snmpconf 命令手册

snmpconf 命令手册

       snmpconf - creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
# 注释 :snmpconf 是一个用于建立和修改 SNMP 配置文件的命令


       snmpconf [OPTIONS] [fileToCreate]

Start with:
snmpconf -g basic_setup

Or even just:
# 注释 :snmpconf 命令的语法格式
#     -)直接输入 snmpconf
#     -)输入 snmpconf -g <group_name>
#     -)输入 snmpconf [option] [file]

       snmpconf  is  a  simple Perl script that walks you through setting up a
configuration file step by step. It should be fairly straight forward
to use. Merely run it and answer its questions.
# 注释 :snmpconf 是一个简单的 Perl 脚本,以交互的方式设置配置文件。

In its default mode of operation, it prompts the user with menus showâ€
ing sections of the various configuration files it knows about. When
the user selects a section, a sub-menu is shown listing of the descripâ€
tions of the tokens that can be created in that section. When a
description is selected, the user is prompted with questions that conâ€
struct the configuration line in question.

Finally, when the user quits the program any configuration files that
have been edited by the user are saved to the local directory, fully
# 注释 :注意,snmpconf 命令完成后生成的配置文件放在本地目录,并且全部注释掉

A particularly useful option is the -g switch, which walks a user
through a specific set of configuration questions. Run:

snmpconf -g basic_setup

for an example.


       -f      Force overwriting existing files in the current directory withâ€
out prompting the user if this is a desired thing to do.
                # 注释 :-f 选项强迫覆盖本地存在的同名文件

-i When finished, install the files into the location where the
global system commands expect to find them.
                # 注释 :-i 选项表示命令完成后,把文件安装到 SNMP 默认查找的目录

-p When finished, install the files into the users home direcâ€
tory's .snmp subdirectory (where the applications will also
search for configuration files).
                   # 注释 :-p 表示命令结束后,把文件安装到用户的 ~/.snmp 目录下

When finished, install the files into the directory DIRECTORY.
                # 注释 :-I <dir> 表示命令结束后,安装到指定的目录

-a Don't ask any questions. Simply read in the various known con
figuration files and write them back out again. This has the
effect of "auto-commenting" the configuration files for you.
See the NEAT TRICKS section below.
                # 注释 :-a 选项表示不提出问题,只是读取不同的配置文件并回写。

Read in either all or none of the found configuration files.
Normally snmpconf prompts you for which files you wish to read
in. Reading in these configuration files will merge these
files with the results of the questions that it asks of you.

-R FILE,...
Read in a specific list of configuration files.

Groups of configuration entries can be created that can be used
to walk a user through a series of questions to create an iniâ€
tial configuration file. There are no menus to navigate, just
a list of questions. Run:

snmpconf -g basic_setup

for a good example.
                # 注释 :-g <group_name> 可以用于建立不同目的的配置文件

-G List all the known groups.
                # 注释 :-G 选项可以列出已知的 group              

snmpconf uses a directory of configuration information to learn
about the files and questions that it should be asking. This
option tells snmpconf to use a different location for configurâ€
ing itself.
                # 注释 :-c <config_dir> 给出了 snmpconf 命令询问的问题是存放在那个目录下。
                # 在 windows 版本中,位于 C:/Program Files/net-snmp-5.3.1/share/snmp/snmpconf-data    

-q Run slightly more quietly. Since this is an interactive proâ€
gram, I don't recommend this option since it only removes
information from the output that is designed to help you.
                # 注释 :-q 表示安静模式,不建议使用

-d Turn on lots of debugging output.
                # 注释 :-d 表示启用 debug 模式

-D Add even more debugging output in the form of Perl variable
                # 注释 :-D 表示比 debug 模式更多信息的模式,包括 Perl 变量的输出

# 注释 :下面这两个命令是非常有用的
       snmpconf -g basic_setup
Have I mentioned this command enough yet? It's designed to walk
someone through an initial setup for the snmpd(8) daemon.
Really, you should try it.
        # 注释 :第一个是 snmpconf -g basick_setup 。该命令建立一个基本的配置文件

snmpconf -R /usr/local/snmp/snmpd.conf -a -f snmpd.conf
Automatically reads in an snmpd.conf file (for example) and adds
comments to them describing what each token does. Try it. It's
        # 注释 :第二个是 snmpconf -R /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf -a -f snmpd.conf 
        # 表示从 /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf 中读取内容,然后对内容添加注释,并保存为本地目录下的 snmpd.conf


       snmpconf  is  actually a very generic utility that could be easily conâ€
figured to help construct just about any kind of configuration file.
Its default configuration set of files are SNMP based.


       snmpd(8), snmp_config(5), snmp.conf(5), snmpd.conf(5)

4th Berkeley Distribution 08 Feb 2002 SNMPCONF(1)

Man(1) output converted with man2html

snmpd.conf 手册(只翻译必须的部分)

       /snmp/snmpd.conf - configuration file for the Net-SNMP SNMP agent.
# 注释 :/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf 文件是 Net-SNMP 代理的配置文件


       snmpd.conf  is  the  configuration  file which defines how the Net-SNMP
       SNMP agent operates.  These files may contain  any  of  the  directives
       found  in  the DIRECTIVES section below.  This file is not required for
       the agent to operate and respond to requests.
# 注释 :snmpd.conf 是定义 Net-SNMP 代理如何运作的配置文件。
# 这些文件可能包含了下面 DIRECTIVES 一节中的任何命令。
# 注释 :不过该文件并不是 agent 所必须的


       First, make sure you have read  the  snmp_config(5)  manual  page  that
       describes  how the Net-SNMP configuration files operate, where they are
       located and how they all work together.
       Also, you might consider looking into the  snmpconf  application  (perl
       script) which  can  help you build an snmpd.conf file by prompting you
       for information.  You should try it.  Really.  Go  ahead.   Right  now.
       snmpconf -g basic_setup
       to  get you started. See the snmpconf(1) manual page for more informa-


       The Net-SNMP SNMP agent reports much of its information through queries
       to  the  section  of the MIB tree.  Every MIB in this
       section has the following table entries in it.
# 注释 :Net-SNMP 比较常用的 MIB 有 . 。 也就是 UCD-SNMP-MIB
# 这个 MIB 下面定义了很多关于系统方面的很多对象,例如磁盘、内存、系统负荷、进程等等。
# 对于磁盘、进程 等这些 non-scalar 对象,它们的定义都依照如下方式 :
#     -)<oid>.1 :该记录的 index
#     -)<oid>.2 :该记录所指向的对象的名称
#     -)<oid>.100 :该记录所指向的对象目前的状态是否正确。0表示正确,1表示有错误
#     -)<oid>.101 :错误消息
#     -)<oid>.102 :如果有专门的程序来处理 .101 中给出的错误,则设置为1,否则为0
# 注释 :同时有些还有如下定义 :
#     -)<oid>.3 :该记录所指向的对象所允许的最少数量
#     -)<oid>.4 :该记录所指向的对象所允许的最大数量
#     -)<oid>.5 :该记录所指向的对象在当期系统中存在的数量  
       .1 -- index
       This is the table's index numbers for  each  of  the  DIRECTIVES
       listed below.
       .2 -- name
       The  name  of the given table entry.  This should be unique, but
       is not required to be.
       .100 -- errorFlag
       This is a flag returning either the integer value 1 or 0 if  an
       error is detected for this table entry.
       .101 -- errorMsg
       This  is a  DISPLAY-STRING  describing any error triggering the
       errorFlag above.
       .102 -- errorFix
       If this entry is set to the integer value of 1 AND the errorFlag
       defined  above  is indeed a 1, a program or script will get exe-
       cuted with the table entry name from above as the argument.  The
       program  to  be  executed  is configured in the config.h file at
       compile time.


      proc NAME
       proc NAME MAX
       proc NAME MAX MIN
       Checks to see if processes called NAME are running on the  agent
       machine.  An  error flag (1) and a description message are then
       passed   to   the    and  MIB  columns  (respectively)  if  the
       NAME'd program is not found in the process table as reported  by
       "/bin/ps -e".
        # 注释 :proc 指令表示让 Net-SNMP 监测指定名称的进程。oid 为
        # 格式为 proc <name> [max] [min]
        # 要注意,<name> 必须和真正的进程的名称完全匹配(不含参数部分),所以 http 和 httpd 是不一样的。
        # 如果 [max] 和 [min] 都没有指定,则默认为最小为1,最大不限制
        # 如果 [min] 没有指定,则默认为0
        # 如果 [max] 和 [min] 都为0,则解释为最大不限制,最小为0
       If  MAX and MIN are not specified, MAX is assumed to be infinity
       and MIN is assumed to be 1.
       If MAX is specified but MIN is not specified, MIN is assumed  to
       be 0.
       procfix NAME PROG ARGS

       This  registers  a command that knows how to fix errors with the
       given process NAME.  When for  a  given
       NAMEd  program  is  set  to the integer value of 1, this command
       will be called.  It defaults to a compiled value set  using  the
       PROCFIXCMD definition in the config.h file.
        # 注释 :procfix 指令和上面的 .102 相关。如果<oid>.102 =1 。oId 为 。 则当<oid>.100 = 1 时,将调用指定名称的程序     

            # 注释 :如果有多个 proc 指令,则 . 下有多个实例,每个实例的 index 等于它们在 snmpd.conf 中的 proc 指令中的位置  

      exec NAME PROG ARGS
       If  MIBNUM  is  not specified, the agent executes the named PROG
       with arguments of ARGS and returns the exit status and the first
       line  of the STDOUT output of the PROG program to queries of the  and    mib
       columns (respectively).  All STDOUT output beyond the first line
       is silently truncated.
        # 注释 :exec 指令用于执行某个命令,并返回退出状态和该程序的标准输出结果中的第一行。oid 为
        # 格式为 exec [MIBNUM] <name> <prog> [args]
        # 其中状态码放在<index> ,而输出信息放在<index>
        # 至于第一行后面的其他输出信息就被忽略了。
       If MIBNUM is specified, it acts as above but  returns  the  exit
       status to MIBNUM.100.0 and the entire STDOUT output to the table
       MIBNUM.101 in a MIB table.
  In this  case,  the  MIBNUM.101  mib
       contains the entire STDOUT output, one MIB table entry per line
       of output (ie, the first line is output as  MIBNUM.101.1,  the
       second at MIBNUM.101.2, etc...).
        # 注释 :如果指定了 MIBNUM ,则状态码被送入 [MIBNUM].100.0 ,
        # 所有的输出信息(不仅仅第一行)被送入 [MIBNUM].101 表。
        # 该表有多行,用于存储多行输出信息
       Note:  The  MIBNUM  must be specified in dotted-integer notation
       and can not be  specified as  ""
       (should instead be .
        # 注释 :不过 [MIBNUM] 必须是数字格式,不能是名称格式
       Note:  The  agent  caches the exit status and STDOUT of the exe-
       cuted program for 30 seconds  after  the  initial query.
       This  is  to  increase  speed and maintain consistency of
       information for consecutive table queries.  The cache can
       be  flushed  by  a  snmp-set  request  of integer(1)  to

       execfix NAME PROG ARGS

       This registers a command that knows how to fix errors  with  the
       given  exec  or  sh  NAME.   When for a
       given NAMEd entry is set to the integer value of 1, this command
       will  be called.  It defaults to a compiled value set using the
       EXECFIXCMD definition in the config.h file.
       # 注释 :execfix 指令和 exec 指令相关,表示当 exec 程序出错时,使用指定的程序来修复 
       disk PATH
       Checks the named disks mounted at PATH for available disk space.
       If  the  disk  space  is less than MINSPACE (kB) if specified or
       less  than  MINPERCENT  (%)  if  a  %  sign  is  specified,   or
       DEFDISKMINIMUMSPACE  (kB) if not specified, the associated entry
       in the MIB table will be set to (1) and
       a  descriptive  error  message  will  be returned to queries of
        # 注释 :disk 指令用于检查指定的磁盘系统信息。oid 是
        # 格式为 disk </path> [ minspace (单位 kb) | minpercent % ]
        # 注释 :minspace 是用于指定最小的空闲空间,minpercent 是用于指定最小的空闲百分比。
        # 如果是以 % 结尾,则表示是 minpercent ,否则为 minspace
        # 注释 :由于 disk 可以有多个记录,所以需要使用<index> 的格式来访问单个磁盘的信息     

      load MAX1
       load MAX1 MAX5
       load MAX1 MAX5 MAX15
       Checks the load average of the machine and returns an error flag
       (1),   and   an text-string   error   message  to  queries  of and (respec-
       tively)  when  the  1-minute,  5-minute, or  15-minute averages
       exceed the associated maximum values.  If any of the MAX1, MAX5,
       or MAX15 values are unspecified, they default to a value of DEF-
        # 注释 :load 指令是用于监测系统的负载。oid 是
        # 格式为 load <max_1> [max_5] [max_15]
        # 分别表示 1分钟,5分钟,15分钟之前的最高负载     

       file FILE [MAXSIZE]

       Monitors file sizes and makes sure they don't grow beyond a cer-
       tain  size  (in kilobytes).  MAXSIZE defaults to infinite if not
       specified, and only monitors the size without  reporting errors
       about it.  A maximum of 20 files can be monitored.
        # 注释 :file 指令用于监视某个文件的大小情况。oid 是
        # 格式为 file <file> [maxsize]
        # 注释 :file 也是一个表的格式,有 fileIndex ,fileName ,fileSize,fileMax, fileErrorFlag,fileErrorMsg 这几个字段
        # 其中 [maxsize] 的单位是 kB (1KB=1000B 而不是 1024B )
       Any  errors  in obtaining  the above information are reported via the  flag  and  the
       text-string description.
# 补充 :ucd-snmp-mib 一共定义了下面这些 oid
-- Current UCD core mib table entries:
--   prTable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   2 }
--   memory           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   4 }
--   extTable         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   8 }
--   diskTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis   9 }
--   loadTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  10 }
--   systemStats      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  11 }
--   ucdDemoMIB       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  14 } - UCD-DEMO-MIB
--   fileTable        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  15 }
--   logMatch         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis  16 }
--   version          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 100 }
--   snmperrs         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 101 }
--   mibRegistryTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ucdavis 102 }


       To  enable  AgentX  support in the SNMP master agent, put the following
       line in your snmpd.conf file:
       master agentx
       See README.agentx for further details.
       AgentXSocket addr
       This defines the address the  master  agent  listens  at.   The
       default  is  /var/agentx/master. Another  possibility is local-
       AgentXTimeout addr
       Defines the timeout period for an AgentX request.  Default is  1
       AgentXRetries addr
       Defines the number of retries for an AgentX request.  Default is
       5 retries.
       You can also put the following in your subagent.conf file (where  "sub-
       agent" is the name you used in your init_snmp("subagent") api call:
       agentPingInterval NUM
       This  makes  the subagent try and reconnect every NUM seconds to
       the master if it ever becomes (or starts) disconnected.  >>>>>>>


       To  enable  and SMUX  based sub-agent, such as gated, use the smuxpeer
       configuration entry
       smuxpeer OID PASS
       For gated a sensible entry might be smuxpeer  .


       If  the agent is built with support for the UCD-DLMOD-MIB it is capable
       of loading agent MIB modules dynamically at startup through  the  dlmod
       directive  and  during  runtime through use of the UCD-DLMOD-MIB.  The
       following directive loads the shared object module file PATH which uses
       the module name prefix NAME.
       dlmod NAME PATH


       snmpd supports the View-Based Access Control Model (VACM) as defined in
       RFC 2575.  To this end, it recognizes the  following  keywords  in  the
       configuration  file:  com2sec,  group, access, and view as well as some
       easier-to-use wrapper  directives:  rocommunity,  rwcommunity,  rouser,
       rwuser.  If IPv6 support has been enabled, the rocommunity6 and rwcom-
       munity6 tokens will also be available.  This  section  defines  how  to
       configure  the  snmpd  program  to  accept  various types and levels of
       rouser USER [noauth|auth|priv] [OID]
       rwuser USER [noauth|auth|priv] [OID]

       Creates a SNMPv3 USM  user  in  the  VACM  access  configuration
       tables.  It is more efficient (and powerful) to use the combined
       group, access, and view directives instead,  but these  wrapper
       directives are much simpler.
       The  minimum  level  of authentication and privacy the user must
       use is specified by the first token (which defaults to  "auth").
       The  OID parameter restricts access for that user to everything
       below the given OID.
       rocommunity COMMUNITY [SOURCE] [OID]
       rwcommunity COMMUNITY [SOURCE] [OID]

       These create read-only and read-write communities  that  can  be
       used  to access the agent.  They are a quick wrapper around the
       more complex and powerful  com2sec,  group,  access,  and  view
       directive  lines.   They are not as efficient either, as groups
       aren't created so the tables  are  possibly  larger.  
In  other
       words: don't use these if you have complex situations to set up.
       If your setup is simple or you don't mind  a  small  performance
       hit, use these directives.
       # 注释 :rocommunity 指令用于建立只读/读写的 communities 。
       # 格式为 rocommunity|rwcommunity <community string> [source] [oid]
       # 其中 [source] 可以为 ip/mask 或者 ip/bits 的格式,或者主机名,或者是 "default" (注意区分大小写,Default ≠ default)
       # 而 [oid] 表示带该 <community string> 的请求只能访问该 [oid] 以及其下的 subtree
       # 注释 :不过如果不需要复杂的控制,可以使用该指令。
       The  format  of  the SOURCE is token is described in the com2sec
       directive section below. The OID  token restricts  access  for
       that community to everything below that given OID.

       rocommunity6 COMMUNITY [SOURCE] [OID]
       rwcommunity6 COMMUNITY [SOURCE] [OID]

       They are the alternative directives to the rocommunity, rwcommu-
       nity for the transport domain UDPIPv6. They are  only  valid  in
       specifing UDPIPv6 as transport domain.
       The  format  of the SOURCE is token is described in the com2sec6
       directive section below. The OID  token restricts  access  for
       that community to everything below that given OID.

       This  directive  specifies  the  mapping from a source/community
       pair to a security name. SOURCE can be a hostname, a subnet,  or
       the  word  "default".  
A  subnet can be specified as IP/MASK or
       IP/BITS. The first source/community  combination  that  matches
       the incoming packet is selected
        # 注释 :com2sec 指令表示将 source/community string 映射为 security name
        # 格式为 : com2sec <security_name> <source> <community string>
        # 注意!!由于一个地址可能匹配多个 source ,snmp 将只使用第一个匹配的那个 com2sec 指令,这点类似于 bind 9 中的 match-clients {} 语句

       This  directive is the IPv6 version of com2sec.  A subnet can be
       specified as IPv6/IPv6MASK or IPv6/BITS. It is  only  valid  in
       specifing UDPIPv6 as transport domain.

       This  directive defines the mapping from securitymodel/security-
       name to group.  MODEL is one of v1, v2c, or usm.
        # 注释 :group 指令将 security mode /security name 的组合映射到某个 group
        # 注释 :model 可以是 v1,v2c,usm
        # 格式为 : group <gruop_name> <model> <security_name>

       This  defines  the  named  view. TYPE  is  either  included  or
       excluded.   MASK is  a  list of hex octets, separated by '.' or
       ':'.  The MASK defaults to "ff" if not specified.
        # 注释 :接下来就是用 view 指令建立视图了。视图就是从整个 mib tree 中把某个部分(subtee)独立出来分配一个名称。
        # view 命令的格式为 :view <view_name> <type> <subtree> [mask]
        # type 有 included 和 excluded 两种,subtree 就是视图的来源
       The reason for the mask is, that it allows you to control access
       to  one  row in a table, in a relatively simple way. As an exam-
       ple, as an ISP you might consider giving each customer access to
       his or her own interface:
        # 注释 :[mask] 用于允许控制到某个表的某行的访问
       view cust1 included interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifIndex.1 ff.a0
       view cust2 included interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifIndex.2 ff.a0
       (interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifIndex.1 == .,
       ff.a0 == 11111111.10100000. which nicely covers up and including
       the row index, but lets the user vary the field of the row)

       The access directive  maps  from group/security model/security
       level  to  a view.  MODEL is one of any, v1, v2c, or usm.  LEVEL
       is one of noauth, auth, or priv. PREFX  specifies  how  CONTEXT
       should  be  matched  against  the  context  of the incoming pdu,
       either exact or prefix.  READ, WRITE and NOTIFY specifies  the
       view  to be  used  for the corresponding access.  For v1 or v2c
       access, LEVEL will be noauth, and CONTEXT will be empty.
        # 注释 :access 指令用于分配 group 对各个 view 的访问权限。
        # 格式为 : access <group_name> <context> <Model> <level> <prefx> <read> <write> <notify>
        # context 在 v1 和 v2 中固定为 "" ,model 就是 v1 ,v2c ,usm 三种。
        # <prefx> 一般为 exact 和 prefix ,对于 v1 ,v2c 来说,固定为 exact
        # 下面就是一个完整的例子 :
              VACM Examples:
#  source   community
       com2sec  local  localhost  private            [ 来自localhost,community string 为 private 的映射 local 用户 ]
       com2sec  mynet  public         [ 来自 ,community string 为 public 的映射为 mynet 用户 ]
       com2sec  public  default  public              [ 来自 default ,community string 为 public 的映射到 public 用户 ]
       com2sec6 mynet  fec0::/64  public
       #      name   sec.model
       group mygroup v1        mynet                 [ 将 v1 和 v2c ,usm 格式的 mynet 用户分配到 mygroup 组]
       group mygroup v2c        mynet                
       group mygroup usm        mynet        
       group local   v1        local                 [ 将 v1 和 v2c,usm 格式的 local 用户分配到 local 组 ]
       group local   v2c        local
       group local   usm        local
       group public  v1        public                [ 将 v1 和 v2c,usm 格式的 public 用户分配到 public 组 ]
       group public  v2c        public
       group public  usm        public
       #    name  incl/excl subtree        mask
       view all   included    .1         80                          [ 建立一个 view 名称为 all ,包括 .1 下的所有子树 ,mask 为 80 ]
       view system included  system        fe                        [ 建立一个 view 名称为 system ,包括 system 组和其下的内容,mask为 fe ]
       view mib2   included fc     [ 建立一个 view 名称为 mib2 ,包括整个 mib-2 子树,mask 为 fc ]   
       #       group  context sec.model sec.level prefix read   write notify
       access mygroup ""      any       noauth     exact mib2   none  none    [ mygroup 组可以读取 mib2 视图,不能写和发送 trap 消息给任何视图]
       access public  ""      any       noauth     exact system none  none    
[ public 组可以读取 system 视图,不能写和发送 trap 消息给任何视图]
       access local   ""      any       noauth     exact all    all   all     [ local 组可以读取 all 视图,可以写和发送 trap 视图给任何视图]
       Default VACM model
       The default configuration of the agent, as shipped, is functionally
       equivalent to the following entries:
       com2sec public   default   public
       group public   v1   public
       group public   v2c  public
       group public   usm  public
       view all  included  .1
       access public   ""   any  noauth    exact all  none none

       engineID STRING
       The  snmpd  agent  needs to be configured with an engineID to be
       able to respond to SNMPv3  messages.   With  this  configuration
       file  line,  the engineID  will be configured from STRING.  The
       default value of the engineID is configured with the  first  IP
       address found for the hostname of the machine.
       createUser username (MD5|SHA) authpassphrase [DES] [privpassphrase]
       MD5  and SHA  are the authentication types to use, but you must
       have built the package with openssl installed in order  to  use
       SHA.   The only privacy protocol currently supported is DES.  If
       the privacy passphrase is not specified, it is assumed to be the
       same as the authentication passphrase.  Note that the users cre-
       ated will be useless unless they are  also  added  to  the  VACM
       access control tables described above.
       Warning: the minimum pass phrase length is 8 characters.
       SNMPv3 users can be created at runtime using the snmpusm(1) com-
       Instead of figuring out how to use this directive and  where  to
       put   it  (see  below), just  run  "net-snmp-config  --create-
       snmpv3-user" instead, which will add one of these lines  to  the
       right place.
       This   directive  should   be   placed into   the   /var/net-
       snmp/snmpd.conf file instead of the other normal locations.  The
       reason  is  that the information is read from the file and then
       the line is removed (eliminating the storage of the master pass-
       word  for  that  user) and replaced with the key that is derived
       from it. This key is a localized key, so that if it  is stolen
       it  can  not be used to access other agents.  If the password is
       stolen, however, it can be.


      syslocation STRING
       syscontact STRING
      sysname STRING

       Sets the system location, system contact or system name for  the
       agent.   This  information is reported in the 'system' group the
       mibII tree.  Ordinarily these  objects  (sysLocation.0,  sysCon-
       tact.0  and  sysName.0) are read-write. 
However, specifying the
       value for one of these objects by giving the  appropriate  token
       makes  the  corresponding  object read-only, and attempts to set
       the value of the object  will  result  in  a  notWritable  error
        # 注释 :系统信息包括 syslocation 、syscontact、sysname 三个对象。
        # 本来这几个对象是 read-write 的,但如果在 snmpd.conf 中设置了,则变成 read-only 的状态了。
        # 如果试图用 set 设置将会返回一个 notWritable 的错误
        # 问题 :在 snmpd.conf 中设置 syslocation home ,并用 snmpwalk 查询,然后用 snmpset -c public -v2c localhost sysLocation.0 s home02 结果如何?
       sysservices NUMBER

       Sets  the value of the system.sysServices.0 object.  For a host,
       a good value is 72.
       sysdescr STRING
       sysobjectid OID

       Sets  the  system  description  or  object  ID  for  the agent.
       Although these  values are not SNMP-writable, it is conceivable
       that a network administrator may wish to configure them to some-
       thing other than the default values.
        # 注释 :sysdescr 和 sysobjectid 用于设置系统的描述信息和 agent 的 oid
       agentaddress [<transport-specifier>:]<transport-address>[,...]

       Makes  the  agent  list on the specified comma-separated list of
       listening addresses instead of the default behaviour,  which  is
       to  listen on UDP port 161 on all IPv4 interfaces.  See the sec-
       tion LISTENING ADDRESSES in the snmpd(8) manual  page  for  more
       information  about the format of listening addresses.  For exam-
       ple,  specifying agentaddress  161,tcp:161,localhost:9161  will
       make  the  agent listen on UDP port 161 on all IPv4 interfaces,
       TCP port 161 on all IPv4 interfaces and UDP port 9161  only  on
       the interface associated with the localhost address.
        # 注释 :在 snmpd 命令行可以指定监听地址,在 snmpd.conf 也可以。
        # 使用的就是 agetnaddress 指令。
        # 格式为 agentaddress [udp|tcp|unix]:[hostname|ip]:[port]
       agentgroup groupid

       Change  to this gid after opening port. The groupid may refer to
       a group by name or a number if the group number starts with '#'.
       For  example, specifying agentgroup snmp will cause the agent to
       run as the snmp group or agentgroup #10 will cause the agent  to
       run as the group with groupid 10.
        # 注释 :agentgroup <group_id> 等于 snmpd 命令的 -g 选项,如果是 gid ,前面加一个 #
       agentuser uid

       Change to this uid after opening port. The userid may refer to a
       user by name or a number if the user number starts with '#'. For
       example, specifying  agentuser snmp will cause the agent to run
       as the snmp user or agentuser #10 will cause the agent to run as
       the user with userid 10.
        # 注释 :agentuser <group_id> 等于 snmpd 命令的 -u 选项,如果是 uid ,前面加一个 #
       interface NAME TYPE SPEED

       For  interfaces  where the agent fails to guess correctly on the
       type and speed, this directive can  supply  additional  informa-
       tion.  TYPE is a type value as given in the IANAifType-MIB.
        # 注释 :如果有 snmpd 无法正确识别的接口,可以用 interface 指令来定义
        # interface 给处理 接口名称,类型,速率
       ignoredisk STRING

       When  scanning  for available disk devices the agent might block
       in trying to open all possible disk devices. This might lead  to
       a  timeout when walking the device tree. Sometimes the next walk
       will run without timeout, sometimes it will timeout  every  time
       you try it.
        # 注释 :ignoredisk 指令用于忽略某些磁盘。当扫描磁盘时可能会卡在某些设备上
       If  you  experience  such behaviour you might add this directive
       and give all device names not to be checked (i.e.  opened).  You
       might  have  more  than one such directive in your configuration
       file stating all devices not to be opened. You might also  spec-
       ify  those devices using wildcards similar to the syntax you can
       use in a bourne shell (see examples below).
       Note: For a list of devices scanned for every system please con-
       sult   the   sources   (host/hr_disk.c) and   check   for  the
       Add_HR_Disk_entry() calls relevant for your type of OS.
        # 注释 :ignoredisk 指令的格式如下
       ignoredisk /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
       This directive prevents the device /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0  from  being
       ignoredisk /dev/rdsk/c0t[!6]d0
       This  directive  prevents  all  devices  /dev/rdsk/c0tXd0 except
       .../c0t6d0 from being scanned. For most systems similar  is  the
       following directive:
       ignoredisk /dev/rdsk/c0t[0-57-9a-f]d0
       ignoredisk /dev/rdsk/c1*
       This  directive  prevents  all  devices whose device names start
       with /dev/rdsk/c1 from being scanned.
       ignoredisk /dev/rdsk/c?t0d0
       This directive prevents all devices /dev/rdsk/cXt0d0 ('X'  might
       be any char) from being scanned.
       You might use more than one such wildcard expression in any such
       storageUseNFS NUMBER

       Setting storageUseNFS to 1 causes all NFS and NFS-like file sys-
       tems to be marked as 'Network Disks' in the hrStorageTable. This
       is according to RFC 2790.  Not setting storageUseNFS or  setting
       it  to  2  causes  NFS and NFS-like file systems to be marked as
       'Fixed Disks' as it has been in previous versions  of  the  ucd-
       snmp SNMP agent.
        # 注释 :storeageUserNFS <number> 指令将把 hrStorageTable 表中的所有 NFS
        # 和 NFS-类似的文件系统标识为 "Network Disks"。如果设置为2或者不设置,
        # 将把 NFS 文件系统标识为 "Fixed Disks" 。

        # 补充 :host Resource MIB 定以了如下对象:
        host     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 25 }
        hrSystem        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 1 }
        hrStorage       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 2 }
        hrDevice        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 3 }
        hrSWRun         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 4 }
        hrSWRunPerf     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 5 }
        hrSWInstalled   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 6 }
        hrMIBAdminInfo  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 7 }
       authtrapenable NUMBER

       Setting authtrapenable to 1 enables generation of authentication
       failure traps.  The default value  is  disabled(2).   Ordinarily
       the  corresponding  object  (snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0)  is  read-
       write, but setting its value via this  token  makes  the object
       read-only,  and  attempts  to  set  the value of the object will
       result in a notWritable error response.
        # 注释 :authtrapenable 表示是否启用 authentication trap 。默认是不启用。
        # 该对象是 read-write 的,但如果在 snmpd.conf 中定义,则变成 read-only
        # 默认是2(不启用),1表示启用
       override OID TYPE VALUE

       This directive allows you to override a particular  OID  with  a
       different  value (and  possibly a different type of value).  An
       override sysDescr.0 octet_str "my own sysDescr"
       That line will set the sysDescr.0 value to "my own sysDescr"  as
       well  as make  it  modifiable  with SNMP SETs as well (which is
       actually illegal according to the MIB specifications).
       Note that care must be taken when using this.  For  example,  if
       you  try to  override  a  property  of the 3rd interface in the
       ifTable with a new value and  later  the numbering  within  the
       ifTable  changes it's index ordering you'll end up with problems
       and your modified value won't appear in the right place  in  the
       Valid   TYPEs   are:   integer,  uinteger,  octet_str,  bit_str,
       object_id, counter, gauge, null. Note that setting an object to
       "null"  effectively  delete's  it as being accessible.  No VALUE
       needs to be given if the object type is null.
       More types should  be  available in  the  future,  as  well  as
       writable object support.


       trapcommunity STRING

       This  defines the default community string to be used when send-
       ing traps.  Note that this command must be used prior to any  of
       the  following  three commands that are intended use this commu-
       nity string.
        # 注释 :trapcommunity <string> 设置发送 trap 消息时默认使用的 community string
        # 注意,该命令必须在下面三个命令之前
       trapsink HOST [COMMUNITY [PORT]]
       trap2sink HOST [COMMUNITY [PORT]]
       informsink HOST [COMMUNITY [PORT]]

       These commands define the hosts to receive traps (and/or inform
       notifications).  The  daemon  sends  a  Cold  Start trap when it
       starts up. If enabled, it also  sends  traps  on authentication
       failures.  Multiple trapsink, trap2sink and informsink lines may
       be specified to specify multiple destinations.  Use trap2sink to
       send  SNMPv2  traps and informsink to send inform notifications.
If COMMUNITY is not specified, the string from a preceding trap-
       community  directive will be used
. If PORT is not specified, the
       well known SNMP trap port (162) will be used.
        # 注释 :trapsink <host> ,trap2sink <host> ,informsink <host> 是用于设置 trap 消息的目标位置。
        # trap2sink 用于发送 snmp v2c 的 trap 消息;inforsink 用于发送 notification 消息
        # 注意 :如果没有指定 community string ,则使用上一个 trapcommunity 指令 给出的 community string
        # 同时 每个指令还可以带不同的 community string
        # 注释 :至于 port ,则默认为 162
       trapsess [SNMPCMD_ARGS] HOST

       This is a more generic trap configuration token that allows  any
       type  of trap  destination  to be specified with any version of
       SNMP.  See the snmpcmd(1) manual page for further details on the
       arguments  that  can be passed as SNMPCMD ARGS . In addition to
       the arguments listed there, the special argument -Ci  specifies
       that  you  want inform notifications to be used instead of unac-
       knowledged traps (this requires that you also specify a  version
       number of v2c or v3 as well).


       This token specifies that any incoming requests under OID should
       be proxied on to another HOST  instead. If  a  CONTEXTNAME  is
       specified,  it  assigns the proxied tree to a particular context
       name within the local agent.  This is the proper way  to  query
       multiple agents through  a  single  proxy.  Assign each remote
       agent to a different context name.  Then you can use  "snmpwalk
       -n  contextname1" to walk one remote proxied agent and "snmpwalk
       -n contextname2" to walk another, assuming you are using SNMPv3
       to talk to the proxy (snmpv1 and snmpv2c context mappings aren't
       currently supported but might be in  the future).   Optionally,
       relocate the  local  OID  tree to the new location at the REMO-
       TEOID.  To authenticate to HOST you should use  the  appropriate
       set  of  SNMPCMD ARGS. See  the  snmpcmd(1)  manual  page for
       # assigns the entire mib tree on remotehost1 to the context of the
       # same name:
       proxy -Cn remotehost1 -v 1 -c public remotehost1 .1.3
       # ditto, but for remotehost 2
       proxy -Cn remotehost2 -v 1 -c public remotehost2 .1.3
       # proxies only the ucdavis enterprises tree to the remote host using snmpv1
       proxy -v 1 -c public remotehost .
       # uses v3 to access remotehost and converts the remote .
       # oid to local . oid (another way to access mulitple hosts
       # without using contexts)
       proxy -v 3 -l noAuthNoPriv -u user remotehost . .


       pass MIBOID EXEC

       (If you're writing perl scripts, please see  the embedded  perl
       support  information  later in this manual page).  Passes entire
       control of MIBOID to the EXEC  program. The  EXEC  program  is
       called in one of the following three ways:
       EXEC -g MIBOID
       EXEC -n MIBOID
       These  call lines match to SNMP get and getnext requests.
       It is expected that the EXEC program will take the  argu-
       ments  passed  to it and return the appropriate response
       through it's stdout.
       The first line of stdout should be the  MIB  OID  of  the
       returning value.  The second line should be the TYPE of
       value returned, where TYPE is one of  the text  strings:
       string,  integer, unsigned,  objectid,  timeticks, ipad-
       dress, counter, or  gauge.   The  third  line  of stdout
       should be the VALUE corresponding with the returned TYPE.
       For instance, if a script was to return the value integer
       value   "42"   when  a  request  for  .  was
       requested, the  script  should  return  the  following  3
       To  indicate that the script is unable to comply with the
       request due to an end-of-mib  condition  or  an  invalid
       request,  simple  exit  and return no output to stdout at
       all.  An SNMP error will be  generated  corresponding  to
       the SNMP noSuchName response.
       For  SNMP set  requests, the above call method is used.
       The TYPE passed to the EXEC program is one  of  the  text
       strings:  integer,  counter, gauge, timeticks, ipaddress,
       objid, or string, indicating the type of value passed  in
       the next argument.
       Return  nothing  to  stdout,  and the set will assumed to
       have been successful.  Otherwise, return one of the  fol-
       lowing error strings to signal an error: not-writable, or
       wrong-type and the appropriate  error  response  will  be
       generated instead.
        Note:  By  default,  the only community allowed to write
        (ie snmpset) to your script will be the "private"
        community,or  community #2 if defined differently
        by the "community" token discussed above.  Which
        communities  are  allowed write  access are con-
        trolled by the  RWRITE  definition  in  the  snm-
        plib/snmp_impl.h source file.
       Example (in snmpd.conf):
       pass . /path/to/local/passtest
       pass_persist MIBOID EXEC
       Passes entire control of MIBOID to the EXEC program.  Similar to
       pass, but the EXEC program continues to run  after  the  initial
       request is answered.
       Upon  initialization,  EXEC  is  passed  the  string "PING/n" in
       stdin, and it should respond by printing "PONG/n" to stdout.
       For get and getnext requests, EXEC program is passed two lines,
       the  command (get or getnext) and the MIB OID.  It should return
       three lines, the MIB OID, the TYPE of value returned, the  VALUE
       corresponding with the returned TYPE.
       For  example, if the value for . was requested, the
       following 2 lines would be passed in to stdin:
       To return the value, say, 42, the script would write to stdout:
       To indicate that the script is unable to comply with the request
       due  to  an  end-of-mib  condition  or an invalid request, print
       "NONE/n" to stdout.
       Example (in snmpd.conf):
       pass_persist   .    /path/to/local/pass_per-


       Warning:  though  embedded  perl is working, not much functionality has
       been implemented yet and thus writing mib module pieces for  the  agent
       within  perl  is  not  trivial  at this point.  It should get better in
       future releases.
       The net-snmp package has ability to call perl scripts  directly inside
       the agent through embedded perl technology (similar to mod_perl for the
       apache web server).  This must be turned on at compile time by  passing
       --enable-embedded-perl  to  the configure  script  when the package is
       built.  To see if your package was built with embedded perl, run  "net-
       snmp-config --configure-options" and see if that flag was used.
       If  compiled  in,  it  defines  the  following snmpd.conf configuration
       disablePerl true
       This will turn off perl support entirely.  If the embedded  perl
       support  stops  working  due to a change in perl, etc, this will
       stop any calls to the perl core.

       perlInitFile FILE
       Use FILE as the initialization  file.   This  file  is  normally
       /usr/share/snmp/  but  this  token can override that
       default. This file performs any in-perl initialization that  is
       needed  before  the  rest  of  the  perl directives (below) are
       called.  It is sourced once just before the first perl directive
       is  parsed.  See the default file for an example of the initial-
       ization it performs.
       perl EXPRESSION
       Calls perl to evaluate an expression.  Normally you'd want to do
       something  like  register  a  function  to  call when an OID is
       requested, but you can really do anything perl related you want.
       For example:
       perl print "hello world/n";
       is the most basic hello world example.
       The  init  script by default initializes a $agent variable which
       is a pointer to a NetSnmp::agent object through  which  you  can
       register callbacks when a section of the OID tree is hit:
       perl use Data::Dumper;
       perl sub myroutine  { print "got called: ",Dumper(@_),"/n"; }
       perl $agent->register('mylink', '.', /&myroutine);
       Sourcing an external file:
       perl 'do /path/to/';
       No better examples exist at the moment, unfortunately.  Look for
       improved support in future releases.  Comments on how this looks
       as an architecture are certainly appreciated now.


       Warning:  this  implementation  has  not been extensively tested and is
       additionally not known to be entirely complete. The  concepts  defined
       here  should  function appropriately, however, but no promises are made
       at this time.
       If your agent was compiled with support for the DISMAN-EVENT-MIB  (you
       can  enable  this  by  running  the  net-snmp configure script with the
       --with-mib-modules=disman/event-mib argument) you have support for hav-
       ing  the  agent check its own data at regular intervals and to send out
       traps when certain conditions occur.  Traps are sent  when  expressions
       are  first  noticed,  not  once per evaluation. Once a test expression
       fires a trap, the test will have to fail again before  a  new  trap  is
       sent.   See  the  DISMAN-EVENT-MIB documentation for more details. This
       can be configured either using the MIB tables themselves  or  by  using
       these special key words:
       agentSecName NAME
       The  DISMAN-EVENT-MIB  support  requires a  valid user name for
       which to scan your agent with.  This  can  either  be  specified
       using  the  agentSecName token or by explicitly list one on the
       "monitor" lines described below using  the  -u  switch. Either
       way,  a  "rouser"  line  (or equivalent access control settings)
       must also be specified with the same security name name. If you
       need an example, just do something like this:
       agentSecName internal
       rouser internal
       And everything below should work just fine.
       This  token tells the agent to monitor itself for problems based
       on EXPRESSION.  Expression is a simple expression  based on  an
       oid, a comparison operator (!=, ==, <, <=, >, >=) and an integer
       value (see the examples below).  NAME  is  merely  an  arbitrary
       name of your choosing for administrative purposes only.  OPTIONS
       include the following possibilities:
       -r FREQUENCY
       Monitors the given expression  every  FREQUENCY  seconds.
       The default is 600 (10 minutes).
       -u SECNAME
       Use  the  SECNAME security  name for scanning the local
       host.  Specifically, this SECNAME  must  then  be  given
       access  control  rights  via  something like the "rouser"
       snmpd.conf token for this expression to be valid at  all.
       If not specified, it uses the default security name spec-
       ified by the agentsecname snmpd.conf token.   Either  the
       -u  flag  or a valid agentsecname token must be specified
       (and that name must be given proper access control rights
       via a "rouser" token).
       -o OID Specifies additional  object values to be delivered with
       in the resulting trap in  addition  to  the  normal  trap
       objects. This  is useful for obtaining other columns in
       the table for the row that triggered the expression.  See
       the examples below for more details.
       The  following example configuration checks the hrSWRunPerfTable
       table (listing running processes) for any process which is  con-
       suming  > 10Mb of memory.  It performs this check every 600 sec-
       onds (the default).  For every process it  finds exceeding  the
       limit, it will end out exactly one notification. In addition to
       the normal hrSWRunPerfMem oid and value sent in  the  trap,  the
       hrSWRunName object will also be sent.  Note that the hrSWRunName
       object actually occurs in  a  different  table,  but  since  the
       indexes to the two tables are the same this works out alright.
       rouser me
       monitor -u me -o sysUpTime.0 -o hrSWRunName "high process memory" hrSWRunPerfMem > 10000
       The  above  line would  produce a trap which, when formated by
       snmptrapd, would look like:
       2002-04-05 13:33:53 localhost.localdomain [udp:]:
        sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (1629) 0:00:16.29      snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: mteTriggerFired    mteHotTrigger = high process memory     mteHotTargetName =      mteHotContextName =     mteHotOID = OID: hrSWRunPerfMem.1968    mteHotValue = 28564     hrSWRunName.1968 = "xemacs"
       This shows my xemacs process  using  28Mb  of  resident  memory.
       Which, considering it's xemacs, is not that surprising.
       defaultMonitors yes
       By  default, the agent and the DISMAN-EVENT-MIB support do noth-
       ing until configured.  Typically people wish to watch a bunch of
       tables  within  the UCD-SNMP-MIB which are designed specifically
       for reporting problems.  If the "defaultMonitors yes"  line  is
       put  into  the  snmpd.conf file (which must be accompanied by an
       appropriate agentSecName line and a rouser line), the  following
       monitoring conditions will be installed:
       monitor   -o prNames -o prErrMessage "process table" prErrorFlag != 0
       monitor   -o memErrorName -o memSwapErrorMsg "memory" memSwapError != 0
       monitor   -o extNames -o extOutput "extTable" extResult != 0
       monitor   -o dskPath -o dskErrorMsg "dskTable" dskErrorFlag != 0
       monitor   -o laNames -o laErrMessage  "laTable" laErrorFlag != 0
       monitor   -o fileName -o fileErrorMsg  "fileTable" fileErrorFlag != 0


       If you're trying to figure out aspects of the various mib modules (pos-
       sibly some that you've added yourself), the following may help you spit
       out  some  useful  debugging  information.   First off, please read the
       snmpd manual page on the -D flag.   Then  the  following  configuration
       snmpd.conf token, combined with the -D flag, can produce useful output:
       injectHandler HANDLER modulename
       This will insert new handlers into the section of the  mib  tree
       referenced by "modulename".  The types of handlers available for
       insertion are:

       debug    - Prints out lots of debugging information when -Dhelper:debug
                  is passed to the snmpd application.

       read_only    - Forces turning off write support for the given module.

       serialize    - If a module is failing to handle multiple requests
                      properly (using the new 5.0 module API), this will force
                      the module to only receive one request at a time.

       bulk_to_next - If a module registers to handle getbulk support, but
                      for some reason is failing to implement it properly,
                      this module will convert all getbulk requests to
                      getnext requests before the final module receives it.
       Figuring out module names
       To figure out which modules you can inject things into, snmpwalk
       the  nsModuleTable  which will give you a list of all named mod-
       ules registered within the agent.


       See the EXAMPLE.CONF file in the top level source directory for a  more
       detailed example of how the above information is used in real examples.

RE-READING snmpd.conf AND snmpd.local.conf

       The Net-SNMP agent can be forced to re-read  its  configuration files.
       It can be told to do so by one of two ways:
       1.     An  snmpset of integer(1) to UCD-SNMP-MIB::versionUpdateConfig.0
       2.     A "kill -HUP" signal sent to the snmpd agent process.
# 注释 :要使 snmpd 重新读取配置有两种方法 :
#     -)snmpset -c <string> -v 2c <host> UCD-SNMP-MIB::versionUpdateConfig.0 i 1
#     -)发送一个 HUP 信号给 snmpd 进程,
#     -)执行 service snmpd restart



       snmpconf(1), snmpusm(1), snmp.conf(5), snmp_config(5), snmpd(8),  EXAM-
       PLE.conf, read_config(3).
4th Berkeley Distribution   28 Feb 2003    SNMPD.CONF(5)
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