Troops Kill 13 Insurgents; Car Bombs Kill, Injure Iraqis

WASHINGTON, Oct. 11, 2007 – Coalition forces killed 13 insurgents during an air strike near the Iraqi capital yesterday. Meanwhile, two car-bomb attacks in northern Iraq killed six and wounded 38, military officials said.

A coalition air strike killed 13 west of Baghdad yesterday, including three al Qaeda members responsible for assassinating a local imam, military officials said.

Forces identified the slain terrorists as Abu Rami, Ammar Fadhil Kadhim and Fadil Salman, also known as Abu Raad. Intelligence reports indicated that Raad led an assassination team yesterday in emplacing four improvised explosive devices in and around the home of Abu Bilal, an imam known for preaching anti-al Qaeda messages in the local mosque.

The team detonated one IED, awakening neighbors sleeping on the roof of the adjacent building. The assassins then fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the neighbors’ house before entering Bilal’s.

Inside the imam’s house, the terrorists executed Bilal and wounded his wife. Also inside the house was Bilal's nephew, who managed to kill two of the attackers as they attempted to flee.

Following Bilal’s assassination, coalition forces identified the attackers as they gathered in a field nearby. Coalition aircraft engaged and killed the armed men. As ground troops secured the area, they discovered three more armed men. Supporting aircraft killed the three terrorists, one of whom was wearing a suicide vest.

Local citizens feared the three terrorists identified by coalition forces, according to military officials. Kadhim was a senior al Qaeda figure in the Abu Ghraib district responsible for killing women and children. Troops found numerous weapons and a suicide belt among the group of dead terrorists following the air strike, military officials said.

“Cowardly acts against religious leaders and citizens such as this continue to demonstrate that al Qaeda in Iraq will not allow people to live in peace,” said Army Maj. Winfield Danielson, a Multinational Force Iraq spokesman. “Iraqi and coalition forces will make every effort to end al Qaeda's campaign to terrorize Iraq citizens.”

Elsewhere in Iraq yesterday, suspected al Qaeda terrorists detonated two car bombs, killing six people and wounding 38.

A car-bomb attack in Ninevah province killed two Iraqi civilians and two Iraqi soldiers. Sixteen citizens and five Iraqi soldiers were wounded in the blast; three buildings and six vehicles sustained damage. Iraqi police responded to the attack, securing the area while ambulances treated and transported casualties to a nearby hospital.

A second car bomb detonated east of Tikrit, killing an Iraqi policeman and an Iraqi civilian. The explosion wounded 22 people, military officials said. All casualties were transported to the Tikrit teaching hospital by 4th Iraqi Army Division soldiers.

“These senseless acts of brutality during Ramadan show complete disrespect for the faiths and traditions of the Iraqi people,” said Army Col. Gary Patton, chief of staff for Multinational Division North. “The brave men of the Iraqi security forces will not allow al Qaeda to intimidate them even with these disgraceful acts of violence.”

(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq and Multinational Corps Iraq news releases.)

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在信号处理领域,DOA(Direction of Arrival)估计是一项关键技术,主要用于确定多个信号源到达接收阵列的方向。本文将详细探讨三种ESPRIT(Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques)算法在DOA估计中的实现,以及它们在MATLAB环境中的具体应用。 ESPRIT算法是由Paul Kailath等人于1986年提出的,其核心思想是利用阵列数据的旋转不变性来估计信号源的角度。这种算法相比传统的 MUSIC(Multiple Signal Classification)算法具有较低的计算复杂度,且无需进行特征值分解,因此在实际应用中颇具优势。 1. 普通ESPRIT算法 普通ESPRIT算法分为两个主要步骤:构造等效旋转不变系统和估计角度。通过空间平移(如延时)构建两个子阵列,使得它们之间的关系具有旋转不变性。然后,通过对子阵列数据进行最小二乘拟合,可以得到信号源的角频率估计,进一步转换为DOA估计。 2. 常规ESPRIT算法实现 在描述中提到的`common_esprit_method1.m`和`common_esprit_method2.m`是两种不同的普通ESPRIT算法实现。它们可能在实现细节上略有差异,比如选择子阵列的方式、参数估计的策略等。MATLAB代码通常会包含预处理步骤(如数据归一化)、子阵列构造、旋转不变性矩阵的建立、最小二乘估计等部分。通过运行这两个文件,可以比较它们在估计精度和计算效率上的异同。 3. TLS_ESPRIT算法 TLS(Total Least Squares)ESPRIT是对普通ESPRIT的优化,它考虑了数据噪声的影响,提高了估计的稳健性。在TLS_ESPRIT算法中,不假设数据噪声是高斯白噪声,而是采用总最小二乘准则来拟合数据。这使得算法在噪声环境下表现更优。`TLS_esprit.m`文件应该包含了TLS_ESPRIT算法的完整实现,包括TLS估计的步骤和旋转不变性矩阵的改进处理。 在实际应用中,选择合适的ESPRIT变体取决于系统条件,例如噪声水平、信号质量以及计算资源。通过MATLAB实现,研究者和工程师可以方便地比较不同算法的效果,并根据需要进行调整和优化。同时,这些代码也为教学和学习DOA估计提供了一个直观的平台,有助于深入理解ESPRIT算法的工作原理。




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