<?php require_once("java/Java.inc");
* Use the new style which works with PHP 5 and above only. This
* code makes use of the new PHP 5 features try/catch, the PHP
* standard library and the automatic __toString() conversion.
* See the test.php4 if you still use PHP 4.
/* autoload NAME.jar from include_path/NAME/NAME.jar or ~/lib/NAME.jar */
try {
/* invoke java.lang.System.getProperties() */
$props = java_lang_System::type()->getProperties();
/* convert the result object into a PHP array */
$array = java_values($props);
foreach($array as $k=>$v) {
echo "$k=>$v"; echo "<br>/n";
echo "<br>/n";
/* create a PHP class which implements the Java toString() method */
class MyClass {
function toString() { return "hello PHP from Java!"; }
/* create a Java object from the PHP object */
$javaObject = java_closure(new MyClass());
echo "PHP says that Java says: "; echo $javaObject; echo "<br>/n";
echo "<br>/n";
echo php_java_bridge_Util::type()->VERSION; echo "<br>/n";
} catch (JavaException $ex) {
echo "An exception occured: "; echo $ex; echo "<br>/n";