

1    什么是完成端口对象


  I/O完成端口最初的设计师应用程序发出一些异步I/O请求,当这些请求完成时,设备驱动将吧这些工作项目排序到完成端口。这样,在完成端口上等待的线程池便可以处理这些完成端口。完成端口实际上市一个Windows  I/O结构,它可以接收多种对象的句柄,如文件对象,套接字对象等。

2  创建完成端口对象


CreateIoCompletionPort Function

Associates an input/output (I/O) completion port with one or more file handles, or it can create an I/O completion port that is not associated with a file handle.

Associating an instance of an opened file with an I/O completion port lets an application receive notification of the completion of asynchronous I/O operations involving that file.

HANDLE WINAPI CreateIoCompletionPort(
  __in          HANDLE FileHandle,
  __in          HANDLE ExistingCompletionPort,
  __in          ULONG_PTR CompletionKey,
  __in          DWORD NumberOfConcurrentThreads

A handle to a file opened for overlapped I/O completion. You must specify the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag when using theCreateFile function to obtain the handle.

If FileHandle specifies INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, CreateIoCompletionPort creates an I/O completion port without associating it with a file. In this case, theExistingCompletionPort parameter must be NULL and the CompletionKey parameter is ignored.


A handle to the I/O completion port.

If this parameter specifies an existing completion port, the function associates it with the file specified by theFileHandle parameter. The function returns the handle of the existing completion port; it does not create a new I/O completion port.

If this parameter is NULL, the function creates a new I/O completion port and associates it with the file specified byFileHandle. The function returns the handle to the new I/O completion port.


The per-file completion key that is included in every I/O completion packet for the specified file.


The maximum number of threads that the operating system can allow to concurrently process I/O completion packets for the I/O completion port. This parameter is ignored if theExistingCompletionPort parameter is not NULL.

If this parameter is zero, the system allows as many concurrently running threads as there are processors in the system.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the I/O completion port that is associated with the specified file.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, callGetLastError.

2    I/O服务线程和完成端口




GetQueuedCompletionStatus Function

Attempts to dequeue an I/O completion packet from the specified I/O completion port. If there is no completion packet queued, the function waits for a pending I/O operation associated with the completion port to complete.

BOOL WINAPI GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
  __in          HANDLE CompletionPort,
  __out         LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytes,
  __out         PULONG_PTR lpCompletionKey,
  __out         LPOVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped,
  __in          DWORD dwMilliseconds

GetQueuedCompletionStatus Function

Attempts to dequeue an I/O completion packet from the specified I/O completion port. If there is no completion packet queued, the function waits for a pending I/O operation associated with the completion port to complete.

BOOL WINAPI GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
  __in          HANDLE CompletionPort,
  __out         LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytes,
  __out         PULONG_PTR lpCompletionKey,
  __out         LPOVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped,
  __in          DWORD dwMilliseconds

A handle to the completion port. To create a completion port, use the CreateIoCompletionPort function.


A pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes transferred during an I/O operation that has completed.


A pointer to a variable that receives the completion key value associated with the file handle whose I/O operation has completed. A completion key is a per-file key that is specified in a call toCreateIoCompletionPort.


A pointer to a variable that receives the address of the OVERLAPPED structure that was specified when the completed I/O operation was started.

The following functions can be used to start I/O operations that complete using completion ports. You must pass the function anOVERLAPPED structure and a file handle associated with an completion port (by a call toCreateIoCompletionPort) to invoke the I/O completion port mechanism:

  • ConnectNamedPipe
  • DeviceIoControl
  • LockFileEx
  • ReadDirectoryChangesW
  • ReadFile
  • TransactNamedPipe
  • WaitCommEvent
  • WriteFile

Even if you have passed the function a file handle associated with a completion port and a validOVERLAPPED structure, an application can prevent completion port notification. This is done by specifying a valid event handle for thehEvent member of the OVERLAPPED structure, and setting its low-order bit. A valid event handle whose low-order bit is set keeps I/O completion from being queued to the completion port.


The number of milliseconds that the caller is willing to wait for a completion packet to appear at the completion port. If a completion packet does not appear within the specified time, the function times out, returns FALSE, and sets *lpOverlapped to NULL.

If dwMilliseconds is INFINITE, the function will never time out. If dwMilliseconds is zero and there is no I/O operation to dequeue, the function will time out immediately.




CInitSock   theSock;

#define   BUFFER_SIZE  1024

typedef  struct _PER_HANDLE_DATA


   SOCKET   s;

   sockaddr_in   addr;


 typedef   struct _PER_IO_DATA



   char   buf[BUFFER_SIZE];

   int   nOperationType;

  #define   OP_READ   1;

 #define   OP_WRITE  2;

#define   OP_ACCEPT  3;


完成端口I/O模型是一种高效的异步 I/O 模型,其工作原理如下: 1. 程序先创建一个完成端口对象,然后将需要进行异步 I/O 操作的文件句柄或套接字与完成端口对象关联起来。 2. 当异步 I/O 操作完成时,操作系统会将完成信息放入完成端口对象的队列中。 3. 程序可以通过调用 GetQueuedCompletionStatus 函数来获取完成信息。该函数会阻塞等待直到有完成信息到达,或者设置超时时间。 4. 获取到完成信息后,程序可以处理完成的操作,并重新发起新的异步 I/O 操作。 完成端口模型的异步完成通知机制是由操作系统内核实现的。当异步 I/O 操作完成时,操作系统会将完成信息放入完成端口对象的队列中,并唤醒等待在 GetQueuedCompletionStatus 函数上的线程。程序可以通过调用 GetQueuedCompletionStatus 函数获取完成信息。 IOCP 内核对象维护以下 5 个队列: 1. 空闲线程队列:存放空闲的线程对象。 2. 活动线程队列:存放正在执行异步 I/O 操作的线程对象。 3. 完成队列:存放完成的 I/O 操作的信息。 4. 关闭队列:存放需要关闭的文件句柄或套接字。 5. 绑定队列:存放需要进行绑定操作的文件句柄或套接字。 完成队列中存放完成的 I/O 操作的信息,包括完成的操作类型、操作结果、完成的数据大小等信息。 IOCP 通过维护线程池来提高异步 I/O 操作的效率。程序可以通过调用 CreateThread 或者 ThreadPoolCreate 函数来创建线程池。线程数量上限应该根据系统硬件性能和程序的实际需要来设置,一般情况下,线程数量应该小于 CPU 核心数的两倍。 使用该 I/O 模型设计程序的步骤如下: 1. 创建完成端口对象。 2. 创建线程池,将空闲线程对象加入空闲线程队列。 3. 将需要进行异步 I/O 操作的文件句柄或套接字与完成端口对象关联起来。 4. 发起异步 I/O 操作。 5. 等待完成信息到达,获取完成信息。 6. 处理完成信息,重新发起新的异步 I/O 操作。 7. 当需要关闭文件句柄或套接字时,将其放入关闭队列。 8. 当需要绑定文件句柄或套接字时,将其放入绑定队列。 9. 程序结束时,释放资源。




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