
postgresql中可以导出某个sql的执行结果到文件中,方法是在psql中首先执行\o filename,然后执行要导出结果的sql语句即可,可以看到刚刚执行的sql执行结果已经在filename中了。方便,强大,赞!

psql test_db;
\o /tmp/test.out
select username from member where age > 18;

ubuntu ufw
centos firewall-cmd

Ident authentication failed for user “postgres”

There is 1 other session using the database.
select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from (select pid from pg_stat_activity where datname=‘数据库名’) a;

“root” execution of postgresql server is not permitted
sudo -u postgres -i

systemctl 启动错误日志:
pg_ctl: directory “/usr/local/postgres/pgsql/data_pgsql” is not a database cluster directory

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Full Stack Web development with Raspberry Pi 3 By 作者: Soham Kamani ISBN-10 书号: 1788295897 ISBN-13 书号: 9781788295895 Release 出版日期: 2017-11-06 pages 页数: (268) List Price: $34.99 Book Description Key Features Leverage JavaScript, HTML5, and Cloud APIs to create visual representations and interactive web). Learn to install and use a Node.js-based web framework to develop Raspberry Pi 3-powered web applications. A step-by-step guide that will cover from setting up a embedded system to developing embedded, device-powered interactive web applications. Book Description Modern web technology and portable computing together have enabled huge advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) space,as well as in areas such as machine learning and big data. The Raspberry Pi is a very popular portable computer for running full stack web applications. This book will empower you to master this rapidly evolving technology to develop complex web applications and interfaces. This book starts by familiarizing you with the various components that make up the web development stack and that will integrate into your Raspberry Pi-powered web applications. It also introduces the Raspberry Pi computer and teach you how to get up and running with a brand new one. Next, this book introduces you to the different kinds of sensor you’ll use to make your applications; using these skills, you will be able to create full stack web applications and make them available to users via a web interface. Later, this book will also teach you how to build interactive web applications using JavaScript and HTML5 for the visual representation of sensor data. Finally, this book will teach you how to use a SQLite database to store and retrieve sensor data from multiple Raspberry Pi computers. By the end of this book you will be able to create complex full stack web applications on the Raspberry Pi 3 and will have improved your application’s performance and usability. What you will learn Get up and running with your Raspberry Pi Go full stack! Learn about the end-to-end development process for web applications, right from the OS up to the actual HTML web interface Discover that JavaScript is one of the fastest growing languages today, and is the only language that can be used both on a browser and server. This book will empower you to develop in a complete JavaScript stack See that the IoT is everywhere!Connect your application to the outside world. Make use of sensors in your Raspberry Pi to give your application an edge, and unleash the full power of the Internet of Things Build a rich UI with beautiful charts and data visualizations that can run on any browser Make your software data-driven. Learn how to utilize SQLite to collect and analyze data from multiple systems About the Author Soham Kamani is a full-stack developer who has extensive experience in the JavaScript ecosystem. He works as a consultant, developing end-to-end web-based solutions for clients around the world. He is an open source enthusiast and an avid blogger. He has worked on many frameworks and technologies such as React, Angular, Node, Express, Sails, SQLite, Postgres, and MySQL, and he has worked on many projects in the IoT space using Arduino and Raspberry Pi systems. Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 2. Getting Up-and-Running with Web Development on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 3. Running a Node Server on the Pi Chapter 4. Extracting Information from the GPIO Pins Chapter 5. Retrieving Sensor Readings from the Server Chapter 6. Creating a Web Page to Display Sensor Data Chapter 7. Enhancing Our UI – Using Interactive Charts Chapter 8. SQLite – The Fast and Portable Database Chapter 9. Integrating SQLite into Our Application Chapter 10. Making our Application Real Time with Web Sockets Chapter 11. Deploying our application to Firebase Chapter 12. Using Firebase APIs to Update Our Application
Learn Docker "infrastructure as code" technology to define a system for performing standard but non-trivial data tasks on medium- to large-scale data sets, using Jupyter as the master controller. It is not uncommon for a real-world data set to fail to be easily managed. The set may not fit well into access memory or may require prohibitively long processing. These are significant challenges to skilled software engineers and they can render the standard Jupyter system unusable. As a solution to this problem, Docker for Data Science proposes using Docker. You will learn how to use existing pre-compiled public images created by the major open-source technologies―Python, Jupyter, Postgres―as well as using the Dockerfile to extend these images to suit your specific purposes. The Docker-Compose technology is examined and you will learn how it can be used to build a linked system with Python churning data behind the scenes and Jupyter managing these background tasks. Best practices in using existing images are explored as well as developing your own images to deploy state-of-the-art machine learning and optimization algorithms. What You'll Learn Master interactive development using the Jupyter platform Run and build Docker containers from scratch and from publicly available open-source images Write infrastructure as code using the docker-compose tool and its docker-compose.yml file type Deploy a multi-service data science application across a cloud-based system Who This Book Is For Data scientists, machine learning engineers, artificial intelligence researchers, Kagglers, and software developers
As a Rails developer, you care about user experience and performance, but you also want simple and maintainable code. Achieve all that by embracing the full stack of web development, from styling with Bootstrap, building an interactive user interface with AngularJS, to storing data quickly and reliably in PostgreSQL. Take a holistic view of full-stack development to create usable, high-performing applications, and learn to use these technologies effectively in a Ruby on Rails environment. Rails is a great tool for building web applications, but it’s not the best at everything. Embrace the features built into your database. Learn how to use front-end frameworks. Seize the power of the application stack through AngularJS, Bootstrap, and PostgreSQL. When used together, these powerful and easy-to-use tools will open you to a new world of possibilities. In each chapter of this book, you’ll learn how these technologies can work together inside a Rails app to deliver well-performing applications that offer great user experiences. Create a usable and attractive login form using Bootstrap’s styles, while ensuring the database table backing it is secure, using Postgres’ check constraints. You’ll see how creating an advanced Postgres index for a case-insensitive search can speed up your back-end–allowing you to create a highly dynamic user experience using AngularJS. You’ll create complex interfaces using Bootstrap’s grid, together with Angular’s form support, backed by a materialized view for caching within Postgres. You’ll get your front-end working with the Asset Pipeline, use Postgres’ features from migrations, and write unit tests for all of it. All of this within Rails. You’ll gain the confidence to work at every level of the application stack, bringing the right solution to every problem.
ASIN: B077NQGV1G, ISBN: 1788392019 Year: 2017 Format: AZW3 Pages: 488 pages Leverage the power of PostgreSQL 10 to build powerful database and data warehousing applications. About This Book Be introduced to the concept of relational databases and PostgreSQL, one of the fastest growing open source databases in the world Learn client-side and server-side programming in PostgreSQL, and how to administer PostgreSQL databases Discover tips on implementing efficient database solutions with PostgreSQL 10 Who This Book Is For If you're interested in learning more about PostgreSQL - one of the most popular relational databases in the world, then this book is for you. Those looking to build solid database or data warehousing applications with PostgreSQL 10 will also find this book a useful resource. No prior knowledge of database programming or administration is required to get started with this book. What You Will Learn Understand the fundamentals of relational databases, relational algebra, and data modeling Install a PostgreSQL cluster, create a database, and implement your data model Create tables and views, define indexes, and implement triggers, stored procedures, and other schema objects Use the Structured Query Language (SQL) to manipulate data in the database Implement business logic on the server side with triggers and stored procedures using PL/pgSQL Make use of advanced data types supported by PostgreSQL 10: Arrays, hstore, JSONB, and others Develop OLAP database solutions using the most recent features of PostgreSQL 10 Connect your Python applications to a PostgreSQL database and work with the data efficiently Test your database code, find bottlenecks, improve performance, and enhance the reliability of the database applications In Detail PostgreSQL is one of the most popular open source databases in the world, and supports the most advanced features included in SQL standards and beyond. This book will familiarize you with the latest new fe
Achieve awesome user experiences and performance with simple, maintainable code! Embrace the full stack of web development, from styling with Bootstrap, building an interactive user interface with Angular 2, to storing data quickly and reliably in PostgreSQL. With this fully revised new edition, take a holistic view of full-stack development to create usable, high-performing applications with Rails 5. Rails is a great tool for building web applications, but it's not the best at everything. Embrace the features built into your database. Learn how to use front-end frameworks. Seize the power of the application stack through Angular 2, Bootstrap, and PostgreSQL. When used together, these powerful and easy-to-use tools will open you to a new world of possibilities. This second edition is updated to cover Angular 2 - a completely reworked front-end framework - and dives into new Postgres 9.5 features such as UPSERT. Also new is Webpack coverage, to develop the front-end code for your Rails application. Create a usable and attractive login form using Bootstrap's styles, while ensuring the database table backing it is secure using Postgres' check constraints. See how creating an advanced Postgres index for a case-insensitive search speeds up your back end - enabling you to create a dynamic user experience using Angular 2. Create reusable components that bring Bootstrap and Angular together and effectively use materialized views for caching within Postgres. Get your front end working with Webpack, use Postgres' features from migrations, and write unit tests for all of it. All of this within Rails 5. You'll gain the confidence to work at every level of the application stack, bringing the right solution to every problem. What You Need: This book covers Postgres 9.5, Rails 5, and Ruby 2.3. You should have some experience with basic Rails concepts and a cursory understanding of JavaScript, CSS, and SQL, but by no means need to be an expert. You'll learn how to install Postgres on your computer or use a free version of it in the cloud. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Set Up the Environment Chapter 2. Create a Great-Looking Login with Bootstrap and Devise Chapter 3. Secure the User Database with Postgres Constraints Chapter 4. Perform Fast Queries with Advanced Postgres Indexes Chapter 5. Create Clean Search Results with Bootstrap Components Chapter 6. Build a Dynamic UI with AngularJS Chapter 7. Test This Fancy New Code Chapter 8. Create a Single-Page App Using Angular's Router Chapter 9. Design Great UIs with Bootstrap's Grid and Components Chapter 10. Cache Complex Queries Using Materialized Views Chapter 11. Asynchronously Load Data from Many Sources Chapter 12. Wrangle Forms and Validations with Angular Chapter 13. Dig Deeper Appendix A1. Full Listing of Customer Detail Page HTML Appendix A2. Creating Customer Address Seed Data Appendix A3. How Webpack Affects Deployment


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