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原创 1-Computer Networks and the Internet

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1 Welcome to my github: https://github.com/gaoxiangnumber11.1 What Is the Internet?1.1.1 A Nuts-and-Bolts DescriptionWhen one end system

2016-07-17 18:54:03 5464

原创 Chapter 2-01

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1Welcome to my github:https://github.com/gaoxiangnumber12.1空间配置器的标准接口根据 STL 的规范,以下是 allocator的必要界面: P742.1.1设计一个阳春的空间配

2016-02-11 19:48:06 343

原创 Chapter 1-03

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1Welcome to my github:https://github.com/gaoxiangnumber1Configuration_add_1CodeReview/*Welcome to the GX_STL!@author Gao

2016-02-11 19:47:28 485

原创 Chapter 1-02

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1Welcome to my github:https://github.com/gaoxiangnumber1.1.9.1configuration_3.ccCode                               Review 

2016-02-10 19:47:46 506

原创 Chapter 1-01

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.1.2 STL六大组件功能与运用组件含义实作的角度是:容器(containers)各种数据结构,如vector/list/deque/set/

2016-02-10 19:47:02 351

原创 Chapter 9-05

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.9.11 Common Memory-Related Bugs in C Programs9.11.1 Dereferencing Bad Pointersl  As in Figure 9.26, there are large holes in

2016-02-10 19:37:34 273

原创 Chapter 9-04

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.9.9 Dynamic Memory Allocationl  A dynamic memory allocator maintains an area of a process’s virtual memory known as the heap.

2016-02-10 19:37:06 401

原创 Chapter 9-03

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.9.7 Case Study: The Intel Core i7/Linux Memory Systeml  The current Core i7 implementations (and those for the foreseeable futur

2016-02-10 19:36:39 388

原创 Chapter 9-02

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.9.6 Address Translationl  Address translation is a mapping between the elements of an N-element virtual address space (VAS) an

2016-02-10 19:35:32 445

原创 Chapter 9-01

Please indicate the source:http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.l  Virtual memory is an elegant interaction of hardware exceptions, hardware address translation, main memory, disk files, and ker

2016-02-10 19:34:39 645

原创 Chapter 8-02

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 8.2 Processes The classic definition of a process is an instance of a program in execution. Each program in the system runs in the c

2015-12-19 00:32:43 472

原创 Chapter 8-01

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. From the time you first apply power to a processor until the time you shut it off, the program counter assumes a sequence of values

2015-12-19 00:32:17 365

原创 Chapter 7-03

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 7.8 Executable Object Files The ELF header describes the overall format of the file. It includes the program’s entry point, whic

2015-12-19 00:31:49 357

原创 Chapter 7-02

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1 7.6.2 Linking with Static Libraries All compilation systems provide a mechanism for packaging related object modules into a single fi

2015-12-19 00:31:24 329

原创 Chapter 7-01

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1Linking is the process of collecting and combining various pieces of code and data into a single file that can be loaded (copied) into m

2015-12-11 00:10:59 463

原创 Chapter 6-03

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1 6.4.5 Issues with Writes Suppose we write a word w that is already cached (a write hit). After the cache updates its copy of w, what

2015-11-24 00:17:34 460

原创 Chapter 6-02

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1 6.2 Locality 6.2.1 Locality of References to Program Data A function such as sumvec that visits each element of a vector sequentia

2015-11-21 00:23:54 527

原创 Chapter 6-01

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1 6.1 Storage Technologies 6.1.1 Random-Access Memory Random-access memory (RAM) comes in two varieties—static and dynamic. Static RAM

2015-11-20 00:15:02 297

原创 Chapter 5-04

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1 5.9.2 Reassociation Transformation Figure 5.26 shows a function combine7 that differs from the unrolled code of combine5 (Figure 5.

2015-11-18 00:22:30 21314

原创 Chapter 5-03

Please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1 5.8 Loop Unrolling Loop unrolling is a program transformation that reduces the number of iterations for a loop by increasing the numb

2015-11-15 00:29:31 341

原创 Bubble_Sort & Select_Sort

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. Bubble Sort: O(n2) 以从小到大排序举例:设数组长度为N。 1.比较相邻的前后二个数据,如果前面数据大于后面的数据,就将二个数据交换。 2.这样对数组的第0个数据到N-1个数据进行一次遍历后,最大的一

2015-11-04 00:33:47 278

原创 Permutation_Subset

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. Permutation 设R = {r1, r2, … , rn}是要进行排列的n个元素, Ri = R-{ri}; 集合X中元素的全排列记为 Permutation(X), (ri)Permutation(X)表示在

2015-11-03 00:25:02 288

原创 Chapter 5-02

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 5.7 Understanding Modern Processors Modern microprocessors’ actual operation is far different from the view t

2015-11-02 00:33:37 826

原创 Chapter 5-01

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 5.1 Capabilities and Limitations of Optimizing Compilers Compilers must be careful to apply only safe optimiz

2015-11-02 00:32:47 280

原创 Chapter 4-02

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 4.1.4 Y86 Exceptions The possible values for status code Stat (describing the overall state of the executing

2015-10-26 00:28:53 300

原创 Chapter 4-01

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 4.1 The Y86 Instruction Set Architecture 4.1.1 Programmer-Visible State There are eight program registers:

2015-10-26 00:28:22 380

原创 Ch4-MaxSubArray

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. Review: MaxSubArray.cc Description: 给出一个长度为N的序列:a1,a2,……,an,求最大连续和。 Algorithm1: divide and conquer 思路解析:

2015-10-24 00:47:04 348

原创 N-Queen Problem

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 使用回溯算法解决N皇后问题. 问题描述: 棋盘为N*N的,在该棋盘上放置N个皇后,使得任意两个皇后不在同一行或者同一列或者同一对角线(主对角线和副对角线)。 解题思路: 必定使得棋盘的每一行每一列均存在且只存在

2015-10-23 00:34:54 580

原创 Chapter 3-08

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.13 x86-64: Extending IA32 to 64 Bits 3.13.1 History and Motivation for x86-64 The word size of a machine d

2015-10-23 00:33:39 398

原创 Chapter 3-07

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.10 Putting It Together: Understanding Pointers Every pointer has an associated type. This type indicates wh

2015-10-23 00:33:07 383

原创 Chapter 2-InsertionSort

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 插入排序(Insertion Sort)的基本思想是:每次将一个待排序的元素,按其大小插入到前面已经排好序的子序列中的适当位置,直到全部元素插入完成为止。 设数组为a[0…n-1]。 1.初始时,a[0]自成1个有

2015-10-23 00:31:01 356

原创 Chapter 3-06

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.8 Array Allocation and Access 3.8.1 Basic Principles Suppose E is an array of ints, and we wish to evaluat

2015-10-19 00:29:21 375

原创 Chapter 3-05

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.7 Procedures 3.7.1 Stack Frame Structure IA32 programs make use of the program stack to support procedure

2015-10-19 00:28:51 488

原创 Chapter 3-04

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.6.4 Translating Conditional Branches The assembly-code first compares the two operands (line 3), setting

2015-10-19 00:28:16 337

原创 Chapter 11BinarySearchTree

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 二叉搜索树(binary search tree)是一棵可能为空的二叉树,一棵非空的二叉搜索树满足以下特征: 1) 每个元素有一个唯一的关键值。 2) 根节点左子树的关键值(如果存在)小于根节点的关键值。 3) 根

2015-10-15 00:33:11 335

原创 Chapter 3-03

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.6 Control Machine code provides two basic low-level mechanisms for implementing conditional behavior: it te

2015-10-12 00:22:15 328

原创 Chapter 9-MaxHeap

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 优先队列(priority queue) 是0个或多个元素的集合,每个元素都有一个优先权或值,对优先队列执行的操作有 1) 查找;2) 插入一个新元素; 3) 删除。在最小优先队列( min priority queue

2015-10-12 00:21:25 320

原创 Chapter 8-BinaryTree

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. Review: BinaryTree.h Queue.h Test.cc 先序遍历:根结点→左结点→右结点; 中序遍历:左结点→根结点→右结点; 后序遍历:左结点→右结点→根结点。 1.给定先序和中序建立二叉

2015-10-12 00:19:58 395

原创 Chapter 3-02

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.5 Arithmetic and Logical Operations Each of the instruction classes shown has instructions for operating on

2015-10-10 00:32:20 280

原创 Chapter 3-01

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1. 3.1 A Historical Perspective 3.2 Program Encodings unix> gcc -O1 -o p p1.c p2.c -O1 instructs the compiler

2015-10-08 23:56:19 376


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