How to see the world?

How do you see the world? It seems a problem related a large extend. When we were little pupils, we received communist education and we were told that we should develop high ideal to build our country, and so on. What I want to say is far away from above mentioned. It is insignificant to talk about sensitive politics areas.

Well, let’s say the thesis. In some people’s eyes, the world is full of fraud and hypocritical, with poverty and disease. It seems to be hopeless though the pessimistic view. On the contrary, some people see the world as sunshine though positive way. They believed everyone can success by his own hard work.

The fact that there is varied unfair problem around the world may make you confused. But what you could be not depend on this, but what you see the world and how do you to deal with it. The situation can’t be changed. But you can change yourself. To show your dignity sometimes seems naïve.

If you see the world gloomy, maybe you will be gloomy too. The world is so made that it provides flowers and shunshing as well as crime and evil. Why not see the world positively?

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Beginning SVG: A Practical Introduction to SVG using Real-World Examples By 作者: Alex Libby ISBN-10 书号: 1484237595 ISBN-13 书号: 9781484237595 Edition 版本: 1st ed. 出版日期: 2018-09-07 pages 页数: 298 Develop SVG functionality for use within websites quickly and natively, using basic tools such as HTML and CSS. This book is a project-oriented guide to creating and manipulating scalable vector graphics in the browser for websites or online applications, using little more than a text editor or free software, and the power of JavaScript. You’ll use a starting toolset to incorporate into your existing workflow, develop future projects, and reduce any dependency on graphics applications for simple projects. This book is an excellent resource for getting acquainted with creating and manipulating SVG content. We live in an age where speed and simplicity are of the essence. Beginning SVG provides a perfect alternative when creating web-based projects that challenges the norm and encourages you to expand your resources and not resort to what “everyone else uses” (such as Illustrator). You’ll discover that there is indeed a different way to achieve the same result. Stop thinking you must always resort to using graphics packages; there is always another way! What You’ll Learn Create powerful, optimized content that can be quickly and easily manipulated within the browser Get up to speed with SVG quickly, with minimal effort and maximum results See how easy it is to apply SVG content and effects, without the need for lots of additional tools. Who This Book Is For Website developers and agile development teams who are keen to learn how to add and manipulate SVG quickly. Front Matter Partl.Getting Started 1.Introducing SVG 2.Adding SVG Content to a Page Part ll.In More Detail 3.Working with lmages and Text 4.Sizing SVG 5.Creating Fiters 6.Animating Content 7.Optimizing SVG Part ll.Putting SVG to Use 8.Creating SVG Charts 9.Incorporating SVG Libraries 10.Taking It Further
Work with all aspects of batch processing in a modern Java environment using a selection of Spring frameworks. This book provides up-to-date examples using the latest configuration techniques based on Java configuration and Spring Boot. The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch takes you from the “Hello, World!” of batch processing to complex scenarios demonstrating cloud native techniques for developing batch applications to be run on modern platforms. Finally this book demonstrates how you can use areas of the Spring portfolio beyond just Spring Batch 4 to collaboratively develop mission-critical batch processes. You’ll see how a new class of use cases and platforms has evolved to have an impact on batch-processing. Data science and big data have become prominent in modern IT and the use of batch processing to orchestrate workloads has become commonplace. The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch covers how running finite tasks on cloud infrastructure in a standardized way has changed where batch applications are run. Additionally, you’ll discover how Spring Batch 4 takes advantage of Java 9, Spring Framework 5, and the new Spring Boot 2 micro-framework. After reading this book, you’ll be able to use Spring Boot to simplify the development of your own Spring projects, as well as take advantage of Spring Cloud Task and Spring Cloud Data Flow for added cloud native functionality. Includes a foreword by Dave Syer, Spring Batch project founder. What You’ll Learn Discover what is new in Spring Batch 4 Carry out finite batch processing in the cloud using the Spring Batch project Understand the newest configuration techniques based on Java configuration and Spring Boot using practical examples Master batch processing in complex scenarios including in the cloud Develop batch applications to be run on modern platforms Use areas of the Spring portfolio beyond Spring Batch to develop mission-critical batch processes Who This Book Is For Experienced Java and Spring coders new to the Sp
The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8 pdf Learn and master the new features in the JSF 2.3 MVC web framework in this definitive guide written by two of the JavaServer Faces (JSF) specification leads. The authors take you through real-world examples that demonstrate how these new features are used with other APIs in Java EE 8. You’ll see the new and exciting ways JSF applications can use to communicate between a client and a server, such as using WebSockets, invoking bean methods directly from Ajax, executing client-side JavaScript when Ajax calls complete, and more Along the way you’ll broaden your knowledge of JSF components and web APIs best practices, and learn a great deal about the internals of JSF and the design decisions that have been made when building the JSF API. For example, you’ll see what artefacts are now CDI injectable, how CDI changed JSF internally, and what some of the caveats are when working with the CDI versions of a JSF artefact. Furthermore, you'll build an example application from scratch. After reading The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8, you'll be ready to build your own efficient and secure web applications. What You Will Learn Leverage the new features in JSF 2.3 in your existing applications Integrate JSF and CDI Use the brand new Component Search Expression framework, which enables you to more easily locate components from your template Extend the Component Search Expression framework with your own search operators Work with the different ways of mapping requests to JSF, make your application use extensionless URLs, and programmatically inspect which resources are present in your application Master the best practices for web application development and see which are obsolete Who This Book Is For Existing JSF or Java developers who need to create a web UI. No prior knowledge of JSF is required, but the book does skew towards the more experienced developer. Concepts such as dependency injection and MVC are assumed to be known, as is a general knowledge about HTML, HTTP and other web standards.
你帮我检查下我的代码吧! plugin.xml内容如下: ``` <idea-plugin> <id></id> <name>wkx_plugin</name> <version>1.0</version> <vendor email="[email protected]" url="">HikVision</vendor> <!-- description><![CDATA[ xml和excel互相转换插件.<br></description --> <!-- change-notes><![CDATA[ Add change notes here.<br> most HTML tags may be used ]]> </change-notes--> <!-- please see for description --> <idea-version since-build="173.0"/> <!-- please see on how to target different products --> <depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends> <extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij"> <!-- Add your extensions here --> <actions> <action id="myAction" class="com.example.HelloWorldAction" text="My Action" description="My description"> <add-to-group group-id="MainMenu.Tools" anchor="last"/> <keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="control alt A"/> </action> </actions> </extensions> <actions> <!-- Add your actions here --> </actions> </idea-plugin> ``` HelloWorldAction.kt内容如下: ``` import com.intellij.notification.NotificationDisplayType import com.intellij.notification.NotificationGroup import com.intellij.notification.NotificationType import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent class HelloWorldAction : AnAction() { override fun actionPerformed(event: AnActionEvent) { //这里创建了一个消息提示弹窗,在IDE中展示“Hello World” val notificationGroup = NotificationGroup( "myActionId", NotificationDisplayType.BALLOON, true ) val notification = notificationGroup.createNotification( "chentao Demo", "Hello World", "", NotificationType.INFORMATION ).notify(event.project) //从方法的Event对象中获取到当前IDE正在展示的project,在该project中展示弹窗 } } ```


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