivedExecutionGraphStore archivedExecutionGraphStore,
			JobManagerRunnerFactory jobManagerRunnerFactory,
			FatalErrorHandler fatalErrorHandler,
			HistoryServerArchivist historyServerArchivist) throws Exception {
		super(rpcService, endpointId);

		this.configuration = Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuration);
		this.highAvailabilityServices = Preconditions.checkNotNull(highAvailabilityServices);
		this.resourceManagerGatewayRetriever = Preconditions.checkNotNull(resourceManagerGatewayRetriever);
		this.heartbeatServices = Preconditions.checkNotNull(heartbeatServices);
		this.blobServer = Preconditions.checkNotNull(blobServer);
		this.fatalErrorHandler = Preconditions.checkNotNull(fatalErrorHandler);
		this.submittedJobGraphStore = Preconditions.checkNotNull(submittedJobGraphStore);
		this.jobManagerMetricGroup = Preconditions.checkNotNull(jobManagerMetricGroup);
		this.metricQueryServicePath = metricServiceQueryPath;

		this.jobManagerSharedServices = JobManagerSharedServices.fromConfiguration(

		this.runningJobsRegistry = highAvailabilityServices.getRunningJobsRegistry();

		jobManagerRunnerFutures = new HashMap<>(16);

		leaderElectionService = highAvailabilityServices.getDispatcherLeaderElectionService();

		this.historyServerArchivist = Preconditions.checkNotNull(historyServerArchivist);

		this.archivedExecutionGraphStore = Preconditions.checkNotNull(archivedExecutionGraphStore);

		this.jobManagerRunnerFactory = Preconditions.checkNotNull(jobManagerRunnerFactory);

		this.jobManagerTerminationFutures = new HashMap<>(2);

	// Lifecycle methods

	public void onStart() throws Exception {
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			final DispatcherException exception = new DispatcherException(String.format("Could not start the Dispatcher %s", getAddress()), e);
			throw exception;

	private void startDispatcherServices() throws Exception {
		try {

		} catch (Exception e) {

	private void handleStartDispatcherServicesException(Exception e) throws Exception {
		try {
		} catch (Exception exception) {

		throw e;

	public CompletableFuture<Void> onStop() {
		log.info("Stopping dispatcher {}.", getAddress());

		final CompletableFuture<Void> allJobManagerRunnersTerminationFuture = terminateJobManagerRunnersAndGetTerminationFuture();

		return FutureUtils.runAfterwards(
			() -> {

				log.info("Stopped dispatcher {}.", getAddress());

	private void stopDispatcherServices() throws Exception {
		Exception exception = null;
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			exception = ExceptionUtils.firstOrSuppressed(e, exception);

		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			exception = ExceptionUtils.firstOrSuppressed(e, exception);

		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			exception = ExceptionUtils.firstOrSuppressed(e, exception);



	// RPCs

	public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> submitJob(JobGraph jobGraph, Time timeout) {
		log.info("Received JobGraph submission {} ({}).", jobGraph.getJobID(), jobGraph.getName());

		try {
			if (isDuplicateJob(jobGraph.getJobID())) {
				return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(
					new JobSubmissionException(jobGraph.getJobID(), "Job has already been submitted."));
			} else {
				return internalSubmitJob(jobGraph);
		} catch (FlinkException e) {
			return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(e);

	 * Checks whether the given job has already been submitted or executed.
	 * @param jobId identifying the submitted job
	 * @return true if the job has already been submitted (is running) or has been executed
	 * @throws FlinkException if the job scheduling status cannot be retrieved
	private boolean isDuplicateJob(JobID jobId) throws FlinkException {
		final RunningJobsRegistry.JobSchedulingStatus jobSchedulingStatus;

		try {
			jobSchedulingStatus = runningJobsRegistry.getJobSchedulingStatus(jobId);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new FlinkException(String.format("Failed to retrieve job scheduling status for job %s.", jobId), e);

		return jobSchedulingStatus == RunningJobsRegistry.JobSchedulingStatus.DONE || jobManagerRunnerFutures.containsKey(jobId);

	private CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> internalSubmitJob(JobGraph jobGraph) {
		log.info("Submitting job {} ({}).", jobGraph.getJobID(), jobGraph.getName());

		final CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> persistAndRunFuture = waitForTerminatingJobManager(jobGraph.getJobID(), jobGraph, this::persistAndRunJob)
			.thenApply(ignored -> Acknowledge.get());

		return persistAndRunFuture.handleAsync((acknowledge, throwable) -> {
			if (throwable != null) {
				cleanUpJobData(jobGraph.getJobID(), true);

				final Throwable strippedThrowable = ExceptionUtils.stripCompletionException(throwable);
				log.error("Failed to submit job {}.", jobGraph.getJobID(), strippedThrowable);
				throw new CompletionException(
					new JobSubmissionException(jobGraph.getJobID(), "Failed to submit job.", strippedThrowable));
			} else {
				return acknowledge;
		}, getRpcService().getExecutor());

	private CompletableFuture<Void> persistAndRunJob(JobGraph jobGraph) throws Exception {
		submittedJobGraphStore.putJobGraph(new SubmittedJobGraph(jobGraph));

		final CompletableFuture<Void> runJobFuture = runJob(jobGraph);

		return runJobFuture.whenComplete(BiConsumerWithException.unchecked((Object ignored, Throwable throwable) -> {
			if (throwable != null) {

	private CompletableFuture<Void> runJob(JobGraph jobGraph) {

		final CompletableFuture<JobManagerRunner> jobManagerRunnerFuture = createJobManagerRunner(jobGraph);

		jobManagerRunnerFutures.put(jobGraph.getJobID(), jobManagerRunnerFuture);

		return jobManagerRunnerFuture
				(ignored, throwable) -> {
					if (throwable != null) {

	private CompletableFuture<JobManagerRunner> createJobManagerRunner(JobGraph jobGraph) {
		final RpcService rpcService = getRpcService();

		final CompletableFuture<JobManagerRunner> jobManagerRunnerFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
			CheckedSupplier.unchecked(() ->
					new DefaultJobManagerJobMetricGroupFactory(jobManagerMetricGroup),

		return jobManagerRunnerFuture.thenApply(FunctionUtils.uncheckedFunction(this::startJobManagerRunner));

	private JobManagerRunner startJobManagerRunner(JobManagerRunner jobManagerRunner) throws Exception {
		final JobID jobId = jobManagerRunner.getJobGraph().getJobID();
			(ArchivedExecutionGraph archivedExecutionGraph, Throwable throwable) -> {
				// check if we are still the active JobManagerRunner by checking the identity
				//noinspection ObjectEquality
				if (jobManagerRunner == jobManagerRunnerFutures.get(jobId).getNow(null)) {
					if (archivedExecutionGraph != null) {
					} else {
						final Throwable strippedThrowable = ExceptionUtils.stripCompletionException(throwable);

						if (strippedThrowable instanceof JobNotFinishedException) {
						} else {
							jobMasterFailed(jobId, strippedThrowable);
				} else {
					log.debug("There is a newer JobManagerRunner for the job {}.", jobId);
			}, getMainThreadExecutor());


		return jobManagerRunner;

	public CompletableFuture<Collection<JobID>> listJobs(Time timeout) {
		return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(
			Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(jobManagerRunnerFutures.keySet())));

	public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> disposeSavepoint(String savepointPath, Time timeout) {
		final ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

		return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
			() -> {
				log.info("Disposing savepoint {}.", savepointPath);

				try {
					Checkpoints.disposeSavepoint(savepointPath, configuration, classLoader, log);
				} catch (IOException | FlinkException e) {
					throw new CompletionException(new FlinkException(String.format("Could not dispose savepoint %s.", savepointPath), e));

				return Acknowledge.get();

	public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> cancelJob(JobID jobId, Time timeout) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

		return jobMasterGatewayFuture.thenCompose((JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> jobMasterGateway.cancel(timeout));

	public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> stopJob(JobID jobId, Time timeout) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

		return jobMasterGatewayFuture.thenCompose((JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> jobMasterGateway.stop(timeout));

	public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> rescaleJob(JobID jobId, int newParallelism, RescalingBehaviour rescalingBehaviour, Time timeout) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

		return jobMasterGatewayFuture.thenCompose(
			(JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) ->
				jobMasterGateway.rescaleJob(newParallelism, rescalingBehaviour, timeout));

	public CompletableFuture<ClusterOverview> requestClusterOverview(Time timeout) {
		CompletableFuture<ResourceOverview> taskManagerOverviewFuture = runResourceManagerCommand(resourceManagerGateway -> resourceManagerGateway.requestResourceOverview(timeout));

		final List<CompletableFuture<Optional<JobStatus>>> optionalJobInformation = queryJobMastersForInformation(
			(JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> jobMasterGateway.requestJobStatus(timeout));

		CompletableFuture<Collection<Optional<JobStatus>>> allOptionalJobsFuture = FutureUtils.combineAll(optionalJobInformation);

		CompletableFuture<Collection<JobStatus>> allJobsFuture = allOptionalJobsFuture.thenApply(this::flattenOptionalCollection);

		final JobsOverview completedJobsOverview = archivedExecutionGraphStore.getStoredJobsOverview();

		return allJobsFuture.thenCombine(
			(Collection<JobStatus> runningJobsStatus, ResourceOverview resourceOverview) -> {
				final JobsOverview allJobsOverview = JobsOverview.create(runningJobsStatus).combine(completedJobsOverview);
				return new ClusterOverview(resourceOverview, allJobsOverview);

	public CompletableFuture<MultipleJobsDetails> requestMultipleJobDetails(Time timeout) {
		List<CompletableFuture<Optional<JobDetails>>> individualOptionalJobDetails = queryJobMastersForInformation(
			(JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> jobMasterGateway.requestJobDetails(timeout));

		CompletableFuture<Collection<Optional<JobDetails>>> optionalCombinedJobDetails = FutureUtils.combineAll(

		CompletableFuture<Collection<JobDetails>> combinedJobDetails = optionalCombinedJobDetails.thenApply(this::flattenOptionalCollection);

		final Collection<JobDetails> completedJobDetails = archivedExecutionGraphStore.getAvailableJobDetails();

		return combinedJobDetails.thenApply(
			(Collection<JobDetails> runningJobDetails) -> {
				final Collection<JobDetails> allJobDetails = new ArrayList<>(completedJobDetails.size() + runningJobDetails.size());


				return new MultipleJobsDetails(allJobDetails);

	public CompletableFuture<JobStatus> requestJobStatus(JobID jobId, Time timeout) {

		final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

		final CompletableFuture<JobStatus> jobStatusFuture = jobMasterGatewayFuture.thenCompose(
			(JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> jobMasterGateway.requestJobStatus(timeout));

		return jobStatusFuture.exceptionally(
			(Throwable throwable) -> {
				final JobDetails jobDetails = archivedExecutionGraphStore.getAvailableJobDetails(jobId);

				// check whether it is a completed job
				if (jobDetails == null) {
					throw new CompletionException(ExceptionUtils.stripCompletionException(throwable));
				} else {
					return jobDetails.getStatus();

	public CompletableFuture<OperatorBackPressureStatsResponse> requestOperatorBackPressureStats(
			final JobID jobId,
			final JobVertexID jobVertexId) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

		return jobMasterGatewayFuture.thenCompose((JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> jobMasterGateway.requestOperatorBackPressureStats(jobVertexId));

	public CompletableFuture<ArchivedExecutionGraph> requestJob(JobID jobId, Time timeout) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

		final CompletableFuture<ArchivedExecutionGraph> archivedExecutionGraphFuture = jobMasterGatewayFuture.thenCompose(
			(JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> jobMasterGateway.requestJob(timeout));

		return archivedExecutionGraphFuture.exceptionally(
			(Throwable throwable) -> {
				final ArchivedExecutionGraph serializableExecutionGraph = archivedExecutionGraphStore.get(jobId);

				// check whether it is a completed job
				if (serializableExecutionGraph == null) {
					throw new CompletionException(ExceptionUtils.stripCompletionException(throwable));
				} else {
					return serializableExecutionGraph;

	public CompletableFuture<JobResult> requestJobResult(JobID jobId, Time timeout) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobManagerRunner> jobManagerRunnerFuture = jobManagerRunnerFutures.get(jobId);

		if (jobManagerRunnerFuture == null) {
			final ArchivedExecutionGraph archivedExecutionGraph = archivedExecutionGraphStore.get(jobId);

			if (archivedExecutionGraph == null) {
				return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(new FlinkJobNotFoundException(jobId));
			} else {
				return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(JobResult.createFrom(archivedExecutionGraph));
		} else {
			return jobManagerRunnerFuture.thenCompose(JobManagerRunner::getResultFuture).thenApply(JobResult::createFrom);

	public CompletableFuture<Collection<String>> requestMetricQueryServicePaths(Time timeout) {
		if (metricQueryServicePath != null) {
			return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Collections.singleton(metricQueryServicePath));
		} else {
			return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Collections.emptyList());

	public CompletableFuture<Collection<Tuple2<ResourceID, String>>> requestTaskManagerMetricQueryServicePaths(Time timeout) {
		return runResourceManagerCommand(resourceManagerGateway -> resourceManagerGateway.requestTaskManagerMetricQueryServicePaths(timeout));

	public CompletableFuture<Integer> getBlobServerPort(Time timeout) {
		return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(blobServer.getPort());

	public CompletableFuture<String> triggerSavepoint(
			final JobID jobId,
			final String targetDirectory,
			final boolean cancelJob,
			final Time timeout) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

		return jobMasterGatewayFuture.thenCompose(
			(JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) ->
				jobMasterGateway.triggerSavepoint(targetDirectory, cancelJob, timeout));

	public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> shutDownCluster() {
		return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Acknowledge.get());

	 * Cleans up the job related data from the dispatcher. If cleanupHA is true, then
	 * the data will also be removed from HA.
	 * @param jobId JobID identifying the job to clean up
	 * @param cleanupHA True iff HA data shall also be cleaned up
	private void removeJobAndRegisterTerminationFuture(JobID jobId, boolean cleanupHA) {
		final CompletableFuture<Void> cleanupFuture = removeJob(jobId, cleanupHA);

		registerJobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture(jobId, cleanupFuture);

	private void registerJobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture(JobID jobId, CompletableFuture<Void> jobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture) {

		jobManagerTerminationFutures.put(jobId, jobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture);

		// clean up the pending termination future
			() -> {
				final CompletableFuture<Void> terminationFuture = jobManagerTerminationFutures.remove(jobId);

				//noinspection ObjectEquality
				if (terminationFuture != null && terminationFuture != jobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture) {
					jobManagerTerminationFutures.put(jobId, terminationFuture);

	private CompletableFuture<Void> removeJob(JobID jobId, boolean cleanupHA) {
		CompletableFuture<JobManagerRunner> jobManagerRunnerFuture = jobManagerRunnerFutures.remove(jobId);

		final CompletableFuture<Void> jobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture;
		if (jobManagerRunnerFuture != null) {
			jobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture = jobManagerRunnerFuture.thenCompose(JobManagerRunner::closeAsync);
		} else {
			jobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

		return jobManagerRunnerTerminationFuture.thenRunAsync(
			() -> cleanUpJobData(jobId, cleanupHA),

	private void cleanUpJobData(JobID jobId, boolean cleanupHA) {

		boolean cleanupHABlobs = false;
		if (cleanupHA) {
			try {

				// only clean up the HA blobs if we could remove the job from HA storage
				cleanupHABlobs = true;
			} catch (Exception e) {
				log.warn("Could not properly remove job {} from submitted job graph store.", jobId, e);

			try {
			} catch (IOException e) {
				log.warn("Could not properly remove job {} from the running jobs registry.", jobId, e);
		} else {
			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				log.warn("Could not properly release job {} from submitted job graph store.", jobId, e);

		blobServer.cleanupJob(jobId, cleanupHABlobs);

	 * Terminate all currently running {@link JobManagerRunner}.
	private void terminateJobManagerRunners() {
		log.info("Stopping all currently running jobs of dispatcher {}.", getAddress());

		final HashSet<JobID> jobsToRemove = new HashSet<>(jobManagerRunnerFutures.keySet());

		for (JobID jobId : jobsToRemove) {
			removeJobAndRegisterTerminationFuture(jobId, false);

	private CompletableFuture<Void> terminateJobManagerRunnersAndGetTerminationFuture() {
		final Collection<CompletableFuture<Void>> values = jobManagerTerminationFutures.values();
		return FutureUtils.completeAll(values);

	 * Recovers all jobs persisted via the submitted job graph store.
	Collection<JobGraph> recoverJobs() throws Exception {
		log.info("Recovering all persisted jobs.");
		final Collection<JobID> jobIds = submittedJobGraphStore.getJobIds();

		try {
			return recoverJobGraphs(jobIds);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// release all recovered job graphs
			for (JobID jobId : jobIds) {
				try {
				} catch (Exception ie) {
			throw e;

	private Collection<JobGraph> recoverJobGraphs(Collection<JobID> jobIds) throws Exception {
		final List<JobGraph> jobGraphs = new ArrayList<>(jobIds.size());

		for (JobID jobId : jobIds) {
			final JobGraph jobGraph = recoverJob(jobId);

			if (jobGraph == null) {
				throw new FlinkJobNotFoundException(jobId);


		return jobGraphs;

	private JobGraph recoverJob(JobID jobId) throws Exception {
		log.debug("Recover job {}.", jobId);
		final SubmittedJobGraph submittedJobGraph = submittedJobGraphStore.recoverJobGraph(jobId);

		if (submittedJobGraph != null) {
			return submittedJobGraph.getJobGraph();
		} else {
			return null;

	protected void onFatalError(Throwable throwable) {

	protected void jobReachedGloballyTerminalState(ArchivedExecutionGraph archivedExecutionGraph) {
			"Job %s is in state %s which is not globally terminal.",

		log.info("Job {} reached globally terminal state {}.", archivedExecutionGraph.getJobID(), archivedExecutionGraph.getState());


		final JobID jobId = archivedExecutionGraph.getJobID();

		removeJobAndRegisterTerminationFuture(jobId, true);

	private void archiveExecutionGraph(ArchivedExecutionGraph archivedExecutionGraph) {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
				"Could not store completed job {}({}).",

		final CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> executionGraphFuture = historyServerArchivist.archiveExecutionGraph(archivedExecutionGraph);

			(Acknowledge ignored, Throwable throwable) -> {
				if (throwable != null) {
						"Could not archive completed job {}({}) to the history server.",

	protected void jobNotFinished(JobID jobId) {
		log.info("Job {} was not finished by JobManager.", jobId);

		removeJobAndRegisterTerminationFuture(jobId, false);

	private void jobMasterFailed(JobID jobId, Throwable cause) {
		// we fail fatally in case of a JobMaster failure in order to restart the
		// dispatcher to recover the jobs again. This only works in HA mode, though
		onFatalError(new FlinkException(String.format("JobMaster for job %s failed.", jobId), cause));

	private CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> getJobMasterGatewayFuture(JobID jobId) {
		final CompletableFuture<JobManagerRunner> jobManagerRunnerFuture = jobManagerRunnerFutures.get(jobId);

		if (jobManagerRunnerFuture == null) {
			return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(new FlinkJobNotFoundException(jobId));
		} else {
			final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> leaderGatewayFuture = jobManagerRunnerFuture.thenCompose(JobManagerRunner::getLeaderGatewayFuture);
			return leaderGatewayFuture.thenApplyAsync(
				(JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway) -> {
					// check whether the retrieved JobMasterGateway belongs still to a running JobMaster
					if (jobManagerRunnerFutures.containsKey(jobId)) {
						return jobMasterGateway;
					} else {
						throw new CompletionException(new FlinkJobNotFoundException(jobId));

	private CompletableFuture<ResourceManagerGateway> getResourceManagerGateway() {
		return resourceManagerGatewayRetriever.getFuture();

	private <T> CompletableFuture<T> runResourceManagerCommand(Function<ResourceManagerGateway, CompletableFuture<T>> resourceManagerCommand) {
		return getResourceManagerGateway().thenApply(resourceManagerCommand).thenCompose(Function.identity());

	private <T> List<T> flattenOptionalCollection(Collection<Optional<T>> optionalCollection) {
		return optionalCollection.stream().filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).collect(Collectors.toList());

	private <T> List<CompletableFuture<Optional<T>>> queryJobMastersForInformation(Function<JobMasterGateway, CompletableFuture<T>> queryFunction) {
		final int numberJobsRunning = jobManagerRunnerFutures.size();

		ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Optional<T>>> optionalJobInformation = new ArrayList<>(

		for (JobID jobId : jobManagerRunnerFutures.keySet()) {
			final CompletableFuture<JobMasterGateway> jobMasterGatewayFuture = getJobMasterGatewayFuture(jobId);

			final CompletableFuture<Optional<T>> optionalRequest = jobMasterGatewayFuture
				.handle((T value, Throwable throwable) -> Optional.ofNullable(value));

		return optionalJobInformation;

	// Leader contender

	 * Callback method when current resourceManager is granted leadership.
	 * @param newLeaderSessionID unique leadershipID
	public void grantLeadership(final UUID newLeaderSessionID) {
			() -> {
				log.info("Dispatcher {} was granted leadership with fencing token {}", getAddress(), newLeaderSessionID);

				final CompletableFuture<Collection<JobGraph>> recoveredJobsFuture = recoveryOperation.thenApplyAsync(
					FunctionUtils.uncheckedFunction(ignored -> recoverJobs()),

				final CompletableFuture<Boolean> fencingTokenFuture = recoveredJobsFuture.thenComposeAsync(
					(Collection<JobGraph> recoveredJobs) -> tryAcceptLeadershipAndRunJobs(newLeaderSessionID, recoveredJobs),

				final CompletableFuture<Void> confirmationFuture = fencingTokenFuture.thenCombineAsync(
					BiFunctionWithException.unchecked((Boolean confirmLeadership, Collection<JobGraph> recoveredJobs) -> {
						if (confirmLeadership) {
						} else {
							for (JobGraph recoveredJob : recoveredJobs) {
						return null;

					(Void ignored, Throwable throwable) -> {
						if (throwable != null) {
								new DispatcherException(
									String.format("Failed to take leadership with session id %s.", newLeaderSessionID),

				recoveryOperation = confirmationFuture;

	private CompletableFuture<Boolean> tryAcceptLeadershipAndRunJobs(UUID newLeaderSessionID, Collection<JobGraph> recoveredJobs) {
		final DispatcherId dispatcherId = DispatcherId.fromUuid(newLeaderSessionID);

		if (leaderElectionService.hasLeadership(newLeaderSessionID)) {
			log.debug("Dispatcher {} accepted leadership with fencing token {}. Start recovered jobs.", getAddress(), dispatcherId);

			Collection<CompletableFuture<?>> runFutures = new ArrayList<>(recoveredJobs.size());

			for (JobGraph recoveredJob : recoveredJobs) {
				final CompletableFuture<?> runFuture = waitForTerminatingJobManager(recoveredJob.getJobID(), recoveredJob, this::runJob);

			return FutureUtils.waitForAll(runFutures).thenApply(ignored -> true);
		} else {
			log.debug("Dispatcher {} lost leadership before accepting it. Stop recovering jobs for fencing token {}.", getAddress(), dispatcherId);
			return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false);

	private CompletableFuture<Void> waitForTerminatingJobManager(JobID jobId, JobGraph jobGraph, FunctionWithException<JobGraph, CompletableFuture<Void>, ?> action) {
		final CompletableFuture<Void> jobManagerTerminationFuture = getJobTerminationFuture(jobId)
			.exceptionally((Throwable throwable) -> {
				throw new CompletionException(
					new DispatcherException(
						String.format("Termination of previous JobManager for job %s failed. Cannot submit job under the same job id.", jobId),
						throwable)); });

		return jobManagerTerminationFuture.thenComposeAsync(
			FunctionUtils.uncheckedFunction((ignored) -> {
				return action.apply(jobGraph);

	CompletableFuture<Void> getJobTerminationFuture(JobID jobId) {
		if (jobManagerRunnerFutures.containsKey(jobId)) {
			return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(new DispatcherException(String.format("Job with job id %s is still running.", jobId)));
		} else {
			return jobManagerTerminationFutures.getOrDefault(jobId, CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null));

	CompletableFuture<Void> getRecoveryOperation() {
		return recoveryOperation;

	private void setNewFencingToken(@Nullable DispatcherId dispatcherId) {
		// clear the state if we've been the leader before
		if (getFencingToken() != null) {


	private void clearDispatcherState() {

	private void registerDispatcherMetrics(MetricGroup jobManagerMetricGroup) {
			() -> (long) jobManagerRunnerFutures.size());

	 * Callback method when current resourceManager loses leadership.
	public void revokeLeadership() {
			() -> {
				log.info("Dispatcher {} was revoked leadership.", getAddress());


	 * Handles error occurring in the leader election service.
	 * @param exception Exception being thrown in the leader election service
	public void handleError(final Exception exception) {
		onFatalError(new DispatcherException("Received an error from the LeaderElectionService.", exception));

	// SubmittedJobGraphListener

	public void onAddedJobGraph(final JobID jobId) {
			() -> {
				if (!jobManagerRunnerFutures.containsKey(jobId)) {
					// IMPORTANT: onAddedJobGraph can generate false positives and, thus, we must expect that
					// the specified job is already removed from the SubmittedJobGraphStore. In this case,
					// SubmittedJobGraphStore.recoverJob returns null.
					final CompletableFuture<Optional<JobGraph>> recoveredJob = recoveryOperation.thenApplyAsync(
						FunctionUtils.uncheckedFunction(ignored -> Optional.ofNullable(recoverJob(jobId))),

					final DispatcherId dispatcherId = getFencingToken();
					final CompletableFuture<Void> submissionFuture = recoveredJob.thenComposeAsync(
						(Optional<JobGraph> jobGraphOptional) -> jobGraphOptional.map(
							FunctionUtils.uncheckedFunction(jobGraph -> tryRunRecoveredJobGraph(jobGraph, dispatcherId).thenAcceptAsync(
								FunctionUtils.uncheckedConsumer((Boolean isRecoveredJobRunning) -> {
										if (!isRecoveredJobRunning) {

						(Void ignored, Throwable throwable) -> {
							if (throwable != null) {
									new DispatcherException(
										String.format("Could not start the added job %s", jobId),

					recoveryOperation = submissionFuture;

	private CompletableFuture<Boolean> tryRunRecoveredJobGraph(JobGraph jobGraph, DispatcherId dispatcherId) throws Exception {
		if (leaderElectionService.hasLeadership(dispatcherId.toUUID())) {
			final JobID jobId = jobGraph.getJobID();
			if (jobManagerRunnerFutures.containsKey(jobId)) {
				// we must not release the job graph lock since it can only be locked once and
				// is currently being executed. Once we support multiple locks, we must release
				// the JobGraph here
				log.debug("Ignore added JobGraph because the job {} is already running.", jobId);
				return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true);
			} else if (runningJobsRegistry.getJobSchedulingStatus(jobId) != RunningJobsRegistry.JobSchedulingStatus.DONE) {
				return waitForTerminatingJobManager(jobId, jobGraph, this::runJob).thenApply(ignored -> true);
			} else {
				log.debug("Ignore added JobGraph because the job {} has already been completed.", jobId);

		return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false);

	public void onRemovedJobGraph(final JobID jobId) {
		runAsync(() -> {
			try {
				removeJobAndRegisterTerminationFuture(jobId, false);
			} catch (final Exception e) {
				onFatalError(new DispatcherException(String.format("Could not remove job %s.", jobId), e));








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