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转载 How JavaScript Timers Work

At a fundamental level it’s important to understand how JavaScript timers work. Often times they behave unintuitively because of the single thread which they are in. Let’s start by examining the three

2015-01-27 18:52:27 477

转载 Javascript Closure

Whenever you see the function keyword within another function, the inner function has access to variables in the outer function.function foo(x) { var tmp = 3; function bar(y) { alert(x

2015-01-27 14:51:06 629

原创 ML General Concepts

1. Feature:Individual measurable property of a phenomenon being observed

2015-01-22 21:59:39 300

原创 Artificial Neural Network Notes

1.Selection of Activation function:Why sigmoid function but not threshold function:sigmoid function are continuous and deferentiatible whereas threshold function is not.

2015-01-22 12:12:01 423

原创 C Programing Lanuage Notes

1. C programs begins executing  at the beginning of the main function2.Garbage is generally classified into two types:semantic garbage Semantic garbage is any object or data which will n

2015-01-22 06:43:23 414

原创 Batch Gradiant Descent - Sample Magnitute and Learning Rate

Magnitute: 1 (Range -1 ~ +1)Learning Rate Maximum:1/10000=0.0001

2015-01-17 11:23:10 515

原创 Batch Gradiant Descent: The Tradeoff Between Converge Threshold and Training Set Capacity

When convergence threshold (the value to test predefined in the  problem to test when a converge happens) is set to be small enough, small number of training samples is enough for the learning program

2015-01-17 10:45:17 634

原创 TrueNorth Chip Mechanism

Here’s how the chip works:Signals detected by sensing devices, such as video cameras, are routed to the on-chip network of neurons and synapses.  The signals are converted to spikes of electricity

2015-01-16 16:03:51 358

原创 ECMAScript Standard: Function Declaration

Defined functions are not required to have their declarations appear textually before calls to them.

2015-01-13 13:15:51 265

原创 Linux Terminalogies

1 . Ubuntu -- PPAPersonal Package Archive

2015-01-13 09:14:36 335

原创 Linux Command

1. apt-get:-y, --yes, --assume-yesAutomatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held package or remov

2015-01-11 18:34:30 447

原创 Docker Note

1 Intall docker under Unbuntu 14.01 LTS:sudo apt-get install docker.io

2015-01-09 08:44:59 406

转载 著名黑客雷蒙评价最重要的几种编程语言

C语言  虽说C语言在内存管理方面存在严重的缺陷,不过它还是在某些应用领域里称王称霸。对于那些要求最高的效率,良好的实时性,或者与操作系统内核紧密关联的程序来说,C仍然是很好的选择。  C 良好的可移植性也为它加了分。不过现在很多其他的语言可移植性越来越好,C在这方面的优势可能会逐渐丧失。  现有的很多程序可以产生非常棒的C代码,比如语法分析器、GUI Builder 等,这时候C语言

2015-01-08 13:01:20 351

转载 Threads in Python

http://www.python-course.eu/threads.phpThreads in PythonDefinition of a ThreadA Thread or a Thread of Execution is defined in computer science as the smallest unit that can be scheduled

2015-01-07 20:51:03 449

原创 Python Syntax Note

1. Global Statement: Programing languages commanly allow functions to read and change global variables. However, the python programming language allows functions to read, but not chage the global

2015-01-05 23:29:33 285

转载 Scipy, Import pylab

PyLabCurrently this page reflects the vision of KeirMierle, and not necessarily the community as a whole. By integrating consensus from mailing list discussions, I will refine and polish this vi

2015-01-05 18:05:06 667

原创 MySQL Syntax Notes

1. Update Statement: In an mysql update statement, updates multiple columns in one statement command requires the column names to be seperated by a comma mark:",".Example:sql="UPDATE ap_dec_2014 S

2015-01-03 13:01:28 324

转载 IBM Synapse

藉由以特殊用途硅电路复制人脑神经元(neuron)、突触(synapse)、树突(dendrite)与轴突(axon)功能,IBM宣称已经开发出首款客制化感知运算内核(custom cognitive computing cores),将数字棘波神经元与超高密度芯片上交叉开关(crossbar)突触、事件导向通讯(event-driven communication)等功能结合在一起。上述

2015-01-03 11:58:42 916

转载 Time_Wait

今天早上一上班,有同事就反映公司好几个网站都打不开,登陆数据库服务器(windows),发现很卡,于是重启了下服务器,进入系统后,没过一会问题依旧,查看了下系统进程,发现mysql占用率达到99%,可以肯定的是mysql连接出现问题:netstat -an192.168.12.13:3306      TIME_WAIT192.16

2015-01-01 12:07:36 330

转载 TCP/IP Port Confirguration Windows NT

Hi kumargaurav,Here’s where you need to navigate in order to change the range of TCP IP to maximum.Important: This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry.

2015-01-01 12:03:07 621



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