
1 最短路径算法的理论基础


1.1 最优性条件



当且仅当对于从v到w到任意一条边e,这些值满足 d i s t T o [ w ] ≤ d i s t T o [ v ] + e . w e i g h t distTo[w]\le distTo[v]+e.weight distTo[w]distTo[v]+e.weight时,它们时最短路径的长度。

证明。假设distTo[w]时从s到w到最短路径。如果对于某条从v到w到边e有 d i s t T o [ w ] > d i s t T o [ v ] + e . w e i g h t distTo[w]\gt distTo[v]+e.weight distTo[w]>distTo[v]+e.weight,那么从s到w(经过v)切经过e到路径长度比人小于distTo[w],与假设相矛盾。因此最优性条件时必要的。

证明最优性条件的充分性,假设w时从s可达的且 s = v 0 − > v 1 − > v 2 − > ⋯ − > v k = w s=v_0->v_1->v_2->\cdots->v_k=w s=v0>v1>v2>>vk=w是从s到w到最短路径其权重为 O P T s w OPT_{sw} OPTsw。对于 1 到 k 之间的 i ,令 e i 表示 v i − 1 到 v i 的边 1到k之间的i,令e_i表示v_{i-1}到v_i的边 1k之间的i,令ei表示vi1vi的边。根据最优性条件,可以得到以下不等式:
d i s t T o [ w ] = { d i s t T o [ v k ] ≤ d i s t T o [ v k − 1 ] + e k . w e i g h t + d i s t T o [ v k − 1 ] ≤ d i s t T o [ v k − 2 ] + e k − 1 . w e i g h t + ⋯ + d i s t T o [ v i ] ≤ d i s t T o [ v i − 1 ] + e i . w e i g h t + ⋯ + d i s t T o [ v 1 ] ≤ d i s t T o [ s ] + e 1 . w e i g h t distTo[w]= \begin{cases} distTo[v_k]\le distTo[v_{k-1}]+e_k.weight\\ +distTo[v_{k-1}]\le distTo[v_{k-2}]+e_{k-1}.weight\\ +\cdots\\ +distTo[v_i]\le distTo[v_{i-1}]+e_i.weight\\ +\cdots\\ +distTo[v_1]\le distTo[s]+e_1.weight \end{cases} distTo[w]= distTo[vk]distTo[vk1]+ek.weight+distTo[vk1]distTo[vk2]+ek1.weight++distTo[vi]distTo[vi1]+ei.weight++distTo[v1]distTo[s]+e1.weight
d i s t T o [ w ] = 0.0 distTo[w]=0.0 distTo[w]=0.0,带入,得 d i s t T o [ w ] ≤ e 1 . w e i g h t + e 2 . w e i g h t + ⋯ + e k . w e i g h t = O P T s w distTo[w]\le e_1.weight+e_2.weight+\cdots+e_k.weight=OPT_{sw} distTo[w]e1.weight+e2.weight++ek.weight=OPTsw


O P T s w ≤ d i s t T o [ w ] ≤ O P T s w OPT_{sw}\le distTo[w]\le OPT_{sw} OPTswdistTo[w]OPTsw


1.2 通用算法






2 Dijkstra算法


2.1 数据结构


  • edgeTo[]中的元素所对应的可达顶点构成了一颗最短路径树。

2.2 算法实现

 *  Compilation:  javac DijkstraSP.java
 *  Execution:    java DijkstraSP input.txt s
 *  Dependencies: EdgeWeightedDigraph.java IndexMinPQ.java Stack.java DirectedEdge.java
 *  Data files:   https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/44sp/tinyEWD.txt
 *                https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/44sp/mediumEWD.txt
 *                https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/44sp/largeEWD.txt
 *  Dijkstra's algorithm. Computes the shortest path tree.
 *  Assumes all weights are non-negative.
 *  % java DijkstraSP tinyEWD.txt 0
 *  0 to 0 (0.00)  
 *  0 to 1 (1.05)  0->4  0.38   4->5  0.35   5->1  0.32   
 *  0 to 2 (0.26)  0->2  0.26   
 *  0 to 3 (0.99)  0->2  0.26   2->7  0.34   7->3  0.39   
 *  0 to 4 (0.38)  0->4  0.38   
 *  0 to 5 (0.73)  0->4  0.38   4->5  0.35   
 *  0 to 6 (1.51)  0->2  0.26   2->7  0.34   7->3  0.39   3->6  0.52   
 *  0 to 7 (0.60)  0->2  0.26   2->7  0.34   
 *  % java DijkstraSP mediumEWD.txt 0
 *  0 to 0 (0.00)  
 *  0 to 1 (0.71)  0->44  0.06   44->93  0.07   ...  107->1  0.07   
 *  0 to 2 (0.65)  0->44  0.06   44->231  0.10  ...  42->2  0.11   
 *  0 to 3 (0.46)  0->97  0.08   97->248  0.09  ...  45->3  0.12   
 *  0 to 4 (0.42)  0->44  0.06   44->93  0.07   ...  77->4  0.11   
 *  ...

package edu.princeton.cs.algs4;

 *  The {@code DijkstraSP} class represents a data type for solving the
 *  single-source shortest paths problem in edge-weighted digraphs
 *  where the edge weights are non-negative.
 *  <p>
 *  This implementation uses <em>Dijkstra's algorithm</em> with a
 *  <em>binary heap</em>. The constructor takes
 *  &Theta;(<em>E</em> log <em>V</em>) time in the worst case,
 *  where <em>V</em> is the number of vertices and <em>E</em> is
 *  the number of edges. Each instance method takes &Theta;(1) time.
 *  It uses &Theta;(<em>V</em>) extra space (not including the
 *  edge-weighted digraph).
 *  <p>
 *  This correctly computes shortest paths if all arithmetic performed is
 *  without floating-point rounding error or arithmetic overflow.
 *  This is the case if all edge weights are integers and if none of the
 *  intermediate results exceeds 2<sup>52</sup>. Since all intermediate
 *  results are sums of edge weights, they are bounded by <em>V C</em>,
 *  where <em>V</em> is the number of vertices and <em>C</em> is the maximum
 *  weight of any edge.
 *  <p>
 *  For additional documentation,    
 *  see <a href="https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/44sp">Section 4.4</a> of    
 *  <i>Algorithms, 4th Edition</i> by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. 
 *  @author Robert Sedgewick
 *  @author Kevin Wayne
public class DijkstraSP {
    private double[] distTo;          // distTo[v] = distance  of shortest s->v path
    private DirectedEdge[] edgeTo;    // edgeTo[v] = last edge on shortest s->v path
    private IndexMinPQ<Double> pq;    // priority queue of vertices

     * Computes a shortest-paths tree from the source vertex {@code s} to every other
     * vertex in the edge-weighted digraph {@code G}.
     * @param  G the edge-weighted digraph
     * @param  s the source vertex
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an edge weight is negative
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException unless {@code 0 <= s < V}
    public DijkstraSP(EdgeWeightedDigraph G, int s) {
        for (DirectedEdge e : G.edges()) {
            if (e.weight() < 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("edge " + e + " has negative weight");

        distTo = new double[G.V()];
        edgeTo = new DirectedEdge[G.V()];


        for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
            distTo[v] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        distTo[s] = 0.0;

        // relax vertices in order of distance from s
        pq = new IndexMinPQ<Double>(G.V());
        pq.insert(s, distTo[s]);
        while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
            int v = pq.delMin();
            for (DirectedEdge e : G.adj(v))

        // check optimality conditions
        assert check(G, s);

    // relax edge e and update pq if changed
    private void relax(DirectedEdge e) {
        int v = e.from(), w = e.to();
        if (distTo[w] > distTo[v] + e.weight()) {
            distTo[w] = distTo[v] + e.weight();
            edgeTo[w] = e;
            if (pq.contains(w)) pq.decreaseKey(w, distTo[w]);
            else                pq.insert(w, distTo[w]);

     * Returns the length of a shortest path from the source vertex {@code s} to vertex {@code v}.
     * @param  v the destination vertex
     * @return the length of a shortest path from the source vertex {@code s} to vertex {@code v};
     *         {@code Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY} if no such path
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException unless {@code 0 <= v < V}
    public double distTo(int v) {
        return distTo[v];

     * Returns true if there is a path from the source vertex {@code s} to vertex {@code v}.
     * @param  v the destination vertex
     * @return {@code true} if there is a path from the source vertex
     *         {@code s} to vertex {@code v}; {@code false} otherwise
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException unless {@code 0 <= v < V}
    public boolean hasPathTo(int v) {
        return distTo[v] < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

     * Returns a shortest path from the source vertex {@code s} to vertex {@code v}.
     * @param  v the destination vertex
     * @return a shortest path from the source vertex {@code s} to vertex {@code v}
     *         as an iterable of edges, and {@code null} if no such path
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException unless {@code 0 <= v < V}
    public Iterable<DirectedEdge> pathTo(int v) {
        if (!hasPathTo(v)) return null;
        Stack<DirectedEdge> path = new Stack<DirectedEdge>();
        for (DirectedEdge e = edgeTo[v]; e != null; e = edgeTo[e.from()]) {
        return path;

    // check optimality conditions:
    // (i) for all edges e:            distTo[e.to()] <= distTo[e.from()] + e.weight()
    // (ii) for all edge e on the SPT: distTo[e.to()] == distTo[e.from()] + e.weight()
    private boolean check(EdgeWeightedDigraph G, int s) {

        // check that edge weights are non-negative
        for (DirectedEdge e : G.edges()) {
            if (e.weight() < 0) {
                System.err.println("negative edge weight detected");
                return false;

        // check that distTo[v] and edgeTo[v] are consistent
        if (distTo[s] != 0.0 || edgeTo[s] != null) {
            System.err.println("distTo[s] and edgeTo[s] inconsistent");
            return false;
        for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) {
            if (v == s) continue;
            if (edgeTo[v] == null && distTo[v] != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
                System.err.println("distTo[] and edgeTo[] inconsistent");
                return false;

        // check that all edges e = v->w satisfy distTo[w] <= distTo[v] + e.weight()
        for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) {
            for (DirectedEdge e : G.adj(v)) {
                int w = e.to();
                if (distTo[v] + e.weight() < distTo[w]) {
                    System.err.println("edge " + e + " not relaxed");
                    return false;

        // check that all edges e = v->w on SPT satisfy distTo[w] == distTo[v] + e.weight()
        for (int w = 0; w < G.V(); w++) {
            if (edgeTo[w] == null) continue;
            DirectedEdge e = edgeTo[w];
            int v = e.from();
            if (w != e.to()) return false;
            if (distTo[v] + e.weight() != distTo[w]) {
                System.err.println("edge " + e + " on shortest path not tight");
                return false;
        return true;

    * 校验顶点v
    private void validateVertex(int v) {
        int V = distTo.length;
        if (v < 0 || v >= V)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("vertex " + v + " is not between 0 and " + (V-1));


2.3 理解


证明:如果v是从起点可达的,那么所有v->w的边都只会被放松一次。当v被放松时,必有distTo[w] ≤ \le distTo[v]+e.weight()。该不等式在算法结束前都会成立,因此distTo[w]只会变小(放松操作只会减小distTo[]的值)而distTo[v]则不会变(因为边的权重非负且在每一步中算法都会选择distTo[]最小的顶点,之后的放松操作不可能使任何distTo[]的值小于distTo[v])。因此,在所有从s可达的顶点均被添加到树中之后,最短路径的最优性条件成立,即命题P成立。


命题R(续)。在一幅含有V个顶点和E条边的加权有向图中,使用Dijkstra算法计算根结点为给定起点的最短路径树所需的空间与V成正比,时间与 E log ⁡ V E\log V ElogV成正比(最坏情况)。






[1][美]Robert Sedgewich,[美]Kevin Wayne著;谢路云译.算法:第4版[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2012.10.p420-425.

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